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To be 'in Christ' is an honor to all those in humanity that follow. As a child of God, I am given the opportunity to listen, obey and follow Christ's teachings. Being in likemindedness provides blessings in my life that are similar to the human life led by Jesus and access to Christ's devine nature. Peace overflows.


To be "in Christ" all of a sudden becomes very personal when I think of this not as a doctrine or theological discussion, but that Jesus Christ Himself, the God of the universe, Creator of all things, wants me to be so closely connected to Him that I can actually become one with Him. John 17:22 & 23 states that I may be one even as God and Jesus are one -- and not only that, but I may be made perfect in my oneness with Him! How amazing is that! The implication of all of that is to desire to stay "in the Spirit" and walk not after the dictates of the flesh -- not what I think, or what I want , or what I feel, but to "put on Christ" every moment of the day -- to "dress" my spirit in His Spirit. That is the challenge, to die daily of myself is not easy, and I pray that it will be accomplished from Glory to Glory, not by my might or by my power, but by His Spirit - says the Lord of Hosts. Let it be, sweet Jesus. Then, I will be able to do all things through Christ who strengthens me. "For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death" Rom. 8:2 Dear Jesus, help me to set my eyes on things above, and not on things below. This is the challenge, and the implications are a life filled with God Himself "in Christ", or a life of selfishness filled with me, myself and I, when I "mind the things of the flesh". No wonder Paul said, "I die daily".



  pickledilly said:

Let's say I'm like a box of cake mix. A bunch of raw ingredients assembled by someone in a neat little box. But I will forever sit as an unfulfilled promise of delicious cake unless the key components that will make me "come alive" are incorporated into me. When the fresh egg, water, and oil are integrated into who I am, then I have the full complement of ingredients necessary to reach my full potential and become a cake. They cannot just be dumped in on top; they must be mixed in thoroughly.

This simplistic word picture came to mind in considering this concept of being incorporated "in Christ". Just like a dry and lifeless cake mix becomes an entirely different substance when specific elements are blended in, I became a newly enlivened and fluid creation when the Holy Spirit of the Living God came to dwell in me and brought with Him an entirely new nature and set of properties. The addition of this new, living ingredient recreated me into something that can never again be what it was before.

Who I was became fully enveloped in who Christ is. With every choice I make to allow my "batter" to be stirred and beaten, more and more of His nature is integrated throughout. Christ in me, and I in Him. As I submit to His refining heat, more and more of me is being transformed into His creation of perfected "cake", the full character of The One who is Life. Without His presence and work in me, incorporated as part of who I am, no changes would be possible.

One implication for me is that there is no real life apart from Him. My existence would be dry, unfulfilled, meaningless, and eventually unusable. But with the Spirit of Christ fully blended into every thought, word, and deed, my life is changed to flow with the divine energies of grace and forgiveness and mercy and love. It will rise to unimagined heights of holiness and blessing and power and victory. And it will become a yummy nourishment that is meant to be shared with others (not sit on a lovely cake plate looking quite beautiful, but ultimately wasted to staleness).

Christ has poured His own pure life-filled character into me and He is now part of who I am. Or more accurately, as I consistently choose Him over myself, He is all I am to be! I am no longer who I was before. Another implication for me is if there are no changes in how I used to think and what I desire and what I love and what I do, then I need to examine the reality of my resistence to integration with Christ, whether in my salvation (truly transformed in receiving Christ as Savior, or just went through some rituals) or in my sanctification (becoming more and more like Christ). The ultimate goal in this earthly life is for people to see more and more of Christ when they observe my life, and less and less of me as I live in His nature instead of my old one. My part is to straighten out my concept of who I now am and live like it!


[To be in Christ - incorporated in Him means for me that I have become part of His body literally. I am joined to Him like Siamese twins, whereever I am He is, whatever I do He is there. Now that does not mean I will do everything right or be perfect but it does mean that He will guide me and teach me if I choose to let Him by His Holy Spirit.

The implications of this is I am now accountable to Him and not just myself. I have to make sure I can give Him the Honour and Glory He is worthy of. Do I do this? Not nearly enough, but by doing this study I am keeping accountable and reminding myself what I want to do and how I want to do it. Only by His Spirit will I go even close to achieving this. :rolleyes: color=#CC33CC]


In Christ.....as a part of Christ, dedicated to living my life in conjunction with His ideals and desires, committed to becoming one with him in the way I think, feel and act.

  Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (Ephesians 1:3) What does it mean to you to be "in Christ" -- incorporated into Christ? What are the implications of this for your life?

Dear Pastor Ralph,

I feel in my life my implications should being very strong in christ, By doing great things for god......( Like teaching the word of God to others. Also doing good deeds for others through Christ Jesus..


Paul Xavier

  Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (Ephesians 1:3) What does it mean to you to be "in Christ" -- incorporated into Christ? What are the implications of this for your life?

