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Q3. (Ephesians 1:4) What does it mean to be "holy"? In what sense can you stand "blameless" before God?

To be holy is to be like Christ. Being holy means we are set apart by God. Christ stood before His heavenly father blameless, therefore; we can stand before our Father because we are made in the image of Christ.

In essence God already sees our perfection and flawlessness. He created us and He knows all about us. Our job is to get on one accord with Him so that we can see ourselves as Christ already sees us - holy and blameless.

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Holy means to be pure in God and separate from sin or evil. You can stand blameless before God if we are sin free...free from any sinful habits and pure in God's love. When our sins are forgiven and we are reconciled with God we are blameless before Him.


To be Holy means to surrender to God will, and to strive to be like our Lord Jesus Christ; and to draw not only from all his daily peace and strength, but also to labour to have the mind of Christ.

To be blameless before God has to do with the way we conduct ourselves. It is absolutely necessary and essential that a person have a pure heart and eyes single to the glory of God, in all that we say and do in order to be blameless before God.


Only in Christ cane be blameless in the sight of God. Our God is all knowing and knows our stature our maker knows each of us by design, therefore it only in Christ, that we can achieve our status as being blameless. He is the way, the truth and the life. He has carried our blame on the cross.

Thank you Jesus.


The ideal and goal of the Christian life is perfect holiness, [see Matt 5:48] expressed in its positive aspect as dedication of life.

I can come to God without blame through repentance and accepting/believing what Christ did on the cross for me, the perfect sacrifice, through His blood I am cleansed.


(Ephesians 1:4) What does it mean to be "holy"? In what sense can you stand "blameless" before God?

What does it mean to be "holy"?

No one can be holy on their own. We need the bood of Jesus to warsh us clean so we can been seen as holy by a holy God.

In what sense can you stand "blameless" before God?

We can only stand blameless in front of him if we confess our sins dialy and seek his forgiveness. Only then we will be seen as blameless. :)


To be holy is to be different from the rest; set apart; righteous; blameless; dedicated to God's service.

Jesus made a sacrifice that wipes the slate clean of my sins. As I stand before GOD recognizing my only hope of salvation lies in Christ and what He has done, GOD sees me as clean and spotless. As a son wholeheartedly seeking to serve his father would take a dish, wipe away the old mess, and set it before his father perfectly clean, so Jesus has done with me. Presenting me to the Father as one who was once covered in sludge and grime but now washed clean.

It is not that I was never dirty, but Jesus took me, washed me, and said, "Here, Father, I have cleaned this one for you."


God in his infinte wisdom and absolute righteous nature, has choosen us to be Holy. To be Holy in the presence of God requires only his help but not by our effots. HE has made that provision by sending HIS own SON, to shed blood for the remission of our sins and the HOLY SPIRIT to guide us as we try to live a HOLY life, wothy of GOD's calling. In this process we stand blameless before the Amighty God to be adopted as HIS very own children :lol:


Q3. (Ephesians 1:4) What does it mean to be "holy"? In what sense can you stand "blameless" before God?

To be holy means to me that I am pure of heart and mind and worthy to stand before God. The only way I can to this is to be one with Jesus and to accept him as the true son of God who was crucified for my sins.


To be holy is to live the life that makes God happy and rejoice, by submitting to his will and by imitating. We were created in god's image, so we have his wonderful qualities. We were born imperfect but because Jesus died for our sins, we are forgiven and if we walk like Jesus and do what is required of us as Christians and children of God we make our Father happy and we are in his favor.


Q3. (Ephesians 1:4) What does it mean to be "holy"? In what sense can you stand "blameless" before God?

To be holy, to be set apart for God, consecrated to God, not meant to blend in with the world's values. Not that I am perfect, but I am being perfected.

I can stand blameless before God because of Jesus' finished work at Calvary, in Him I can stand blameless before A HOLY GOD.


Q3. (Ephesians 1:4) What does it mean to be "holy"? In what sense can you stand "blameless" before God?

Holy to me is a lifestyle that requires living a separated life from the world that is pleasing to the Lord. That includes seeking his will with all of our hearts, minds, soul, and spirit. Living holy also means learning and living out the scriputures in our daily living for God and his glory.

Jimmy, SC


To be holy means to be consecrated or set apart for God's service and worhip. Believers are chosen by a holy God and are expected to be holy in conduct and in lifestyle. We have been forgiven by Jesus Christ and our sins have been paid for so that we no longer have to delberately live in sin. However, when we sin, all we have to do is to confess the sin and turn to Him and He will accept us. We are accepted by God despite our short comings because of the righteousness of the Lord Jesus.

