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Q1. (Ephesians 1:3) What does it mean to you to be "in Christ" -- incorporated into Christ? What are the implications of this for your life?

To be "in Christ" is the comfort and assurance of salvation to me. That there is no condemnation for my sins. That I am covered by His righteousness. That the fruits of His Spirit (Gal. 5:22) are part of me. That the guilt for my past transgressions need not be. The promise of His inheritance, because not what I did, but what He did. That I know Him and He knows me. That when others see me that they see Him, not me.

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What is it to be in Christ? Hope- when all seems lost. Loved- when I feel unloved. Faith- to go one step more. Reminded- I am not alone. Encouraged- when I'm overwhelmed. Assurance- that His Word won't fail.

Everything I do in my life, everything I go through(good or bad), if I make a mistake or make a difference in a life, my Jesus is forever with me, for I choose Him to be in everything I do. I don't have to fear, I can walk in the joy and knowledge that He will never leave me nor forsake me. Isn't God awesome! Man will fail me but Jesus won't.


What does it mean to be in Christ? ( incorporated into Christ?)

Not a lengthy answer. To me it means I am so in Him that He consumes me in everthing I do. My life is surrounded by His being. There is nothing I can do with out Him and I don't want to. In my mothers womb He marked me as His He sealed me with His holy Spirit. He breathes in me life because He chose me to be in Him. His Blood has brought me out of the miry clay and made me a whole person in Him What more can I say other that Christ is all to me and I can not live with out Him. To do anything else would be existing. I love Him so.

Christine Gould


While I am doing this study on Ephesians, I am also doing a study on personal finances through Crow Financial Ministries. In week two of that study, we learn that God owns everything and everyone. If this is true, and it is, then God has the right to incorporate (or infuse) Himself into my whole being ( I love the illustration of the cake mix-it makes perfect sense). I must recognize the Lordship of Jesus Christ in my life and being a willing participant in the process of change--changing from the old corruptible nature to the new incorruptible man.


I loved the cake mix analogy. WOW! I couldn't have said it better and I will plan on using this lesson with my children at church. Thank you. I think it's easy to simply answer the question by repeating what the Scripture says. However, the truth is that God is so amazingly awesome that he chose us! Although sometimes I really wonder why when I look at some of the things going on in the world. This is a great passage as it reminds us we were not accidents and that God have a purpose for us. That being in Christ to me really means to have my mind on Him and follow with my actions. Talk is cheap as everyone knows. While true love is shown by action. So if a person is in Christ his/her actions will definitely show this.


Laying down your life, dying to old self. To be in Jesus, is to be set apart from the world. The fullness of Jesus in me and no room for anything else. Surrending my all and nothing else matters.

Jesus has made me new in him. I can't go back to the old. My life would be nothing without Jesus.


Laying down your life, dying to old self. To be in Jesus, is to be set apart from the world. The fullness of Jesus in me and no room for anything else. Surrending my all and nothing else matters.

Jesus has made me new in him. I can't go back to the old. My life would be nothing without Jesus.

exactly - so whatever was holding us back before we gave our life to Christ is over and we now live for Christ. Therefore, he dwells within our hearts


To me, being in Christ is being present 'along with Him' all the time...not just sometimes...it is a commitment to share my life with Him and everything good and bad that happens to me...I will compare my life to a car and when I invited Jesus into my life He came in and took over the wheel..after all He knows the way better than I could know it and He is a better driver than I am..but sometimes I want to be in control so I take over the wheel and this is when things start to go wrong...so when I take over the wheel I need to come clean and confess that I had done wrong and hand the wheel back to Jesus...so He is in total control of my life...I surrender to Him ..The implications are tremendous...I now feel safe and protected and loved beyond measure because I have total faith in my driver....



This being "in Christ" is a very hard thing to understand! I liked the cake analogy, although I think it was demonstarting Christ being in us not us being in Christ ie the water is Christ, the mix is us.

I think John 15 is helpful speaking of Christ the true vine and us the branches-the key concept is abiding and the wonderful picture is being connected to Jesus (relationally and spiritually) results in good fruit (ie the implications). John 15 doesnt press the analogy too far, and hopefully I will not go beyond what is written, but the thought of sap (life) flowing from the vine to the branches is wonderful and exactely what happens as we are connected to Jesus through faith ie His life to and through us-apart from Him we can do nothing.

This whole concept, whatever way we speak of it, is a mystery! (Eph 5:31-32) This mystery is great in deed, that we are joined to Christ and share in His death and resurection is amazing! (Rom 6:1ff)

James Stewart's book a man in Christ is useful for understanding what it means to be "in Christ"...Stewart says "Christ is the redeemed man's new enviroment. He has been lifted out of the cramping restrictions of his earthly lot into a totally diffrent sphere, the sphere of Christ...just as a fish lives in the water and can live nowhere else, so, in Paul's view a Christian...requires the presence of his Master" (p 157) In His service, David


Q1. (Ephesians 1:3) What does it mean to you to be "in Christ" -- incorporated into Christ? What are the implications of this for your life?

To me, to be "in Christ" means that Christ lives in me. I have a relationship with Him and I walk daily with Him. To be "in Christ" means that He is all I need. The implications of being in Christ for my life is that I will have peace. Christ will supply all of my needs as long as I allow Him to order my steps.


