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  • 1 month later...
Q3. What does the phrase "redemption of our bodies"(Romans 8:23-24) tell us about our resurrection? What words in 1 Corinthians 15:42-44 describe our resurrection bodies?

It tells us that we will be resurrected. Where ever our bodies are and in what ever state our bodies are in, God, in His awesome power, is able to call forth every molecule to come together and to live, in a glorified state.

incorruptible, glory, power, spiritual,

Q3. What does the phrase "redemption of our bodies"(Romans 8:23-24) tell us about our resurrection? What words in 1 Corinthians 15:42-44 describe our resurrection bodies?

We have been redeemed from the life we used to live when we took Jesus Christ as our Savior. We are redeemed through His blood shed on the Cross. Our new life ( eternal life ) begins at that moment . And it is present because we are being saved from our old ways That is the process of sanctification. But at the same time, we have not fully received all the benefits and blessings of salvation that will be ours when Chrst's new kingdom is copmpletely established. That is our future salvation. While we can be confident of our salavation., we still look ahead with hope and trust toward that complete change of body and personality that lies beyond this life when we will be like Christ.

Our present bodies are pershible and prone to decay. Our resurrection bodies will be transformed. These spiritual bodies will not be limited by the law of nature. This not necessarily means we'll be superpeople., but our bodies will be different from and more capable than our present earthly bodies. Our spiritual bodies will not be weak, will never get sick, and will never die.


The redemption of our bodies means we are going to get a new, glorified body & "trade in" our old one.

Spiritual, power, glory, incorruptible!

Q3. What does the phrase "redemption of our bodies"(Romans 8:23-24) tell us about our resurrection? What words in 1 Corinthians 15:42-44 describe our resurrection bodies?

Our bodies which will die a natural body, a corruptible body, a weak body and a dishonored body will be raised a spiritual body, an incorruptible body, a powerful body and a glorious body. During resurrection God's POWER will change our bodies into what I love to call Heavenly Bodies.


Redemption of our bodies will finally come when we die and rise again in an incorruptable new body, which will be as the Lord's when He arose. It means that we will not be disembodied spirits floating about but, will have flesh and blood new bodies that will not deterioate over time, being eternal.

The words that bare witness to this appear in 1 Cor 15:42-44; raised in incorruption, in glory, in power, a spiritual body. Thank you Jesus!


Q3. What does the phrase "redemption of our bodies"(Romans 8:23-24) tell us about our resurrection? What words in 1 Corinthians 15:42-44 describe our resurrection bodies?

I believe that is says that we will have a glorified body like Jesus has and that we will be like Him in the fact that we will be worshiping the Father and giving Him praise for the word He has done in us.

"35 But someone may ask, 'How are the dead raised? With what kind of body will they come?' ... 42 So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable;43 it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; 44 it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body." (1 Corinthians 15:35, 42-44)

Imperishable, meaning that we will no longer grow old and tire out or be weaken from sickness or disease. Glory, we will be raised in glory to forever praise and worship the Father who gave us that new Life and Hope in Him. Power, we will have the pwoer to resist all forms of weakness that the body now sercomes to the will be no more sin in our hearts to deal with or sickness to ovecome.Spiritual, we will have a true and loving Spiritual body truly inveloped in giving back the Love of God to Him who has given us life and worshiping Him in the Spirit as we are to do now but hten it will all be natural.

Q3. What does the phrase "redemption of our bodies"(Romans 8:23-24) tell us about our resurrection? What words in 1 Corinthians 15:42-44 describe our resurrection bodies?

At our resurrection, our physical bodies will be glorified. Our resurrection bodies will be raised incorruptible, glorified, powerful, and spiritual. We will be transformed out of corruption, dishonour, and weakness. Our bodies will be redeemed and will be like the glorified body of our Lord.

Q3. What does the phrase "redemption of our bodies"(Romans 8:23-24) tell us about our resurrection? What words in 1 Corinthians 15:42-44 describe our resurrection bodies?

Redemption of our bodies will be when our bodies will be rise again in incorruptable new glorious body.

Our bodies will be imperishable, rise in glory, rise in power, and rised a spiritual body. Praise the Lord! :lol:

Q3. What does the phrase "redemption of our bodies"(Romans 8:23-24) tell us about our resurrection? What words in 1 Corinthians 15:42-44 describe our resurrection bodies?

It means forgiveness of our bodily sins.Our resurection bodies will be flawless, nthey will be still flesh but a spiritual flesh, powerful an holy in surrounded in Gods power and light.


Q3. What does the phrase "redemption of our bodies"(Romans 8:23-24) tell us about our resurrection? What words in 1 Corinthians 15:42-44 describe our resurrection bodies?

Redemption of our bodies means that Jesus paid the price for our freedom, so we are free and saved.

Our Resurrected bodies:

Imperishible-it will not be corruptible and will not experience deterioration

Glory-With brightness, radience, splendor

Power-Without age or sickness, with might, strength, and force

Spiritual body- That our bodies will be spititual and physical, as Jesus body is, we will be able to operate in the spiritual and physical realms.


