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Which of the various proofs for the resurrection seems the most compelling to you? Why? The empty tomb! The Jewish leaders themselves did not deny the empty tomb (they couldn’t). They paid the guards to say the disciples stole the body (Matt. 28:11-15), in an attempt to cover up Jesus’ irrefutable Resurrection. The inclusion of Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus as the ones who buried Christ is confirmed and verified in the Holy Scriptures.  Both were members of the Jewish Sanhedrin, a sort of Jewish Supreme Court, and Nicodemus was a member of the Pharisees. People of this ruling class were distinguished, preeminent citizens! Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus defied the Sanhedrin and Pharisees by treating Jesus' body with dignity and assuring that He received a proper burial. Joseph boldly asked Pontius Pilate for custody of Jesus' body. Not only did this devout Jew risk ritual uncleanness by entering the quarters of a pagan, but with Nicodemus, another Sanhedrin member, they further contaminated themselves under Mosaic Law, by touching a corpse. No doubt this was political suicide and quite possibly a career ending move by both men. This devotion and loyalty speaks volumes of their commitment to Jesus Christ and authenticates Jesus’ death and burial.


If you had a friend who wasn't sure about the resurrection, could you explain why you're sure that Jesus was raised from the dead? I believe I could, by explaining the empty tomb, the undisturbed burial cloths, and the multiple sightings of the risen Jesus by 500+ people; then there is His witnessed ascension back to His place with the Father. The evidence is overwhelming!

  • 8 months later...
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  • No alternate theory of the resurrection explains the remarkable facts of:


  • The empty tomb,
  • The undisturbed grave clothes,
  • The disciples' psychological state,
  • The post-resurrection appearances of Christ, and
  • The spread of Christianity.

Q4. Which of the various proofs for the resurrection seems the most compelling to you? Why? If you had a friend who wasn't sure about the resurrection, could you explain why you're sure that Jesus was raised from the dead?

In fact, all of these claims listed above rest on the disciples' psychology and reliability, except for the last one (spread of Christianity.). And merely because a religion spreads far doesn't make it right. Mormonism has spread quite quickly, but it's a made up religion.

I find the disciples' psychology and reliability therefore to be the most compelling. Whether the tomb was empty is less compelling, because if the apostles AREN'T reliable, then for all we know, the apostles could have stolen the body on Friday or Sunday, before or after the guards were posted. they could have made up all the other details.


To convince someone, I would explain that the apostles gave up a lot to be Christian leaders and that the Old Testament predicted it. But in truth these are not so convincing, because sometimes I think sects that are persecuted do make up stories, and anyway the apostles lasted a long time before they were killed, and it isn't even clear how many of them were killed unless you rely on Sacred Church Tradition that was written down even later. Besides, just because the Old Testament writers and prophets said something would happen centuries previous to them or after their times does not necessarily mean to me that it would occur. I don't think there was an actual global flood that Noah survived with the world's animal pairs in one boat. It doesn't sound realistic if you think of the logistics.

  • 3 months later...

The open grave and the disciples seeing Jesus again afterwards. He even taught them again. Then the best proof is how Jesus changed his disciples and even today every one of us who gives our lives to Him. If you just open your eyes to Him you can see every day how He walks with us and keep us safe and teach us.


God is amazing

  • 1 month later...

The proof for the resurrection that is most compelling to me is the disciples were martyred because they knew that Jesus had been raised from the grave. I don’t know of any person that would be willing to die for a lie that they were perpetrating. I think that I could explain why I am sure that Jesus was raised from the dead.

  • 11 months later...

The Most compelling to me about the Resurrection is firstly how neat the lined clothes were still layed out perfectly as if a body was just taken out,and also the scene between Jesus and Mary Madeleine,because she was absolutely devastated after the death of Jesus and absolutely transformed when she realized it was Him she was speaking with. The only proof i could give to friends is what Jesus has done in my life and what He is still doing because He is alive.

  • 2 years later...

Q4. Which of the various proofs for the resurrection seems the most compelling to you? Why? If you had a friend who wasn't sure about the resurrection, could you explain why you're sure that Jesus was raised from the dead?

A. The undisturbed grave clothes of Jesus seems to me the most compelling proof of His resurrection because through resurrection the clothes will remain intact. Any other theory including theft, fainting etc will result in missing burial clothes or their disorderliness. Yes.

  • 2 years later...

Honestly, After thinking about it, I will have to say all of them. All of it is just miraculous to me. Jesus revealing himself to all those people after his resurrection. The undistributed grave clothes. Why? It's just awesome to see how God does things. He just doesn't do things the way human beings would have done it. Yes I could explain to a friend by the scriptures. The scriptures gives an accurate account and My heart. God has convicted my heart that this is real. It's not something that's coming from intellectual knowledge or I'm trying to understand this through science or what I can see or feel. It's been planted in my heart. Only the Holy Spirit can give one a true reality that the resurrection is real. I have a supernatural revelation of the truth through the scriptures opening up to me and God speaking directly into my heart. Wonderful

  • 11 months later...

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