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  On 8/25/2006 at 1:48 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (Ephesians 1:4-5) What is scary about predestination? What is comforting? Why does Paul bring up predestination? Why do you think he praising God for it in the "hearing" of the Ephesians?

Predestination means that we had a place in God's heart from before time began. He loved us and knew that we would love Him in return. It is a reference to the church as a whole, rather than individuals. It is only scary if you think that it applies to individuals and that you could have been excluded from His presence before you were even born. Paul brings it up because this Epistle is about unity and one of the things that unifies believers is the fact that we were predestined to be Christ's followers.

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Q2. (Ephesians 1:4-5) What is scary about predestination? What is comforting?

It is only "scary" if it is thought of in human terms. It is only scary if we think that it means that we have no choice and that God has marked us out for damnation. In fact, this view is wrong. We do have a choice, the choice is entirely ours. It is just that God, who is eternal, already knows what our choice will be. He does not make that choice, we do, but He knew from before the beginning of time what that choice would be. I know what my choice is and with the help of the Holy Spirit that choice will never change. So yes, God also knows what my choice is, and knew it before I even existed, but His knowledge is not the cause of my choice and my choice is salvation through Jesus Christ. Therein lies the comfort!

Why does Paul bring up predestination?

Because Paul sees it as a comfort and a strength for the reasons set out above. Interestingly, it is clear from what Paul says here and elsewhere that Paul considers this concept the most natural thing in the world. Of course God knows what our choice will be, but that is not a problem, in fact quite the reverse. It is something from which we should take strength

Why do you think he praising God for it in the "hearing" of the Ephesians?

Because the Epheseans were largely made up of Gentiles, and Paul wanted to strengthen them in their faith and to emphasise that God knew them and knew that they as Gentiles would be saved even before Christ, in fact from the beginning of tme.


Predestination is scary if you are new to the Christian walk because it can imply that if God didn't already choose you, you're not going to heaven. For those whose walk is more mature we understand that God wants no one to perish but that all have eternal life, and he freely gives each person that choice. Paul states we are predestined because God already knows how each of us will choose, even before we know how we will choose. The comforting part of predestination is the knowledge that I have been chosen and God has been directing my life from the start. I believe Paul brings up predestination to comfort the Ephesians who are not Jewish and that God intended on bringing them into his family from the beginning and not as an after-thought, or because the Jewish community rejected Him so now God will "settle" for the Gentiles.

  • 2 weeks later...

I do not find predesination scary, it tells me I belong to him, I am set apart -Holy. Its comforting to know He has a divine plan for me.

Paul brings this up to let them know God knew they would be where they are at that appointed time.

  • 3 weeks later...
  On 8/25/2006 at 1:48 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (Ephesians 1:4-5) What is scary about predestination? What is comforting? Why does Paul bring up predestination? Why do you think he praising God for it in the "hearing" of the Ephesians?

not knowing what is ahead but it is comforting to know that God is with me every second of the day and is going to be there for me no matter the situation. To let the epehesians and us know that God has a purpose in our life and we are loved and guided for that purpose.

  • 3 weeks later...

Dusty trails here, what"s scary about predestination is that as hard as I try to make things go right at times they will not quite fit the picture that has already been drawn.At the same time the thing that is comforting is that having faith in Christ is all that is required on my part.Paul is explaining the plan to the the Ephesians that he has for all of us .It has all been figured out long before even our creation.Just listen and accept!

  • 2 weeks later...
  On 8/25/2006 at 1:48 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (Ephesians 1:4-5) What is scary about predestination? What is comforting? Why does Paul bring up predestination? Why do you think he praising God for it in the "hearing" of the Ephesians?

1. Before I became a Christian, this passage pretty much infuriated me. To think that God would choose some to be saved and some to perish was unthinkable. But, He is God and can do whatever He pleases. Whatever He pleases-this is scary!

2. What is comforting to me is that I have an awesome responsibility to be a fruitful steward of God's calling on my life. Because I am "in Christ", I can do all things because of His awesome strength that supports me. Though at times, the Christian walk can be daunting, I know who I am and most importantly, I know where my fortitude comes from.

3. I believe Paul brings up the subject of predestination so as to bring to light yet another aspect of what it means to be clothed with a new identitiy in Christ. When we desapir or when we are discouraged, we need to remember what we inherited as a child of God. Strength comes from knowing that we belong to God, we were bought with a price, we are righteous in His sight, we have been given a personal counselor-the Holy Spirit, Jesus dwells within the life of every believer and He has called us by name AND we responded.