The phrase " redemption of our bodies" tells us that our bodies will be redeemed. Just as our spirit was redeemed when we accepted Christ as our Savior, so too, our physical bodies will be redeemed at Christ's return.

The words use to describe our resurrection bodies are:

1)incorruptable-our new bodies will not be subject to decay and disease the way are present bodies are.

2)glory-our new bodies will be radiant, bright and shining like the stars.

3)-power-while our present bodies eventually wearout due to sickness and disease, our new bodies will be powerful.

4) spiritual-our new bodies will be spiritual. Not in the sense that we will be just spirits without a body, but rather, our new bodies will have a spiritual dimension just as Jesus' resurrection body does. Like Jesus, we will be able to operate in the

spiritual realm as well as the physical realm.

Q3. What does the phrase "redemption of our bodies"(Romans 8:23-24) tell us about our resurrection? What words in 1 Corinthians 15:42-44 describe our resurrection bodies?

Redemption of our bodies means that we [those who have put their faith in Christ] will be resurrected in bodily form, yet redeemed with attributes far superior than what we possess while here on earth: a body that is imperishable [non-deteriorating,] glorified [splendiforous!], with power [disease free, etc], and having a spiritual dimension such as what Jesus had after his resurrection.


We will be resurrected with glorified bodies like the body Christ now Has in Heaven. We have the "foretaste," the first installment or down payment of future glory- The Holy Spirit- as a quarentee of our resurrection life.


The resurrection is the final stage of our adoption. We go from corruptible, dishonour, weak, natural to being incorruptible, glorified, powerful, spiritual bodies with Christ.


Our resurrected bodies will be incorruptible, glorified, imperishable and spiritual.

The words in 1 Cor 15:42-44 that described our resurrected bodies are: raised- incorruptable, glory, power and spiritual


It tell us that we were set free when Christ paid the price.

1 Corinthians describes our resurrection bodies as raised imperishable, in glory and power and as a spiritual body.


The redemption of our bodies is the setting free of our earthly body by our resurrection to a more heavenly, complete spiritual body, free of the chains of earthly existence.

The words describing our resurrection bodies are imperishable, glorified, powerful and spiritual.

Q3. What does the phrase "redemption of our bodies"(Romans 8:23-24) tell us about our resurrection? What words in 1 Corinthians 15:42-44 describe our resurrection bodies?

About our resurrection the phrase "redemption of our bodies" (Romans 8:23-24) tell us that Christ's redemption of us is not only spiritual, but holistic, physical. The redemption of our bodies will happen at the Last Day, which we wait eagerly for.

The words in 1 Corinthians 15:42-44 that describe our resurrection bodies are imperishable not perishable, in glory not in dishonor, in power not in weakness, and spiritual not natural.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q3. What does the phrase "redemption of our bodies"(Romans 8:23-24) tell us about our resurrection?

The phrase "redemption of our bodies" tell us that our resurrection is the fulfilment.

What words in 1 Corinthians 15:42-44 describe our resurrection bodies?

In 1 Corinthians 15:42-44 our resurrection bodies is described by the words imperishable, glory, power and spiritual body.

  • 1 month later...

Q3. What does the phrase "redemption of our bodies"(Romans 8:23-24) tell us about our resurrection?

In contrast to the bodies that we have now, our resurrected bodies will be changed and be imperishable and incorruptible.

What words in 1 Corinthians 15:42-44 describe our resurrection bodies?




Spiritual :rolleyes:

  • 9 months later...

This is what we hope for to come is in our resurrected bodies we will be present with the Lord forever. Now we groan within ourselves as we eagerly wait for the adoption, the redemption of our bodies. Our redemptive bodies will be as Jesus’ body was after His resurrection; as Paul describes in 1 Corinthians 15 changed from corruptible, sinful bodies to perfect incorruptible ones without sin; from dishonored, shameful bodies (again from sin) to glorious, shining, radiant bodies (without any sin like Jesus’ body); weak, deathly bodies changed instantly to powerful, mighty, strong and eternal bodies; and natural, dying bodies of decay and ungodliness to become spiritual, never dying but eternal, and godly bodies able to operate both in the spiritual as well as the physical realms of Christ Jesus’ new creation—His heavenly glory. These changes will all be made instantly as the Lord takes us to be home with Him forever and ever!!!!! Amen!

  • 1 year later...

Q3. What does the phrase "redemption of our bodies"(Romans 8:23-24) tell us about our resurrection? What words in 1 Corinthians 15:42-44 describe our resurrection bodies?

Our earthly bodies used to be dirty but in Jesus, they have to be clean.

Those bodies are mortal.

Our resurrected bodies are not mortal.

They are suited to live in heaven.

  • 3 months later...

Q3. What does the phrase "redemption of our bodies"(Romans 8:23-24) tell us about our resurrection? What words in 1 Corinthians 15:42-44 describe our resurrection bodies?

It tells us that our bodies will be changed from corruptible to incorruptible.

Incorruption,Glory,Power,spiritual! Glory to God!!!!

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