Pastor Ralph Posted September 4, 2006 Report Posted September 4, 2006 Q41. (Ephesians 4:12) What's wrong with the old model of the minister or pastor being the main worker in the Church? How does it hinder people in the congregation? How does it hurt the community? What is the purpose of pastors and teachers? Quote
Commissioned Posted December 24, 2006 Report Posted December 24, 2006 What's wrong with the old model of the minister or pastor being the main worker in the Church? The old model of the minister or pastor being the main worker in the church is not the plan of God. This model obstructs the work of the Holy Spirit in the church. How does it hinder people in the congregation? How does it hurt the community? Part of the work of the pastor, as the Apostle Paul tells us, is to equip and prepare God's people for works of service. When the people are not being equipped and prepared for works of service then the whole body suffers and the work of the Spirit is hindered among the congregation. There will be no edifying of the body by "word of knowledge", "word of wisdom,' "gift of healing," etc. When these gifts are not flowing in the local church the congregation and the community suffers for lack of the full working of the Spirit among them. What is the purpose of pastors and teachers? Pastors and teachers prepare God's people for work of service, so that the congregation that they serve may mature in spiritual things and go about performing in the gifts that the Holy Spirit has given them for the body of Christ. Quote
Guest Tabatha Posted December 26, 2006 Report Posted December 26, 2006 Pastor Ralph said: Q4. (Ephesians 4:12) What's wrong with the old model of the minister or pastor being the main worker in the Church? How does it hinder people in the congregation? How does it hurt the community? What is the purpose of pastors and teachers? The old model of the minister or Pastor of the church being the main worker in the church consists of insecurity in letting budding ministers have the chance to preach or teach from the pulpet. Some are busy building their own kingdom Others have a religious spirit that stops the flow of the Holy Spirit. It hinders the ones in the congregation with many gifts that are being stifled. It also hurts the community because the ones in the congregation aren't being trained to go out to minister to the lost The purpose of the Pastor and teachers are to train, teach, disciple the new converts They weren't meant to do all the work. If this was the purpose the church body would never grow individually or corporately. Ephesians 4:7) But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Chrisr's gift. ( verse 11 ) And He Himself gave some to be Apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers . These are the gift given by Christ, Distinguishing among the gifts of ( Romans 12: 6-8 ) from the Father ) the gifts if ( 1 Cor. 12: 8-10 ) ( from the Holy Spirit ) and those here, which explicitly given by Christ the Son ( v. 8 ) is pivotal in comprehending the whole scope of making fit, preparing, training, perfecting, making fully qualified for service. in classical language the word is used for setting a bone during surgery, The Great Physician is now making all the necessary adjustments so the church will not be " out of joint."the work of the ministry is the enterprise of each member of the body of Christ and not the exclusive charge of select leaders Taken together ( vv 11,12 ) reveal that the task of the gifted leader is to cultivate the individual and corporate ministeries of those he or she leads. ( 4: 13-16 ) a progress in maturity ( v 13 ) stability ( 14 ) and intergrity ( v15 ) taking place in every individual member's experience, results in the whole body's growth and internal strengthening. Quote
cct1106 Posted January 17, 2007 Report Posted January 17, 2007 All focus and praise in on the minister and not God. Hinder people from getting spiritually fed. Divides the community. Even makes and bring reproach on Our Creator and His Son. Pastors: are suppose to lead his flock by true Bible teachings and not his own opinion or thoughts or interpretations. Teachers: Are to teach accurate knowledge from the scriptures and not their own ideas, opinions, and thoughts. Quote
Ken7 Posted January 20, 2007 Report Posted January 20, 2007 This model is part of what holds back God's Church in America. Pastors and church leaders have a responsibility to encourage teachers and evangelists in the church. This means identifying and developing the candidates. We must change the attitude of 'it's the pastors job'. Quote
PCHRIS Posted January 23, 2007 Report Posted January 23, 2007 This method can stifle up and coming people with these gifts but on the other hand its trying to break peoples mindsets 'that its always the pastors job' is draining. As it is pointed out it is the pastors job to equip, disciple and train people to use their God given gifts in the church. Quote