4. I belive Paul is praising God because he can share with the Ephesians how God's plan for the lives of His saints were known from eternity past. To understand that every believer was known by God before the foundation of the world AND to know that you are one of God's chosen is enough for anyone to praise God and jump for joy.

  On 9/16/2006 at 1:15 PM, pickledilly said:

To most people, I think the concept of predestination is scary in that it seems to imply that God creates some for salvation and some for destruction. It seems to discredit the God-ordained right to choose by self-will. I can't reconcile that view of predestination with the LORD's own words, "whosoever will". This is one of those issues where we just have to trust that God is God, whether we can explain things or not. His thoughts and ways are higher than ours, thank heaven! (Isa.55:8-9) And they can always be trusted because He is love and good (Psa.100:5).

I think this is actually a comforting reminder that the plan of redemption was fully prepared and unchangeably determined, thus predestined, before He ever spoke that first word of "Let there be

  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know that for me there is anything that is scary about predestination. Maybe because outside of Ephesians I was spiritually raised in a church that teaches about this, or maybe it's just having that assurance in Jesus that he is with me and I am with him. I know with my heart that I will go home to be with him at his coming. And that to me gives me security. I know that he predestined me for himself before the foundation of the world, and because of his grace I am saved. I know that he will continue a work in me through his spirit. I praise him for that, and because Paul had that assurance of his salvation through his relationship with Jesus how could he not praise him!?

  • 1 month later...
  On 8/25/2006 at 1:48 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (Ephesians 1:4-5) What is scary about predestination? What is comforting? Why does Paul bring up predestination? Why do you think he praising God for it in the "hearing" of the Ephesians?

Q2. (Ephesians 1:4-5) What is scary about predestination? What is comforting?

"scary" it is scary especially for backsliders, because they have tested the goodness in being a true born again christian, they have at one time embraced the wholly spirit, so they know what they miss and the dander ahead of them. It is up to us to chose the eternal life or eternal death. God knows our weaknesses, that is why he wrote the books that we may read and gain understanding of the truth. And the bible says we were created in his own image, so we have the full potential to be like him if we chose it. Myself I know what my choice is and with the help of the Holy Spirit that choice will never change. So, my confort is that through salvation I am destined to live even after death.

Why does Paul bring up predestination?

Because Paul sees it as a comfort and a strength for the reasons set out above. Interestingly, it is clear from what Paul says here and elsewhere that Paul considers this concept the most natural thing in the world. Of course God knows what our choice will be, but that is not a problem, in fact quite the reverse. It is something from which we should take strength

Why do you think he praising God for it in the "hearing" of the Ephesians?

Because the Epheseans were largely made up of Gentiles, and Paul wanted to strengthen them in their faith and to emphasise that God knew them and knew that they as Gentiles would be saved even before Christ, in fact from the beginning of tme.

  • 2 weeks later...

First I suppose I should say that I don't believe that God chooses one individual person to the intentional exclusion of others. Makes me think of choosing sides in gym class - and that was never a fun time for those chosen last. I think of God in Gen 16:11 Ishmael="God Hears", Gen 16:13-14 Where Hagar names the well "God Sees", and Gen 21:9-21 where He cared for Hagar and gave Ishmael a different promise even though he was not the promised one like Isaac. In Gen 4:14-16 He protects Cain from death. God does not leave any one out. He always has compassion.

However, God does carry through on His word whether for our pleasure or our pain. His word does not return void - so if He says they're going to the lake of fire, then that is what He will do.

I consider predestination more that God knew He wanted to redeem the race of man; to make sons for Himself and a bride for His Son. But who chooses to follow and accept this offer in their own free will may do so. God is sweet and calls to us again and again.

My understanding of predestination is scary because those who have not known this Jesus - so loving and compassionate - are not heirs of salvation: "And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.

  On 8/25/2006 at 1:48 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (Ephesians 1:4-5) What is scary about predestination? What is comforting? Why does Paul bring up predestination? Why do you think he praising God for it in the "hearing" of the Ephesians?

For me there is nothing scary about predestination I receive it and the plan that God has for my life. It is comforting for me to know that God thought enough about me to want only the good things in my life and when I am in tune with Him I receive only the very best that he has to offer in my life! Prsising God is what brings him satisfaction He is pleased to know that we acknowledge that he is leading us and we are grateful for it.

