Pastor Ralph Posted September 15, 2006 Report Posted September 15, 2006 Q64. (Ephesians 6:18b) Why is alertness in prayer vital to success in spiritual warfare? How is perseverance in prayer important to success? Why do we need this exhortation? Quote
Guest Tabatha Posted January 29, 2007 Report Posted January 29, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Ephesians 6:18b) Why is alertness in prayer vital to success in spiritual warfare? How is perseverance in prayer important to success? Why do we need this exhortation? Earnestness, intensity, and diligence are part of God's emphasis for prayer, A righteous man's praying is energized by the Holy Spirit, and things happen. Physical acts parallel the establishment of spiritual authority in the invisible realm. The intercessor stands before God on the behalf of others and averts judgement. The early church learned quickly that their prayer had to be continuous because spiritual warfare is continuous. There is a battle and we are to be armed offensively to approach the confrontation Quote
Commissioned Posted February 6, 2007 Report Posted February 6, 2007 Q2. (Ephesians 6:18b) Why is alertness in prayer vital to success in spiritual warfare? How is perseverance in prayer important to success? Why do we need this exhortation? Paul's admonishment to be alert in prayer is vital to our success in spiritual warfare. As we pray we are alert to the wiles of the enemy and we can be effective in our prayer concerning the opposition directly. Perseverance in prayer is also important to our success in spiritual warfare, as we continue trusting in God to answer our prayer. This exhortation is an encouragement to those who may falter and need to be lifted. We cannot faint, we must stand strong always. Praying strengthens us. Quote
charisbarak Posted March 4, 2007 Report Posted March 4, 2007 Alertness in prayer is vital to success in spiritual warfare because we could let down enough of our protection to let the devil get a foothold somewhere in our lives. Alertness in prayer also brings home to us the realness of this spiritual warfare and we are less likely to compromise an area of our lives. Praying puts in in the arena of spiritual warfare. We must be alert! Perseverence in prayer is necessary. We may become discouraged or find ourselves too busy to pray, but we must keep on in prayer. The warfare does not subside as our prayers subside. We all need this exhortation because we are prone to get tired of doing the same things over & over again--thinking nothing has changed as we have prayed. Satan would like us to think that! Quote
Stan Posted March 5, 2007 Report Posted March 5, 2007 Q2. (Ephesians 6:18b) Why is alertness in prayer vital to success in spiritual warfare? How is perseverance in prayer important to success? Why do we need this exhortation? We need to be watchful so that we can know what and whom to pray for as the need arises Satan is always trying to deceive us and cause us to miss or forget those in need of prayer. Perseverance keep us in touch with our maker and rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, with out prayer we become week and fail stand our ground against the devil and his flaming arrows that he send against us, We must always pray and give thanks for the thing God does for us so that we stay the course. We need exhortation, because we are to always give God praise with our prayers, we are instructed to pray with out ceasing and to always give thanks for everything. Quote
JustJeff Posted March 5, 2007 Report Posted March 5, 2007 When we are halfhearted and distracted in our approach to prayer the chances of breaking through to the throne room of God are slim at best. Being alert enables us to focus on what it is that we are praying about. Focus leads to perseverance which, in turn leads to a breakthrough. That is why we need this exortation and, is why we need the Holy Spirit to assist and guide us. I have always had trouble staying focused and allowing myself to be subject to my environment. Knowing that it is a human failing and not a spiritual disorder is comforting. Thank you. Quote
kiqstart Posted March 5, 2007 Report Posted March 5, 2007 Q2. (Ephesians 6:18b) Why is alertness in prayer vital to success in spiritual warfare? How is perseverance in prayer important to success? Why do we need this exhortation? We need to be alert when we pray, so that our prayewrs our coming from the heart and not just a prayer thrown out without any thought, we must continue to pray and ask God for forgiveness when we get distracted from our pray Quote
masika Posted March 5, 2007 Report Posted March 5, 2007 The way to overcome temptation is to keep alert and pray.keeping alert means being aware of the possibilities of temptatios, sensitive to the subtleties , and spiritually equipped to fight it. Because temptation strikes where we are most vulnerable, we can't resist it alone. prayers is essential because God's Strenght can shore up our defenses and defeat satan's power. Our Lord Jesus Christ told us in His words that we have to perist in prayer, because there are times when the devil will hinder or reist our prayer being answered in time. Quote
