Pastor Ralph Posted March 1, 2007 Report Posted March 1, 2007 Q2. What similarities do you find in the resurrection accounts? Based on the agreements between the accounts, what seems to have happened? Quote
hisstudent Posted March 10, 2007 Report Posted March 10, 2007 Q2. What similarities do you find in the resurrection accounts? Based on the agreements between the accounts, what seems to have happened? The stone that had blocked the entrance to the tomb had been moved away The tomb was found empty--no body, only the burial cloths The tomb was found empty on the morning of the day after the Sabbath There was someone there to announce that Jesus was not there among the dead Quote
charisbarak Posted March 17, 2007 Report Posted March 17, 2007 The similarities begin with the women making the discovery that the stone was moved away & that Jesus was no longer in the tomb. Angels announced that Jesus had risen as He had said He would. They ran to tell the disciples. The disciples ran to check out their story. Jesus appeared to the women first, then the disciples. Jesus was crucified, died, rose on the third day & appeared to the women, the disciples, and then many more before he went up to heaven. He is alive! We are saved! And praise the Lord! Quote
Tabatha Posted March 17, 2007 Report Posted March 17, 2007 Q2. What similarities do you find in the resurrection accounts? Based on the agreements between the accounts, what seems to have happened? In each story the women went to the tomb on the first day of the week. The stone was rolled away There was the appearance an Angel that told them He was not there He had arisen as promised. They were told to go and tell His desciples There were strips of linen lying the cloth was folded as if some one had taken much care, If Jesus had been stolen the clothes would have been on Him. In seeing the linen lying there neatly folded they saw and believed. He then appeared to them and said " Peace be with you. Praise God we have a risen Lord. that can not be defeated. Quote
lamountain Posted March 18, 2007 Report Posted March 18, 2007 There are several similarities such as, Mary was always present, Peter was always there, The angel or angels said He is risen, and told do not be afraid, But the biggest from what I see is that the love of our Lord was always present. His love was felt and never lost as well as that love for him. Quote
revmrf Posted March 18, 2007 Report Posted March 18, 2007 Q2. What similarities do you find in the resurrection accounts? Based on the agreements between the accounts, what seems to have happened? It was on the 1st day of the week, women and men came to his tomb for various purposes & found it empty of his body. At the tomb, they met an angelic being. Later, some were met by Jesus at various places and actually spoke with and touched or even hugged him [Jn 20:17.] Jesus was physically alive - risen from the dead - and appeared amongst his disciples and they, also, spoke with and touched him! Quote
PATJOE Posted March 18, 2007 Report Posted March 18, 2007 Q2. What similarities do you find in the resurrection accounts? Based on the agreements between the accounts, what seems to have happened? 1. Jesus did die and was buried. 2) All who loved Him were overcome with grief. 3) After three days the tomb was found empty and the cloths that Jesus was wrapped in were left behind. 4) Jesus appeared to Mary, Mary and Peter and other apostles - to Thomas and then to a group of 500 people. Based on what all scriptures agree on, and as prophesized in the Old Testament, Jesus indeed died for our sins, was buried and rose again on the third day so that we could be saved through His loving grace. Quote
Stan Posted March 19, 2007 Report Posted March 19, 2007 Q2. What similarities do you find in the resurrection accounts? Based on the agreements between the accounts, what seems to have happened? The first and most important is that Christ died was buried and rose the third days as He said He would. The second is that they agree that the women saw Him first then the men, He appeared to them in the room, and that He ascended into heaven to His Father. Jesus fulfilled the prophets and God's word to them by dieing and rising again. He has made a place for those He has chosen before the world began to be with Him. He gave us His word that we can understand that and prepare our hearts to recieve Him and His love for us and to learn to share that love with those around us. Quote
June Posted March 19, 2007 Report Posted March 19, 2007 That Jesus died, was wrapped in spices with linen cloth, buried in a tomb and on the third day HE AROSE! He appeared to many people. Jesus died and arose on the third day just as He said He would. Things happened based on there importance according to the Will of The Father. Quote
s8nfighter Posted March 19, 2007 Report Posted March 19, 2007 For ages people have used what they see and what has been reported to them to either prove or disprove something they already believe in. Whether or not the reports of the events are exactly the same does not matter much if the conclusion is the same. The conclusion is that our faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ gives us hope. It is a fragile faith that hangs on strips or sheets of cloth, the exact number of people, which came first, or how many jelly beans are in the jar. The important thing is that He died for our sins in hope that we may overcome the sin that controls our lives and in doing so share that hope with others. My favorite food at picnics is potato salad and fried chicken. If I was to not believe in the chicken or the egg because I didn Quote
JustJeff Posted March 19, 2007 Report Posted March 19, 2007 At first, no one even thought about the possibility that Jesus had risen from the dead. It is amazing how faith seems to slip away when the Word isn't present. They all acknowledeged the empty tomb, even that a messenger or two said that He had risen and yet, there was no belief. All agreed that Jesus was no longer in the grave. From my standpoint, He has risen from the dead, conclusively. Quote
jhm Posted March 19, 2007 Report Posted March 19, 2007 Q2. What similarities do you find in the resurrection accounts? Based on the agreements between the accounts, what seems to have happened? The first and main point of agreement is that the grave was empty and Jesus was RISEN and ALIVE! Regardless of the number of women they all found the stone had been rolled away. Regardless of where it was, the grave was still empty. Regardless of the sequence of the appearances of the resurrested Lord He did appear to 500 plus people before turning the work of making disciples over to those that did then, and those who still do, follow Him. Quote
