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Q2. In what way does Christ's resurrection somehow validate that we are saved and forgiven by God? If we didn't believe Christ had been actually raised from the dead, how might we have doubts about our salvation?

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Q2. In what way does Christ's resurrection somehow validate that we are saved and forgiven by God? If we didn't believe Christ had been actually raised from the dead, how might we have doubts about our salvation?

The resurrection of Jesus is a validation of our own experience in going from death to life; burying the old man and rising with the new, the corruptable putting on the uncorruptable; becoming a new creation in Christ. If I did not believe the account of the resurrection I would question everything else that I read in the Bible. I could then read any part of the Bible and decide it was written in archaic times for archaic people. I would choose which parts to believe and which parts to ignore. I would choose which parts apply to me, or which parts will have any affect on my behavior and my life's goals, ambitions, etc. Therfore, I choose to believe that the Bible is God's Word, and completely accurate (inerrant) and is the means of my salvation, and is in fact the only way to God. Jn. 14:6

Q2. In what way does Christ's resurrection somehow validate that we are saved and forgiven by God? If we didn't believe Christ had been actually raised from the dead, how might we have doubts about our salvation?

The resurrection of Christ is the center of the Christian faith. Because Christ rose from the dead as He promised. We know that what He said is true----He is the Son of God. Because He rose, We have certainty that our sins are forgiven. Because He rose, He lives and represents us to God. Because He rose and defeated death, we know we will also be raised.

Even more important, however, is the fact that if Christ had not been resurrected from death, Christians could not be forgiven for their sins and would have no hope of eternal life. Christ is the forerunner for us, the proof of our eventual resurrection to eternal life.

Christ defeated sin and death on the cross, and in the final days, He will defeat Satan and all evil

How could we have doubts about our salvation if we believe what the bible says and trust in Jesus being the Son of God. That is a question that has never come up with me. I know the truth is in me and I just don't go there with those thoughts. It is an interesting question though. A person would almost have to question if they were a Christian and if the bible was true. So as I have said I don't even go there.


Q2. In what way does Christ's resurrection somehow validate that we are saved and forgiven by God? If we didn't believe Christ had been actually raised from the dead, how might we have doubts about our salvation?

It validates it in the fact that Jesus is risen and is seated at the Father's right Hand with out that our faith is worthless. If we fail to believe He is alive then we also can't believe that our sins are forgiven and our salvation assured. We must believe all or we can believe nothing. Jesus is where we must start without His death and ressurection we have no place from wher to base our faith. Like Paul said our faith is in vain if He did not die for us and ries again.

Q2. In what way does Christ's resurrection somehow validate that we are saved and forgiven by God? If we didn't believe Christ had been actually raised from the dead, how might we have doubts about our salvation?

This was hard for me because I can't not believe Christ was resurected. I would not have said that a few years ago but back then I did not belive in anything. So I guess there is your answer. Without believing in the resurection what hope is there? By bringing Jesus back to life God sealed and signed a contract so to speak, a covenant a promise.The veil was torn so that we may ALL be in a closer forgiving relationship with God.


Jesus told us that He is the resurrection and the life. Without His resurrection we would be dead in our sins, with no chance of eternal life with Him. This freedom that we now enjoy is by His life, as the Father has honored the Son and those whom He claims as His sheep. This we confirm by the assurance in our hearts, rendered by the Holy Spirit.

If we think that He not has risen what could we sacrifice for forgiveness of our sin? Where could we sacrifice since the temple has been destroyed? As Gentiles, would God accept our sacrifices if we were able? No, we would be very much dead in our sins with no hope of salvation, no doubt about it.

Q2. In what way does Christ's resurrection somehow validate that we are saved and forgiven by God? If we didn't believe Christ had been actually raised from the dead, how might we have doubts about our salvation?

Jesus was pure and without sin. He lovingly accepted the burden, punishment and suffering, for all of OUR sins, while on the cross. So we have been vindicated through His death. There is absolutely nothing we could ever do to achieve our vindication/forgiveness on our own. His death did that for us and for the 6 hours it took Jesus to die, God turned His back on Him - while he bore OUR sins. His resurrection by God was God's way of restoring Jesus to His state of perfect holiness, and honoring Him by taking Him to His right side in heaven, while at the same time promising us our resurrection on the last day, if we believe and trust God with our lives. There is absolutely no sound basis for our salvation without the truth of Jesus' resurrection by God. What a loving Father and Saviour we have.