We are living sacrifices and hense should be blameless or without spot just as the animals used for sacrifice in the Old Testament were required to be spotless before they were accetpted by God. This means that we should live Christ-like type of lives trusting in the power of the Holy Spirit to enable us please God.


To be holy is trying to be more like Christ and not live in a life of sin. I can be blameless in god knowing that my sins are forgiven and moved as far as the east and west.


The greek word here is defined as "exciting reverence, venerable, sacred", and "pure from carnality, chaste and modest, pure from every fault, clean, emaculate". (In the Old Testament the word translated as holy means "set apart" and "consecrated unto God".) The New Testament definition seems to include the Old Testament definition, but to me seems more personal and individual. Whereas in the OT you would be talking often times about a place being Holy (like the Temple), in the new testament you are almost always talking about a person.

The Holiness spoken of here seems to me to be completely credited to us as a result of faith in Christ. After all, it does not say that God chose us as a people that He would require holiness of, but rather that He chose us to be holy. I have known a lot of believers who were completely dedicated to God. I've even met and spoken with numerous leaders of worldwide mission organizations as well as nationally known pastors. But I haven't met one yet that lived up to this greek definition of "pure from every fault, clean, emaculate". At least not for more than five minutes! :) (And I certainly haven't.)

I don't at all mean to say that it's okay to just throw up our hands and be carnal and not care. If our hearts have been changed by Christ we are going to want to walk in purity with Him. And by the power of the Holy Spirit, relying on grace, we will walk in Holiness and Love at times. We may even get to the point where we walk in holines most of the time, or even almost all the time. But regardless of how far we progress we will still stumble in some way or another from now until we reach heaven. That is why I believe, especially given the context, this verse is talking about what Christ did for us rather than what we can achieve through spiritual growth in this life.

Blameless is the same way, God has washed us in the blood of Christ and because of that and that only we are completely blameless before him all our days. Again, this is not to say that He won't ever have to confront us, or discipline us, or even rebuke us. That is all part of the relationship in which He is trying to get us to grow. But in terms of our ultimate guilt of innocence, He has already paid the price and determined that we are blameless. And this is not just theoretical blamelessness, (like the "rose colored glasses" people often say He sees us through) it is actual blamelessness achieved by the blood of Christ. As cute as that rose colored glasses analogy sounds, because of it's origin it unfortunately implies that God has to in some way delude Himself in order to see us as pure. The blood of Christ is not a method by which God causes himself to see us unclearly. Rather, it is the agent by which actual blamelessness is achieved. How that takes place exactly I don't know, but it is evidently the endless flow that old hymns talk about that does not just wash us once but continuoulsy washes us and continuously credits the purity of Christ to us by faith.


Q3. (Ephesians 1:4) What does it mean to be "holy"? In what sense can you stand "blameless" before God?

To be Holy is to diligently in our lifelong obedient conform to the WILL OF GOD and be morally blameless. Seek freedom from life of immorality and impurity.

( 1 Thessalonians 4:3-7) It is God's will that you should be sanctified that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control his own body....

(Lev 11: 44-45) "I am the Lord your GOD; consecrate yourselves and be Holy, because I am Holy.

In what sense can you stand "blameless" before God?

I can stand "blameless" through JEHOVAH TSIDKENU, my Righteousness, and by the POWER of HIS BLOOD. HE becomes sin for me that I become the righteousness of GOD in Christ Jesus.

Consecrate ourselves and LOOK to Christ Jesus for HIS strength that we could victoriously lead a holy and pure life. (Col 3:5) Let the word of Christ dwell in me richly, get into HIS presence daily so as not to fail and fall into temptations.

Cheers :lol:


Q3. (Ephesians 1:4) What does it mean to be "holy"? In what sense can you stand "blameless" before God?

To be holy means to be pure, righteous, sin-free. It is not possible for a person to be holy -- not one of us is without sin. Only Jesus lived a perfect life. It was his blood sacrifice of his holy and perfect life that allows us to stand before a holy God in Heaven. Without the blood of the Lamb, we would not be allowed entrance into Heaven. He died so we can live eternally. Sometimes I explain what Jesus did for us to nonbelievers as Jesus being the filter. He died so that we can pass through Him on our way into Heaven and have all of our sins and stains and ugliness filtered out so that when we face Almighty God, we are holy in His presence. A holy God cannot be in the presence of unholiness -- we need Jesus to wash us clean. How awesome is God's love that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us? He is the only way.


Holy means we are consecrated to God. It means He has claimed us and we belong to Him. We stand blameless before God because our sins have been forgiven thru the blood of Christ.


In my opinion, holy means to be of pure moral character and of high integrity.

Human beings cannot be holy. A person becomes holy through the workings of the

Holy Spirit. Blameless means that sin has been washed away by the blood of Jesus.


