wifee Posted August 20, 2011 Report Posted August 20, 2011 5a)If we lower our shield of faith we allow the arrows of evil one to get through,& our accuser can then sew thoughts of doubt. The shield of faith protects us but also when up we are in a stronger position to use our sword of truth, God’s Word to challenge any wrong thinking. B)Our helmet of salvation protects us against evil’s lies of self-doubt,that God will not forgive us when we mess up. Our confidence is daily in the Lord &His salvation. Circumstances test us, but God;s truth is steadfast,unchanging &in which we can put our trust in totally. C) God’s Word is both offensive &defensive.As we absorb It’s principles &truths we are better equipped to stand firm against Satan’s lies/halftruths..Jesus quoted scripture when tested in the Wilderness.Ihave difficulty remembering scripture, but use reminders to equip me.. D)Reading scripture each day helps me to use this weapon better. Quote
Old Jerry Posted September 6, 2012 Report Posted September 6, 2012 The reason that it is important to have our “shield” up daily is because the evil one is always throwing arrows at us. In order to protect ourselves we have to have the shield to take those arrows. The way that the “helmet of salvation” protects me is by keeping my brain focused on the right things. We must keep focused on God. And the “sword of the Spirit” is both an offensive weapon because we can use it to fend off the enemy. We can keep it sharp by studying the bible daily. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted May 11, 2014 Report Posted May 11, 2014 Q5. (Ephesians 6:15-17) Why is it important to have your "shield" up each day? In what way does the "helmet of salvation" protect you? Is the "sword of the Spirit" an offensive or defensive weapon? How do you keep it sharp and ready for the battle? We never know the forces of evil have in store us, keeping shield of faith up is our best defense against attacks. Our helmet of salvation keeps us confident of Gods salvation for us. It protects us from self doubt. The sword of the Spirit is both a defensive weapon and an offensive weapon. It is the word of God that protects us and wards off the sharp words and thought's of Satan. Quote
JoanG Posted June 12, 2015 Report Posted June 12, 2015 We need to carry our shield each and every day to cover us from evil. We need to have the love, word and spirit from God with us at all times. There are temptations around each turn that we make. we need to pray to God for protection from evil on a constant basis. The helmet of salvation is a constant reminder that we belong to God. We are his children by grace. We have the love of God to keep us safe from the devil. This is a way to also fight the negative thought that evil can seep into our minds when we are at our weakest. The sword of the Spirit is both a defensive and offensive weapon. It helps us to defend our faith from those that wish to tear us down and it is offensive because we can use it to fight evil directly. We need to keep ourselves in the word of God. We need to know right from wrong. We need to be able to judge the truth from a lie. The only way to be prepared is to read the bible. Study it by ourselves and with others. And memorize those verses that strike our hearts and souls in a very positive way. Quote
Karen11 Posted January 3, 2018 Report Posted January 3, 2018 On 9/15/2006 at 2:05 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q5. (Ephesians 6:15-17) Why is it important to have your "shield" up each day? In what way does the "helmet of salvation" protect you? Is the "sword of the Spirit" an offensive or defensive weapon? How do you keep it sharp and ready for the battle? It is important because if you don't you allow satan a foot hold. The word of God is a powerful weapon. It is both a offensive and defensive. Staying in the word. Quote
hanks Posted March 20, 2022 Report Posted March 20, 2022 Q62. (Ephesians 6:15-17) Why is it important to have your "shield" up each day? In what way does the "helmet of salvation" protect you? Is the "sword of the Spirit" an offensive or defensive weapon? How do you keep it sharp and ready for the battle? No matter how hot the battle, we as Christian are not intimidated, since we know that our ultimate victory is sure, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Rom 8:31). We are to have our shield up each day; looking up to God and acknowledging “I believe God”. This shield of faith is a firm confidence in the Lord and His Word. The helmet of salvation assures us of our salvation and ignores all the doubt the enemy tries to tell us. Finally, we take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Our knowledge of the Bible exposes the devil’s lies; and we are therefore not easily deceived. God gives us all the protection we need. The sword of the Spirit can be used either offensively or defensively. Our Lord Jesus used it offensively against Satan when Jesus was tempted in the wilderness. We are to keep this sword sharp and ready by constantly studying and apply the Word of God. “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Heb 4:12 (KJV)). Quote
