Pastor Ralph Posted March 1, 2007 Report Posted March 1, 2007 Q4. What do we know from the Gospels about the properties of Jesus' resurrection body? What was he capable of in this new body? Quote
charisbarak Posted March 17, 2007 Report Posted March 17, 2007 Jesus in His resurrected body could be seen, could be touched and sounded the same. He could do all that a human being on earth could do, even eat, but was not limited to our time plane. Things that would stop us, wouldn't stop Jesus. Jesus is alive! He died for your sins! He loves you & wants you to come to have a relationship with Him; to clean your heart & make you a new person! Praise the Lord! He will return one day soon!! Quote
Tabatha Posted March 17, 2007 Report Posted March 17, 2007 Q4. What do we know from the Gospels about the properties of Jesus' resurrection body? What was he capable of in this new body? Jesus had the ability to move around in the physical world as we do. The amazing thing was He was not limited as we are. He could appear and disappear as He pleased. He passed through the grave clothes as though they weren't even there. Nothing could hold Him, He could be seen by others, but He could also become invisible. One minute He could be on the road to Emaus and the next minute He could be visible in another place. He could go through locked doors. He is not dead, He is not in a grave, He is on the right hand of the Father and one day He will return for us. Praise God. Quote
lamountain Posted March 18, 2007 Report Posted March 18, 2007 Jesus body was the same as it had been beofre he died, no diff from our own, but by beating death he kept his physical body as well as parts of the body that are able to do things beyond our capabilities. He was able to appear through locked doors, and change his appearence Quote
Siobhan 123 Posted March 18, 2007 Report Posted March 18, 2007 We understand from the gospels that Jesus' body truly was a resurrected body in that it had not only the 'appearance' of a body, but also the function and form as a physical body, to be touched, to eat, to walk and talk, etc. Yet He was also improved in that he could be out of the room and in the room instantly without using the doorway as a means for entry, alluding to His Omnipresence in deity. In John's gospel, chapter 20, Mary was instructed by Jesus to not touch Him as He had not yet ascended to the Father, but further on in the same gospel Jesus instructs Thomas in verse 27 to touch His wounds. It remains unsaid, but it would seem from the verbage that Thomas had no desire to touch the wounds of Christ at this time because 'seeing was believing'. In Matthew 28 verse 9, the other women leaving the sepulchre to tell the disciples that "He is risen" see Jesus "and held Him by the feet, and worshipped Him". Does this indicate that between seeing Mary moments before and then seeing "the other women" that Jesus asceended and then returned once more? Or would this be indication of His omnipresence, "in a moment in the twinkling of an eye", can you shed some further light on this Dr. Wilson? Quote
PCHRIS Posted March 20, 2007 Report Posted March 20, 2007 His spiritual characteristics such as appearing and disappearing, his ability to be in one place then another but also the physical characteristics such as eating, and His wounds still evident on His body. Quote
Joshua Ofosu Anim Posted March 20, 2007 Report Posted March 20, 2007 Q4. What do we know from the Gospels about the properties of Jesus' resurrection body? What was he capable of in this new body? According to the gospels Jesus rose from the dead in body form, just as he was before his sacrficial death. This means he was still flesh and blood like us. He could eat, talk, walk and do everything a normal human being could do. He was recognised by his disciples. HOWEVER THERE WAS SOMETHING SPECIAL ABOUT HIS BODY, IT BECAME INCORRUPTIBLE (1 Cor. 15:52-55), i.e. it was not limited by the physical plane. Therefore Jesus could come through locked doors and walls and could appear and disappear at will. THAT IS THE POWER OF GOD AT WORK. I believe this the kind of resurrection awaiting all believers. Quote
revmrf Posted March 20, 2007 Report Posted March 20, 2007 Q4. What do we know from the Gospels about the properties of Jesus' resurrection body? What was he capable of in this new body? What we know from the scriptures is that Jesus' resurrection body was fully human..., yet more. For, he no longer was restricted to space/time. It seems that he had/has a new dimension in that he could pass through physical objects [his graveclothes, closed doors,] and suddenly appear as he did on the Emmaus Road. Even so, he ate and talked, was recognizable in his resurrection form ['Rabonni' she said,] and could be felt [his crucifixion wounds] [Mary hung on to him.] Quote
June Posted March 20, 2007 Report Posted March 20, 2007 That He was flesh and bones as before. The new body had new powers and abilities that were not evident prior to resurrection. He could enter and exit at will wherever He chose. Quote
Child of God Posted March 21, 2007 Report Posted March 21, 2007 Q4. What do we know from the Gospels about the properties of Jesus' resurrection body? What was he capable of in this new body? The resurrected body of Christ was not merely imagination nor was it a ghost like appearance. The diciples were able to touch him, and he talked with them. Neither was his body a restored body like Lazarus's....Jesus' body was immortal. Hes was able to appear and disappear. Quote
PATJOE Posted March 21, 2007 Report Posted March 21, 2007 Q4. What do we know from the Gospels about the properties of Jesus' resurrection body? What was he capable of in this new body? Firstly, His scars from crucifixion were healed. He showed them He was not a ghost. He was flesh and bone. He was able to be touched by Thomas. He was able to eat a piece of fish. He was able to cook fish on the seashore. His voice was the same. When He spoke Mary's name, she recognized Him. He could appear in their midst in spite of locked doors around the disciples. Quote
