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Hello! I am new to this study and this medium, so bear with me please. I am 49 forever, a wife and the mother of 2 children. My son is a pastor, 26, married to a wonderful girl who calls me 'Mom' and they are expecting our first grandchild any day or St . Patrick's Day! My daughter is 11, a pure delight, loves her 3 fish, 2 gerbils, 3 dogs, 3 cats, her family and is homeschooled. We live in the mountains of Southern Oregon. I thank God for my husband who is supporting me through a season of extreme health challenges which has been a gift in disguise as it has freed me in so many ways to pursue God! Each day I get to "...work out my own salvation with fear and trembling." In this day and age when so many things in the church come under attack and are being redefined even within the orthodox arm of the church, it is a blessing to have time to pursue my First Love with a hunger and thirst that is reminiscent of my first days with Him over 20 years ago. I am looking forward to this study!

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:) Hi Everyone,

I have been a christian for 12 years. I am presently looking for a new church to attend. I love Easter. I is my favorite holiday. Jesus died for me! He Love me!

I am 50 years of age. Divorced. I work for a Commercial Insurance Company called Marsh Canada Limited. I love my job and all the people I work with. They are great! My favorite things to do are walking, cooking, baking, reading and singing (in the shower of course).

I am excited about this study. It is my favorite topic in the Word of God.


To all



Hello everyone. I am very new to the study of the bible. I was raised in a strict Baptist setting since I was born in this world - had all the songs in church memorized and all the popular passages. I knew many stories in the bible - what to say and how to say a prayer. I haven't attended or even thought much about church since I married more than 20 years ago. It was something I was "forced" to be a part of as a child and teenager. I've been married twice since then and have 4 beautiful children ages 5 to 17.

I received some information in the mail from the United Church of God a few months ago. Something caught my attention and I haven't been able to stop reading and studying since then. Everything is different than 20 years ago - like a light bulb going on. Passages, songs, everything I heard in my earlier years - makes sense now - Jesus is real - God is real - the bible is real - and it's personal. I have had the excitement of a child since this realization - I have a small understanding and I want to know more about how I can serve God.

Please be patient with me and my lack of knowledge - I am "relearning" (actually just now learning) about God's teachings for the first time.


I am a missionary in Bucharest Romania currently in Southern California on furlough.

So glad to meet all of you and looking forward to gleaning all the Lord has for me in this study of the Resurrection.

Tre <><



My name is Sandy, and I live in Liverpool, NY with my husband. Our second date was to his church, where I have been going ever since. That was almost 30 years ago! Our daughter is off in Boston at college, and I find I have more time on my hands than I use to have. I have been attending a women's bible study through my church. One of my friends from there has decided to join me in this study, and we hope to be able to talk about it with each other as well as in this group. I'm anxious to see where this will take me in my spiritual journey.




Thank you for offering this very timely Bible study. I am a second career pastor. The church I serve is VERY small in a very rural community. I am looking forward to "sitting in the pews" once again for a Bible study.

I am married for the second time. Our famiy is "yours, mine, and ours". My husband has 5 childre; Ihave 1 child; and we have 1 child.

I live in a little town in southwestern New York State.

May everyone be blessed by and be a blessing to this Bible study and group.

Clara Wilder :D


Hello All-

My name is Wendy. I'm a 34YO working mom of 3 beautiful children (6 year old daughter, 3 year old daughter, and 4 month old son). My husband and I live on a small hobby farm in West Michigan. I work full time outside of the home as a Middle School Guidance Counselor.

I was born and raised Catholic. I left the Catholic Church when my first husband left my daughter and I. I was led to Christ by a trucker from Transport for Christ and his wife at a marriage conference. After meeting my now wonderful husband, we began attending a Methodist Church where we have been for the last 4 years.

I've been looking for an online Bible study for a long time as it is dificult for me to find regular time away from home. It seems most of the Bible Studies in our area are done in the daytime, which doesnt' seem to fit my schedule very well. :rolleyes:


Hi everyone, my name is Carol and I live in Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia. I am married (25 yrs), with 3 children, 23, 20, and 14. :blink:

I found this online study purely by accident on my part, but all in the plan on God's part. Looking forward to what God has planned for me to learn in the coming weeks, and perhaps make some new online friends along the way.

Take care & God bless. :D



Hello! My name is Alex and I'm greatful to be part of this forum. Learing more of the word of God is always refreshing. I'm really looking forward to what will come down from the Spirit of God. Let me introduce my self a little. As I've stated my name is Alex and I serve a Mighty God. I am assistant minister to a church where I am from. Although I'm a single person, I'm raising 7 children. To add to that I have a full time job as well as attend college full time. Praise God, he gives me the strength to keep going forward. Anyways, I am just very glad to have been sent the invitation to become part of this forum, which I truley hope it will help me to grow in my faith.


