Pastor Ralph Posted September 4, 2006 Report Posted September 4, 2006 Q50. (Ephesians 5:22-24) Why should a wife submit to her husband? According to these verses, to what degree is a wife required to submit to a husband who is not a Christian or who is a carnal Christian? Does submission mean a wife doesn't verbally disagree? What if there's a conflict with the wife's conscience? Quote
Commissioned Posted January 22, 2007 Report Posted January 22, 2007 Q1. (Ephesians 5:22-24) Why should a wife submit to her husband? A wife should submit herself to her husband because she is instructed to do so as she would to the Lord. The husband's position to her is the same as Christ's to His Church. According to these verses, to what degree is a wife required to submit to a husband who is not a Christian or who is a carnal Christian? A wife is required to submit to her husband in everything. But to a husband who is a non-Christian or one who is carnal, her first responsibility is to her God. If her husband requires of her something that goes against her conscience or is blatantly immoral she should respectfully decline and state her reasons so as to be a good witness to the Word of God. Does submission mean a wife doesn't verbally disagree? No, submission does not mean that a wife should not verbally disagree with her husband. In instances where the wife has privileged knowledge on the issue the husband should defer to his wife for guidance in that instance. When a wife can use her knowledge to make her husband look good she should do so respectfully and the husband should accept it humbly so that both esteem the other. What if there's a conflict with the wife's conscience? If there's a conflict with the wife's conscience she should recognize this and prayerfully submit to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Quote
cct1106 Posted January 25, 2007 Report Posted January 25, 2007 Wives should be in subjection to their husbands. Regardless of the husband spiritually, husband is the head and the wife must recognize headship. Wives can verbally disagree but in a loving and mild manner. If there is a conscience conflict, pray about it, take a look at what needs to be addressed, ask yourself questions and then talk it over. Quote
Guest Tabatha Posted January 26, 2007 Report Posted January 26, 2007 Q1. (Ephesians 5:22-24) Why should a wife submit to her husband? According to these verses, to what degree is a wife required to submit to a husband who is not a Christian or who is a carnal Christian? Does submission mean a wife doesn't verbally disagree? What if there's a conflict with the wife's conscience? We read in ( Gen.2:24 ) For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. In context of this scripture it says they are "united " To me that means unity, they have become as one. I look at this as submitting to the husband would be Loving him, obeying him, surrendering to him, be in agreement with him, and respecting him as the head and authority of the marriage. Not dictatorship. If the husband is not a christian or a carnal christian and he is doing things that are against the word of God she should go to him and speak to him about those things in disagreement letting him know he is wrong in a loving way, but let him know she can not be a part of what ever it is that is out of order according to scripture. Never compromise her faith and beliefs to submit to the husband. This must not be in conflict with her conscience. I believe the wife can verbally disagree if the situation warrents it but done in a lovingly and Godly fashion. Should be done in private away from people so as not to put down or embarass him. Always try to encourange, lift up and be a helpmete to him as the word says to do. When the wife puts the husband down she also is putting her self down. All this can be vice versa. The husband can also follow these rules. Submitting to another person is an often misunderstood concept. It does not mean becoming a doormat. Christ-- at whose nmae "every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth" ( Philippians 2:10-- submitted His will to the Father , and we honor Christ by following His example. When we submit to God , we become more willing to obey His command to submit to others. In a marraige relatioship, both husband and wife are called to submitt. For the wife, this means willingly following her husband's leadership in Christ. For the husband, it means putting aside his own interests in order to care for his wife. Submission is rarely a problem in homes where both partners have a strong relationship with Christ and where each is concerned for the happiness of the other. Quote
BJB123 Posted February 5, 2007 Report Posted February 5, 2007 1)A wife should submit to the husband the same as Christ is the head of the church and we submit to Christ. 2)If the husband is not a christian or is carnal minded, then, the wife needs to try and explain to the husband in a kind and caring manner how submitting to his wishes on a certain situation could cause her to sin against God. The wife submits first to God in all situations. The wife can be a great tool in winning the husband to the Lord by living a Godly life and showing by her actions that the husband will no doubt come to know the Lord. The wife will need to to pray and ask God through the Holy Spirit for guidance and direction. 3)The wife can verbally agree to disagree with the husband. Most husbands lean on their wifes for knowledge and guidance and help with their marriage and family. 4)If a wife feels conflict with the husband and her conscience in knowing something is wrong, then she needs to pray and seek God's direction through the Holy Spirit. Quote