Lisa Rupert Posted March 21, 2007 Report Posted March 21, 2007 Q4. What do we know from the Gospels about the properties of Jesus' resurrection body? What was he capable of in this new body? Jesus' renewed body had powers and abilities beyond what we humans obtain. His new body was: A normal human body Flesh & bones He could walk and talk and eat and drink His wounds were visible His voice was the same He could be touched and handled by others His new body could enter and exit rooms at will He was able to navigate in this physical world But he was not limited to the physical plane of this world. He was recognizable as Jesus Quote
Stan Posted March 21, 2007 Report Posted March 21, 2007 Q4. What do we know from the Gospels about the properties of Jesus' resurrection body? What was he capable of in this new body? That He had a physical body that got hungry, and you could feel, but He also had a body that could pass through walls and had no consept of place it could just appear not having to walk. He also was capable of walking as He joined the two on the way to emmaus. He could change His appearance so that some would not recognize Him and He could be recognized by others. He cooked fish for the desciples. He ate with them so He could handle things that were of a solid nature while passing through doors. He was both God and Man. Quote
s8nfighter Posted March 21, 2007 Report Posted March 21, 2007 Q4. What do we know from the Gospels about the properties of Jesus' resurrection body? What was he capable of in this new body? We know that Jesus overcame death because He ate, drank, walked, talked, and breathed, but we also know that He retained the scars placed there by us. I believe that the reason He kept the scars is not a proof of His resurection but of proof of His love for us and of proof that His will and desire is for us to have eternal life. That is what i believe "the other disciple, whom Jesus loved", finally understood when he saw the linen clothes. "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing! (new KJV) Darrell Quote
JustJeff Posted March 21, 2007 Report Posted March 21, 2007 Jesus' resurrected body was a relection of His pre-resurrection body, capable of both human and supernatural abilities. Quote
Triciahh Posted March 21, 2007 Report Posted March 21, 2007 Jesus physical body could do everything His preresurrection body could do except die again. His physical body was no longer bound by the laws of time and space. Quote
masika Posted March 21, 2007 Report Posted March 21, 2007 The resurrection body was unique. It was not the same kind of flesh and blood Lazarus had when he came back to life. JEsus body was no longer subject to the same law of nature as before His death. He could appear in locked room, yet He was not a ghost or apportion because He could be touched and could eat. Jesus' resurrection was literal and physical- He was not a disembodied spirit. Quote
plethra Posted March 25, 2007 Report Posted March 25, 2007 Q4. What do we know from the Gospels about the properties of Jesus' resurrection body? What was he capable of in this new body? He was flesh and bone. He looked the same as He did before HE died (most of the time). He could, and did eat, His wounds were visible. He was capable of coming into a locked secure room. He could disappear and appear at will. Quote
Jewell Posted March 25, 2007 Report Posted March 25, 2007 Jesus was flesh and bones, he could be touched by others, he could walk and talk. He could eat. His wounds were visible. He could be recognized if he chose to be. He could enter locked doors and appear or disappear at will. Quote
Ann K Posted March 25, 2007 Report Posted March 25, 2007 His body was 'still flesh and bones' yet had added new elements. He could do all things he had done before his death on the cross~ but after his resurrection he could appear on a roa besude travellers travelling on the road, walk through doors, etc. His body could almost be thought of as now having tha added ability of a ghostly aspect. Quote
haar Posted March 25, 2007 Report Posted March 25, 2007 The properties of Jesus' Resurrection body: - He had flesh and bone. - His body was physical as it was before his death thus he could eat. He however had more power thus he could pass through walls. Quote
linda bass Posted March 28, 2007 Report Posted March 28, 2007 He described His body as 'flesh and bones.' He invited Thomas to touch the wounds in His hands and sides. He could pass thru doors without having to open them. He could eat. He could be regconized by others but only when He wanted to be. He could appear and disappear at will. Quote
sahala p.s. Posted March 30, 2007 Report Posted March 30, 2007 Q4. What do we know from the Gospels about the properties of Jesus' resurrection body? What was he capable of in this new body? I know from the Gospels about the properties of Jesus' resurrection body, that his resurrection body is not completely different than his old physical body. It was as flesh and bones, he could eat, walk, talk, be touched and handled by others, do all things just as a normal body. Nevertheless it has new power and ability. He could disappear and appear at will, he could enter any rooms although they were limited by walls, locked doors. I agree that he had the ability to navigate in physical world, but was not limited to physical plane. Quote
sis. dee Posted April 3, 2007 Report Posted April 3, 2007 Q4. What do we know from the Gospels about the properties of Jesus' resurrection body? What was he capable of in this new body? The stone ws rolled away from Jesus tomb as a sign of God's power to the soldiers and for the disciples to see the empty tomb, and to let humans into see. It was as flesh and bones, He could eat, you could touch and handle His body, He could walk, talk and cook, His wounds were still visible, was recognized by others, voice (timber) remained the same, He could enter locked doors, disappear and appear at will. Quote
Commissioned Posted April 22, 2007 Report Posted April 22, 2007 Q4. What do we know from the Gospels about the properties of Jesus' resurrection body? What was he capable of in this new body? Jesus' body after the resurrection allowed him to do the normal things that a person alive could do, such as eat, walk, talk, he prepared food, also he still possessed the scars from the nails in his hands and feet, the scar in his side. In addition, in this new body he was able to appear and disappear at will. Quote
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