Grace and peace to all, I am glad to be apart of this Bible study, I love learning God's Word. This is my second online study. I just completed the study on Ephesians, it was awesome. I just last week moved from Pennsylvania to Fl, and now I will have the fun of finding a new Church home. I am 54 years old and a mother of one grown son. God is Good! :lol:

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, my name Sandra and I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I am looking forward to doing these studies with Dr. Ralph F. Wilson.

I have recently given my live to Christ and an enjoying my new happy life so far. Please pray for my success.

  • 2 weeks later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Dear Friend,

Welcome to the online Bible study forum for Resurrection and Easter Faith.

It's exciting to meet other people who are involved in this Bible study. Why don't you check in and share a bit about yourself, and what state and country you are from. Please do NOT include your e-mail address. Be discrete about sharing private things about yourself.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Ralph


I forgot to intoduce myself. Like some of you who are 'down east' I, too, live in New England except I live in Lyndon, Vermont... where it is still snowing on April 13! I've been married for 49 years, have three children and three grandchildren. I am retired clergy, but for a great portion of my life, I was a software engineer [computer work, that is.] :rolleyes:

Good study. Now I'm looking forward to the Hebrews study,

Blessings, revmrf

  • 1 month later...

Hi all. My name is McKay. I'm joining you from Portland, OR.

I began this study during the Easter season...got sidetracked!

Now i'm ready to finish. Happy to begin to know you all. :lol:

  • 8 months later...

Greetings Pasort Ralph,

My name Simone B., I am in Virginia, USA. I was searching online for Bible Studies, I am a housewife.I am deaf and was attending a local bible study my hearing aide stopped working, that's why I am here, I am eager to study about the Resurrection and Easter Faith, I am sure I will be doing many more of your studies as the Lord guides me. Please add me to your church prayer list for my hearing to be restored or if necessary a stonger hearing aide to be provided. Thank you and God Bless you.


  • 1 month later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Dear Friend

Welcome to the online Bible study forum for Resurrection and Easter Faith.

It's exciting to meet other people who are involved in this Bible study. Why don't you check in and share a bit about yourself, and what state and country you are from. Please do NOT include your e-mail address. Be discrete about sharing private things about yourself.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Ralph

hi it is good to be a part of this group i come from the other side of the world a little country in the pacific called NewZealand it is eleven thirtyat night daylight saving time i enjoy learning about Jesus and everything he did for us including dying on the cross for me i do support work have a family but no husband my hobbies include gardening, stock cars, cross stich and love getting out in the bush and anything assosicated with nature yours in christ from the otherside of the world Shirley Elizabeth :rolleyes::rolleyes:


Hello, all! I'm a 25 y/o native Southern Illinoisan who enjoys knitting, reading, Bible study, and spending time with family and friends. My fiance and I are about to relocate, and I found a link to the Jesus Walk Bible Study Series as I was doing a little internet research on churches in the town we'll likely be moving to. Can't wait for my first lesson!


  • 10 months later...
  • 11 months later...

Hello All,

My name is Jennifer, age 34. My husband and I have been married for 14 years and we have 3 children and one on the way via Ethiopia. We are currently in Fairbanks, Alaska and are enjoying the Lord's beauty and majesty. This is my first study through this site and I am very excited to learn more about the most important event in history...the Resurrection! Looking forward to sharing with you and more importantly having you share with me from the abundance that pours forth from the Fountain.



  • 1 year later...

hello everyone.

my name is Brandon. i am in the 11th grade. i live in lehigh acres, FL. what i went from this bible study is that i went to become closer to god, learn why he had to be killed and than be resurrected.



My name is Karyann. I am a 12 year old girl who lives in Florida and I am in 7th grade. I have 10 cats 5 dogs and 3 birds! I want to do this particular bible study so i can learn how important the Resurrection was. I know that Easter isn't just about the candy and presents but it is the day Jesus was Resurrected. I know that the resurrection is very important because if Jesus wasn't resurrected then we would all go to hell because there would be no way to get to heaven if Jesus was a rotting corpse. So I would really like to learn how important Jesus getting Resurrected was.


Hi my name is Lynda and I am a housewife and mother living in southern Florida. I am from Canada and enjoy the warm here in Florida. I have 10 children some who live in Canada and some here in Florida. My one son committed suicide and have had my fair share of burdens but through it all the Lord has remained my Rock. As a family my husband and 3 of my children who still live at home decided to do this study together. At times I feel I take for granted that the Lord has risen and want to refresh myself in this. For my children I want them to understand that this is what all our hopes are based on and that it is not just something we vaguely put on faith in.



My name is John Losano, I was born in Hawaii in 1993, I'm a 11th grade, and I'm 18 years old. It would be exciting to study about the resurrection of Jesus and try to follow the questions to figure out this passage. It's great to meet you.


Hello everyone,

I am Silvia originally from Iran ex Muslim around 4 years ago the Lord Jesus Christ has saved my husband and I, we are still amazed that how we are saved from darkness to His wonderful light! We are so grateful for our salvation and we have the desire to serve the Lord Jesus and to glorify His Holy name all the days of our life. Amen.

  • 3 years later...

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