Pastor Ralph Posted September 4, 2006 Report Posted September 4, 2006 Q37. (Ephesians 4:7-10) Who gives spiritual gifts? Can our "natural" talents be related to our "spiritual" gifts? How? What is the difference between a natural God-given talent and a spiritual gift? Quote
Commissioned Posted December 11, 2006 Report Posted December 11, 2006 Q4. (Ephesians 4:7-10) Who gives spiritual gifts? Can our "natural" talents be related to our "spiritual" gifts? How? What is the difference between a natural God-given talent and a spiritual gift? Spiritual gifts are given by Jesus Christ. Our "natural" talents are related to our "spiritual" talents as they are both given by God. There is no difference between our "natural" talents and our "spiritual" talents. God has created us the way we are, giving us talents, gifts and His Spirit. We use that which God has given to us, to be used for His Glory, and expend them sometimes in a manner that dishonors Him. Quote
Guest Tabatha Posted December 23, 2006 Report Posted December 23, 2006 Q4. (Ephesians 4:7-10) Who gives spiritual gifts? Can our "natural" talents be related to our "spiritual" gifts? How? What is the difference between a natural God-given talent and a spiritual gift? ( James 1:17 ) Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights. with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. There are three catagories in the gifts. # 1 MOTIVATIONAL GIFTS ( Natural Talents ) which come from God. ( Romans 12:3-8 ) describes gifts given by God as Father. They characterize basic " motivations ", that is , inherent tendencies that characterize each different person by reason of the Creator's unique workmanship in their intial gifting. These are the talents we have like singing, playing a piano, cooking good food, teaching, and many more. # 2 THE NINE GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. ( Spiritual Gifts ) Which come from the Holy Spirit. ( 1Corinthians 12:7-11 ) Their purpose is specific---to " profit " the body of the church. " to bring together, to benefit, , to be advantageous, " These nine gifts are specifically available to every believer as the Holy Spirit distributes them. ( 1 Cor. 12:11 ) They are not to be merely acknowledged in a passive way, but rather are to be actively welcomed and expected ( 1 Cor.13:1; 14:1 )To edify, encourage, and lift up # 3 THE FIVE FOLD MINISTRY. ( Govermental gift of the church ) Which comes from the Son of God. ( Ephesians 4:7-16 ) These office gifts Christ has placed in the church along with their purpose. The ministry of these leaders is to " equip " the body by assisting each person to receive the power of the Holy Spirit and begin to respond to His gifts for the edifying and maturing the church to grow into Christ the head. In this light , we examine these clearly designated categories of gifitings: The Father's ( Romans 12: 6-8) The Son's ( Eph. 4:11 ) and the Holy Spirit's ( 1 Cor. 12: 8- 10 ). These Gifts are from the Godhead It prevents us from confusing our foundational motivation in life and service for God with our purposeful quest for and openness to His Holy Spirit's full resources and power for service and ministry. Quote
RonS Posted January 13, 2007 Report Posted January 13, 2007 Q4. (Ephesians 4:7-10) Who gives spiritual gifts? Can our "natural" talents be related to our "spiritual" gifts? How? What is the difference between a natural God-given talent and a spiritual gift? We were created by God. He designed us do be the way he wanted us, to do a job for him. Ever person was designed that way. To do that job for God we must first except him as our Lord and savior. Then the Holy Spirit come to live in our heart. If we don't except Jesus as our Lord we then us our natural talent for worldy things. After excepting Jesus we then need to spend time with the Father. We then must spend time with God. "Prayer" Read about the great men of God you will see that they all had committed prayer lives. When we spend time with the Lord he will show us what we were created to do for him. Then the Holy Spirit will give us spiritual gifts to do the work he created us to do. Quote
charisbarak Posted January 15, 2007 Report Posted January 15, 2007 God gives out the spiritual gifts. Our "natural" talents can be related to our spiritual gifts as God created us as we are & also has given us the spiritual gift/gifts to serve Him and others. A God-given talent is how God created us as individuals to excel in a certain area. A spiritual gift/gifts are given to us as the body of Christ to meet needs in the church & to serve each other & help get His Word out to the nations! Quote
Patricia A. Conti Posted January 17, 2007 Report Posted January 17, 2007 God gives us spiritual gifts through His Holy Spirit. Natural ability (or talent) is also a gift from God. Spiritual gifts are meant to build up the church and one another. Natural abilities can aid us in using our spiritual gifts. I have natural music ability. I can sing and play many instruments well. I believe the Lord has filled me with the gift of joy. When I sing and praise God I am especially joyful. As you can see, my music ability enables me to share the gift of joy with all those at church when I sing. It is contagious, because if I sing with the real joy that I feel, others become joyful too. Quote
cct1106 Posted January 17, 2007 Report Posted January 17, 2007 Spiritual gifts are measured out by Jesus Christ. Natural talents and spiritual gifts are different. Natural God given talent is like someone has the natural ability to play and instrument, sing, etc. A spiritual gift is blessing received from being obedient. Our spiritual gift (reward) is everlasting life without sickness, hunger, violence, wars, proverty, etc. Quote