revmrf Posted February 6, 2007 Report Posted February 6, 2007 Q1. (Ephesians 5:22-24) Why should a wife submit to her husband? According to these verses, to what degree is a wife required to submit to a husband who is not a Christian or who is a carnal Christian? Does submission mean a wife doesn't verbally disagree? What if there's a conflict with the wife's conscience? Quote
BJB123 Posted February 10, 2007 Report Posted February 10, 2007 This is in response to revmrf. I whole heartedly agree with you. I too, have been married 49 1/2 years. Got an anniversary in May. Will be 50th. I agree with you. I thank God everyday for my husband. No one said Marriage would be easy. I have found that it is something you have to work on daily just as Christians have to work on their relationship with God and their walk with the Lord. You have to work on your marriage (young folks) Work on your marriage. I thank God my husband and I both are Christians. We did not start our walk, however, with the Lord until October, 1995. I can tell you this: God got hold of both of us like a whirlwind and began using us in a strong and mighty way. So Brother (revmrf), I agree with what you wrote in your reply. God bless you. We need to pray for the young people today that they to will work on their marriage as they do the Christian walk./////BJB123 Quote
Ken7 Posted February 10, 2007 Report Posted February 10, 2007 It is Gods desire and will. God gives each person in relationships unique roles and responsibilities, just as He did with His Son and Holy Spirit. Our creator is not a God of chaos - but a God who created order and harmony. Evil wants to change these into their opposites. My role does NOT make me number one in our relationship. God is #1. We are each under His leadership. Quote
Helenmm Posted February 11, 2007 Report Posted February 11, 2007 Q1. (Ephesians 5:22-24) Why should a wife submit to her husband? According to these verses, to what degree is a wife required to submit to a husband who is not a Christian or who is a carnal Christian? Does submission mean a wife doesn't verbally disagree? What if there's a conflict with the wife's conscience? A wife should submit to her husband because you can't have unity when two people are pulling in opposite directions and he has final responsibility to God. She is largely responsible for creating the unity in the family, although he has some responsibility in this too, but his is different. Particularly in front of the children they must present a united front or the children will play on their differences. A wife needs to submit in all respects unless he is proposing something that is sin in the eyes of God. She may (and should) present her arguments to her husband, but in the end the decision is his. If his decision does not respect God's laws then she may say that she cannot go along with it. Submission does not mean that she is always in total agreement - she is entitled to have her say, and really to be heard by her husband, who, if he is a wise man (and many are not) will listen. But, seeing they can't both make opposite decisions, the task falls in the husband's hands. Conflict with conscience means that the wife may explain her feelings and, if it is real conscience 9not just feelings) she may desist gently and take an alternative path in deference to God. Quote
JustJeff Posted February 11, 2007 Report Posted February 11, 2007 If, as a Christian, a woman agrees to marry a man under the tenets of our faith, then she is bound to submit to the authority that God has given him as a husband. This authority is not of that as a dictator, but as an equal and the one in the family who has a final say on common matters. For a woman who has chosen a non Christian as a husband she is unequally yoked and must come to terms with that. She is obedient to her husband to the degree that she does not compromise her integrity before God and put her salvation at risk. As equals, both parties have the right to disagree but, a decision needs to be made and ultimately the husband should take responsibilty for the final choice, right or wrong. For consciences sake, prayer is always the answer. It is always the solution. Quote
Lisa Rupert Posted February 12, 2007 Report Posted February 12, 2007 Q1. (Ephesians 5:22-24) Why should a wife submit to her husband? Because it is written in the word that the wife should submit to her husband. Eph 5:24 "Now as the church submits to Christ so should the wife submit to her husband in everything." For the husband is the "head" of the wife, as Christ is the head of the church. According to these verses, to what degree is a wife required to submit to a husband who is not a Christian or who is a carnal Christian? A wife should not compromise her families well being in submission to her husband, but she should respectfully try to help him to see the errors of his ways without putting him down, she should build her husband up in all that he is. Does submission mean a wife doesn't verbally disagree? Submission does not mean obedience, it means that she is to work with building her husband in all things. She is to respect him meaning she can respectfully disagree but she should use loving kindness in guiding him into a understanding. What if there's a conflict with the wife's conscience? If there is a conflict she should pray about it and work with his husband in understanding with love and faith that he will come to terms with his decision. Quote
