Glenn Posted September 20, 2006 Report Posted September 20, 2006 Adoption is the closes to a relationship less being born of. In an adopted status you assume the right, the right to the kingdom and are part of the overall kingdom inheritance. God bless! Quote
God Seeker Posted September 20, 2006 Report Posted September 20, 2006 Q4. (Ephesians 1:5-6) Why is adoption a particularly apt illustration of God's relationship to us? Why is the concept of adoption encouraging to us? It shows that no matter who or what we are that God loves us enough to give everything for us. In adoption you know all the faults and short comings of the child you are preparing to adopt unlike real birth where you accept the child born to you no questions asked. In adoption you have a chance to reject the one you are chosing,but through Jesus we are found faultless and chosen given all the privilages of the first born child we can be called the sons ofthe Most High and be members of the eternal faimly. It is encourging because again we are accepted with all our faults because Jesus suffered and died to cleanse us of that unrighteousness so that we can be children of God and accepted as Holy. Quote
June Posted September 20, 2006 Report Posted September 20, 2006 To show Him as Father. By bringing us into the family and adopting us shows how BIG GOD really is and how big the Family of God is. We are His children and are all equal in His eyes. We have been forgiven and chosen by Him to be sons and daughters and to continue His great works here on Earth until His return. We have Jesus to model our lives after. Just to know that we belong----- to God's Family of Christians is a great feeling like no other, that we have others to call on when we need help, and that we are brothers and sisters all striving for the same goal. We are all heirs with Jesus. Quote
Diane44 Posted September 20, 2006 Report Posted September 20, 2006 Q4. (Ephesians 1:5-6) Why is adoption a particularly apt illustration of God's relationship to us? Why is the concept of adoption encouraging to us? To be adopted, how wonderful, again we see that God chose us. I see the predestination and the adoption going hand in hand. He obviously has plans for all of us. Quote
Patricia A. Conti Posted September 20, 2006 Report Posted September 20, 2006 It is really significant to me. I have six adopted daughters. I could not love them anymore even if they were born to me. I chose them and they have become my children. They share in all that is mine and I love them no matter what. Knowing that I am an adopted daughter of God tells me God truly is my Father and Jesus my brother. I want to celebrate the love that God has for me. I know that when my body dies, God will welcome me into his presence and I will make a home with him. How AWESOME! Quote
kateshinegold Posted September 20, 2006 Report Posted September 20, 2006 Q4. (Ephesians 1:5-6) Why is adoption a particularly apt illustration of God's relationship to us? Why is the concept of adoption encouraging to us? I adopted a 13 year old girl a year ago. My heart just throbs and swells for her. I think of her all the time and plan so many conversations with the purpose of guiding her. I feel God has allowed this for me so that I understand fully his thoughts towards me. I make mistakes and He catches me and redirects me all the time. God's love for his adopted children is so HUGE. I am more confident in God than ever. Quote
JustJeff Posted September 20, 2006 Report Posted September 20, 2006 Being born into sin we are we are alienated from God. We are of the world and thereby there is a partion between us, we the children of darkness, He the Father of Light. To make a way for us He gave us His Son, to be our sacrifice, to breakdown the barrier and make the way for us to enter into the holiest of holies. We are changed and made holy by the Son suitable for the Master's use. As a result, being free from the slavery of sin, our heavenly Father brings us into His long expecting arms and takes us as His own children, adopting us into the family of God. This concept of adoption is wonderful because without it we would have no chance at all of salvation as we were not His chosen children. The Jews are. However, because of their rebellion, He made the way clear for us to be accepted by Him. to be His people. He grafted us in, He adopted us. Quote
Dan Posted September 20, 2006 Report Posted September 20, 2006 What more can I add except to say that it is so awesome that the God of creation would choose "on purpose" each one of us to be His child. This shows His relationship of love for sinful mankind, in that while we were yet sinners Jesus Christ died for us so that we could be made sons of God and heirs to eternal life. In reality we are made children of God with all the rights and privileges of an heir. This is so encouraging to me me because I have "status". I am someone special!!! In Paul's letter to the Colossian church; he first was trying to get the believers to see who they were in Christ before He gave them the Characteristics that they were to have. What a concept that God loves, chooses, predestines, and adopts us as His child. WOW! Quote
janet Posted September 20, 2006 Report Posted September 20, 2006 Q4. (Ephesians 1:5-6) Why is adoption a particularly apt illustration of God's relationship to us? Why is the concept of adoption encouraging to us? When I think about the word itself, adoption it lets me know that I am first loved by God and that he accepts me. Sin seperated us from God and through his son Jesus and his shed blood for us when we accept the gift of salavtion we are adopted into the family of God. It also lets me know that God has a purpose for my life as well as my sisters and brothers in Christ. This is encouraging to me and lets me know that victory will me mind one day. Quote