JustJeff Posted January 17, 2007 Report Posted January 17, 2007 James 1:17 states that every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights,... To me this indicates that whether it is a talent to do a special thing or heal the sick it is from God. When you work for the Lord you will see that your talent for your profession will be greatly enhanced by your spiritual gifts as well. For example, you may be a health care professional with the gift of intercessory prayer. While caring for your patients as you are talented to do, you can be making intercessory prayer for their healing. I find that talents and spiritual gifts work dynamically together, not in opposition. To that end, both come from God for His glory so while one is natural (talents) and the other supernatural (spiritual) that would be the only difference. Quote
masika Posted January 17, 2007 Report Posted January 17, 2007 Spiritual Gifts are given by the Holy Spirit. All of us have natural God Given-talents or Special skills, it can only be a Spiritual Gift if one will allow or will be wilLing GOD'S HOLY SPIRIT to guide YOU on how to use it for the GLORY of GOD. ALL SPIRRITUAL GIFTS ARE TO BUILD THE BODY OF BELIEVERS . Quote
kiqstart Posted January 17, 2007 Report Posted January 17, 2007 Q4. (Ephesians 4:7-10) Who gives spiritual gifts? Can our "natural" talents be related to our "spiritual" gifts? How? What is the difference between a natural God-given talent and a spiritual gift? Our spiritual gifts are given by God. Yes I believe our gifts are related because they both are God given talents Quote
Helenmm Posted January 18, 2007 Report Posted January 18, 2007 Q4. (Ephesians 4:7-10) Who gives spiritual gifts? Can our "natural" talents be related to our "spiritual" gifts? How? What is the difference between a natural God-given talent and a spiritual gift? When God created me He created me wonderfully, with gifts and talents to celebrate His glory. Wneh Adam fell he died. He lost the Spirit of God that had been breathed into Him by God, and was restored at Pentecost by Jesus. To me, natural gifts represent the functioning of the human without the Spirit of God to enliven the man. The Spiritual gifts represent the functioning of the man with the Holy Spirit of God restored to him, enlivening him. It is like a light bulb. It's all there potentially but not in evidence until someone turns the light on, and then the whole potential is revealed. Yet, before the light was turned on you could see the potential beauty of the bulb,especially if it was made of coloured glass, or had pictures drawn in it. So we can recognise the innate beauty of the unsaved man, but only in salvation will his full power in the Spirit be revealed. No two will be the same I think spiritual gifts are the natural gifts livened by the Spirit of the living God, and have unlimited dimensions . Quote
haar Posted January 18, 2007 Report Posted January 18, 2007 Spiritual gifts are given by the Lord Jesus Christ for the edification of the Church. I think a talent can be related to our spiritual gift. I am not sure how this can be related. However, I believe God who created us with some natural abilities can give us spiritual gifts that compliment the talents so that we can function better in our service to him and to one another. The difference between talent and spiritual gift: I think talents relate to thoes special abilites and skills given to us by God at birth. The spiritual gifts howevr, are given to Christians only, by God through the Holy Spirit when one receives the Lord Jesus Christ as his saviour. Quote
Triciahh Posted January 18, 2007 Report Posted January 18, 2007 Jesus gives us our spiritual gifts as well as our natural talents. Our natural talents and personality are part of the equipment He gives us to be able to use those gifts. Everyone has natural talents at birth but spiritual gifts are only for the born again. Quote
Lisa Rupert Posted January 18, 2007 Report Posted January 18, 2007 Q4. (Ephesians 4:7-10) Who gives spiritual gifts? Can our "natural" talents be related to our "spiritual" gifts? How? What is the difference between a natural God-given talent and a spiritual gift? The Lord gives us spiritual gifts. Our natural talents and spiritual gift are both related because they both come from God. I believe there is no difference between a natural God-given talent and a spiritual talent because they both come from God and All gifts from God are good. Quote
Helen Williams Posted January 19, 2007 Report Posted January 19, 2007 God give spiritual gifts. It is He that has wonderful made us. We are all unique in our special way. This is what make us so beautiful, variety! Spiritual/talents are a part of us all. God has instilled spiritual/talent in us and it is all working together for the good of the body. Quote
Stan Posted January 19, 2007 Report Posted January 19, 2007 Q4. (Ephesians 4:7-10) Who gives spiritual gifts? Can our "natural" talents be related to our "spiritual" gifts? How? What is the difference between a natural God-given talent and a spiritual gift? James says that all good gifts come down from the Father of Heavenly Lights, I believe that all my blessings come from the Father and all my Gifts, the things I do every day at work or around the house are God given abilities that I use to further my relationship with the Father. We are instructed by Paul to do all things as unto the Lord.When we work we are to work as though we are working for the Lord because that is what we are doing. I some time fall short here taking to many breaks and not working as hard as I should but I know that those are my sins and I must confess them. I pray for strength daily for this weakness and with the Lords help maybe some day I'll make it. I think that talents and Spiritual Gifts are pretty much the same we use them both to praise God and bring Him Glory which is our purpose. Being a church leader is a Spiritual Gift but only for those who are given the gift any who just try for the sake of trying are not doing their best to show God glory because they are failing to do what every God purposed for them to do. We should all try and find the place that God wants us to be and do our best to serve Him using that gift or spiritual blessing. Quote
