Tahera Kine Posted April 12, 2012 Report Posted April 12, 2012 Here the author is bringing the Jesus as the Son of God, as one high is position than angels, higher than the prophets. Jesus as the Father representative, the most faithful Real Image of the Father. Quote
critter123 Posted August 20, 2012 Report Posted August 20, 2012 I believe he is writing about Jesus. Jesus would have more validity than a prophet because He is G-d in human form. Quote
Flora Posted August 23, 2012 Report Posted August 23, 2012 The Spirit of the Living God through the writer of Hebrews is revealing Jesus as the Son of God. He is his OFF SPRING. This is not a metaphoric idea, it is the TRUTH. He is not just like God, or resemble God...He is God in the flesh...He has God's SPIRITUAL DNA...Only the SON OF GOD can quicken man's unregenerated spirit and EMPOWER US TO BECOME CHILDREN OF GOD...WE MUST ACCEPT AND RECEIVE JESUS AS GOD INCARNATE...OR WE DEPLETE HIS POWER TO REGENERATE OUR SPIRIT. If we believe that he was a good man only, then it will make him a good role model, Following the example of His life will make us a BETTER PERSON, BUT IT WILL NOT MAKE US A NEW CREATURE...IT WILL NOT MAKE US CHILDREN OF GOD. To be born again, we must believe that He is the only begotten Son of God given as a sacrifice for our sins...Then we will RECEIVE ETERNAL (GOD LIFE) LIFE IN OUR SPIRIT...AND BECOME EMPOWERED TO BE CHILDREN OF THE MOST HIGH GOD... Quote
Yvonne Abdullah Posted April 5, 2013 Report Posted April 5, 2013 Q1. (Hebrews 1:2) In what way do you think the author of Hebrews is using the word "Son"? As a metaphor? As a biological relationship? How would a Son's words have more weight than a prophet's? Here the author begins with a general declaration of the excellency of the gospel dispensation above that of the law, which he demonstrates from the different way and manner of God’s communicating himself and his mind and will to men in the one and in the other: both these dispensations were of God, and both of them very good, but there is a great difference in the way of their coming from God. ObserveThe way God communicated himself and his will to men under the Old Testament. Of the persons by whom God delivered his mind under the Old Testament; they were the prophets, persons chosen of God, and qualified by him, for that office of revealing the will of God to men. No man takes this honour to himself, unless called; and whoever are called of God are qualified by him. The persons to whom God spoke by the prophets: To the fathers, to all the Old-Testament saints who were under that dispensation. God favoured and honoured them with much clearer light than that of nature, under which the rest of the world were left. The order in which God spoke to men in those times that went before the gospel, those past times: he spoke to his ancient people. the patriarchal, the Mosaic, and the prophetic; his mind concerning the Redeemer: to Adam, that the Messiah should come of the seed of the woman, to Abraham, that he should spring from his loins, to Jacob, that he should be of the tribe of Judah, to David, that he should be of his house, to Micah, that he should be born at Bethlehem, to Isaiah, that he should be born of a virgin. the different ways in which God though fit to communicate his mind to his prophets; sometimes by the illapses of his Spirit, sometimes by dreams, sometimes by visions, sometimes by an audible voice, sometimes by legible characters under his own hand, as when he wrote the ten commandments on tables of stone. God’s method of communicating his mind and will under the New-Testament dispensation, these last days as they are called, that is, either towards the end of the world, or the end of the Jewish state. The times of the gospel are the last times, the gospel revelation is the last we are to expect from God. There was first the natural revelation; then the patriarchal, by dreams, visions, and voices; then the Mosaic, in the law given forth and written down; then the prophetic, in explaining the law, and giving clearer discoveries of Christ: but now we must expect no new revelation, but only more of the Spirit of Christ to help us better to understand what is already revealed. Now the excellency of the gospel revelation above the former consists in two things:— 1. It is the final, the finishing revelation, given forth in the last days of divine revelation, to which nothing is to be added, but the canon of scripture is to be settled and sealed: so that now the minds of men are no longer kept in suspense by the expectation of new discoveries, but they rejoice in a complete revelation of the will of God, both preceptive and providential, so far as is necessary for them to know in order to their direction and comfort. For the gospel includes a discovery of the great events that shall befal the church of God to the end of the world. 2. It is a revelation which God has made by his Son, the most excellent messenger that was ever sent into the world, far superior to all the ancient patriarchs and prophets, by whom God communicated his will to his people in former times. And here we have an excellent account of the glory of our Lord Jesus Quote
Old Jerry Posted June 24, 2013 Report Posted June 24, 2013 I think that author of Hebrews is using the word “Son” as a biological relationship to the Father. A Son’s words would have more weight than a prophet’s because the Father has directly taught the Father and he would know the Father better than any other person and know how he interacts with others. Quote
Betty Sienkiewicz Posted December 14, 2013 Report Posted December 14, 2013 I have always taken the idea of Jesus as the Son of God to be literal. It is presented that way in Scripture, as noted by so many of the others who have answered this question before me. Quote