PCHRIS Posted March 6, 2007 Report Posted March 6, 2007 I beleive this as prayer to be unlimited in the times and the ways in which it may be offered, is to be unlimited in outreach to those for whom it may be offered. The individual Christian is not to think only of his own spiritual conflict, but to be concerned for the whole Church of Christ, and for the victory of all his fellows in the fight. (1Timothy 2:1) As in previous question we must be watchful/alert and always persevering in our prayers. Why do we need this exhortation, 'I can do all things in Christ who strenghtens me' and 'The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do to me?' Quote
haar Posted March 6, 2007 Report Posted March 6, 2007 We are always in batle with Satan and his demons. He distracts us from praying effectively through wandering thoughts while we pray. We thus have to remain fully alert; to be on guard so that we will not be taken unawares. Paul knew from experience, the tricks and schemes of the evil one thus the timely exhortation so that we will always be alert and to persvere for a successful and victorious batle against satan and his agents, whether demons or humans. Quote
sis. dee Posted March 6, 2007 Report Posted March 6, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Ephesians 6:18b) Why is alertness in prayer vital to success in spiritual warfare? How is perseverance in prayer important to success? Why do we need this exhortation? We should alway be watchful and in prayer because we are at war with the enmey of this world, by being alert we will not be surprise or caught unware when the devil attact. We need this exhortation for strenght, Paul said that I can do all things through Christ who strenghten me! Praise the Lord! Quote
June Posted March 7, 2007 Report Posted March 7, 2007 There are 2 times to pray---- when you feel like it and when you don't. Be mindful of the attacks and know that Satan is always trying to drag you down. He does not want anyone to have the things that God has said are ours. We sometimes need to be reminded of our inheritance. Keep praying even when we don't feel like we are very spiritual, God gives the strength that we need. Quote
linda bass Posted March 7, 2007 Report Posted March 7, 2007 Why is alertness in prayer vital in success in spiritual warfare? It is important to be alert or on guard during our prayer time, lest we allow the enemy to distract us. Like Pastor Ralph, my mind tends to wander during prayer, especially corporate prayer. I find I really need to focus on my praying. How is perserverance in prayer important to success? We need to keep praying even when we don't feel like it. We need to continue to pray even if it seems our prayers aren't being answered. Those who keep on asking, keep on seeking, keep on knocking, will sooner or later experience a spiritual breakthrough. Why do we need this exhortation? Because we are human and subject to temptation. We need to be stimulated to renew our deligence in prayer. Quote
BJB123 Posted March 8, 2007 Report Posted March 8, 2007 It is very important to be alert and on watch because the devil is out there like a roaring lion to kill, steal and destroy. We must pray at all times and in all seasons. We must be alert and attentive to our prayer life. We need to pray without ceasing giving God the glory and honor he so deservces. Praying gives us a much closer walk with the Lord. Praying enhances our walk with the Lord. To pray warfare prayers means "you better be ready to pray" (reading the word and praying). We need God's stregth and power during warfare praying. Quote
sahala p.s. Posted March 10, 2007 Report Posted March 10, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Ephesians 6:18b) Why is alertness in prayer vital to success in spiritual warfare? How is perseverance in prayer important to success? Why do we need this exhortation? Alertness in prayer is vital to success in spiritual warfare, because with our mind wandering we pray for something wrong rr we pray in the wrong way, that our prayer is not effective. Perseverance in prayer is important to success, because Satan never let us defeat him with an easy way, he still has a great spiritual power to defeat us, unless we have a greater power than his that God give us through our perseverance as well as alertness in prayer. Perseverance in prayer means a proof that we pray earnestly. We need this exhortation, because we struggle with this alertness and perseverance Quote
Eudora Posted April 4, 2007 Report Posted April 4, 2007 (Ephesians 6:18b) Why is alertness in prayer vital to success in spiritual warfare? How is perseverance in prayer important to success? Why do we need this exhortation? Alertness, wow, I just had a thought to ask God to always make me alert to the wiles of the enemy. I don Quote
Jewell Posted May 15, 2007 Report Posted May 15, 2007 We must be alert to be open to God, listening as well as praying. We must persevere if we are going to win over Satan. Quote
AngelOnLine Posted May 24, 2007 Report Posted May 24, 2007 Q2. (Ephesians 6:18b) Why is alertness in prayer vital to success in spiritual warfare? Alertness in prayer is vital because we must be alert to the evil around us. How is perseverance in prayer important to success? Perseverance is important to show our trust in God. Why do we need this exhortation? If we don Quote
