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  Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Ephesians 1:4) What does it mean to be "holy"? In what sense can you stand "blameless" before God?

Holy means to be free from sin and consecrated. Blameless means to be without a blemish.

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To be holy and blameless is not within my power. I can work to be a good person, do good deeds, think myself to be a fine upstanding citizen, but that is not what makes me holy. I am holy because I have the Spirit of Jesus Christ in me. As I am in Him, He is in me. The Father sees Him in me and that makes me both holy and blameless and I am consecrated unto Him and have eternal life with Him!


To be Holy means to be set apart which as Christians we are called to be just that. We are not to live as the world lives but we must live as Christ teaches us. It isn't through effort and trying harder that this comes about, for our own efforts will fail us and what is on the outside does not always reveal what is on the inside. But when we spend time in prayer, and studying the Word, and we yield to the Holy Spirit's guidance we become more Holy without even being aware of it. However, we will trip. So how do we stand blameless before God? Because Jesus is there to say, "Put that on my account Father. He is one of mine."

Does that mean I can go out and do whatever I choose because I am covered by the blood of Christ? If I truly am His servant and in the depths of my soul believe in Him as my Lord and Savior, I won't live that way anyhow.


Having repented of past sins and living a life pleasing to God. Having Godly character. Not living as the world lives. Giving all to God and letting Him rule. Repenting and living a Godly life .


Holy, being able to have a relationship with a holy God, is being set apart by God, made pure by Him. We cannot make ourselves acceptable to Him as we are filthy (sinful) by nature.

The only way I can be blameless before the Almighty is to humble myself and give myself to Him entirely in order that He mold me and make me after His will. The path is to receive His Holy Spirit, study the Word, pray without ceasing, give Him praise, be a faithful witness given to good works and offer up much thanksgiving thereby building up a most holy faith.The more of yourself that you give to Him the more of His holiness will He bestow upon you.


To be Holy I think is having the spirit of God working through us, doing his will. We can stand blameless before God because he sent his Son to die for us, so that we may have eternal life with him in heaven.


Q3. (Ephesians 1:4) What does it mean to be "holy"? In what sense can you stand "blameless" before God?

Jesus is our example and even as He was Holy so must we be, He was perfect and had no sin and only through him can we stand blameless before God because he paid the price as our sacrifice and His blood covers our sins and when God looks upon one that has truely set his life apart for Christ all He sees is the blood not our sins.


To be Holy like God is Holy is a process of sanctification as to our perfection of purity and lack of blemish...wholeness without fault...worthiness to be called perfect. This is a state of becoming to us now, and to fulfillment in reality in our future.

Our perspective is more like being separated from this world unto Him and His Will, where our wills become more and more exactly alike, so that we are able to walk in Christ, in Faith, in His Spirit more completely, blameless before God in HIs judgment at that time when we stand before HIM.

It is totally impossible for any of us to say now that we have arrived at this "Holy and Blameless " position in reality. It is our responsibility to submit our wills to His in our minds...to have the MIND of Christ;....in our bodies.... as a living sacrifice unto Him; in our spirits.....to submit humbly to His Spirit within us for molding and changing of our life styles; and in our soul, we will become TRUE sons of God, adopted, but recreated to be in the Image of Jesus Christ....HOLY AND BLAMELESS.

From God's perspective, He cannot look upon sin, so it is our privilege to be standing in front of His HOly Eyes now, COMPLETELY COVERED AND CLOTHED IN THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF JESUS CHRIST, WHOSE BLOOD WAS SHED TO WASH AWAY ALL THE STAINS OF MY SINFULNESS...FOREVER..

Our perspective is more like being separated from this world unto Him and His Will, where our wills become more and more exactly alike, so that we are able to walk in Christ, in Faith, in His Spirit more completely, blameless before God in HIs judgment at that time when we stand before HIM.

It is totally impossible for any of us to say now that we have arrived at this "Holy and Blameless " position in reality. It is our responsibility to submit our wills to His in our minds...to have the MIND of Christ;....in our bodies.... as a living sacrifice unto Him; in our spirits.....to submit humbly to His Spirit within us for molding and changing of our life styles; and in our soul, we will become TRUE sons of God, adopted, but recreated to be in the Image of Jesus Christ....HOLY AND BLAMELESS.