Q2. In what way does Christ's resurrection somehow validate that we are saved and forgiven by God? If we didn't believe Christ had been actually raised from the dead, how might we have doubts about our salvation?

Christ death and resurrection was an atonement for our sins. We became blameless. It validates our salvation and completes it. Without it our faith would be worthless, our faith would have no value. We would be dead in sin and lost forever. His promises of forgiveness for our sins are true. His death was our assurance and the proof that God completed our salvation and he vindicated Jesus by raising him from the grave. I've believed in Jesus my entire life, I am not sure I could ever imagine living a life that did not include him in it. But I can tell you this that my life would be totally different and I am not sure I would be happy with who I am with out my Lord and Savior.

Q2. In what way does Christ's resurrection somehow validate that we are saved and forgiven by God? If we didn't believe Christ had been actually raised from the dead, how might we have doubts about our salvation?

It is by his death that he took our place on the cross and became sin that we might become righteous or right with God. His resurrection and his place at the right hand of God interceding for us assures us of our salvation.. for who could better be our ultimate intercessor other than Jesus. Otherwise, we would have to rely on our good works vs our bad works [sin] on the balance scale. Speaking for myself, I know which way the scale would tip...


Jesus defeated death in His resurrection. He also completed the work done for us--He paid for our sins on the cross & opened communication between God & man. We can appropriate His suffering for our sins, be cleansed in His name--salvation is sure.

If we didn't believe that He was resurrected, then we would doubt His every word.


Q2. In what way does Christ's resurrection somehow validate that we are saved and forgiven by God? If we didn't believe Christ had been actually raised from the dead, how might we have doubts about our salvation?

Every time I ponder this question many thoughts come to mind; this morning the answer to the first question I found in the second. If we don't believe what then????

The prophet Jeremiah in chapter in chapter 31 told of something new and different which God was about to do. He said he was going to make a new covenant with his people, unlike the old. Jeremiah 31:"But this is the new covenant I will make with the people of Israel on that day," says the LORD. "I will put my laws in their minds, and I will write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. 34 And they will not need to teach their neighbors, nor will they need to teach their family, saying, 'You should know the LORD.' For everyone, from the least to the greatest, will already know me," says the LORD. "And I will forgive their wickedness and will never again remember their sins."

While thinking about the second question I remembered the rich man asking Jesus "What must I do to receive eternal life?" Jesus replied, "Go sell everything you have and give it to the poor." Jesus was asking this man to do what was impossible for him, it is impossible for us to do anything to fulfill the new covenant which Jeremiah spoke of. (NLT)

Luke 18:11 The proud Pharisee stood by himself and prayed this prayer: 'I thank you, God, that I am not a sinner like everyone else, especially like that tax collector over there! For I never cheat, I don't sin, I don't commit adultery, 12 I fast twice a week, and I give you a tenth of my income.' 13 "But the tax collector stood at a distance and dared not even lift his eyes to heaven as he prayed. Instead, he beat his chest in sorrow, saying, 'O God, be merciful to me, for I am a sinner.' 14 I tell you, this sinner, not the Pharisee, returned home justified before God. For the proud will be humbled, but the humble will be honored."(NLT)

All I know, it is only a RISEN SAVIOR who can touch a lonely young man, as I was 17 years ago, and say to him it is O.K. to receive communion because your sins have been forgiven. Seventeen years ago I was like that tax collector, sitting back too ashamed to receive communion on Easter Sunday. I was broke, and broken, had nothing to offer and Jesus required nothing, He placed faith in me long before I placed faith in Him. He placed faith in all of us on the cross.


Q2. In what way does Christ's resurrection somehow validate that we are saved and forgiven by God? If we didn't believe Christ had been actually raised from the dead, how might we have doubts about our salvation?

The resurrection gives proof to our salvation. If there had been no resurrection, then our salvation and the faith we have and use to be saved would be useless. Because He lives we know that we too shall live!

Q2. In what way does Christ's resurrection somehow validate that we are saved and forgiven by God? If we didn't believe Christ had been actually raised from the dead, how might we have doubts about our salvation?