woG7* Posted February 16, 2014 Report Posted February 16, 2014 The expression "Son is used in a biological relationship. In scripture God the Father uses the term "My Son", Jesus tells us that He is the Son and if we have seen Him we have seen the Father. Furthermore, the Son is 1/3 of the Trinity, within the Trinity we have Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Quote
HeartMindSoul&Strength Posted June 8, 2014 Report Posted June 8, 2014 I have not read the other comments regarding this and I wanted to write what comes to me through the Spirit. I wrote and re-wrote learning more and more and refreshing old beliefs. Here is how it is revealed to me. God created Jesus long ago, so Jesus has always been. He has existed through new testimony prophecy, John the Baptist and in old testament prophecy and through scripture. He proved Himself to be God by example. He illuminated the Spirit of God and revealed God desires for us and to us and still does even now as you seek Him. Jesus was sent as the example, as the way out for those who believed in God and wanted a way out to stand up under. He was and is and will always be, the Healer, the Teacher, The Faithful, the Flawless, The Powerful, The Humble, The Meek, The Seeker, The Deliver, The Forgiver, The Sacrifice, The Redeemer and whatever else is good and perfect like God's will for us. He is the epitome of peace, love, kindness, gentleness, goodness and self-discipline because He was, by God's grace and mercy the image of God and He is of God's Spirit, created by God's Spirit, Dwelling richly in us might I add through the gift He promised us, the Holy Spirit. Sharing Himself, revealing Himself and Giving Himself to us freely through having only to believe. Jesus said, to sum it up, two of the greatest commandments are...Love thy Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength and treat each other as you would yourself. How were we to love a God we knew so little about, who could change at a moments thought because He is the Great I AM, after all, He is the One who could make us or break us, who could be heard in the word and through prophets, but not be seen? But, He is Greater than our thoughts isn't He. He gave us Christ, so we would have the way out to stand up under. We now had what God planned for us so long ago. Jesus!!! That's how we get to know Him. Christ Jesus was the true Spirit of God. Through Jesus He showed us that we are to be like Him, forgiving, loving, guiding, humble, disciplined, faithful, seeking, honoring, obeying, peaceful, kind, gentle, fruitful, honest, teachers, healers, prayerful, discerning, sacrificing, serving, surrendering, delivers of the word and so much more. He keeps simply showing us His will and His ways. How, through His Spirit which through our faith He freely has given us. Okay, to sum it up: God loves us so much He sent His Son..."biological" son in human terminology, thus making Jesus God, but He also sent Jesus as human...making Jesus into a child of God too. We become children of God as humans for our faith...So Jesus showed us that as a human He was a child of God (a son, the kind of son or child of a Father we are to become through our faith) and as a God, He was God's Holy and Righteous Son as He created Him to be. So to me Son, shows that Jesus was like John describes, God's one and only begotten Son and He was everything Holy and Righteous as God is, but He was also human which God the Father isn't, showing us that as a human we are able to inherit the Spirit of God through our faith, making it possible for God the Father's Spirit to exist in a human body. I see it this way: God created Jesus to be human and to be Him, thus making Him a "biological Son" as a God and because He is also human He is a child of God in the sense that He served Father by doing His will. Both ways were achieved because Jesus is the Spirit of God, created in the Spirit, to reveal His Spirit and to give His Spirit. Jesus as a human showed us that we too as humans can be a child of God. Quote
HeartMindSoul&Strength Posted June 8, 2014 Report Posted June 8, 2014 How would a "Son" words be more than a prophet...they are not any different than that of a prophet because a true messenger of God, speaks what God desires for them to speak just as Jesus spoke and did what God had intended from the beginning with Him. When God speaks it is to be truth. So whether it be a prophet or Jesus, it's God speaking through His Spirit to others. God created our Savior to be many things for us...let's not limit the power and authority of God the Father in God the Son. Jesus showed us what we as humans were to be and as God wills us to be if we let it happen. Jesus showed us what Father desires from us and proves it can be done in a human body, as Jesus was our example. He was everything Good, Perfect, Pleasing and of Fathers will. Besides Jesus using righteous anger, just as the Father would...hmmm Jesus did nothing but sacrifice, save, love, heal, forgive, care for, feed, be honest, taught and remained righteous until then end. Even His anger was expressed out and with love. Let us not conform to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind, so we can test and approve of what God's will is, His good and perfect and pleasing will. To have a mind like Christ. To be of one thought, mind and purpose...like God Christ is everywhere, God is everywhere, we are in Christ. We have the same Holy and Righteous Spirit that God is only we are born defiled and of this world. So, it is no wonder that we see this question and pick it apart...Yes, Christ is created above all things and when we become believers we are given angels to care for us...it says so in Hebrews. Jesus is at Fathers right hand...He is the trinity of God as He created it to be....God wrote long ago about what He was to do...what He will do...what was to come and what did transpire...So Jesus was God before Jesus became our God and God told us He would...It's that simple...Prophets did serve Father, and they probably have so much authority in Heaven depending on what they did here for Him...but who knows for sure what is going on in heaven that is unless God reveals it to them here on earth or takes them to heaven and shows them. All I know, be grateful to what God has given us here on earth including what prophecies were told and the truth's that were revealed through them. Be grateful and give thanks and ask those who did His works for His will receive His blessings tenfold. Don't forget that the prophets that did so much suffered so great too. Such a small price to pay to glorify God isn't it? Quote
