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Q3. (Ephesians 4:3) How much energy must we expend on Christian unity? What is "the bond of peace"? How do we strike at peace when we are intent on argument and dissension?

When it comes to maintaining Christian unity, we are to work at it diligently, giving everything within our power. The "bond of peace" is the glue that keeps Christian unity. The Holy Spirit in us, keeping us together united, in love and living peaceable. We strike at peace when we ignore the direction of the Holy Spirit pointing us toward a peaceful resolution.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Tabatha


Q3. (Ephesians 4:3) How much energy must we expend on Christian unity? What is "the bond of peace"? How do we strike at peace when we are intent on argument and dissension?

To build unity is one of the Holy Spirit's important roles. He leads, but we have to be submitted and willing to be led and to do our part to keep the peace. We can do that by focusing on God, not on ourselves.The Spirit is the power of our new lives. He begins a liflong process of change as we become more like Christ When we received Christ by faith, we begin an immediate personal relationship with God. The Holy Spirit works in us to help us become like Christ. When we are focusing on Our relationship with Christ and wanting more of Him there is an energizing of the Holy Spirit flowing through us to overcome the flesh, so we do become more Christ Like with the Fruit of the Spirit being activatied in us and through us.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q3. (Ephesians 4:3) How much energy must we expend on Christian unity? What is "the bond of peace"? How do we strike at peace when we are intent on argument and dissension?

We must spend almost all of our energy on Christian unity. We have to make every effort to keep the unity which means it take some action or endeavor. Peace is what keeps what keeps the body of Christ together not discord. We strike at peace when we try to prove that we are right by silly arguments and arguments festers and breeds contentions and all other ungodly attributes. Peace brings reconciliation.


Q3. (Ephesians 4:3) How much energy must we expend on Christian unity? What is "the bond of peace"? How do we strike at peace when we are intent on argument and dissension?

Christian unity? How can there be church unity when many people are only there to see what they can get for themselves. True Christians do not have problems with unity, read Acts. Ture Christians look at Jesus not at each other. If you are look to Jesus you do not see the faults of others. Strive for holyness and unity will be no problem.

Jonathan Edwards was quoted as saying that during the great revival 75% of the people in his church were going to go to hell.

We are not called to have unity with nonchristians


We must be on the lookout always for ways we might be causing disunity in the body and be aware of those times when the choice is ours to make the decision to strengthen our unity. This is not a one-time happening.

The bond of peace is what binds/glues Christians together. Only together can we as a church serve God.

Those intent on arguments or dissensions are purposely causing disunity. There is a time & a way to deal with real problems that have to do with the foundations of our faith, generally however, our differences are not that important, so we need to seek to keep the unity by accepting the other with their quirks as they love & accept us with ours!


Q3. (Ephesians 4:3) How much energy must we expend on Christian unity? What is "the bond of peace"? How do we strike at peace when we are intent on argument and dissension?

We must be totally devoted to getting alone with all the christian brothers and sisters as we strive to become more llike Christ. His embodiement of the Holy Spirit will give us the strength to prevale if we faint not. Paul said get along with all men but the church most of all.

The b ond of peace I think is the endwelling of the Holy Spirit. Christ said He would send a comforter,

who would teach us all things. I believe that the Spirit give us the power to get along with others, even when we don't get along with some one the Spirit is there to convict us of our short comings.

We break down all we built up when we fail to get along with others especially those of like faith. We tear down and make void our ministry and show weakness of the flesh when we do thing unbecoming a true believer. We must strive to show love for others at all time putting to death the fleshly desires of the fleash and living for Christ in peace and love for all men.


I think Paul views the unity here as the gift of God, it was made possible by the cross of Christ, [Eph 2:14ff] and is made effective by the working of the Spirit of God. It cannot be created by man; it is given to him, but his responsibility is to keep it, to guard it in the face of many attempts from within and without the Church to take it away. I think the RV translation 'giving diligence' or even the NEB 'spare no effort' are stronger renderings for how we should take and protect unity in our fellowships.

I think the 'bond of peace' is if that people can live in the peace that Christ has brought them, then unity will be kept indeed.

We strike at peace when one becomes prideful and will not take any form of criticism and will not come together with others in prayer for guidance.