The only hope we have is faith .

Knowledge and belief even the devils have.

faith is the action of our beliefs.

Our hope therefore lies in that God is not a man that he should lie.

therefore as he has promised through his eternal word that the same spirit that raised Christ will raise the faithful also.

Also if God is able to release Christ from all the sin that he took upon himself , then he will also release us of ours through the covenant relationship that he has with his own son.


It shows us fulfillment of His promises of forgiveness of sins and we have been rescued from darkness. Oh ye of little faith! Faith is the key. If we had not faith in all that Christ stands for we would not believe that we have been forgiven. Without faith we wouldn't know that we had sinned.

Christ's Resurrection validates our salvation..


Christ's death on the cross atoned for our sins, while His resurrection validates our salvation and completes it. Because of the resurrection, we can have confidence that His promises to forgive our sins is true. We can have full assurance that our salvation is real. :)

However, if we had doubts about Jesus' rising from the dead, we would wonder rather or not the rest of the bible was reliable. Plus we would have no hope of eternal life. :(


Jesus' resurrection validates our salvation. He died on the cross taking our sins and nailing them on the cross. His resurrection completes the work of salavation as he is alive and we too will live after death. Lord help us to doubt our doubts about the Resurrection and our salvation.


Jesus went to the cross for our sins and raised by God to for our justification/salvation. If Jesus' resurrection did not take place, then it would cast doubts about other things that Jesus and the Apostles said about our salvation.


Christ's resurrection is assurance or proof that God has completed our salvation.

Our salvation is made possible through Jesus' sacrifice and because he was raised from the dead.


Jesus' resurrection gives us the assurance of God's promise that we are saved from our sins and we are forgiven.

How could we believe if we did not have the resurrection . We all experience death. We would not have the necessary 'proof' to explain our belief or salvation. Seeing is believing!

Q2. In what way does Christ's resurrection somehow validate that we are saved and forgiven by God? If we didn't believe Christ had been actually raised from the dead, how might we have doubts about our salvation?

Christ death and resurrection validates our salvation, that He paid for our sins on the cross, and that one day our own resurrected bodies will rise and be with God and Jesus forever.

Q2. In what way does Christ's resurrection somehow validate that we are saved and forgiven by God? If we didn't believe Christ had been actually raised from the dead, how might we have doubts about our salvation?

Christ's resurrection validates that we are saved and forgiven by God in the way that it vindicates our salvation and his forgiveness of our sins. Because of it we have confidence that our salvation and his forgiveness of our sins is not a pipe dream based on empty hopes.

If we didn't believe Christ had been actually raised from the dead, we might have doubts about our salvation in the way that we might have doubt about that we were pardoned and blameless, about his forgiveness of our sins, about our justification


It is in Christ's resurrection that we have proof that God has completed our salvation. As a result of Jesus' resurrection, Christians have an expectation of resurrection. If Jesus did not resurrect from the dead as He said He would, then other things that Jesus taught may not be true. This could create alot of uncertainty regarding Jesus.


As Christians Christ's resurrection gives us hope and we can be confident that God Has won the final Victory and is in control of everything . We need not fear anything . He is powerful and He will raise us on the final day.

Glory be to God AMEN..


As John said in his gospel, John 1: 29, "... Behold the Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world." Christ came to die for us, to be bruised for our iniquities.

Through His resurrection, He conquered death and for us we share this death and resurrection through baptism as we 'die' in our old self and raise up in the new.

We would doubt everything the Bible tells us if we didn't beleive that Christ arose.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q2. In what way does Christ's resurrection somehow validate that we are saved and forgiven by God?

Christ's resurrection validated that we are saved and forgiven by God because God, Himself, vindicated Jesus by raising him from the dead. Thus we know that his promises of forgiveness of sins are true, that we have been saved, rescued, delivered. Several times the resurrection is referred to as the basis of our confidence in salvation.

If we didn't believe Christ had been actually raised from the dead, how might we have doubts about our salvation?

If we didn't believe Christ had been actually raised from the dead, we might have doubts about our salvation because if he had died as all men die and not raised from the dead, then we would have no hope of being resurrected to eternal life. But because he lives we have confidence that our salvation is a firm expectation based on Jesus' resurrection from the dead.

Thank you Lord!

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