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My predistination tells me I can relax in Christ because God has a plan. I need only walk in His Will, in His Word and continue in His plan. The fact of predestination proves to me that there is no such thing as a coincidence. Paul's testimony was one of encouragment to the Ephesians.

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Ephesians 1:4-5) What is scary about predestination? What is comforting? Why does Paul bring up predestination? Why do you think he praising God for it in the "hearing" of the Ephesians?

Every since I first heard about predestiny in Romans it has been a mystery to me. I have tried to obtain the best understanding that I could relating to predestiny. My question was; if God has already chosen my destiny then, I don't quite understand the free will, the works, the witnessing but I do know that I love Jesus.

What is comforting to know is that God has allowed me to be apart of his family, to have the chance to get to know him better, to have the chance to be able to be with him soon. Also, too add that before Jesus we where lost souls. Because of God's loving kindness he gave his son to redeem me and that allowed me another chance to get my life in order to be in the family of God. It still comes back to the free will, we have to mindful of how we conduct ourselves:D


The only scary thing about predestination is that we are not in control of what happens around us. Not knowing what will happen next, because we don't control it, but to know that a HIGHER POWER does have control is very comforting. It gives me peace to know that my Lord is just a breathe away. We only need ask and He is there to lead us to wherever we need be. Paul wanted to let the Ephesians know that God had planned their lives. That it was all predetermined that they would be the Gentile Church that God had planned. Paul wanted them to know they were picked by God.... for His plan


Q2. (Ephesians 1:4-5) What is scary about predestination? What is comforting? Why does Paul bring up predestination? Why do you think he praising God for it in the "hearing" of the Ephesians?

There is nothing scary about the CHURCH being predestined to ADOPTION as sons. On the otherhand, it is very comforting because once a person becomes a part of the true church of Jesus Christ, he is predestined to be God's son.

I dont believe though that outside the church, which is the SUBJECT of predestination in Eph. 1:4-5, God has predestined people - whether to heaven or to hell. At least, that's the way I understand the passage in consideration.


Being a Christian I find nothing "scary" about predestination knowing that the Father has lovingly chosen a calling for me and a destiny that, if I follow, will give me eternal bliss in His presence.

Paul uses predestination to build the faith of the Ephesian church, allowing them to look into a portal of a future based upon the continuance in that faith.

I can just imagine Brother Paul, sitting in a far away place, alone and anxious, hearing a good report on a church that he established, with so many battles with the Adversary behind and ahead. I can see him leaping and praising God with tears of joy for such news.

The Lord tells us that there are two roads to choose. One wide, one narrow. He has set the paths giving us a free will of which to choose. Whichever we choose, our destiny will be fulfilled.


I tend to disagree with this education. I believe that God is Just and Fair. I will keep reeding your messages hoping that the rest goes along with my understanding according to the bible teaching.

Please reed just as examples:

Mat. :7 : 7&8

Luke 13:3 & 5

Acts 2 :44

2 Cor. :5 : 14-21

Rev. : 3 : 20

Grace and Peace to you.



The reason Predestination is scary is because we are sometimes raised into thinking that we can do what we want. But when you turn you life over to God you life is no longer yours. I think Paul is trying to make sure everyone knows that we are predestined that God has already decided were we are going and what we are going to do. The best thing about predestination is the fact that I know God is incontrol and that he isnt going to take me any where that i cant do his work. He may send me some where i dont want to go but as long as i am in his will I will learn to love it


I tend to disagree with this education. I believe that God is Just and Fair. I will keep reeding your messages hoping that the rest goes along with my understanding according to the bible teaching.

Please reed just as examples:

Mat. :7 : 7&8

Luke 13:3 & 5

Acts 2 :44

2 Cor. :5 : 14-21

Rev. : 3 : 20

Grace and Peace to you.


I went through everyone of these scriptures. none of them have anything to do with predestination. all it has to do with is salvation. and being In Christ. They have no relavence in what we are talking about.



What is scary about predestination - is simply the truth that God is God and he is awesome beyond our imagination. Therefore, he chose you & me thousands of years before we were born and what's even more scary is He has a plan for our lives. Wow~ some of us aren't even able to plan dinner let alone the next day, while our Heavenly Father planned our existence long ago.

What's good about it - Everything, just putting your life in His holy hands and letting the Spirit work in your life will bring blessings. If only we could go out and share this with everyone. The world would be changed.