revmrf Posted February 12, 2007 Report Posted February 12, 2007 This is in response to revmrf. I whole heartedly agree with you. I too, have been married 49 1/2 years. Got an anniversary in May. Will be 50th. I agree with you. I thank God everyday for my husband. No one said Marriage would be easy. I have found that it is something you have to work on daily just as Christians have to work on their relationship with God and their walk with the Lord. You have to work on your marriage (young folks) Work on your marriage. I thank God my husband and I both are Christians. We did not start our walk, however, with the Lord until October, 1995. I can tell you this: God got hold of both of us like a whirlwind and began using us in a strong and mighty way. So Brother (revmrf), I agree with what you wrote in your reply. God bless you. We need to pray for the young people today that they to will work on their marriage as they do the Christian walk./////BJB123 Thank you, BJB123. I just came back from a marriage retreat with 35 National Guard soldiers who had returned from combat in Iraq and Afghanistan and their spouses. The focus was on giving tools for communication ... listening [how to] and how to work through conflict [that occurs in every marriage] with one's spouse. I believe one of the tools of submission is learning how to listen. 'Listen to each other in submission to Christ?' Blessings in Christ. Quote
Eudora Posted February 12, 2007 Report Posted February 12, 2007 Q1. (Ephesians 5:22-24) Why should a wife submit to her husband? I have to back up a bit in this passage because we miss one very important tid bit , if we just pass over it with out giving it the importance it deserves. Starting with verse 15: See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. To walk in the light of truth, we must be wise and understand the will of our Father. We are to be spirit filled women that submit to our husbands. We are to always have a song making a melody in our heart to The Lord. We are to be constantly giving thanks for our husbands and in awe of The Lord our God. This book called The Bible is written for the believer. It is revealed to the spirit filled believer. Any woman coming along who would read this would think it rubbish to be in submission to her husband because she would not be first in submission to God. When God spoke to the woman in the garden, He told her that she would desire to be head of her husband, but that her husband would rule over her. The order of things the way it is now is because the rule of order was messed up at the fall of man, but God set the order in which He intended the rule to be followed. God set the standard of which He expects to be followed in obedience to Him and not in that to our husband. According to these verses, to what degree is a wife required to submit to a husband who is not a Christian or who is a carnal Christian? Does submission mean a wife doesn't verbally disagree? What if there's a conflict with the wife's conscience? Paul is sharing with us that we as spirit filled women, must remember our place in God Quote
kiqstart Posted February 12, 2007 Report Posted February 12, 2007 Q1. (Ephesians 5:22-24) Why should a wife submit to her husband? According to these verses, to what degree is a wife required to submit to a husband who is not a Christian or who is a carnal Christian? Does submission mean a wife doesn't verbally disagree? What if there's a conflict with the wife's conscience? She is instructed to by the bible, she is still required to submit to her husband, however she does not have to do anything she thinks is immoral or goes against the teachings of Jesus Christ. She may verbally disagree with her husband and if there is a conflict with her conscience she should pray for her husband Quote
PCHRIS Posted February 13, 2007 Report Posted February 13, 2007 I have had a number of [err] discussions over this passage and I have used the Galatians passage [3:28] which empthasizes that man and woman have a perfect spiritual equality but also point out the following passage, 1Corinthians 7:3-5, here Paul pleads for a true mutuality in the physical relationship. Netherless in the family, for its order and its unity, there must be leadership, and the responsibilty of leadership is that of the husband and father, and his authority must be accepted unless of course it contradicts or undermines her faith or the Word of God Quote
Stan Posted February 13, 2007 Report Posted February 13, 2007 Q1. (Ephesians 5:22-24) Why should a wife submit to her husband? According to these verses, to what degree is a wife required to submit to a husband who is not a Christian or who is a carnal Christian? Does submission mean a wife doesn't verbally disagree? What if there's a conflict with the wife's conscience? Mainly because it is the right thing to do and its is what God wants her to do. She should submit only as her wifely duties and good consience tells her to if she is faithful the Holy Spirit will lead and guide her in whats is right. If her husband is not a Christian then she should continue to submit but again look to be lead by the Spirit to onvert him by her faithfulness. No, She can disagree and express her opinion and allow the Holy Spirit to lead her and help her chose when to disagree and lead her in her responses. She should always allow the consience to be her guide because it is the Holy Spirit convicting her in the way that is right. Quote
masika Posted February 13, 2007 Report Posted February 13, 2007 Awife should submit to her husband because according to the Bible the man is the Spiritual head of the family , and his wife should acknowledge his leadership . A wife should willingly follow her husband's leadership in Christ , if it is outside God's law or rules then she should not obey him. Submission is voluntary cooperation with someone , first out of love and respect for God and then out of Love and respect for that person. Submitting to unbelievers is difficult , but it is vital part of leading them to Jesus Christ . We are not called to submit to nonbelievers to the point that we compromise our relationship with God but we must look for every opportunity to humbly serve in power of God's Spirit. Quote
