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Q1. (Ephesians 4:1) According to verse 1, what is the standard of our behavior? What is the "calling" to which God has called us?

A prisoner that is called by God to serve Him, and that we walk worthy of Him who called us. A behavior that is a credit to the summons to God's service.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q1. (Ephesians 4:1) According to verse 1, what is the standard of our behavior?

That we walk worthy of the vocation wherewith we are called. We are called to live our lives worthy of being called a "born again believer." As a child of God our conversation, manner of conduct, should reflect who we are and should not bring any reproach on God.

What is the "calling" to which God has called us?

God has called us to be disciples, followers of Jesus Christ.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Tabatha


Q1. (Ephesians 4:1) According to verse 1, what is the standard of our behavior? What is the "calling" to which God has called us?

God has chosen us to be Christ's representatives on earth, in light of this truth, the awesome privilege of being called Christ's very own. This includes being humble, gentle, patient, understanding, and peaceful, people are watching your life Can they see Christ in you? How well are we doing as His representative

  • 3 weeks later...

Q1. (Ephesians 4:1) According to verse 1, what is the standard of our behavior? What is the "calling" to which God has called us?

Our best evangelizing and witnessing tool is our lifestyle. We can say we are Christians and talk about the Lord Jesus Christ or we can wear the T-shirts, but people observe our lifestyle. I can talk till I am blue in the face about God, but people watch what I do. The verse says that we are to live our life worthy to the calling. We must take our calling serious. We must do what is pleasing to God and not man. Meaning that we have to act our what we profess (practice what you preach!)


The "calling" we are to strive to uphold is two fold.

1. Math22: 36 "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 37 Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38 This is the first and greatest commandment.

2. To live our lives to be Christ like.

In the flesh we can not do either of these, but with the power of the Holy Spirit living with in us we are able.

This is so important because the only Jesus most unsaved people will see is the Christ that shines through our lives.


Q1. (Ephesians 4:1) According to verse 1, what is the standard of our behavior? What is the "calling" to which God has called us?

The standard of our behaviour must be worthy of the Lord. Therefore it is what the Lord would be doing, in Kindness, gentleness, humility, patience, longsuffering and fierce justice.

The calling is always to preach the gospel, make the good news known, either by loving, gentle action - not necessarily formally in a church, but taking every opportunity to teach somebody how they may receive Jesus and begin the path of great joy as one with Jesus and His church all the while maintaining the unity of love (preferring one another) and keeping separate from the world while walking in it!.


To live a life as Holy as the Lord has shown to us. Would I shed my blood for he who has wronged me? Yet that is what Christ did for me. Will I forever remember the wrong done to me or will I follow Christ in the path of blotting out the transgressions? Shall I turn the other cheek or be crushed under the devils blows to my spititual growth? To walk worthy is to let Christ rule in my life.


In everything that we do our character and nature should be a reflection of the Lord as we are to walk as He walked.

Each person must give their all to fulfill and utilize the gifts that God has given whether it be a pastor, teacher, evangelist, etc. These are our vocations and what we are called to do as His disciples.


Q1. (Ephesians 4:1) According to verse 1, what is the standard of our behavior? What is the "calling" to which God has called us?

According to verse 1, what is the standard of our behavior?

To obey God and to do the things he has called us to do. :rolleyes:

What is the "calling" to which God has called us?

To witness to others and to live Godly lives in unity with him and each other. :rolleyes:


Praise be to God for the New year all Brethren

God Has chosen us to be Christ's representatives on earth . In light of trhis calling , Paul challenges us to Live lives worthy of the calling we have received- the awesome privilege of being called Christ's very own. This includes being humble, gentle, patient, understanting, and peaceful. People are watching your life . Can they see Christ in you ? How well are you doing as His representative ?


Q1. (Ephesians 4:1) According to verse 1, what is the standard of our behavior? What is the "calling" to which God has called us?

The standard of our behavior is that we should act like christains and christ like. GOD has called us to be christains and obey his laws.


Ephesians Study Ephesians 4:1-10

Wow, this passage is so huge.. This is very exciting to me.. When Jesus died on the cross, in the book of Matthew, Jesus fulfilled a prophesy that was prophesied through Ezekiel.

Ezekiel. 37:12 Therefore prophesy and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel.

When Jesus in verse nine of Ephesians, went down into the lower parts and came back up it was because He had to fulfill all prophecy and this is yet another one fulfilled, that He might fulfill all things.

In Matthew 27:50-53 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.