meandean Posted July 19, 2007 Report Posted July 19, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Ephesians 6:18b) Why is alertness in prayer vital to success in spiritual warfare? How is perseverance in prayer important to success? Why do we need this exhortation? like any wartime area, if you cut off the supply, the army will soon surrender. we are called to be watchmen, even jesus said to watch and pray.but we are so easily lulled to sleep. so we must stand gaurd at all times not just a few times. you never know when the enemy will attack. Quote
Michelle G Posted April 22, 2008 Report Posted April 22, 2008 Q2. (Ephesians 6:18b) Why is alertness in prayer vital to success in spiritual warfare? Alertness in prayer is vital to the success in spiritual warfare because there is a spiritual warfare going on. How is perseverance in prayer important to success? Perseverance in prayer is important because it keeps us connected with God, who gives us much strength. Why do we need this exhortation? Prayer keeps us strong. Quote
JanMary Posted September 28, 2009 Report Posted September 28, 2009 Q2. (Ephesians 6:18b) Why is alertness in prayer vital to success in spiritual warfare? Our enemy is vigilant, invisible, relentlessly committed to a destructive mission, powerful if left unchallenged....much like today's terrorists. Always looking for a weak spot, or an unguarded place to get in and destroy lives. Since he has made God his enemy, we are drawn into the battle as God's children. When the devil leaves us alone for a time (as he did Jesus, waiting for a more opportune time) we can be lulled into complacence, and are therefore vulnerable. One of his goals is to draw us away from the Lord if possible, and if that fails, to neutralize us into ineffectiveness for the Kingdom of God. How is perseverance in prayer important to success? We're told in Gal. 5 that perseverance is a fruit of the Spirit (which is developed through yielding to the Holy Spirit each day). As we yield and pray, God's character which includes perseverance, is developed, and darkness is pushed back through our prayers. The powers and principalities are under the authority of Jesus Christ, and are therefore "under our feet" as well, but we have to exercise His authority, in His Name, shielded by His blood to have dominion over the enemies constant attacks. Why do we need this exhortation? It's easy with an invisible enemy to forget or minimize the danger we face without our armor and our weapons at the ready. I'm sometimes apathetic or worn down from the struggle, and in weariness, give in to prayerlessness. The exhortation to remain vigilant is like a bugle call to wake up and get back into the fight! We don't want to dwell on or live in fear of the devil, because he is a defeated foe....but we don't want to be naive or ignorant of his ways either...that is foolishly setting us up. He knows us, has watched us, has seen our sin patterns, our failures....he knows us! We need to educate ourselves and stay alert BEFORE he shows up with his darts and arrows. Quote
hanks Posted November 2, 2009 Report Posted November 2, 2009 Q2. (Ephesians 6:18b) Why is alertness in prayer vital to success in spiritual warfare? How is perseverance in prayer important to success? Why do we need this exhortation? We have to know what to pray for, and this can only be done when we are alert to all the tricks that the devil can get up to. We should persevere and never become discouraged or disheartened. Remembering what Jesus told His disciples, Quote
Sasquatch Posted November 8, 2009 Report Posted November 8, 2009 Q2. (Ephesians 6:18b) Why is alertness in prayer vital to success in spiritual warfare? How is perseverance in prayer important to success? We must always be alert or on guard or to be vigilant of impending peril. Paul cautions us not to become slack or lax or go through the motions in our prayer life. Satan has many tricks; a bold and fearless prayer life does not allow a weak area of attack. We are in spiritual warfare and we shall be in it always. If Paul gives us the armamentarium to fight the battle, we must use it. Why do we need this exhortation? All of us need reinforcement here because our minds wander. Quote
RLL Posted September 7, 2010 Report Posted September 7, 2010 On 9/15/2006 at 6:08 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Ephesians 6:18b) Why is alertness in prayer vital to success in spiritual warfare? How is perseverance in prayer important to success? Why do we need this exhortation? When we pray we should be focused on who and what we are praying for. Being attentive and not distracted helps the holy spirit stir within us and stay focused on what we are ptaying for. Continually praying is a good thing and keeps us in touch with the holy spirit and it also helps us stay focused on the spiritual things. Quote
jripper Posted October 19, 2010 Report Posted October 19, 2010 On 9/15/2006 at 6:08 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Ephesians 6:18b) Why is alertness in prayer vital to success in spiritual warfare? How is perseverance in prayer important to success? Why do we need this exhortation? It keeps us closer to GOD, . It makes us a better person.... Quote
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