Pat Beckner Posted January 24, 2007 Report Posted January 24, 2007 What is wrong with the minister or pastor being modeled as the main worker in the body of Christ? For one thing it gives them too much power. It weakens the body and makes them lazy and therefore the community is not recieving what it needs from the church. When we come together in church, it should be to worship God and then to be taught and then to be equipped to go into the world to spread the gospel. God never intended for one man to do all that...that is why we are many members. If only the brain is working but none of the members...what can be done..the brain can think to do something but if the feet can't go there, if the mouth can't speak,if the hand can't give...then what good is the brain? Quote
JustJeff Posted January 24, 2007 Report Posted January 24, 2007 With the pastor as the main worker in a congregation it simply is not possible for that one individual to handle all of the ministries functions, no matter ther size of the church. By taking on most roles the pastor restricts the abilities of individuals within the congregation to find their calling and grow into their ministry. This limits the outreach of the church as untrained Christians cannot be effective witnesses for the Lord nor are they able to work with people who would normally call upon the Lord in their time of need. They don't know how. Pastors and teachers should work to empower the congregation to grow into mature Christians, fulfilling the calling that the Lord has upon each of our lives. Quote
June Posted January 24, 2007 Report Posted January 24, 2007 If the pastor does all the work, he is hindering the growth of his flock. Others can not grow in their gifts. Pastors instruct, equip and lead us to serve God with our gifts that were bestowed on us by the Holy Spirit. He grows us spiritually. If the pastor does all the work of the ministry there is no outreach growth, only his immediate circle of people but not making disciples to reach the community with spiritual growth. Pastors and teachers are to proclaim God's word in order to build up the body of Christ. They will be godly instructors of sound doctrine, nourished on faith and disciplined in godliness. Quote
masika Posted January 24, 2007 Report Posted January 24, 2007 All believers are the same in the eye of the Lord. We are all given Special function to do in the house of God . A pastor can not manage alone since he/she can not have all the spirirtuasl Gifts to function in the Church When Jesus was on the Cross at Calvary , the Curtain in the Temple which was seperating the people from the Holy of Holies was torn into two. Believers are now free to talk to God , so long us they repent of their sins . The purpose of pastors and Teachers is to make people Disciples of God , and when they are mature , they are to train also others. Quote
mxapology Posted January 24, 2007 Report Posted January 24, 2007 that old model would be inncorrect according to cor. and eph. and how the design and application of how the church functions were to be carried out according to Apostles Paul and Peter and the other leaders that were commissioned by the Lord Himself and the Holy Spirit. That the members join together to make a whole body. What good is one eye or one ear or one foot or arms with no legs or legs with no arms. If a pastor is doing most of the work then that would be the problem,,, right. Look at a game who does most of the work the quarterback? coach? widereceiver? center? what about hockey the center? the goalie? the coach? the defence? don't they all play a position? I think its more important to realize the fact that we are in a war and not worry about what gifts and whose gifts and whose doing the work and whose not doing the work. We are running out of time folks and the mormons and jehovahs witnesses are beating us to the punch and now we have the muslims to deal with. I reccommend removing all the women from the church and that would hopefully eliminate all the bickering. Ya can't get the Christians off their butts to knock on doors ya can't,,, they won't move,,, what is it lazyness? fear? worry? some guy holding a sign at a football game,,, wow,,, and thats evangelism??? why doesn't he right it on a piece of wood and feed it to people with a slingshot? WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF TIME FOLKS Quote
Lisa Rupert Posted January 24, 2007 Report Posted January 24, 2007 Q4. (Ephesians 4:12) What's wrong with the old model of the minister or pastor being the main worker in the Church? How does it hinder people in the congregation? How does it hurt the community? What is the purpose of pastors and teachers? The church should work like the body does, each having a function. The brain can not act without the other parts of the body. Jesus wants the church to be a functioning body with all parts contributing. A team needs many types of players, each good at what they do, each contributing to the success of team, each teaching other members of the team so that the team is successful in it's endeavors. Without a team effort the church can not function the way Christ intends it to function. You open the door to jealousy, members feeling left out, feeling insecure, bored, not learning, bickering, fighting amongst members and not contributing to the body of the church. This type of church has members that just attend, the body of Christ won't mature into a complete body. God's message won't come across and the community will suffer. The purpose of the pastors and teachers are to equip, prepare and train our members so that they can participate in the growth of the church. Creating a mature body and learning to spread the love of Christ throughout our congregations and communities. Quote
