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Most children are adopted when their parents are not there or are unable to love and care for them. Someone who is not their biological parent takes these children and loves and cares for them as if they were the natural parents. They become just as bonded and loving as any natural parent would be. These children become legally and emotionally equal to any natural childrent he parents may have.

We are just as lost in this world as a child is on their own in life. God loves us and wants to care for us as though we were His natural children and so adopts us. We become His natural children. He, like all parents, wants to help us and guide us. To teach us how to live the best way possible in this life; in His path.

This is so very encouraging because we know our place and can have full confidence of where we stand with Him as our Father. As all children, we are accepted and loved regardless. But with our heavenly Father, it is so much more.

As Jesus says in Matthew 7:9-11 "..what man is there among you who, if hs son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent? If you them, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him?"

Or, again in Luke 11:11-13 "If a son asks for bread from any father among you, will you give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent instead of a fish? Or if heasks for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? If you then, being eil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who as Him?"

Just think of the love and care our God can bestow on us. Even if we, as teenagers often do, seem to reject the need for the care of parents, He waits for us to realize our need and then He is there ready to give it to us.

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Q4. (Ephesians 1:5-6) Why is adoption a particularly apt illustration of God's relationship to us? Why is the concept of adoption encouraging to us?

I am not Jewish, I was not born into Israel. As a gentile I am adopted into God's family through Jesus who bought me at a price.

This is encouraging for me because it means that we serve a kind and loving Father who desires ALL to know him. Regardless of our personal issues or situations He loves us enough to take us ALL as part of His family.

  • 2 weeks later...

;) We are part of His family.

Encouraging; Adopting implies investment and God is willing to invest in us even though we are so strongly influenced by a wrong environment. He walks alongside us to adapt to His standards with love and patience. He makes the deliberate decision to close us into His heart and care for us as His own, even though we were once far away.


The nature of adoption is extremely relevant in my personal life. I was adopted by my stepfather and the one thing that the judge told me that has stuck in my mind for years is that I am chosen by my stepfather and I have a firm place in his life.

He said I wasn't just born in my stepfathers life but He chose to make me his own. So when I think of my heavenly Father I understand what it means. He chose me and will never let me go. That encourages me every day, no matter how I fail in my daily walk, My Father will always love me and be there for me.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Why is adoption a particularly apt illustration of God's relationship with us? It is reinforceing the fact that He chose us (before the foundation of the world). Just as in adoption, the adoptee does nothing to warrent favor or choosing from the one (or One) doing the adopting. this is also why it is encouraging (and exciting as an orphan being adopted). We deserve nothing short of the fires of hell, but God loved us and chose us and adopted us. It just don't get no better then that!

  • 3 weeks later...

Q4. (Ephesians 1:5-6) Why is adoption a particularly apt illustration of God's relationship with us? Why is the concept of adoption encouraging to us?

Because he loved us so much that he sent his "only begotten son" to pay the debt for us. In sin we could not inherit the kingdom but since the price was paid we are able to be his adopted sons and daugters. The concept of adoption is encouraging because he chose us.


I believe that adoption is a fitting illustration of his relationship with us because it singnifies his love for mankind. When potential parents go to an adoption agency to adopt they specifically choose the child they want. God specifically chose mankind in his mind & redeemed us with his blood. To know that the creater of all the universe picked you out is fantastic. That should be enough to encourage anybody. This is the gospel that needs to be preached. That God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, & whosever believith in him should not perish, but have everlasting life!

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
Q4. (Ephesians 1:5-6) Why is adoption a particularly apt illustration of God's relationship to us? Why is the concept of adoption encouraging to us?

Because one we are not natural children, nor are we by Old Law are part the Chosen generation as gentiles. The concept of adoption is encouraging because as adopted sons we are entitled to the same rights, benefits and inheritance as the natural born son.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q4. (Ephesians 1:5-6) Why is adoption a particularly apt illustration of God's relationship with us? Why is the concept of adoption encouraging to us?

I think this illustration/reality is huge! Especially when thinking about incorporation (in Christ)


Adoption is wonderful as it means that we weren't 'born' into that family - that God wanted a child and He specifically chose ME! He chooses each of us and wants us. We are not forced upon Him like a parent has no choice which baby comes out of the womb - we are wanted and chosen specifically. How cool!