I don't think it's so much about spending energy on unity. If we remain very close to Jesus we will have unity with all the others of whateer denomination who also remain close to Jesus. The only thing we can do about disunity is to draw closer to Jesus for correction in the spirit. Unity is about He in us and we in Him. He left His peace with us and that is the arbiter of all that we do. We owill either have peace in our spirit or we will be agitatedin the spirit. If there is agitation then we need to lok to Jesus for direction, correction, whatever is needed. We cannot be in unity with Him without loving our brother as we do ourselves, so this is a given. Yet if a brother trespass, we are encouraged to correct - making absolutely certain that this is done according to scriptural manners, in order to bring him back). This also enhances unity. Unity can only be had in the spirit. It is not something we can engineer by human effort. It is most important seeing that it was the subjectof Jesus prayers immediately before they took Him off for crucifixion.

The bond of peace: "My peace I leave with you" said Jesus to His disciples.If we are right with God in all respects we will be at peace with Him. If we are in some respect out of order, or have not attended to something He wants of us, we will experience lack of peace - probably as a gut feeling we have not yet learned to understand. This is a sensitivity we need to develop and be very aware of. It comes of loving God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength, because then we hate to be out of sync with Him - it disturbs us too much. Everything with God is a function of passionate love. If we love someone we know when things are not right between us. So it is with God. And we must put it right immediately It is so much joy to be moved by God in His ways. Not to be moveable is hardness of heart and no joy.

To be intent on argument and dissension is out of order. Argument as such is a dead loss. If we are in disagreement with someone we must put our point, strongly prayerfully and gently and pray that the truth will come out, as it is the truth that sets us free. We must be set on discovering truth, even to our cost (but it's never to our cost really). Truth is more important than our own agenda and we must always be willing to give up our own agenda in its favour, but at the same time to stand firmly on it. We are not to be people-pleasers and bend if that does not serve truth, but neither are we to become heated and urgent to "win". We need constantly to pray for those with whom we differ, examining ourselves and asking God to bring truth. If we have no agenda but to love Jesus, we will be at peace with truth and will love it We will also know how best to love the person with whom we differ.


As we walk this walk each day we need to accept that we cannot do it alone. Each of us is one part of the whole and without one anothers love and care we cannot succeed. Everything that we do must include the thought of how that which we are engaged in effects the rest of the body. To do this, self must cease, pride must become humility and we must all agree to look to Christ for all things. Christ is the bond that brings peace by His Holy Spirit. Humility will kill arguing and dissension. It takes a person of God to know when to hold their tongue rather than debate right or wrong. In God's time the truth is always revealed.


Q3. (Ephesians 4:3) How much energy must we expend on Christian unity? What is "the bond of peace"? How do we strike at peace when we are intent on argument and dissension?

We should spend our energy on christian unity, we should all try to get along and live and work together toward the the goal. When we are arguing we strike at peace and we become engulfed in our own agenda, rather than what God would want us to be focusing on.


To build unity is one the Holy Spirit important roles . He leades , but we must be willing to be led and to do our part to keep the peace. We do that focusing on God , not on ourselves.

Christians should live in Peace . To live in peace does not mean that suddenly all differences of opinion are eliminated but it does reguire that Loving Christians work together , despite their differences . Such Love is not a feeling but a decision to meet other's need.


It is necessary to expend all the energy necessary to have christian unity. Can you imagine no peace or unity in the body of Christ? We MUST do all we can on a personal level to keep unity. If each person would be responsible for keeping unity then I know God would be pleased. This is not an impossible situation. The bond of peace is what keep, perserve and hold us together. WE can't even entertain argument and dissension. A little leaven can spoil the whole loaf. We can make a committement to keep the unity of the spirit and it has to be done in love.


Q3. (Ephesians 4:3) How much energy must we expend on Christian unity? What is "the bond of peace"? How do we strike at peace when we are intent on argument and dissension?

We must make every effort to actively protect the unity of the Spirit. The bond of peace is the glue that bonds us together in unity. This bond humbles us and makes us gentle as Christ is.We can have peace in this unity if we are faithful in the truth studying the teachings and passing them on. We must also perserve the peace by demonstrating our love in this unity.

Christian unity must be our goal. We have all been given different gifts. Putting our gifts together gives us unity or completeness. In the same respect, different denominations focus on different aspects of our faith. Each denomination has been blessed with different gifts, perhaps greater truth in some aspects. When all denominations join together with one common faith (our salvation history, the gift of Jesus who died for us on the cross in order to have our sins forgiven so we may enjoy everlasting hbappiness in Heaven, then we are at one, unified, complete. No more should any denomination claim that - we are the one- for it is only one piece of God's church. All of us together brings about unity in God's Church - we complete one another.