From God's perspective, He cannot look upon sin, so it is our privilege to be standing in front of His HOly Eyes now, COMPLETELY COVERED AND CLOTHED IN THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF JESUS CHRIST, WHOSE BLOOD WAS SHED TO WASH AWAY ALL THE STAINS OF MY SINFULNESS...FOREVER.



  Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Ephesians 1:4) What does it mean to be "holy"? In what sense can you stand "blameless" before God?

It be "holy" also mean chosen, therefore predestination. It's wonderful how the Scripture are tied together, but again sometimes overwhelming that we (me, you) have been chosen by the Creator of the universe not just to sit around, but for an actual purpose. Therefore we are called to action by our Father.

Blameless, now there's a word for todays world. There's always plenty of blame to pass around. Praise God, He knows our hearts and loves us anyway and wants us to be with Him and found a way for that to happen. We are all adolescent children to the Father. We are bumbling, stumbling humans. Through Christ and in Christ we are covered. This is the only way we can stand blameless, for it is by grace you have been saved and not good works.


God is gracious and freely gives salvation.He saved us according to his plan.It is because of Christ we are holy and blameless in his sight.God chose us,and when we belong to him through Jesus Christ,God looks at us as if we had never sinned.We have to accept Jesus Christ as our Savior,asking forgiveness of all our sins.Ask I ask God to help me sin know more.I am weak but he is strong.Oh,yes,I've sinned even after I have been saved.Each day I have to ask God to search my heart,and forgive me.Cover my sins by the blood of Jesus.I am filled with the Holy Spirit,my helper.I know when I have done something wrong.My Father will correct me, sometimes right on the spot.The Holy Spirit is Gods seal that we belong to him.The presence of the Holy Spirit in us demonstrates the genuineness of our faith,proves that we are Gods children.

We stand before God Holy and Blameless "only" because Of Jesus Christ.

  Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Ephesians 1:4) What does it mean to be "holy"? In what sense can you stand "blameless" before God?

We are holy because we have been adopted into the family of Christ. Through His limitless love He made us holy, sanctified by His blood. So when our day comes we stand before the throne of God washed clean by and through His blood. Though once we were lost, yet now we are found. Our Lord found us and made us pure. I can't wait til the day when I can stand before the throne of God and hear Him say Good and Faithful Child You May Enter. This could never happen without our becoming clean first. Without becoming a clean and blemish free lamb.


To me, being Holy means being without sin. Jesus' blood has covered my sins and that has made me holy in the sight of God. It also means to me, to not be conformed to this world but that I am an alien here and my home is in heaven.

I can only stand blameless before God because of the blood Jesus shed for me. The Holy Spirit is working in me to make me in the image of Christ, holy and blameless. God promises to complete the good work that He started in me. That He will see it through to completion. We are made in the image of God. The image of God is holy and blameless and as I trust Jesus Christ, put my faith in Him, follow Him and not the world He is making me holy and blameless.

  Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Ephesians 1:4) What does it mean to be "holy"? In what sense can you stand "blameless" before God?

God accepts us and because of Jesus we are holy and blameless in His sight. We belong to God through Christ and God looks at us as if we had never sinned.

All we can do is thank God for His wonderful love!

Best regards,


  Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Ephesians 1:4) What does it mean to be "holy"? In what sense can you stand "blameless" before God?

To live as a christian one deals with constant sin and and by asking forgiveness one recieves forgiveness

now a person that lives as a christians and sins but does not ask for forgiveness can not say that they are blameless and holy for they do not ask for forgiveness of sins and wrong doings


To be Holy means we are consecrated to God, To be consecrated to God is to lay oneself on the Altar and die daily to self. To put God before all things. To be surrendered to Him totally. To be a living sacrifice unto Him. All of the things in the flesh we must deal with so as to have more of Christ and less of self. T o desire these things should be priorty in our thoughts, our heart, our soul, and our existence. To strive to live and walk in the Spirit daily.

To stand blameless before God. Is to let Him have His way in our lives and iron out all the spots and wrinkles. Spend quality time in the word and prayer. Allow the washing of the word cleanse us. submitt to His discpline. When trouble comes always ask what do you want me to learn from this? Let Noah, Enoch, Abraham, Moses, John the Baptist, Paul, and most of all Jesus be our examples as how to live blameless before God.