Being chosen in this kind of adoption can and will change who you are, your status and outlook on life changes depending on the family you belong to. Belonging to God's family changes how you look at the world and the focus you place on certain things within life.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q4. (Ephesians 1:5-6) Why is adoption a particularly apt illustration of God's relationship with us? Why is the concept of adoption encouraging to us?

We are not born of God, we are born into Sin. But God chose us to be his son


Now let us see where we are at so far. I have already been claimed by God for His purpose and pleasure(predestination, holy and blameless) thus, by faith I can say my future is looking good.( just like an orphan who hears some good news) Now God wishes to give me an inheritance that He has reserved for His children. I can only share in this blessing through adoption. (just like that fatherless child) I have been chosen for adoption, the paperwork was written on Calvary and has been signed with the blood of Jesus. Since, I believe this truth, I need only through patience trial and error come to know more about what is expected of me as a newly adopted son and hier with Christ Jesus. I have been given a book to study and become familiar with being a part of Gods family.

God adopting us as His sons and daughters means that we have a father who knows us, will provide for us and loves us inspite of ourselves. He is dependable, reliable, always close by, never late and is always on time, protects us and helps to keep our joy full by blessing us with exactly what we need. He never sleeps nor slumbers, He watches me both night and day, He chastises me, He never leaves me comfotless, but has provided a comforter in His Holy Spirit. Now our God can do anything, there is nothing to hard for God. I have said all of this to surmise that, it is important to us in that, we have been adopted from death unto life everlasting. Selah

  • 2 weeks later...

I love love how it was stated in the Lesson ("We aren't in God's family by happenstance of birth (to continue with the adoption analogy), but by God's choice. God loves you!").

I believe that adoption is an apt illustration of God's relationship with us...b/c like it was stated in the lesson, God chooses to take care of us like an adopted child. He chooses to feed us, cloth us, love us unconditionally, just like an adoptive parent would. This idea of adoption is encouraging to us because we know that someone loves regardless of our past, we always have an adoptive parent, God.

  • 2 weeks later...

When Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden they lost their relationship with God. It was only through the death on the Cross of Jesus Christ and by his blood that we were brought back to God, we became his adopted child.

The concept of adoption is encouraging because it tells me over and over that God loves me. That he forgives my sins through Jesus' redemptive act and I am very encouraged by this.


Q4. (Ephesians 1:5-6) Why is adoption a particularly apt illustration of God's relationship to us? Why is the concept of adoption encouraging to us?
  • 3 months later...
Q4. (Ephesians 1:5-6) Why is adoption a particularly apt illustration of God's relationship to us? Why is the concept of adoption encouraging to us?

To adopt someone is to take on as your own, they become part of your family, they have your name, they have all of the priveledges of the family. It is a legal binding agreement, and you become as one of the family equal to the natural children. God has done this with us, as His children He has given us all the rights of His inheritance, He has bound us to Him. I think of a child in an orphanage, being adpoted into a family,the would be parents selecting a child and bringing it home, giving their name, love and all the free use of the home. We have been chosen by God as His children, like an orphan I was chosen, redeemed, sealed with His promis. I can now call Him Father.

Thank you Lord for loving me

for taking me as Your child

That I can be called

the daughter of God

To adopt someone is to take on as your own, they become part of your family, they have your name, they have all of the priveledges of the family. It is a legal binding agreement, and you become as one of the family equal to the natural children. God has done this with us, as His children He has given us all the rights of His inheritance, He has bound us to Him. I think of a child in an orphanage, being adpoted into a family,the would be parents selecting a child and bringing it home, giving their name, love and all the free use of the home. We have been chosen by God as His children, like an orphan I was chosen, redeemed, sealed with His promis. I can now call Him Father.

Thank you Lord for loving me

for taking me as Your child

That I can be called

the daughter of God

  • 4 weeks later...

adoption is attractive to us because we are chosen, it wasn't a random gene pool that caused us to be in the family. I am a daughter of Christ because he chose me to be his. Its a fantastic thing to be chosen like that. He is my father, my dad. He has my best interest at heart and he desires to see the best of me. I can rest in my assurance that I am the daughter of a king. When things go badly for me, I can rest in my identity in Christ and find peace there. I don't have to strive or convince anyone of my place in this world. I'm in the kingdom family! Wow.