There was no way that His death could go un-noticed with all the graves opening up and folks whom had died, were now rising from the grave. He had led captive up from the grave into the gift of eternal life. Not only would His death and resurrection provide the gift of eternal life to the living but to the dead whom had gone on before Him.

And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;

All these gifts would follow and be empowered by the one gift that Jesus would send to aid those who would be filled with the gifts to carry on the gospel. The Holy Spirit. As Jesus hung dying on that cross, He gave up His Spirit, and that Spirit manifested in the appearance of flames and fire that came with such a loud sound that all of Jerusalem on the outside of that upper room , heard the sound. and came running to see what had happened and found those folks in the book of Acts, speaking in their own languages.

Think about that. The Holy Spirit came through the portals of heaven and boom.... crashed to the earth for the first time and was imparted to those who would call upon His name. Not just a few here or a few there for this moment or that moment to complete a task as God directed in the times past... but here now... empowering man kind to fulfill their mission, just as God had fulfilled His..


Q1. (Ephesians 4:1) According to verse 1, what is the standard of our behavior? What is the "calling" to which God has called us?

To walk worthy of the calling with which you were called.


Q1. (Ephesians 4:1) According to verse 1, what is the standard of our behavior? What is the "calling" to which God has called us?

The standard of our behavior is the calling which we have received from God.



The standard of our behavior is Jesus Christ. We are called to be disciples of Jesus, to walk the way He walked.


Q1. (Ephesians 4:1) According to verse 1, what is the standard of our behavior? What is the "calling" to which God has called us?

"As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received." (4:1)

We are to live our lives in christian peace and harmoney with all people . Allowing others to see Jesus at work in our lives bring the fruits of the Spirit to completion in our lives that other may learn of Him and that we may grow to be more like Him everyday. As we grow then we become more willing to be a tool for God to further spread His Word the Gospel, the Good News of His Son to other and how He has done a work in us.


The Lird call each of us once our lives are converted through salvation to be witness for him he gives us his spirit to direct us and give us the boldness to do so.

He also gives special gifts of callings to individuals willing to accept and do what he has called them to do. No matter what we choose to do for the Lord the real anointing is in the calling he has prepared us to do.

It may be singing, preaching, teaching, withnessing or a might prayer warrior but he eqiups us for what he has called us to do.

We can do nothing in or on our own to make us worthy of the calling it is through the blood of Jesus that makes us more like him as we die daily to our will to take on His will. As the dying process of self happens as we communicate with Him then he is exalted and the calling takes on the power of God.


Q1. (Ephesians 4:1) According to verse 1, what is the standard of our behavior? What is the "calling" to which God has called us?

God Almighty, Creator of the universe, including me, has called me to walk in a way that is worthy of Him. Everything I do is a reflection upon HIm...how do I want to represent Him? How do I want others to see Him?

I must walk in a way that is pleasing to Him first...then in a way that will reflect His goodness, His forgiveness, His love, His wisdom, His mercy and His kindness...just to name a few!


Q1. (Ephesians 4:1) According to verse 1, what is the standard of our behavior? What is the "calling" to which God has called us?

The standard of our behavior is to be Christ-Like in all we are and in all we do. We are the example, our lives should be a reflection of Jesus where his light shines through us.

God has called us to be believers, disciples, followers of Christ. We must study his teachings, follow in his footsteps, live a true life of a Christian believer. Living in unity with our Christian brothers and sisters. To Love one another as he loves us and Live a Christ-Like Life.


The standard for our behavior is to be at our very best and live a life worthy of the calling which we have received;we should be humble,gentle,patient,understanding,and peaceful,having the characteristics of Jesus.Our calling is, that we are called by Jesus to follow Him.


'walk worthy of our vocation' is a step by step walk in a direction that corresponds with the call to know the grace of God in Christ, to be children of God, and to serve Him as His dedicated ones and messengers of the Gospel. It involves the obligation to live in a manner that is in accordance with the Name of him whose we are and whom we serve.


Q1. (Ephesians 4:1) According to verse 1, what is the standard of our behavior? What is the "calling" to which God has called us?

We are to live a life worthy of the calling we have recieved


The standard of our behavior is that it be worthy of our calling. Our calling is to constantly grow in the Lord, becoming more and more Christlike. Our behavior should always be that which moves us toward that goal.


Since we are prisoner of the Lord we are not at liberty to do as we please, even though we have freedon in Christ. We are to live a life that honor and glorify God. If we are who we say we are (christian-Christ like) then we should be like Him. Saints are to let their light shine before men so that we may glorify the Father in heaven. This is our calling. We just can't talk a good talk, we have to walk the walk also. Let us do all we can to do our best and let our best honor God.

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