haar Posted June 5, 2019 Report Posted June 5, 2019 Q4. What do we know from the Gospels about the properties of Jesus' resurrection body? What was he capable of in this new body? A. It was as His physical body that He could eat, be touched, but with much more- power to go through locked rooms, disappear etc Quote
Bianca Posted April 3, 2022 Report Posted April 3, 2022 Jesus could still eat food with his new body. He could walk and talk and it was still flesh and bones. It's really awesome because he was able to be on the physical realm but wasn't limited to the physical realm. That's really cool. Quote
Niyonka16 Posted February 22, 2024 Report Posted February 22, 2024 Q4. (Titus 2:11-12) How does a wrong understanding of God's grace seem to give us a license to be sloppy in our behavior? ANSWER: Many professing Christians wrongly think that God’s grace means that He gives out free passes that allow us to sin, with no consequences for disobedience. If you emphasize the need to obey God’s commandments or do good works, they call you a legalist. If you warn them that their sloppy view of sin will result in God’s discipline, they don’t want to hear it. Their mantra is, “I’m not into your rules kind of religion. I’m under grace, not law.” For them, grace means permission for sloppy living. In what ways should God's grace motivate us to good behavior? ANSWER: Scripture shows a surprising and counter-intuitive truth: Grace motivates: … Grace gives us the power to overcome sin. It gives us the power to say no to sin and no to the enemy. Grace Is Compelling - God’s grace is overflowing and abundant. It is also powerful: grace motivates changed lives. The love of Christ compels us!” (2 Corinthians 5:14). The law threatens and demands, but does not motivate. This is not to discount the value of the law. The law of God is “perfect, true, and righteous. The law cannot generate what it commands. Law does not deliver what it mandates—but grace does. Grace Is Practical - The shocking and life-giving truth that grace motivates is not just for the pulpit and counseling sessions. It has massive implications for leadership in all realms. Grace is practical. What actually motivates people are “intrinsic motivators,” inward desires that drive our behavior. Those who lead by grace set the tone for entire teams and organizations. Grace expressed as love, acceptance, and understanding increases performance in the workplace.Grace In Real Life - For pastors and ministry leaders, the principle that grace motivates ought to permeate our lives, work, and leadership. This means when you want to see better performance from your staff, don’t threaten demotions or probation; instead, provide security, offer freedom for self-direction, and help them see the larger significance of their work. Don’t give them threats, but talk about Jesus’ obedience on their behalf and dazzle them with grace. You will be amazed at the fruit the Holy Spirit produces when you focus on grace, rather than threats and incentives. Grace motivates. Main Theme and Purpose of Titus The book of Titus is one of the pastoral epistles in the New Testament. Paul wanted to send encouragement to his friend, and in Titus 1:5 Paul states “The reason I left you in Crete was to set right what was left undone and, as I directed you, to appoint elders in every town.” He is reminding Titus of the duty he was charged with. Paul also writes this letter to send a warning to Titus. He reminds him in Titus 1:12 of what reputation the people of Crete have. The purpose of this letter is to not only encourage but instruct Titus in his ministry. Lastly, Paul wants Titus to visit him in Nicopolis. What We Can Learn from Titus Today - Paul’s words can teach us two very important lessons. The first LESSON is how those who are in leadership positions within the church should behave. We learn how to choose our leaders and what God is charging them to accomplish. Paul emphasizes sound doctrine because of the false teaching that was happening. The same false teachings are heard around the world today and as leaders in the church, we are to commit to spreading the truth. The second lesson we learn has to do with our salvation. Paul is teaching us that the gift of salvation should not end with us. It should be shared with the world around us as it was meant to give us a beautiful life. In Titus 3:14 Paul says, “Let our people learn to devote themselves to good works for pressing needs so that they will not be unfruitful.” Our good works will show our love and devotion to Christ. It will help us to show what the gift of salvation has done for us, and what it can do for others. Our world today is full of needs. There are the homeless, the unborn, the widows, and so many more. People that need the love of Christ in their hearts will only receive it as we work to help them. We are not to be judgmental, but compassionate. Christ commands us to go to the ends of the earth to share the gospel. The words of Paul remind us that we are to remember what Christ did for us. We were freed so that we may aid in the freeing of all mankind. We are not to sit still and keep the message of Jesus Christ to ourselves. Working to help others in need and sharing the gift of salvation is as important today as it was when Paul wrote these words. Quote
Niyonka16 Posted February 23, 2024 Report Posted February 23, 2024 Q4. What do we know from the Gospels about the properties of Jesus' resurrection body? ‘ ANSWER: It is clear that the New Testament intends us to see Jesus' resurrection body not as something completely different than His physical body. It is clearly one that has continuity with the old, but it includes new powers and abilities. According to Biblical Scriptures, the resurrected bodies possess several properties: immortality; entirety, implying the restitution of the limbs, the distinction of the sexes and the perfection of the senses; the excellent physique and physical beauty (natural prerogative). Make note that at the resurrection, the transformation of the body we have now into the body we will have, will be instantaneous. All believers will receive this gift at the same time. There’s continuity, but also changes with this new resurrection body. Here are four changes with the resurrection body. of them. Imperishable … (1 Corinthians 15:42) Glorious … (1 Corinthians 15:43) Powerful … (1 Corinthians 15:43) Godly … (1 Corinthians 15:44) here’s what you have to look forward to in the new heaven and the new earth: A body that is adapted to life forever and will never decline, a body that is glorious and powerful, B. a body that is fully responsive to the Holy Spirit. how to live in the light of your resurrection body: Recognize that you are wholly owned by Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) Be done with everything that defiles your body or your soul. (2 Corinthians 7:1) Offer your whole self to God. (Romans 12:1) Never give in to discouragement! (1 Corinthians 15:58) Because you are pressing toward the resurrection…Keep giving yourself to everything that God is calling you to do. Don’t hold back in any way! Do it with joy, and do it knowing that if even a cup of cold water will not go without its reward, you can be sure that a life of faith laid down in service for Jesus Christ will be a life that cannot be lived in vain. What was He (Jesus) capable of in this new body? ANSWER: Jesus’ resurrected body was capable of entering locked rooms at will (John 20:19). Our earthly body limits us in ways (and/or dimensions) that our spiritual body will not. Quote
crissy464 Posted March 22, 2024 Report Posted March 22, 2024 We do not really know what the qualities of the resurrected body are, but from the Gospel accounts it does seem that Jesus' body possesses power over material things in a way that is beyond our experience and knowledge. We know that two bodies cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Quote
Kayla M Posted March 26, 2024 Report Posted March 26, 2024 On 2/28/2007 at 11:49 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q4. What do we know from the Gospels about the properties of Jesus' resurrection body? What was he capable of in this new body? Jesus has the same human body he had pre-death and pre-resurrection. Meaning he could eat, walk, you could touch him, see his scars etc. The difference post-resurrection is that his human body had no limitations. He functioned even more god-like. He could appear, disappear, walk through walls, the whole works. I see where Hollywood gets their ideas for some of these movies they put out there. Quote
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