  • 3 months later...
  On 8/25/2006 at 1:48 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (Ephesians 1:4-5) What is scary about predestination? What is comforting? Why does Paul bring up predestination? Why do you think he praising God for it in the "hearing" of the Ephesians?

...he chose us in him ... he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ ... I don't think predestination is scary. I am so thankful that I have the reassurance of how much God loves me and that while I was a sinner, Christ died for me. I came to know Christ a few years ago at 50 years of age. I am so thankful that he never gave up on me. Paul explains it to the Ephesians (and to me) to make us understand that it was not just by chance that I can understand my Salvation in Christ, but that God knew from the beginning of time, those to be chosen by Him for salvation. It also makes me understand that those whom I love that don't know who God is, are known by God.

  • 1 month later...
  On 8/25/2006 at 1:48 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (Ephesians 1:4-5) What is scary about predestination? What is comforting? Why does Paul bring up predestination? Why do you think he praising God for it in the "hearing" of the Ephesians?

If there is a scary side to predestination, it is the view that there are those who are chosen from before the world was begun, and the rest of mankind cannot become a part of the family of God, no matter what. Holding to that view is dangerous, and in all probablility, a lie that has been spread by Satan to discourage people from being saved. The comfort comes from knowing that God DOES have a plan for mankind, and that there is the promise of an inheritance into His family. Paul brings up predestination as a way of assuring both the saints at Ephesus and the faithful that God does have a plan for them.


Q2. (Ephesians 1:4-5) What is scary about predestination? What is comforting? Why does Paul bring up predestination? Why do you think he praising God for it in the "hearing" of the Ephesians?

What is scary about predestination? As a Christian there is nothing scary about God's predestination for us. It is only comforting to me to know God's plan was predestined to include all HIS people before the world began!

Paul brings up predestination because he wants the Church of Ephesus, mostly comprised of gentiles to know they are included in God's predestination. That God has a purpose, a planning,willing and has chosen (included)them before the world began!

Paul is praising God for predestination to the people of Ephesus because he is Thanking God and showing his great joy in the predestination to the people whom believe in Ephesus. He is telling them that he is bringing God's message of predestination to them, that he is God's messenger and that they should continue to believe because it is ALL part of God's oringinal plan, before the world began!!

  • 3 weeks later...
  On 8/25/2006 at 1:48 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (Ephesians 1:4-5) What is scary about predestination? What is comforting? Why does Paul bring up predestination? Why do you think he praising God for it in the "hearing" of the Ephesians?

A) The scary thing about predestination is that I may have missed elements of my calling because I have not been continually faithful in holiness; I have not met the requirements of being a set-apart saint.

B)What is comforting is that Apostle Paul sanctioned the killing of the saints and he most certainly did achieve God's purposes in His timing.It is most vital to know that we "have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins" and that God even predestined His own son to die for us; there is nothing more comforting than knowing that predestination is thus, for our ultimate benefit. It is always comforting to know that he CHOSE us to fulfil the purpose of His will; this is exciting! Me, in His will. Me, accomplishing His plans!

C)To bring to our attention that we are CHOSEN; we are not a second prize; we are not an afterthought.When we understand that God valued us so highly that He predestined His son to die for us, we understand the value of remaining in our position as being "in Christ".

D)see above


  • 4 weeks later...

To me predestination can mean the founding and operation of the church and Jesus and his life, death and resurrection on earth. Truly it can also relate to the

life of the believer as he walks in the ways of Jesus. It is scary to me in that I am a sinner by birth and by nature. This makes me subject to the same problems

and thus maybe I will not measure up as a true believer and will therefore note fall into the plan and will end up in hell.

It is comforting in that if I am a true believer my destine will be set in stone and I will wind up in heaven with Jesus.

Paul brings up this subject in an effort bring about a better understanding of God's wisdom, forethought and purpose.

Paul is attempting to bring unity to the Ephesians.

  On 8/25/2006 at 1:48 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (Ephesians 1:4-5) What is scary about predestination? What is comforting? Why does Paul bring up predestination? Why do you think he praising God for it in the "hearing" of the Ephesians?