  • 1 month later...
Q4. (Ephesians 1:5-6) Why is adoption a particularly apt illustration of God's relationship to us? Why is the concept of adoption encouraging to us?

The illustration of adoption shows me the dept of God's love for me. When I was in a situation where I needed help, and realizing no one was willing to help me but God, because he loves me. Now I have all of the priveleges available that He gives. Where I was at one time outside, now I am part of His family. What joy, unspeakable joy!

  • 5 weeks later...

The concept of being adopted by God is mind boggeling. It's a great illistration because. God did choose the Jewish people as his own. Time after time they blew it. He forgave them. Gentiles on the other hand were lost, without hope. Doomed. God out of his own election, mercy, great love for man/man-kind that he sent his son to ransom all of humanity back to himself. Since the Jewish people rejected Jesus (for the past 2000 years); God chose to adopt the gentiles (us). Meaning now that we've been adopted by God through Christ Jesus we too have become "legal" sons and daughters of the most high God. We have (not realized unfortunately by the church, (Christian folk)) all the power, healings, casting out of evil spirits, the ability to raise the dead. If we would just let the Holy Spirit in he name of Jesus do the work and give God all the glory, praise and honor after events such as these. Show the world the power, majesty, grace, love, compassion, that God does have for man. Just like in the early church. Realization and revival begins within each of us - singularly and God's light will shine fourth after for the lost to see and come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Chirst. His name be praised!!!!

  • 1 month later...
Q4. (Ephesians 1:5-6) Why is adoption a particularly apt illustration of God's relationship to us? Why is the concept of adoption encouraging to us?

For me the fact that God chose me before He ever created anything or anyone fills my heart with joy. His love is not like the love we know as parents goes much deeper much more dynamic than any human love. Our example of adoption pales in comparison to His choosing us. He chooses everyone of us. His desire for us is unfathomable and the love that God causes Him pain in the midst of pleasure that we have never experienced.

Last night I went to a class on intimacy with God and I was suddenly made aware of how I as His child constantly cause Him intense pain when I choose worldly things to comfort me or to grab my devotion.

The bible tells us that He is jealous and zealous over each one of us. His love is intense and when it goes unreciprocated causes God intense grief. However, He knew that we would be who we are before He ever created us and yet out of that passionate desire that He is God He created us anyway. Love burned in His heart and He poured Himself out on us and is still pouring His heart out to us each and everyday of our lives.

My upmost desire is that I would be a whole hearted lover of God. Fully devoted and consecrated to Him. That I would know Him intimately and live the abundant life that Jesus died for me to live.

I still get blown away by the fact that passion causes His heart to be fast when I come to Him. When He looks at me He sees me perfected as beautiful even in my weaknesses. His love does not wane when I sin, His pleasure for me is infinite and also never decreases. The blood of Jesus covers me and you and because of that awesome precious blood we are ever so beautiful to God and He sees beyond the sin and sees the "yes" in our hearts!!!!

His love goes far beyond adoption He has transformed us in to His image, has given us His righteousness, forgiven us our sin, saves all our tears in a bottle, pours out His heart to us even when we are oblivious to it, takes our blame and our shame and made it His.

This love, this beautiful, awesome, fulfilling, forgiving love!!!!!!! How incredibly fantastic He is!!!!!


...for me, with an adopted son, this is very real and illustrate. It takes a lot of love to add someone to your family who has the characteristics of other parents. Lacks the same value systems you have instilled in your natural children. But do I love him any less. NO. I love him more, and give him special care and direction when the moments arise. We are just like that. Our parents did what they thought was right, but God's plan and love for us far out weighs anything our own parents could have planned for us. God's plan is perfect.

  • 1 month later...

Q4. (Ephesians 1:5-6) Why is adoption a particularly apt illustration of God's relationship to us? Why is the concept of adoption encouraging to us?

[/q To me i believeGod have predestined us to be adoptedas his sons.in the new testament pictures of what Godhas done for us.Jesus came into the world to wipe out the divisions to remove the tension and to close the gaps that separate us from God.we have all the right as the adopted in the ancient world all the right of a legitimate son in his own family.

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