BJB123 Posted January 24, 2007 Report Posted January 24, 2007 The old model of the Minister (Pastor) doing all the work hinders the Minister/Pastor from spending time with the Lord praying and studying the Bible realizing that the Pastor does have to fellowship and visit the flock but the main thing is the Pastor needs time with the Lord and seek His revelation so that he can share this with the flock in church. One man (Pastor or not) cannot do all the work. Someone has to lead others have work and follow Gods directions. The congregation needs to take an active part in the church and it's function, such as visitation and outreach, teaching and equipping others to serve the Lord. The Saints of the church can share with communities things that encourage and build the community into a Godly community. Pastors and teachers are to prepare and equip the Saints to do God's work and to God's glory. Quote
kiqstart Posted January 24, 2007 Report Posted January 24, 2007 Q4. (Ephesians 4:12) What's wrong with the old model of the minister or pastor being the main worker in the Church? How does it hinder people in the congregation? How does it hurt the community? What is the purpose of pastors and teachers? If he is the main worker in the church, not everything could be accomplished. Many hands make light work. We are all called to be disciples. We all have different gifts and different talent, also different trials we have been through that would allow us to reach other people. Quote
BJB123 Posted January 24, 2007 Report Posted January 24, 2007 This message is for MXAPOLOGY: You are very bitter with a bad attitude. Your recommendation to remove all the women from the church is not what God would do. God would not remove anyone from the church. Yes there is bickering, but it comes from men and women. There are some lazy christians and some who are busy doing God's work. Don't condemn everyone for what some do not do in the church. MXAPOLY, I will pray for you tonight. Be blessed my brother in Christ. Quote
Stan Posted January 27, 2007 Report Posted January 27, 2007 Q4. (Ephesians 4:12) What's wrong with the old model of the minister or pastor being the main worker in the Church? How does it hinder people in the congregation? How does it hurt the community? What is the purpose of pastors and teachers? It puts all the work of going forth on the pastor but Jesus said to the disciples go into all the world, no one person can accomphish that it is to great a work, there fore we must all be willing to do our part in spreading the Good News that Jesus is Lord. If we fail to do our part ther will be those in the community that never hear the word or know that we are all Gods children and they are love just as we are. We miss out on the blessing that Paul spoke of when He said blessed are the feet that come in the name of the Lord. Pastors and teachers are to prepare those who are being sent into the world to spread the Good News. They are to serve those in the church who are unable to go forth, those who are home bound but still living a faithful life to Christ. Quote
haar Posted January 27, 2007 Report Posted January 27, 2007 The Church, the body of Christ is meant to be built by the leaders who have the different gifts of the spirit (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers). Where a minister is the main worker in the church, that churh will be undernourshed. Consequently, individual gifts of the members of the congregation will not be identified. Thus, that Church will not grow into maturity. The purpose of a pastor is to tend, care, lead and guide the flock while the purpose of a teacher is to bring out the truth of the Word of God to the congregtion so as to build the the body of Christ. Quote
Eudora Posted January 28, 2007 Report Posted January 28, 2007 Q4. (Ephesians 4:12) WOW! This puts a whole new perspective on it when you combine these two verses. And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: This does make a division between the gifts that are imparted. The ministers and the teachers (co-shepherds under Christ Jesus) are supposed to be equipping the general body with the platter of food and the body is supposed to come to the table, eat and then go out and share their portion with those who didn Quote