Eudora Posted January 20, 2007 Report Posted January 20, 2007 Q4. (Ephesians 4:7-10) Who gives spiritual gifts? Can our "natural" talents be related to our "spiritual" gifts? How? What is the difference between a natural God-given talent and a spiritual gift? God Quote
Minchar Posted January 20, 2007 Report Posted January 20, 2007 Q4. (Ephesians 4:7-10) Who gives spiritual gifts? Can our "natural" talents be related to our "spiritual" gifts? How? What is the difference between a natural God-given talent and a spiritual gift? The bible says that every good and perfect gifts come from God. Yes, our natural talents are related to our spiritual gifts. I believe taht our natural talents or natural abilities is something that we are born with or something that can be developed through the years (with or without spiritual growth). Alot of times, people don't use there natural ability to glorify God. They use it for self glorification. The difference between our natural talents and "spiritual gifts is that spiritual gifts are given for the edifiying of the body of Christ as stated in Ephesians 4:12 "For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ". Our natural abilities sometimes do not edify the body of Christ. Our natural abilities are done on our strength. Spiritual gifts are empowered by the Holy Spirit. Quote
warrior Posted January 20, 2007 Report Posted January 20, 2007 Ephesians 4:7-10) Who gives spiritual gifts? Can our "natural" talents be related to our "spiritual" gifts? How? What is the difference between a natural God-given talent and a spiritual gift? Christ gives spiritual gifts, they are His gifts not ours and He gives them not based on how we qualify as He qualifies all whom he gives to but on availability. Are we available to Him to be empowered with gifts that will be used for His kingdom, His glory and not try to exalt ourselves. There is no difference in the giver whether it be "natural" talents or "spiritual gifts" Christ gives them all. Our so called natural gifts are given for pleasure of worshipping God in different ways. The spiritual gifts are for drawing people into the kindgom and making them stronger. Quote
Ken7 Posted January 20, 2007 Report Posted January 20, 2007 We are given our Spiritual gifts at the moment we accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We are given our natural gifts at birth from our Creator. The blessing is when they join forces for God!! Quote
June Posted January 21, 2007 Report Posted January 21, 2007 Christ gives the gifts to prepare God's Holy People for the work of serving and to strengthen the body of Christ. Natural talents are given to us at birth. Spiritual gifts are given instantaneously by the Holy Spirit enabled by God. Natural talents need to be perfected while spiritual gifts are enabled by God. Quote
June Posted January 21, 2007 Report Posted January 21, 2007 Christ gives the gifts to prepare God's hol;y people for the work of serving and to strengthen the body of Christ. Natural talents are given to us at birth. Spiritual gifts are given instantaneously by the Holy Spirit enabled by God. Natural talents need to be perfected while spiritual gifts are enabled by God. Quote
sahala p.s. Posted January 21, 2007 Report Posted January 21, 2007 Q4. (Ephesians 4:7-10) Who gives spiritual gifts? Can our "natural" talents be related to our "spiritual" gifts? How? What is the difference between a natural God-given talent and a spiritual gift? God gives us spiritual gifts. Our Quote
Candygoo58 Posted January 21, 2007 Report Posted January 21, 2007 Q4. (Ephesians 4:7-10) Who gives spiritual gifts? Can our "natural" talents be related to our "spiritual" gifts? How? What is the difference between a natural God-given talent and a spiritual gift? Who gives spiritual gifts? They can only come from our heavenly Father in heaven. What is the difference between a natural God-given talent and a spiritual gift? Natural talent can usually be seen where spiritual gifts if something we can see but know is there. Quote
Linda Stanley Posted January 23, 2007 Report Posted January 23, 2007 When Christ ascended to heaven,He gave gifts to the church."We are the Church".Yes,I believe our natural talents can be related to our spiritual gifts.(example)Some people have the gift of a beautiful voice ,which is a natural talent,they use that voice being a Worship Leader,singing praises to our Heavenly Father,leading others in praises to God.Spiritual gifts are no diffrent.It is God who has put us together the way we are.There is a whole world of gifts.Our life is a given gift from God.He created us all different, giving all of us gifts.This is what makes the world go round.As believers,we must find our gift,ask God to show you the abilities you have.This is how we build His Church,"with the gifts God has given us. The Church is full of gifts and talents,given to us to use for the glory of God, to glorify His Holy name and build His Church. Quote
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