Craig Posted March 19, 2007 Report Posted March 19, 2007 All gospel accounts of the resurrection agree that: Jesus was dead and bured; Jesus' disciples were dazed and confused; the empty tomb didn't mean much to the disciples and Mary thought the body was stolen; a number of disciples see the risen Jesus at different places and times; and the disciples declared Jesus to be risen from the tomb in Jerusalem. Bottom line is that the disciples did not believe that what Jesus foretold them about His trial, punishment, death and resurrection. So it would seem that Jesus was emtombed and rose the dead. Quote
masika Posted March 19, 2007 Report Posted March 19, 2007 The similarities which is there is that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead. The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is the central fact of Christian history. On it , the Church is built , without it, there would be no Chritian Church today. Jesus' resurrection is unique, other religion have strong enthical systems, concepts about paradise and afterlife , and various holy scriptures. Only Christianity has a God who became human, literally died for His people , and was raised again in power and glory to rule the Church forever. Quote
Lisa Rupert Posted March 19, 2007 Report Posted March 19, 2007 Q2. What similarities do you find in the resurrection accounts? Based on the agreements between the accounts, what seems to have happened? The most important thing happened, Jesus died, was buried, and on the third day was risen from the grave in fulfillment of the scriptures. The conclusion was all the same. It happened according to scripture. Quote
PCHRIS Posted March 20, 2007 Report Posted March 20, 2007 This are the similiarities- Jesus was dead and buried. The disciples were not prepared for Jesus' death. They were overcome with confusion. The tomb was found on Easter morning to be empty. But this in itself didn't inspire faith. Mary thought the body was stolen. The disciples encountered a number of experiences which they took to be appearances of Jesus risen from the dead. The disciples proclaimed the resurrection of Jesus in Jerusalem, near where he had been buried This was all prophesied in Old Testament Quote
Helen Williams Posted March 20, 2007 Report Posted March 20, 2007 Similarities: Jesus died and were buried, disciples were not prepared, empty tomb, Mary thought the body was stolen, etc. We see an agreement among the accounts. They all agree on the resurrection. Even with the difference and the similarities the outcome is still the same. Whether we believe or not Jesus who was dead had been raised from the dead. We worship a true and living God. Quote
Child of God Posted March 21, 2007 Report Posted March 21, 2007 Q2. What similarities do you find in the resurrection accounts? Based on the agreements between the accounts, what seems to have happened? The stone had already been rolled away when the women arrived and the tomb was empty. The burial garments were in the tomb, proof that our Lord had risen from the dead. There were angel's or at least an angel there when the women arrived. The diciples were confused, although he had told them he would rise again, they had not understood what he meant. Quote
plethra Posted March 25, 2007 Report Posted March 25, 2007 Q2. What similarities do you find in the resurrection accounts? Based on the agreements between the accounts, what seems to have happened? Jesus died and was buried, the stone was rolled away, angel/s were present, Jesus was not in the tomb, HE IS ALIVE! What happened was that Jesus died and wasd resurrected! He is alive forever more. Quote
Ann K Posted March 25, 2007 Report Posted March 25, 2007 The similarities were that Jesus was dead and buried. Women were the first to go to the tomb. Disbelief that Jesus was not there. Angels (not always the same number )were there. The placing of the cloths. Confusion, The disciples encounter a number of experiences which they thought to be Jesus. The stone had been rolled away. Jesus is not there but still some uncertainity that he is risen from the dead. That Jesus has risen from the grave is what I perceive between the agreements of the accounts. Quote
Jewell Posted March 25, 2007 Report Posted March 25, 2007 The similaries are that Jesus died, was buried, rose from the dead, and was seen by numerous people. What happened is that scripture, as prophesied in Isaiah and many other books of the bible, was fulfilled. Quote
haar Posted March 25, 2007 Report Posted March 25, 2007 The similarities in the resurrection story as found in the different Gospels: - Jesus really died and was burried. - The disciples were not prepared for his death even though he repeatedly told them about it before he died. - His tomb was found emty. - The disciples proclaimed the resurrection story in jerusalem. My Lord Jesus Christ died, was burried, rose on the 3rd day, was seen by Mary magdalene, the disciples and about 500 others. This is what I believe irrespective of any differences in the eye witness report. Quote
sahala p.s. Posted March 28, 2007 Report Posted March 28, 2007 Q2. What similarities do you find in the resurrection accounts? Based on the agreements between the accounts, what seems to have happened? The similarities I find in the resurrection accounts are 1.Early on the first of the week, Easter morning, Maria Magdalena went to the tomb to see the dead body of Jesus 2.At that time the Jesus' body was found not be in the tomb 3.Jesus appeared to the woman before appeared to the disciples and then the woman told to the disciples this event but the disciples did not believe that Jesus rose 4.Jesus appeared to the disciples and showed his hands and feet, and finally the disciples believed Based on the agreements between the accounts, it seems to have happened that Jesus died, he was buried, he was raised on the third day, and he appeared to the disciples. Quote
linda bass Posted March 28, 2007 Report Posted March 28, 2007 Mary Magdalene is at the tomb on Easter morning, whether alone or with other women. The stone at the tomb's entrance has been rolled away. Arriving at the tomb early morning on the first day of the week. Jesus' body is not in the tomb, only His grave clothes. Angels or an angel announcing that Christ has risen from the dead. Based on the agreements between accounts, it is obvious that Christ has risen from the dead just like He promised He would. Quote
sis. dee Posted April 1, 2007 Report Posted April 1, 2007 Q2. What similarities do you find in the resurrection accounts? Based on the agreements between the accounts, what seems to have happened? Jesus died and was buried, the angels were there, the stone was rolled away, the womans were the first to arrived at the tomb. Quote
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