The first step in studying God's Word is to "read the text". This means I will seek to find out what the text I am reading actually says before I put other ideas or interpretations into it. In Ephesians 1 the text is saying that God's plan is to love us, to bless us, rescue us, form us for a relationship with Him. This has been God's eternal plan for people from the beginning. It would be easy to ask the question: but what about God's plan for those who are not His people, but the text is not focusing on that issue. Paul is praising God because the Ephesian Church is fulfilling God's plan.


The only thing that is scary about it is knowing that God has a plan for us all and whether or not we will be able to follow through with it. Not having a personal relationship with God would make it impossible to please Him. The comforting point is that He does have a marvelous plan for our lives and if we trust Him and Believe that He knows best, and depend on Him--His plans for us will be successful... I believe Paul brought it up to let the Ephesians know that there is a plan for our lives - already predestined - if we choose to follow it. Praises were given to God because it let the Ephesians know about the plan and that they could fulfill it via obedience...


(Ephesians 1:4-5)

What is scary about predestination? The word "predestination" is scary because it implies that we don't have a choice--BUT God DOES give us a choice. He predestined ALL of us to be His adopted sons through Christ--however, many don't choose to believe. Did God predestine them to hell? No. It was their choice, yet being God, He knew what we would choose.

What is comforting? It is a comfort that our God has a plan for me!

Why does Paul bring up predestination? To show the inheritance we have through Christ. As v. 9 says, "And He made known to us the mystery of His will according to his good pleasure which he purposed in Christ."

Why do you think he is praising God for it in the "hearing" of the Ephesians? Because we are predestined to receive the marvelous grace that God through Christ is pouring out on us. How can we respond in any other way but to praise Him?

  • 2 months later...
  On 8/25/2006 at 1:48 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (Ephesians 1:4-5) What is scary about predestination? What is comforting? Why does Paul bring up predestination? Why do you think he praising God for it in the "hearing" of the Ephesians?

What is scary about predestination is about what some people claim are the results of predestination, that exclude people from God's grace with no opportunity

for redress.

What is comforting is to know that God sees the end from the beginning. God destining things to happen before they take place in our temporal world. God has a plan that he is bringing to fruition and the whole human race is part of it.

Paul brings up predestination to emphasize that the Gentile Church and present Church of Jesus is not some accident of history, but part of God's carefully and executed plan, begun before the ages, but the world was created, which comes to focus in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Paul is praising God for it in the "hearing" of the Ephesians "to appreciate the dignity of their calling" to be chosen of God.

  On 8/25/2006 at 1:48 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (Ephesians 1:4-5) What is scary about predestination? What is comforting? Why does Paul bring up predestination? Why do you think he praising God for it in the "hearing" of the Ephesians?

What is scary about predestination is the way people interpret the results of predestination that exclude people from God's grace with no opportunity for redress.

The comforting part of predestination is that God speaks the end from the beginning. He is destining things to happen before they take place in our temporal world.

Paul brought up predestination because he does not want us to live in ignorance regarding the theme of predestination. He wants to remind us that God is greater than us and has planned much for us that is beyond our understanding.

Paul is praising God for it in the "hearing" of the Ephesians to let them know that God has a plan that he is bringing to fruition and we are all part of it.

Glory to God! Hallelujah!!.

  • 4 weeks later...

What if you are one that is not predestined to be with Christ? Is there a way to change where you go if it is? If you don't know Christ it is very scary just thinking about the end times.

It is comforting for people who are the followers of Christ. Knowing that God is in control & He will always choose what is the perfect in believers life & give the believers what they need not neccessarly what we want.

It is a subject that needs to be learned & discussed so that the Holy Spirit can teach the Church what it needs to know about the mysteries of God.

Paul is praising God in the presence of the Ephesians because he knows that He is a child of God. He knows where his future is going to be. He knows that God will succeed in the end & the controller of this world will be defeated.


What if you are one that is not predestined to be with Christ? Is there a way to change where you go if it is? If you don't know Christ it is very scary just thinking about the end times.

It is comforting for people who are the followers of Christ. Knowing that God is in control & He will always choose what is the perfect in believers life & give the believers what they need not neccessarly what we want.

It is a subject that needs to be learned & discussed so that the Holy Spirit can teach the Church what it needs to know about the mysteries of God.

Paul is praising God in the presence of the Ephesians because he knows that He is a child of God. He knows where his future is going to be. He knows that God will succeed in the end & the controller of this world will be defeated.

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