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  • 1 month later...

Q2. What comparisons do you see between Jesus and the role of the Old Testament type of the Kinsman-Redeemer?

The Old Testament Kinsman-Redeemer bought the freedom of relatives who had become slaves, having a debt they could not pay. In like manner Jesus is our Kinsman-Redeemer; he bought our freedom from sin, a price we could never pay.

  • 7 months later...

Q2. What comparisons do you see between Jesus and the role of the Old Testament type of the Kinsman-Redeemer?

First and foremost, Jesus like the Kinsman-Redeemer bought the freedom of relatives who had become slaves because of debts they couldn't pay. That is, Jesus bought the freedom of humanity who had become slaves to sin and couldn't pay the debt to a righteous God for that sin. He did that by sacrificing Himself on the cross to pay for human sin.

  • 5 months later...

Q2. What comparisons do you see between Jesus and the role of the Old Testament type of the Kinsman-Redeemer?

In the Old Testament the role of the kinsman-redeemer was to look out their close relatives, it's question of one family , but Jesus gave His own blood for the humanity, the wold.

  • 1 year later...
Q2. What comparisons do you see between Jesus and the role of the Old Testament type of the Kinsman-Redeemer?

Jesus is the ultimate kinsman-redeemer! But everyone on the earth can become His "kinsman" and therefore receive eternal life. The kinsman-redeemer watched closely over the family, and took interest in their affairs...

  • 1 month later...

Q2. What comparisons do you see between Jesus and the role of the Old Testament type of the Kinsman-Redeemer?

Because of mankind

  • 6 months later...

A kinsman-redemeer could pay debts of relatives who couldn't pay themselves.

He could also marry his brother's widow to make her pregnant.

The first task is what Jesus does for us: He pays our debts.

  • 3 months later...

Q2. What comparisons do you see between Jesus and the role of the Old Testament type of the Kinsman-Redeemer?

Reading the passages and commentary, I am struck by the poverty of those in need of a kinsman redeemer. They are utterly without resources, in debt and no money nor any means of making money, to lift themselves out of their poverty, having lost their property and all rights to their property, and in some cases, having lost their freedom by selling themselves into slavery because they couldn't afford to pay their debts. There is no way they can save themselves; they remain in debt and in prison or slavery, unable to get themselves out.

Someone must come into the scenario from outside. A Person with the riches to buy them, pay their creditors, buy back their land, purchase their freedom. This is a wonderful word picture of the Lord Jesus. Isn't it amazing how EVERY aspect of OT law points to Him, one way or another? wow!


Jesus is the ultimate Kinsmen-Redeemer. Because of man's nature being sinful, we that believe on Him, will be bought back from the life of slavery to sin. He redeems us not according to what we can do, but because He is the great Redeemer.


Q2. What comparisons do you see between Jesus and the role of the Old Testament type of the Kinsman-Redeemer?

He compared in the real sense that He died and paid the ransom price for all our sins. In the physical sense He gave all He had his body to pain and suffering to free us from the wrath of an avenging God. In the spiritual sense that He left a glorious home to come to earth and live as a man to teach us how to live. He saved us from our selves.


Q2. What comparisons do you see between Jesus and the role of the Old Testament type of the Kinsman-Redeemer?

Jesus paid a debt for us to be free, (his relatives), just ad the Kisman-Redeemer paid a debt for his relatives to be free.


Q2 In the OT the slaves were bought and owned by the rich. There is an involvement of

money to be paid in order to be set free but ultimately God acted as their kinsman by

rescuing them out of Egypt to the promised land. The Israelites, however, were

fortunate that Jesus has redeemed them through His death on the cross. They have only

to believe and be faithful there is no price to be paid for Jesus has paid the price

by His blood.


Old testaments:

* Marrying a brother's widow if no children have yet been born, in order to raise up children in the brother's name (a main issue in the case of Ruth and Tamar),

* Purchasing family lands that had to be sold because of poverty, in order to keep the land in the family,

* Buying the freedom of relatives who had become slaves because of debts they couldn't pay, and

* Avenging a kinsman who was murdered.

* Rescuing a kinsman who was kidnapped.


comforts the widow.

we share his inheritance

his blood bought our freedom from death

he will always be our avenger, setting wrong to right

he will always go after us if we stray away.


Q2. What comparisons do you see between Jesus and the role of the Old Testament type of the Kinsman-Redeemer?

This analogy is so beautiful! Boaz is a "type and shadow" of Jesus Who was to come. The Kinsman-Redeemer had to be a blood relative who was in a position to pay the debts and set the one free who was in bondage and unable to do so.

Jesus paid the price with His death/blood, and redeemed, ransomed "whosoever will come" from the enslavement to Satan whom the Bible says is our father, until we allow Him to become our "kinsman-Redeemer", Savior. Jesus then becomes our advocate who avenged our captivity to Satan, when He defeated him at Calvary. (Sometimes I forget that Satan IS A DEFEATED FOE....because he shouts with a huge megaphone...but he has no power except that which I allow him because my Redeemer is my new owner!)

Boaz redemption brought Ruth and Naomi into his inheritance just as Jesus has done for me...I'm a joint heir with Him.