(a)To me it means that I have the same attributes of Christ, passion and love for others and to live my life as He did while here on earth. I am now a co-heir with Christ.(B) I am no longer my own, but I now belong to God, yes God's Property!
  Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (Ephesians 1:3) What does it mean to you to be "in Christ" -- incorporated into Christ? What are the implications of this for your life?

For me, to be in Christ, is to be a reflection of Him. A mirror image. I can only do this through Him. I can do all things through Christ who stregthens me.


For me Being in Him means giving all to Him.Its like being wraped by something.we are wrapped in His love care protection.

I have a little boy under a year.He loves it when you lift Him.He feels so close but cries loudly when he sleeps off and wakes up to see there is no one arround.I guess he feels unsafe etc

so like this little boy being in Him brings me security protection

I prefer to be in Him than in the world

its so safe to be in Christ

It also comes with all the blessings that the father gives because he is the head of all in all


  Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (Ephesians 1:3) What does it mean to you to be "in Christ" -- incorporated into Christ? What are the implications of this for your life?


I feel it means to love the Lord Jesus Christ enough to be an example of what His love means to us and how blessed I am that He didn't pass me by and I wanna be obedient enough to learn and grow in His Word to have the Lord Jesus Christ light shine before me. I love Him because He loved me first.

  Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (Ephesians 1:3) What does it mean to you to be "in Christ" -- incorporated into Christ? What are the implications of this for your life?

For me to be in Christ is to dwell or live in Christ --incorporated into Christ to become one with Christ, That is one of my desirer to be one with Christ no more I but Christ in me not just word but in action and deeds. :):)

  • 2 weeks later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. (Ephesians 1:3) What does it mean to you to be "in Christ" -- incorporated into Christ? What are the implications of this for your life?

For me to be in Christ means to try to "built in" all Godlike characteristics I can in present moment (and hope it will increase in the future) . It doesn't mena I will achieve all that, but certainly means I will try till I die. The better I am more incorpotrated into Christ I am. Whenever I do something what Jesus told us to do I am in Christ, and when I failed to do that I am one step backwards.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. (Ephesians 1:3) What does it mean to you to be "in Christ" -- incorporated into Christ? What are the implications of this for your life?

To me this means I am not separate from Christ, but He lives in me. The way I think, behave, etc. on a daily basis reflect that fact. Or, at least, should reflect Christ.


To be in Christ to me means that I am His and He is mine . Walking with Him everyday of my life. Taking the time to know who he is and accepting His love and His grace for me . Knowing that no matter what ,I can go to Him with everything that is on my mind and that he will listen and not judge.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. (Ephesians 1:3) What does it mean to you to be "in Christ" -- incorporated into Christ? What are the implications of this for your life?

Let me preface my answer by saying that it was during a Bible study in Ephesians that I became aware of the legacy, gift and challenges of becoming/being a Christian. Four days into the study, I asked Jesus to come into my heart and life, forgive my sin, and lead me on the way. This was 36 years ago. Now to the question:

To be 'in Christ' [short answer] for me is to be incorporated - installed, if you will - into a body of believers in Christ, locally, worldwide and, actually, including the saints of old in the heavenly realms as well as those that haven't bee born as yet.

The primary implication to me is the the presence of Christ in my life: his protection, leading and spiritual gifts. Also important is the fellowship and support of the church in all areas.


I believe that being "in Christ" tells us that we are truly apart of the heavenly family. Just like Christ is in the

Father and the Father is in Him, we become a part of this union by being "in Christ". Our lives, therefore, must reflect the family into which we now belong.


The reference for "in Christ" in my Bible for this passage is Romans 8:1. "There is therefore now no condemnations for those who are in Christ Jesus." It means that I have been reconciled to God through Christ and am no longer a slave to sin but I belong to Him. The implication of this for my life is that I no longer live to myself but to Him who redeemed me. I am to be His ambassador.

As always I need a lot of improvement in this area.

God Bless


Numbers 6:24-26


To me being in Christ means that everything I am and everything I have is because of Christ. Being "in Christ" means that I am just a small part that follows His leading. It's like in an airplane you have a pilot and a co-pilot. However, God is so powerful and such an experienced "pilot" that he does not need a co-pilot. Instead, we just get to sit there and let Him take us and guide us to wherever. The implications for my life is to know that His plans are so much better and greater than anything I could ever come up with, that I need to completely trust him. It's also that in my own strength I cannot do anything, but In Christ, anything is possible. Thank you Jesus.


My understanding to be "In Christ" means to be Spirit led, to choose to do God's will, to do what Christ would do, to consult God about what to do, to be led by God's wisdom, to be as Christ - peace keeping, forgiving, gives mercy, gives grace, is motivated by love.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. (Ephesians 1:3) What does it mean to you to be "in Christ" -- incorporated into Christ? What are the implications of this for your life?

It means to be enveloped in the love of Jesus Christ and be led by it. You are no longer the same any more

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