Huby Posted September 20, 2006 Report Posted September 20, 2006 Q4. (Ephesians 1:5-6) Why is adoption a particularly apt illustration of God's relationship to us? Why is the concept of adoption encouraging to us? Permit me to answer this question this way: I followed an Alpha course and there was an interesting story about a child whose friends sometimes made fun of. They used to say "You are adopted" to which she replied " your parents had no choice, I am special because I was chosen" - so that makes us special -God chose us in Christ before we were even born. Sometimes people say that is unfare by God, But I suppose we are all called and those who respond are adopted - and therefore let us be thankful we are the Sons and Daughters of the King even though we were once slaves. God's grace is wonderful. Quote
Bob Schlessman Posted September 20, 2006 Report Posted September 20, 2006 We must keep in mind that Jesus was adopted by His earthly father Joseph and received all of the same rights and privileges as a natural born son. I believe ths illustration is significant in understanding the nature of our relationship with God the Father that we have through Jesus Christ. As Christians, we have the same rights and privilieges as God gave to the Hebrew nation, only even better because we have total forgiveness of our sins and are freed from the sacrificial system completely. They were chosen to be God's messengers to the world. We are chosen to carry the message of God's love to the world by sharing the Gospel. The Hebrew nation got off track by seeing themselves as exclusively chosen and they drew up the draw bridges so to speak isolating themselves from the world. As His adopted sons, we must be very careful not to fall into the same pit. Quote
kiqstart Posted September 20, 2006 Report Posted September 20, 2006 because God chose us and predestined us to live with him forever by sending his Son to die for our sins Quote
kcusty Posted September 20, 2006 Report Posted September 20, 2006 Adoption is an apt illustration of God's love for us because it shows us that God chooses us and we are complete in Him ..we have all the rights and all the gifts that God gives to those he chooses...we are favored and we are full of God's grace. This concept is encouraging to us because it not only gives us freedom and salvation but it opens us to a close relationship with God the Father. Quote
johnd Posted September 20, 2006 Report Posted September 20, 2006 Q4. (Ephesians 1:5-6) Why is adoption a particularly apt illustration of God's relationship to us? Why is the concept of adoption encouraging to us? In His infinite love God has adopted us as His own children. This shows how strong our relationship with God is. Best regards, John. Quote
Blessed Me Posted September 20, 2006 Report Posted September 20, 2006 Q4. (Ephesians 1:5-6) Why is adoption a particularly apt illustration of God's relationship to us? Adoption is becoming a son of God, our inheritance being found in Christ Jesus. Such love given, how can one not love God back? How do we do that? God tells us, "if you love me, keep my commandments" When I think about it, His commands are for our good. They teach us God's righteous ways. It is too bad the world does not follow or desire to follow God's law. I find they are not a yoke, but a pleasure. I choose to follow Him. Why is the concept of adoption encouraging to us? It is encouraging to me because, before the Cross I a Gentile was lost, without Christ I was an alien from the commonwealth of Israel and a stranger from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. (Epe. 2:12) - - - John 1:12-13 However, to all who received Him, to those believing in His Name, He gave authority to become God's children, who were born, not merely in a physical sense, or from a fleshly impulse, or from man's desire, but of God. THROUGH THE LOVE OF GOD, AND THE BLOOD SHED BY THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, AND MY HOPE ESTABLISHED ON THE WORK DONE ON THE CROSS, I AM ADOPTED INTO THE FAMILY OF GOD, AND THE BLESSINGS OF ABRAHAM ARE MINE! ---- encouraging beyond belief. Quote
Eudora Posted September 20, 2006 Report Posted September 20, 2006 Q4. (Ephesians 1:5-6) Why is adoption a particularly apt illustration of God's relationship to us? Adoption is becoming a son of God, our inheritance being found in Christ Jesus. Such love given, how can one not love God back? How do we do that? God tells us, "if you love me, keep my commandments" When I think about it, His commands are for our good. They teach us God's righteous ways. It is too bad the world does not follow or desire to follow God's law. I find they are not a yoke, but a pleasure. I choose to follow Him. Why is the concept of adoption encouraging to us? It is encouraging to me because, before the Cross I a Gentile was lost, without Christ I was an alien from the commonwealth of Israel and a stranger from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. (Epe. 2:12) - - - John 1:12-13 However, to all who received Him, to those believing in His Name, He gave authority to become God's children, who were born, not merely in a physical sense, or from a fleshly impulse, or from man's desire, but of God. THROUGH THE LOVE OF GOD, AND THE BLOOD SHED BY THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, AND MY HOPE ESTABLISHED ON THE WORK DONE ON THE CROSS, I AM ADOPTED INTO THE FAMILY OF GOD, AND THE BLESSINGS OF ABRAHAM ARE MINE! ---- encouraging beyond belief. Greetings Blessed Me, "When I think about it, His commands are for our good. They teach us God's righteous ways. It is too bad the world does not follow or desire to follow God's law. I find they are not a yoke, but a pleasure. I choose to follow Him." I totally and 100 percent agree with your statement of faith here. His law makes our lives healthier, and happier and I also find it spiritually cleansing and you are completely right. His law is not a yoke and I totally get where you have chosen your name as 'Blessed Me', because I too, have been blessed by following His Law, Statutes and Commandments and all that is written in the Torah and the Prophets as well as the New Testament. We are blessed when we are obedient! - Eudora Quote