Jesus tells me not to seek revenge, but to forgive...He will deal with any who attack me.

What a mighty Savior who left nothing undone for those who choose to receive Him!


Q2. What comparisons do you see between Jesus and the role of the Old Testament type of the Kinsman-Redeemer?

As the Kinsman-Redeemer in the Old Testament came to the rescue of a relative in need, Jesus Christ has done the same thing in that He has rescued us from the consequences of sin, death and eternal separation from God, through His sacrifice on the cross and the sheddling of His blood. He saves those who believe and call upon His name. Whoever calls upon the name of The Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved.

  • 3 months later...

A Kinsman Redeemer was a family member who came in and took another family member in great need or destitute and put them under his wing to care for them and restore them to a better way of life. They paid debts, sometimes married and were providers for family members who had come under hard times or were destitute for whatever reasons.

Jesus is our Kinsman Redeemer in that He does this for us. When lost in sin, He came to find us. We were destitute and not living as He knew we could live. Desiring an an abundant life for us, He paid our debts, took us under His wing, made us His bride and restored us to what we are. Family. Children of God.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q2. What comparisons do you see between Jesus and the role of the Old Testament type of the Kinsman-Redeemer?

In comparisons of Jesus versus the roles of the OT kinsman, referring to the list provided by Pastor Ralph,

-Marrying a brother's widow if no children have yet been born, in order to raise up children in the brother's name (a main issue in the case of Ruth and Tamar),

-Purchasing family lands that had to be sold because of poverty, in order to keep the land in the family,

-Buying the freedom of relatives who had become slaves because of debts they couldn't pay, and

-Avenging a kinsman who was murdered.

-Rescuing a kinsman who was kidnapped.

probably only (3) is applicable. But basically, the idea is the same. A strong sense of family, and a responsibility to look after close relatives. If we are all God's children, Jesus has a strong sense of responsilibity to look out for us. We have become slaves to sin and we could not pay. So Jesus came to pay for our sins and redeem our freedom.

He came to redeem, rescue and deliver us. He came to offer an atonement by offering Himself as our substitute.

  • 6 months later...

Q2. What comparisons do you see between Jesus and the role of the Old Testament type of the Kinsman-Redeemer?

I see two aspects that are similar. One is buying the freedom of relatives who had become slaves because of debts they couldn't pay. Jesus bought our freedom from slavery to the enemy. The blood price on our head was not one we could pay. The other is rescuing a kinsman who was kidnapped. We were held captive or in bondage to by our enemy through sin. Jesus rescued us.

  • 1 month later...

Q2. What comparisons do you see between Jesus and the role of the Old Testament type of the Kinsman-Redeemer?

Jesus was a human sacrifice and the only begotten son of God; there were no other choices. In the Old Testament, the first task was to choose the best sacrifice based on designated standards.


Q2. What comparisons do you see between Jesus and the role of the Old Testament type of the Kinsman-Redeemer?

In the Old Testament type of Kinsman-Redeemer a relative would buy the freedom of relatives who had become slaves because of debts they could not pay. In the New Testament Jesus is our type of Kinsman-Redeemer. Our sins/debts are so huge that we cannot pay the debts for our sins so we need a Kinsman-Redeemer in the person of Jesus to pay for our sins/debts.

Thank You Jesus.


Q2. What comparisons do you see between Jesus and the role of the Old Testament type of the Kinsman-Redeemer?

In the Old Testament the Kinsman-Redeemer is responsible for the upkeep of relatives who cannot afford the basic neccessities of life. For example when a husband dies and lives behind a widow who never gives birth the brother of the deceased man takes over by marrying his brother's widow in order to continue the family responsibilities.

Jesus is our New Testament Kinsman-Redeemer. We owe a debt which we cannot pay and he came forward to clear our debt. He paid the penalty due us so that we might become the righteousness of God.

Glory to God.


Q2. What comparisons do you see between Jesus and the role of the Old Testament type of the Kinsman-Redeemer?

Jesus redeems us by paying our price for us, just like a kinsman could pay a debt for his relative to redeem him from bondage. Also like the O.T. Kinsman-Redeemer, Jesus pays a price to gain something for us that we could never gain on our own. He buys us from condemnation to eternal punishment and delivers us into eternal life.


In the Old Testament, we see God as kins-man Redeemer who redeemed His children from slavely in Egypt. In the New Testament, Jesus is the Redeemer who came and paid the price to set me free from the bondage of sin and any one who believes is also freed.


What comparisons do you see between Jesus and the role of the Old Testament type of the Kinsman-Redeemer?

I think that God prepared the way for us to accept Christ....by the way He commanded us to live our lives. Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Testament....we are the beloved relatives that are being bought by a price by our Lord....the one who frees us from the slavery of our sin and covers us with the price He paid in His blood.


The Old Testament Kinsman Redeemer would pay the debts of someone who couldn't. Buy back the land which would otherwise go out of the family or to another tribe. Marry his brother's widow to produce children so the brother's name would continue. The OT Kinsman Redeemer would be a substitute to make things right for his brother/close relative.

Jesus plays the same role, but to a far greater extent. He is a substitute for our sinfulness.


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