charisbarak Posted February 1, 2007 Report Posted February 1, 2007 The old model of the Pastor doing all the work makes the old model of church more of a performance that people attend & then go back home. It hinders each member from growth, recognizing & using their spiritual gifts and the body becomes weak & numbers drop & the Lord's work is not done. It hurts the community because it is not ministered unto, nor witnessed to. The job of a pastor/teacher is to equip & prepare each member to be able to minister to the church as a whole & to make a difference in the community. Quote
Minchar Posted February 8, 2007 Report Posted February 8, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q4. (Ephesians 4:12) What's wrong with the old model of the minister or pastor being the main worker in the Church? How does it hinder people in the congregation? How does it hurt the community? What is the purpose of pastors and teachers? The problem is is that the minister or pastor will become burnt out. They need to focus on what they are called to do and not do everything. They would not be effective as ministers or Pastors if they are overwhelmed. The people in the congregation will be hindered because they will become lazy and dependent on the leaders to do everything. They will never grow up or mature if they are not trained in ministry. I am seeing this in my church where the leadership is doing everything. The people are not growing and the leaders are becoming overwhelmed and tired. The purpose of Pastors and Teachers are to train and equip the saints for the work of ministry. We need to equip and edify the saints so that they may be of service. Quote
sis. dee Posted February 11, 2007 Report Posted February 11, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q4. (Ephesians 4:12) What's wrong with the old model of the minister or pastor being the main worker in the Church? How does it hinder people in the congregation? How does it hurt the community? What is the purpose of pastors and teachers? The old model of the pastor of the Church is trying to do everything on his own and not using his members. This hinder the people in the congregation by not growing in the gifts that was given to them. This hurt the community because now the message of salvation is not being share to them, because the members in the church are not using their gifts. The purose of the pastors and teachers are to train and equip the saints for the work of ministry. Quote
sahala p.s. Posted March 8, 2007 Report Posted March 8, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q4. (Ephesians 4:12) What's wrong with the old model of the minister or pastor being the main worker in the Church? How does it hinder people in the congregation? How does it hurt the community? What is the purpose of pastors and teachers? The old model of the minister or pastor being the main worker in the Church is wrong in the way that the church is built up. The church is built up only by the leaders, pastors and teachers, through the worship they conduct and the sermons they give, without the roles of its members because they are laities, not clergies Thus, this model hinders people in the congregation to function in a variety of ministry according to the gifts of each member. Through this model, the community is hurt, because the members cannot bring strength and depth to the ministry of the Body as a whole, so that the maturity of the Body cannot be achieved. The purpose of pastors and teachers is to equip, prepare, and train the believers so they can learn to function in their own ministry. The leaders must motivate, train, and deploy the believers in a variety of ministry according to the gifts of each member, so the maturity of the Body can be achieved. Quote
Jewell Posted April 1, 2007 Report Posted April 1, 2007 The old model doesn't provide for support and assistance from members of the church which hinders them and the community in their growth, knowledge, and "belonging". Pastors and teachers are to teach, encourage, and prepare believers for their own mission or ministry. Quote
AngelOnLine Posted May 17, 2007 Report Posted May 17, 2007 Q4. (Ephesians 4:12) What's wrong with the old model of the minister or pastor being the main worker in the Church? When the Pastor is in charge of everything it gives him too much power and it becomes all about him and not about God. How does it hinder people in the congregation? The main focus would be on the Pastor and not on God. Others in the Church aren Quote
meandean Posted June 20, 2007 Report Posted June 20, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q4. (Ephesians 4:12) What's wrong with the old model of the minister or pastor being the main worker in the Church? How does it hinder people in the congregation? How does it hurt the community? What is the purpose of pastors and teachers? that would be like our road crews out here in california, one guy does all the work and ten guys around him watching him work. what good is that? just because you know what to do doesn't give you an excuse from not doing it. there is no "lord-over" ministry. we must function in unity or there really isn't any function at all. Quote
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