Bianca Posted March 21, 2022 Report Posted March 21, 2022 We have to always be prepared for battle standing in faith. We can't grow sluggish with our faith. The devil is always looking to destroy people's lives in some sort of way. We have to always be ready and prepared for what may come our way. But we don't walk around paranoid but we just be prepared for any attack. The helmet protects us in helping us know that we belong to God through our acceptance of Jesus. We have to use that to fight the enemies lies anytime he might try to attack us with lies. The sword of the Spirit is both defensive and offensive. We keep the sword sharp by studying and meditating on his word on a regular daily basis. When we do this we will be ready for anything the enemy tries to throw at us. Situations are not always very easy to deal with but understanding his word and understanding God's character goes a long way when needed. Quote
haar Posted March 24, 2022 Report Posted March 24, 2022 Q62. (Ephesians 6:15-17) Why is it important to have your "shield" up each day? So as to be able to repel the arrow of the evil one all the time. In what way does the "helmet of salvation" protect you? Our salvation places us in the family of the Almighty God and thus under his protection or his protective power. Is the "sword of the Spirit" an offensive or defensive weapon? How do you keep it sharp and ready for the battle? The Word of God is an offensive weapon because it can be used to demolish the lies of the evil one. We can keep it sharp by regular reading, meditating in it and memorizing it. Sadly, some of us are now finding it hard to memorise scripture. Quote
Krissi Posted April 7, 2022 Report Posted April 7, 2022 Why is it important to have your "shield" up each day? In what way does the "helmet of salvation" protect you? Is the "sword of the Spirit" an offensive or defensive weapon? How do you keep it sharp and ready for the battle? (What if what we battle is internal, our own character and thoughts, and not only Satan? Can we shield ourselves from ourselves?) The shield is spiritual self-discipline -- it is the systematic, deep and regular study of scriptures, Chrsitian ideals and history, spiritually mature individuals and, of course, prayer. I think, the latter -- prayer -- is the most important. Constant, day-long prayer. All of the various clothing items in the armor of Christ do essentially the same thing which is protect, a defensive stance. Some are offensive as well. The idea is that we're always in a low grade battle which we must win. Losing is not an option. Sometimes the battle becomes fierce. Losing horrible battles is not an option, either. Thus, we take from God the strength to parry the enemy as well as take the enemy's blows. What makes us strong is the time and discipline we put into our relationship with God; a developed, secure relationship may teeter, but will not succumb. I think that's what Paul is trying to say. The parts of the armor of God are obviously metaphoric. I'm not sure each item is as important as Paul's overall metaphor that the armor suggests. Paul is saying that we need to be strong in our faith NOW because LATER battles will surely come. He's saying that we'll win these later battles if we grow in Christ now. He's begging for us to deepen our relationship with Christ, which is the only way we'll be able to appropriate the various aspects of divine protection and even aggression against the enemy. Quote
Jonathan Edwards Posted June 10, 2022 Report Posted June 10, 2022 Shield of faith is so crucial when we are in valleys. Our minds cannot fully fathom why certain events have occurred or occurring. We are baffled at times. The shield of faith will help us to persevere; we receive the Balm of Gilead. Faith is indispensable for the Christain believer. Faith is so essential for the basic daily actions of a Christian. Helmet of salvation gives the Christain- a clear head for the spiritual war. A mind fixed on Christ--the Mind of Christ. We minds are full of Gospel principles; we are living holy lives based on godly principles in the Holy Bible. We are not cast to and fro by false doctrines and false preachers. Diligent Bible study is so important in our offensive and defensive maneuvers. Things come our way that must be dealt on the spiritual plane. Our minds are imbued by the Prophets in the Holy Bible. Amos chapter 1-2 is illustrative of this. Back in Amo's time, events look very bad: apostasy, hypocritical behaviours and injustice. God told Amos that Truth will always have the final word: God's justice will always prevail. Quote
Old Jerry Posted June 22, 2022 Report Posted June 22, 2022 It is important to have our “shield” up each day because the evil one is attacking us each day. The “helmet of salvation” protects our brains so that we know what is true and false. The “sword of the Spirit” is both an offensive and defensive weapon. It is kept sharp and ready for battle when we study the Bible. Quote
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