When you accepted Christ all sins were put under the blood of Jesus. His blood cleansed us. freed us from sin in our lives. To stay free we must go forward in Christ. The above is an example of how to grow and mature to become more like Christ.


To be HOLY means to be separated from the world and worldly things and be consecrated to God. God is Holy. We are to be Holy. We belong to God. We should try to be free of sin so that we can become just like God. HOLY!

My sins have been forgiven when Christ died on the cross and shed His precious blood for me. I have to live a Holy life and REPENT when I do sin. We need to strive to be Holy and Blameless in our personal lives.


Paul has written to the holy ones (Vs.1) we are holy because of our relationship to God- unique as His special people, set apart from the world, set apart to God, this holiness is only possible because of what Jesus did for us. I think 1 Peter 1:15-16 makes it clear that holiness is more than a state- it requires that we become who we are "in Christ" so we are holy "in Christ" and therefore we must live in a holy way- Peter ties this to our behaviour and so does Paul in Eph chapter 4 onwards with a big "therefore" which I think ties the wonderful blessings of who we are In Christ (chapters 1-3) to how we should walk (live) in Christ.

In His service, David

  Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Ephesians 1:4) What does it mean to be "holy"? In what sense can you stand "blameless" before God?

To be "holy" is to be sanctified, set apart from the world. Ephesians talks so much about "in Christ" that is being "holy" when Christ is the dominate influence of your life. When we accept His truth and live it through Him. Holiness was God's intent for all us, that is why we are created in His image. Yet God knew us and our carnal nature and still loved us enough to have a plan of salvation so we could spend eternity with Him, if we choose. The only way I can stand "blameless" before God is on that "Last Day", when He looks at me, He sees not my righeousness, which is filthy rags, but sees the righteousness of His Son Jesus. To be "holy"is to look in the mirror and not see self, but to see Jesus.


Q3. (Ephesians 1:4) What does it mean to be "holy"?

Holy is moral and ethical wholeness or perfection; freedom from moral evil; It is one of the essential elements of God's nature required of His people. That is "set apart" for divine service. Jesus is the perfection of holiness. He reinforced God's demands for holiness by insisting that His disciples must have a higher standard of righteousness than that of the scribes and Pharisees. God has high expectations of His people. Ex. 19:6 "you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation." -- Lev.20:7 "sanctify yourselves and be holy, for I am the Lord your God" ---- 1Peter 1:15 "as He who has called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct."

In what sense can you stand "blameless" before God?

Christ has washed the garments of those who believe, put their trust in Him, white as snow. This is how we can stand "blameless" before God; The only way, not by my good works, or how many prayers I make, or how many times I read the bible, or go to church; But by the cleansing blood of The Redeemer, Jesus Christ.

However, 1Thess. 3:12-13 "may the Lord make you increase in love and abound in love...so that He may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints" ---- this goes with Epehsians 1:4 that we should be holy and without blame before him in love.


To be holy means to be set apart for service to God. I really like what KBB said about the pants only worn to mow the lawn. Holiness means I am a tool to be used by God, and for God, and for Him alone. I can stand


Q3. (Ephesians 1:4) What does it mean to be "holy"? In what sense can you stand "blameless" before God?

What it meant by to be "holy"To live a sinless or a conscerated life unto God separted for evil and unto God.We stand justify before God or not guilty before him,because the LOrd Jesus Christ bear our sin by going to the cross and paid the ultimate price for us by the shedding of his blood on calavryso that we can stand "blameless before God.Romans 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God this is your spiritual[a] act of worship.

Ann. :)


Q3. (Ephesians 1:4) What does it mean to be "holy"? In what sense can you stand "blameless" before God?

To be Holy is to be found faultless, with out sin. The only way I can stand before God blameless is through the blood of Jesus that cleanses me of all my faults. If I fore sake Jesus then God must judge me for my sins but with Jesus dieing for my sins He is becoming my advocate and finding me guiltless.





To be holy is to be set apart totally for God. He sees us pure & blameless under the covering of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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