charisbarak Posted February 15, 2007 Report Posted February 15, 2007 A wife should submit to her husband because God asked her to submit. I believe it is a protection for the wife as the husband needs to be in submission to God. A wife should submit as long as she is not asked to do something immoral, unlawful or dangerous. Submission does not imply she should not disagree & give her reasons for believing so. But the key is to do it with a good, loving attitude, ready to accept her husband's final decision. If there is a conflict with her conscience, then by all means, she can say she cannot do that particular thing--and let him know her conscience will not allow her to do it. Quote
June Posted February 15, 2007 Report Posted February 15, 2007 God placed him head of the household. Every home needs a leader. God sees it as part of her obedience to Jesus, as to the Lord. She is to love, respect and be a helpmate to him. Wives are to submit to their husbands in everything. Husbands are not to be bossy. They are to exercise love, gentleness and consideration in their headship. A wife can verbally disagree but still submit to him. He is the one to which God holds accountable, if the wife is doing all she is suppose to do. The wife is to take everything to God in prayer and seek answers this way. Quote
sis. dee Posted February 16, 2007 Report Posted February 16, 2007 Q1. (Ephesians 5:22-24) Why should a wife submit to her husband? According to these verses, to what degree is a wife required to submit to a husband who is not a Christian or who is a carnal Christian? Does submission mean a wife doesn't verbally disagree? What if there's a conflict with the wife's conscience? The wife should submit to her husband because he is the head of the household, as Cfhrist is head of the Church. The wife husband is still head of the household, but she should submit as long as she is not asked to do something immoral, unlawful or dangerous, dhe would have to tell him in a loving and wise way that she could not do this. The wife still can be submissive and does not have to verbally disagress. If there is a conflict with the wife conscience then she should go to God in prayer about the matter. Quote
Minchar Posted March 1, 2007 Report Posted March 1, 2007 Q1. (Ephesians 5:22-24) Why should a wife submit to her husband? According to these verses, to what degree is a wife required to submit to a husband who is not a Christian or who is a carnal Christian? Does submission mean a wife doesn't verbally disagree? What if there's a conflict with the wife's conscience? Why should a wife submit to her husband? The wife should submit herself to her husband because the Word of God instructs her to. There is an order and we serve a God is a God of order. According to these verses, to what degree is a wife required to submit to a husband who is not a Christian or who is a carnal Christian? Her responsibility is to God. If her husband ask her to do anything immoral or against God, she should as someone stated earlier, respectfully decline. Talk with her husband and explain to him her view and standpoint on the matter. Submission doesn't mean that you do whatever he tells you do even when it is wrong. Does submission mean a wife doesn't verbally disagree? Submission doesn't mean that a wfie don't verbally disagree. She should express her point, even though he would have the last word. What if there's a conflict with the wife's conscience? She should consult the Lord to make sure that her decision was according to His direction not hers. Quote
sahala p.s. Posted March 8, 2007 Report Posted March 8, 2007 Q1. (Ephesians 5:22-24) Why should a wife submit to her husband? According to these verses, to what degree is a wife required to submit to a husband who is not a Christian or who is a carnal Christian? Does submission mean a wife doesn't verbally disagree? What if there's a conflict with the wife's conscience? A wife should submit to her husband, because for God the husband is the head of the wife. A wife is required to submit to a husband who is not a Christian or who is a carnal Christian in everything. This means that in all area the wife is to let her husband make the final decision even if the husband leads the wife and the family to do something stupid. Submission doesn Quote
Jewell Posted April 22, 2007 Report Posted April 22, 2007 A wife should submit to a husband because only one can "rule" - otherwise there is anarchy. She should submit only to the degree that it is not in conflict with our Lord's commands. She should feel free to voice her views when they differ from his. She should not compromise her faith or conscience. Quote
AngelOnLine Posted May 18, 2007 Report Posted May 18, 2007 Q1. (Ephesians 5:22-24) Why should a wife submit to her husband? Because it Quote
meandean Posted July 14, 2007 Report Posted July 14, 2007 Q1. (Ephesians 5:22-24) Why should a wife submit to her husband? According to these verses, to what degree is a wife required to submit to a husband who is not a Christian or who is a carnal Christian? Does submission mean a wife doesn't verbally disagree? What if there's a conflict with the wife's conscience? well it comes down to a choice. when she said i do, she gave all of herself to her husband. she gave up her rights to herself just as she had done with the lord when she first believed.and as she submits her love and respect will increase for her husband and for the lord.(2) a non believing wife only has herself in mind. she is first in her life and is self centered and hard to be around. the truth has no place in her life, and she wants god to conform to her ways. not her to gods.(3)a godly marriage has both the husband and wife submitting to one another,and both should honor each ones ideas. they should be able to talk it over rather than scream at each other. Quote
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