Q2. (Ephesians 1:4-5) What is scary about predestination? What is comforting? Why does Paul bring up predestination? Why do you think he praising God for it in the "hearing" of the Ephesians?

What is scary about predestination? What is comforting?

To know that you were thought of even before the world was created is kind of scary, but yet comforting to. To know he has a plan for you to carry out while here. And to know that he loves you and wants you with him if very comforting. :rolleyes:

Why do you think he praising God for it in the "hearing" of the Ephesians?

He wanted them to know the love of God that is in control of all things. That everything God does is good. :)


Good morning all. Here is my response to question 2. I dont believe there is anything scarey about predestiation. Pastor Ralph you have it right when you say people dont believe in it. The comforting thing about predestination is, that God has a plan for the world, that he will bring to fruition. And the reason Paul brings up predestination is that he wanted the gentiles to know that God is in control, and that he knew what God was bringing forth.

;):) Predestination is not scary to me. It is more comforting. I know God chose me before the foundations of the world I had and has a plan for my life as long as I am obedient to His wil for that life. When He adopted me it was because He knew exactly what I was going to do from the day I was born Good and bad but stil His love was greater than my mistakes so therefore I can take comfort in what ever happens in my life is always for my growth and maturity. Paul brings it up so we will know that we are not on this earth to just live and die with no purpose. As we accept the mystery of God's will and plan for our lives we begin to understand there is a greater purpose for us. I love the idea God takes pleasure in us as we should also take pleasure in Christ. God actually picked me out among all the life forms He was creating for a plan He has for His Son WOW!!! I think that is why Paul is praising God.

Q2. (Ephesians 1:4-5) What is scary about predestination? What is comforting? Why does Paul bring up predestination? Why do you think he praising God for it in the "hearing" of the Ephesians?

The idea of "predestination" is scary as it gives the preception that we have no control over our lives. However, we know that God has given us "free will" so that we do have control over our choices in life.

It is comforting to know that God predestined us to be with Him. But we have the choice to choose to be with Him or not.

Paul spoke of predestination to reassure the Gentiles that God had always known that they would be included in His Church. Paul wanted the Ephesians (and the other churches) to know that they were loved by God.


What is so scary about predestination is God knows everything before hand(marked out).This is where my faith and trusting God comes into my life.What is so comforting is that know matter what I am going through God is with me,and however any circumstance turns out, it is for the good of the purpose God has planned for my life,because he loves me.God is with me in this upside down world.When my life is over here on this earth,I will be with Jesus forever.Amen

The reason I believe Paul is bringing up predestinatin is to let us know that salvation is Gods work in our life,and not our own doing.He is praising God because he knows God loves him,and through Jesus Christ 'sacrifice'he has brought us into his family and made us heirs along with Jesus.Amen


I'm not scared of predestination, I know as long as I walk with Christ all will be okay. God chose us and destine us to be his children in accordance to his good pleasure, and to gather up all things in heaven and earth in him.


Q2. (Ephesians 1:4-5) What is scary about predestination? What is comforting? Why does Paul bring up predestination? Why do you think he praising God for it in the "hearing" of the Ephesians?

Predestination can be scary because we know our lives have been mapped out before we were born.

God has adopted us and salvation is God's work and not our own doing.

Paul writes about predestination and our adoption to show how strong our relationship with God is.




I've found in conversation that what some find scary about predestination are things like: "what if He hasn't chosen Me?" or "what if He hasn't chosen my wife...sister...brother...father or mother or some dearly loved one?" What I find comforting is: since I am predestined of the Lord He isn't going to change His mind and what can anyone else do to take me out of His hand? Nothing! Paul is praising God in the hearing of the Ephesians because they are some of the direct recipients of the Lord's predestinated favor and that is to be joyful about.


I do not find predestination scary. I am neither a Calvinist not an Armenian becasue these points of view taken to the extreme could lead to error. There has to be a mixture of predestiantion and free-will to have a balance.

It is comforting to know that God has seen me and my decision to accept Him adn that in His love, I am accepted. Since God is not bound by normal time, He knew what I was going to do from before creation. It is nice to know that I am a member of His family.

I think Paul is praising God for this fact so that they will be encouraged by this fact and that no matter what, they can hold on to this truth - Christians belong to God and are members of His household! Praise the Lord!