warrior Posted September 20, 2006 Report Posted September 20, 2006 Q4. (Ephesians 1:5-6) Why is adoption a particularly apt illustration of God's relationship with us? Why is the concept of adoption encouraging to us? Because we who are considered Gentiles were grafted in and adopted by the blood of Jesus and salvation to be the sons of God through adoption. We are made heirs and co-heirs with Him and he is our Father offering to us the same blessing offered to Israel as His chosen people. This is encouraging to us as now we can inherit the Kingdom as an heir with HIM. Quote
Guest Tabatha Posted September 20, 2006 Report Posted September 20, 2006 In Eph. 1: 4 H e hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world When you adopt a person you choose that person they don't choose you. I like to think God look at me unmade totally like a big lump of coal and say I am going to choose her and make her into a sparkling diamond. Perfect and complete in Him for His Son's bride. Regardless of the imperfections on they way He thinks I am beautiful and loves me just teh same. The encouraging thing is He loves me so much He is not going to leave me the way I am. Praise God. Hallelujah and Amen Quote
donnacarol Posted September 20, 2006 Report Posted September 20, 2006 The whole issue of adoption goes back to salvation for me. I wasn't just adopted, I was rescued from a family of liars and murderers. And now my new family cares for me, loves me, is kind to me. I have all the resources of my new family and I love them all. Quote
TJHANKS Posted September 20, 2006 Report Posted September 20, 2006 Q4. (Ephesians 1:5-6) Why is adoption a particularly apt illustration of God's relationship to us? Why is the concept of adoption encouraging to us? For too long some churches taught that we were born into the family of God, but we are all sinners from the beginning and separate from God. The Apostle John reminds us in John 1:12,13 and 3:3,5 that we are to be "born again". "...He gave us the right to be children of God". God loves us so much He says apart of My family!". We have done nothing to deserve this privilige, only by His grace can we call Him "Father". To know the Creator and Master of the universe is desiring us to be His adopted child is overwhelming, because we are now co-heirs to the kingdom!!! Quote
David JJJ Posted September 20, 2006 Report Posted September 20, 2006 Adoption is a wonderful descrption for what happens to us "In Christ" as Dr Wilson taught in the lesson there is movement from the lowest class (who we were in Adam- ie sinners, enimies and helpless Rom 5) to the highest class (heirs, raised with Christ, seated with Christ etc)- what an incrediable transistion- praise God for His grace! On a personal note, one that might resonate with others, my dad skiped out of my life when I was two- I have worked through that sense of rejection I felt by his choice, God's choosing to adopt me into His family was the antithesis of this! He chose to be part of my life and visa versa, He chose me as a son, He sought me out and accepted me in the Beloved-how awesome He is! Now tHe is Abba Father- His Spirit testifies within me that I am His son. In His service David PS just want to say thanks to Dr Wilson for doing these studies and for the others being so free with their ideas-this is great Quote
Yvonneevonne Posted September 20, 2006 Report Posted September 20, 2006 Adoption is important for two reason. First God chose us to LOVE him and serve him if we decided to accept HIS unconditional love. And second is NOW we are part of HIS wonderful family. He is our Father, who loves us just who we are. And this family includes everyone who know Jesus as LORD. Quote
ekila Posted September 20, 2006 Report Posted September 20, 2006 Man was separated from God because of Sin. Christ has bridged gap so that we may be restored the sonship and eternal life. Christ is the true son, and in him we are adopted as children of God. What a Demonstration of love. Truly God is love, his nature is love. Thank father for your love for me, as demonstrated on the cross. Quote
Helen Williams Posted September 21, 2006 Report Posted September 21, 2006 Adoption shows how God sees us. We are special in his sight and He loves us. We are His children. This is encouraging to know that one person does not have the edge over another. He loves us the same and we all have the same opportunity(salvation) through Jesus Christ. We are a part of God's family and the inheritance is the same. Isn't that someting worth shouting about! Quote
givpraz Posted September 21, 2006 Report Posted September 21, 2006 Q4. (Ephesians 1:5-6) Why is adoption a particularly apt illustration of God's relationship to us? Why is the concept of adoption encouraging to us? I, like KathyK am having a little trouble with this question. However, I believe that the concept of adoption encourages us because God chose us. We haven't done anything to deserve Christ's adoption of us - but He chose us so that we could be adopted into His family. Much like a "traditional" adoption, He loves us and chooses to take care of us unconditionally. He adopted us simply because of His love for us. This is encouraging because sometimes children are adopted because no one cares or wants them. In our case, God wants us and He wants to have a relationship with us. He cares for us and there is nothing that we can do about it. Quote
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