Q1. (Ephesians 1:3) What does it mean to you to be "in Christ" -- incorporated into Christ? What are the implications of this for your life?

As it was said already it is to be one in Christ Jesus to be able to be a part of the relationship with God the Father by the way of the Son. He in us lets us reach to the throne room to talk to the Father our Father. My life no longer belongs to me alone it is to be lived for Jesus and for his good will in all that I do. For me to live is Christ and to die is gain as Paul so sweetly said it. I want to be one with Jesus and do his will his way at all times. :D


Q1. (Ephesians 1:3) What does it mean to you to be "in Christ" -- incorporated into Christ? What are the implications of this for your life?

To be in Chirst to me means being obedient to what Christ says, to overcome temptation daily to obey him and live according to his will.Not living the way I want too, but trusting Christ to know that he loves me and knows me better than I know myself. The implications for my life is that one day I will become more like Christ and less like the world so much so, that one day I will be with Christ and be and overcomer.


Q1. (Ephesians 1:3) What does it mean to you to be "in Christ" -- incorporated into Christ? What are the implications of this for your life?

To be "in Christ" is to be reconciled to my heavenly Father with the promise of eternal life.

The implications to my life are significant. I am a single mother with 2 teenage girls. My youngest daughter who is 16, was diagnosed with an eating disorder a year ago - anorexia. She has been hospitalized 3 times in the past year and is currently in residential treatment, and will be there for 60 days. Many people ask how I am able to stay so strong, knowing that I am the sole financial provider for my family and that I have no other family close by. I tell them it is by God's grace. You see, being in Christ has kept me sane for He has shown me what is important in this life. Longsuffering is spiritual fruit. Christ's life was far from comfortable, easy, problem free. And his last days were filled with brutal, raw suffering. Why? To save us from the evils of this world, to reconcile us to our Father in heaven. To give us eternal life with Him! He loves us that much. In Christ I see my family's circumstances more than pain and misery; I see my family's circumstances as a prime opportunity to serve God by serving my daughter with unconditional love, kindness, and understanding. Praise God.


Q1. (Ephesians 1:3) What does it mean to you to be "in Christ" -- incorporated into Christ? What are the implications of this for your life?

Jesus is now my life. I look to Him for all my needs. I love Him, trust Him, depend upon Him and not myself. I've accepted His ways, His thoughts and not wordly ways and thoughts.

This is implied by my actions, my attitude, my beliefs, my words.


I am part of the body of Christ with gifts I must use for the body to function correctly. I am only able to be useful in Christ because I am holy and blameless in His sight-and he sees all. Thank God for His grace that covers me. Any action or thought I allow in my life becomes part of Christ, which tells me to be careful of what I let become part of my life. I am convicted of the need to closely examine my life and get rid of anything that does not bring glory to Him.

It is wonderful to see all the old friends and faces familiar here from previous studies. I praise God that I am together in Christ with all these who so often write such that I wish I could have stated my thoughts so clearly as they do.


To be "in Christ" is to be rescured from a life in bondage to sin and death. I now have eternal life in Him, with Him. I have been adopted into His Family and I am now His daughter. I am blessed to walk under His grace, having a conversational relationship with Jesus Christ, my Friend, my Brother and my Counsel in all things. I have a personal relationship with Christ.


Q1. (Ephesians 1:3) What does it mean to you to be "in Christ" -- incorporated into Christ? What are the implications of this for your life?

It means to have a loving spirit. To focus on your prayer life, keeping the lines of communication open to God, forgiving and to be mindful of the things we do and say. To take care of one another, to witness and bring others to Christ. To trust and rely on God. To love and have no doubt in Jesus with your whole heart. To remember that your body is God temple. Strive hard to stay away from others that are blatantly defiant unto God. :D


For me to be in Christ means that I can lean and depend on him for help and understanding in any thing that I go through. I look to hime for wisdow and peace. To be in Christ means that you are in God's favor and that you are a true beliver. To have a Christ in my life I know that he will forgive me of all my sins. I can go to him with any problem and know that he will not lead me the wrong direction.


That I am totally dedicated to the teachings of Christ and that I strive to do as the Bible says I must to be grounded in the Lord. I was chosen by Christ to be a blessing for Him and I must try hard each day to do as He would do and follow His Guidance in all situations.

I no longer do the things that I once did. My lifestyle has changed. I watch for traps that have been set for me by the enemy and do not fall into them.

Total dependence on God, Whom created us all to be equal in His sight.


To me,to be in Christ,is belonging to Christ because I chose to except Him as my Savior.I want to follow Christ in all His ways.I am not saved because I deserved it,but because God is gracious and freely gives salvation.God saved me according to his plan.God chose me and I belong to Him through Jesus Christ.I must be faithful and very thankful.I am united,or formed into one body Christ Jesus as a whole with other christians.I have an understanding that I am spiritually connected with Jesus Christ,through the love of God.


Q1. (Ephesians 1:3) What does it mean to you to be "in Christ" -- incorporated into Christ? What are the implications of this for your life?

To be "in Christ" -- incorproated into Christ means to me to be in the body of Christ. It means that I am in Christ and He is in me. This means that I should live my life as Christ-like as I humanly can. This means that if I fail and repent of the failing, I still remain in Christ. I strive to follow His ways and I know I fail daily. However, I know that daily He forgives me and keeps me in Him.

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