I guess if looked at from a human standpoint, predestination can be scary. It might seem as though some are predestine to live eternally and some might not. One might look at predestination and say, 'Why even try". Since this is of God we as Saints can have the assurance and the comfort that all is well and right.

Paul brought this up to let them know that they did not just happen to be. The realization is that we did not just happen either. We are here for a reason and we have purpose. Regardless, God is still in control.


We talk about predestination yet God has given us free will.God predestined and created this world so we all could be chosen to belong to God through Christ. That we would be one. I believe God calls and chooses ech one of us. The free will comes into play in our response. We can choose to answer God's call or choose not to answer. Praise God! All of us have accepted our choosing and strive to be one in and with hrist. :rolleyes::huh::P


Q2. (Ephesians 1:4-5) What is scary about predestination? What is comforting? Why does Paul bring up predestination? Why do you think he praising God for it in the "hearing" of the Ephesians?

The only thing that is scary about predestination is me! Knowing that God predestined all of us, yet we can choose otherwise reminds me that God has a plan for me and if I subject my will to His I will be with Him eternally and forever. For which is my comfort that knowing the sinner I am, He still takes time for me because He wants me with Him forever! Paul is reminding us that the plan of salvation is not an afterthought, that God saw the issues ahead at the foundation of the world. "Christ died once for all" Hebrews 9:26, it is up to us to accept the gift of His salvation. To know that God is in control and always had a plan for us is worthy of all our praise!!!!!


Predestination is a mystery in many ways. but I think God wants us to KNOW He is Soverign and all knowing and all powerful, and that He is in control.....NOW AND FOREVER AND HAS NEVER BEEN OUT OF CONTROL OR KNOWLEDGE OR WITHOUT POWER TO BRING HIS WILL TO FRUITION.

No one knows His complete plan or will, but to walk in FAITH is part of His plan and He also wants us to LOVE HIM. So to bring about His will and plan in our lives, requires much patience on His part for sure...smile..and since He predestined and planned and knows, we are chosen in a way that suits His purpose...which I cannot understand... It is a comfort to me for I am saved already by His Grace and Love and Sacrifice through Jesus Christ. The fact that some are not chosen, for whatever reason along with their sinful wills rejecting Jesus's forgiveness, would scare me, but for those who do not KNOW HIM OR WANT HIM OR SEEK HIM, perhaps they are too blinded by their own ways to even be scared? I do not know. For a Christian, it is upsetting to see a loved one reject their precious Lord and Savior, so it stirs us up to making our lives glorify HIm to draw them to Him.


Q2. (Ephesians 1:4-5) What is scary about predestination? What is comforting? Why does Paul bring up predestination? Why do you think he praising God for it in the "hearing" of the Ephesians?

What is scary about predestination? Nothing. One is only afraid when they do not having a clear understanding of its meaning in this context. God always had a plan for the salvation of man. It is comforting to know that God has given, all people, the opportunity to be a part of His Church, the body of believers who will one day reign with him.

Paul, in writing to the Ephesians brought a comforting word. He wanted them to know that even though they were Gentiles, they had every right to redemption and all the blessings of God in Christ as the Jews. And now, Paul gives God thanks that he can proclaim this truth to the Gentiles.


Q2. (Ephesians 1:4-5) What is scary about predestination? What is comforting? Why does Paul bring up predestination? Why do you think he praising God for it in the "hearing" of the Ephesians?

The thing that is scary about predestination is that it is unknown to us. The unknown tends to frighten many people because it means we don't have control. I think Paul brings up predestination because he wants us to realize God's power. He is praising God for it because he realizes that God has everything in control. God knows exactly what the future holds and as His children we are predestined to be great men and women.


Having been chosen by GOD, it could be easy to say there is nothing scary about predestination. However, to consider that it means something has been decided beforehand, it can be scary. Especially when thinking about loved ones who (at least as of now) have not accepted Christ Jesus as their savior. Who wants to think about them spending eternity in hell and there is nothing they can do about it?

However, it is comforting because GOD is running the universe and certainly knows more any any of us do. I trust that all of His decisions are the best decisions. It also feels good to know that I was chosen to be on His side of eternity.

I think Paul brought this up and praised GOD for it because he wanted to start the letter off by putting everything in its proper perspective. I don't think he was making the point of predestination here so much as expressing the reasons we were set aside - "to be holy and blameless" and "to be adopted as His sons...for His pleasure and will."

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