We must endeavor each and everyday. Bond of peace is unity and love. When we argue and cause dissension we are not being peaceable and therefore not unified.


We MUST make every effort to preserve the Christian unity. No amount of energy is too much for this very important command because it is unity that holds the body of believers together. Thus unity is the bond of peace biding and holding believers together.

We are working against peace when we engage in unloving arguments and dissensions as these acts break the unity that we are supposed to guard as soldiers keeiping watch.


Jesus said i did not come to bring peace but a sword, and what he preached was the Gospel. The apostle paul did not preach peace but the Gospel.

The unity is in the faith not the church.

God dosen't save churches he saves people.

The preaching of the Gospel is an offence to those who are perishing and heading for hell.

sorry i don't show the references.

Here's a brain teaser for you: Jesus death on the cross, Was it positive or negative?


Every effort implies using as much energy as possible to maintain Christian unity. I think that if we spend our efforts being Christlike in all ways, then the dual purpose of unity will be achieved. The bond of peace is that we are bound in Christ through the Holy Spirit to live in peace. This is totally impossible if we are intent on argument and dissension.


Webster says that if we endeavor, we EXERT to do or effect something; STRIVE to attempt;STRENEOUS EFFORT and LABOR........................If I look at the cross and even begin to see the endeavor Christ made to make peace between us and God, then I can see more clearly where I need to grow.


:P Hi From BJB. It is so good to be back on the forum. I have really missed the Bible Study.

Regarding Unity in the Church. There must be unity between the Brothers and Sisters/Pastor's, etc. in the church. All must come to unity and agree. Without Unity, the church will not function properly. There must be peace between each one in church. THis should be not only during church services, but business meetings etc.

:P Hi From BJB. It is so good to be back on the forum. I have really missed the Bible Study.

Regarding Unity in the Church. There must be unity between the Brothers and Sisters/Pastor's, etc. in the church. All must come to unity and agree. Without Unity, the church will not function properly. There must be peace between each one in church. THis should be not only during church services, but business meetings etc.


it isn't unity that sets people free,,, what is it that sets people free???

Jude 3 "defend the unity once for all delivered to the saints" DOES THAT MAKE SENSE??? NO.

Lets put the horse before the cart and not the other way around.

like i said before,,, Jesus said "i did not come to bring peace but a sword."


Q3. (Ephesians 4:3) How much energy must we expend on Christian unity? What is "the bond of peace"? How do we strike at peace when we are intent on argument and dissension?

How much energy must we expend on Christian unity?

We must give it all we got. It is far better to be in unity with Christ and with each other than to go against each other. Nothing works if we are not together on it. :rolleyes:

What is "the bond of peace"?

The bond holds us together. Without the bond of peace there would be no peace. :unsure:

How do we strike at peace when we are intent on argument and dissension?

We have to see that arguing is getting us no where. We have to let go of the arguing or we will never have peace. :rolleyes:


Q3. (Ephesians 4:3) How much energy must we expend on Christian unity? What is "the bond of peace"? How do we strike at peace when we are intent on argument and dissension?

We Christians (Christ man) are to live totally in peace, through the bond of love which is from Christ Jesus in us. Colossians 3:14, says above all things... put on love. Despite our differences, we are to bond together in love. Love is a decision to meet each others needs. We can use the rule of peace to make a decision and to do so... in love.

We are to keep in tune with each other by being caring and listening folks. Caring for one another's spiritual, mental, physical and emotional needs. We are to be praying for one another and exhorting each other daily, as said in The Word.

We are to instruct and direct each other using the Word of God. Our words , our actions and our deeds be done in the name of Jesus so that we glorify God in all things.

Is this actually easy to do? Yes it is. When we stay in the Word of God, and daily take up our cross and follow Him, He leads us into ever lasting peace. And regardless of what else we do, we are to put on, the garment of love. It's our basic, all-purpose garment. We should never be without it.

All that we have with in us should be spent on the bond of love for it is with Christ Jesus that we walk in love and by His Spirit, we will be united in love. The bond of peace is the Spirit which flows through those who are filled with His Spirit. Those who walk daily in communion with the heavenly and adoring Father. We would not be in dissension if we follow what is written in the scriptures and there would be no need for argument because we had walked daily in His Word. We are bound by the Spirit of love. We are bound by the Spirit of peace. We are one in accord, all seeing and understanding what the spirit is saying to the Church of God. His body is baptized in One Spirit, by One Faith in One Lord.

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