Q3. (Ephesians 1:4) What does it mean to be "holy"? In what sense can you stand "blameless" before God?

To be holy is to be renewed in the mind..to put off the old man and put on Christ..The only way I can be holy before the Lord is to obey His word and apply it daily to my life that my mind will be cleansed by the washing of the Word...to obey puts us in line with God's will and it is what changes us and brings us to maturity and holiness when we obey His word...I stand blameless because of the blood that brings me redemption, reconcilliation, cleansing, sanctification and because of the blood I can dwell everyday in the holiness of God...for He sees the blood that covers me...and that gives me confidence in the victory I have in the Lord...it is why I pray constantly to die to self and try to obey His word...it is what is really changing me..obedience...


To be holy is to be renewed in the mind..to put off the old man and put on Christ..The only way I can be holy before the Lord is to obey His word and apply it daily to my life that my mind will be cleansed by the washing of the Word...to obey puts us in line with God's will and it is what changes us and brings us to maturity and holiness when we obey His word...I stand blameless because of the blood that brings me redemption, reconcilliation, cleansing, sanctification and because of the blood I can dwell everyday in the holiness of God...for He sees the blood that covers me...and that gives me confidence in the victory I have in the Lord...it is why I pray constantly to die to self and try to obey His word...it is what is really changing me..obedience...

I hunger for holiness and it is the bread of life that has to be eaten everyday and to hold fast to the word of God...for it is life..it becomes our existance...to be transformed by it...I was thinking on this all day today..how we live in this world with all it's trappings of false doctrine that traps those who do not know the will of God for their lives as they do not know His word and fall away and their lives are wrecked because they put their lives in their own hands...I kept thinking walk in the light...and that takes obeying and trusting no matter what falls in front of me...and holiness is being apart from this world even though we live in it...Today...an Amish town, which the Amish live in a place of seclusion, but still the evil of this world is there no matter where you go..This little town experienced it and it was so sad..but the Lord wants us to live in this world trusting Him that even in the face of evil, we can stand holy and blameless in our reaction towards it..


Q3. (Ephesians 1:4) What does it mean to be "holy"? In what sense can you stand "blameless" before God?

1. I believe being holy is living a sanctified life being separated from what I once was, departing from the apparance of all evil, being in constant communication with the Holy jesus that saved me.

2. This is so awesome to answer. No matter what I have done in the past even my last ungodly thought is under the blood. When I ask for forgiveness God not only forgives me but He forgets what I have done even if I repeat the offense He did not remember the last time. Each time is like the first time to God. He sees me dressed in a white robe of righteousness provided through the blood of my Savior Jesus Christ. I am God's childm and I depend on the Advocate He supplied for me. Jesus makes me blameless.

Bro. Ed;Phil2:5


Q3. (Ephesians 1:4) What does it mean to be "holy"? In what sense can you stand "blameless" before God?

Holy means to be set apart or aside for a specific purpose. The only way that I can stand "blameless" before God is through accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and letting Him live within me. There is no way I can stand "blameless" before God on my own not even on my best day.


Q3. (Ephesians 1:4) What does it mean to be "holy"? In what sense can you stand "blameless" before God?

Holy means consecrated or separated to God for Himself or one who/which belongs to God. In some other interpretations though, being holy means being almost like God 100% including the physical aspect in a way that the physical needs (especially the sensual/sexual ones) are already absent or not considered essential to physical life anymore. However, not everybody has this kind of holiness. Only simple consecration for the majority. No spiritual holiness, rationalizing it on the premise that we are only physical, we can never get rid of our physical needs. So, with this, I believe the word "holy" here simply means for one or a thing to belong to Christ, whether chaste or not.

If Christ' saving us from our sins makes us blameless in God's sight, then I guess this is the biggest legacy Christ and God have given to all christians. It appears like we are stripped of the responsibility over the sins we commited after Christ' death because Christ has already saved us. Is it really like this? Or is there a condition that we will only look blameless in God's sight if we try to follow Christ' teachings, since as Christ said, He is after all, the way, the truth and the life. If we don't follow Christ, are we still blameless? Maybe in a way that God is always ready to hear our remorses and repentance, when we are ready and willing already. He doesn't blame us for sinning, understanding perhaps the fragility and weakness of humans, that He is always ready to be with us (again, if we've been with Him from the start, but just got swayed into the wrong path). I think the "blameless" word here means He doesn't judge us while earth is still there and spinning. Only in the end of time perhaps, after making us aware of many warnings and yet we remain stubborn and continues with our fragile and weak ways. Only this time will he not see us "blameless" anymore. (AM I RIGHT DR. RALPH?)

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