joelsr Posted April 5, 2015 Report Posted April 5, 2015 It certainly isn't a metaphor. (Jn. 1:14); (2Cor. 1:3); Col (1:15); (Jn. 14:9), etc. Keep reading and you will discover that Jesus is in fact, the Son of the Living God. As to Jesus being the biological son of God, even the question throws my mind into every sort of confusion. This is most assuredly where faith steps in. For In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He (Jesus) was in the beginning with God. This is such an explicit statement that I cannot think beyond it and then my faith steps in. As to bilogical, Webster defines the word to mean: of pertaining to, caused by or affecting life or living organisms. Strong's Concordance shows the "Word" to indicate Yahweh or in John 1:1 to indicate Jesus. I've yet to plumb the depths of understanding God, but I know and feel with a certainty that Jesus is trulu the Son of God. 'Fact' Quote
cjenkins1388 Posted May 6, 2015 Report Posted May 6, 2015 I think that Hebrews uses the word SON, to let us know that God has sent his SON literally to earth to tell us, and to lead us to Him, Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted July 4, 2015 Report Posted July 4, 2015 On 4/14/2007 at 9:45 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Hebrews 1:2) In what way do you think the author of Hebrews is using the word "Son"? As a metaphor? As a biological relationship? How would a Son's words have more weight than a prophet's? The author of Hebrews is using the word "Son" as an earthly father would refer to his son. This is God's own Son. Using the word "Son" could indeed be a metaphor as we refer to a son in relationship to a father, so Jesus is the Son of God. God in past time used prophets who were his spokesman during specific periods in time. Here the word Son" is the direct relation to; a personal representative of the father or the representative of the one who sent him. He most definitely carried more authority than a representative or ambassador. He is the physical person in representation of the authority or owner that sent him. He is the all in all of the father, he speaks what he is told and displays his father's character. He would be the heir to all his father had. Quote
Jerseyj Posted February 21, 2016 Report Posted February 21, 2016 Jesus is son and God as they are 2 of the three in one, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. There is no one higher than Jesus. Quote
MsStreet Posted July 17, 2017 Report Posted July 17, 2017 Jesus is portrayed as the "heir" of all things. He is God's greatest creation and His only Son. He is higher than the angels. He was there when God made creation. God appointed His Son to speak to us through Him as the Heir of all thing Quote
Tyreek Posted August 12, 2017 Report Posted August 12, 2017 There are many themes of the book Hebrews and I surmise the writer is hoping to appeal to the audience by presenting Jesus as a type of family member, pulling at heart strings because of the great need to not to return to the old sacrificial system. A prophet gives predictions of things to come, whereas, a son receives a relationship to his father. Quote
Lionwolf Posted July 20, 2018 Report Posted July 20, 2018 While the term "Son" may infer a biological relationship, it is used to show the most direct relationship between God and Jesus. The Son has more authority than a prophet because of the greater relationship with God. The Son is the inheritor of the Kingdom hence his authority is much greater. Quote
Ken Quandt Posted December 15, 2018 Report Posted December 15, 2018 On 4/14/2007 at 9:45 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Hebrews 1:2) In what way do you think the author of Hebrews is using the word "Son"? As a metaphor? As a biological relationship? How would a Son's words have more weight than a prophet's? Expand I would have to say that the author is using "Son" as a biological relationship. Considering what we know about Jesus and His origin according to John, is that "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God," and this would be the first reason that His words would carry more weight than the Prophets. The Prophets were men, who had their own life outside their prophetic office, and office to which they had been called to, they were sinful beings whom God chose to reveal His message to them. Jesus, though human, was also divine, and therefore sinless. He wasn't just speaking the word or the message to the world, He was in fact, the Word/Message Himself. He was the Word/Message of God incarnated. People weren't just hearing the words of a prophet, but they were seeing the Word of God, God Himself, in visible form; the second reason why the Son's word would carry more weight than all previous prophets. The prophets spoke when God gave them the word or the message, Jesus from beginning to end never ceased for a moment to speak the Word of God, as well, as to live it; and the third reason Jesus' words would carry more weight. Quote
Godswriter Posted May 22, 2020 Report Posted May 22, 2020 Q1. (Hebrews 1:2) In what way do you think the author of Hebrews is using the word "Son"? As a metaphor? As a biological relationship? How would a Son's words have more weight than a prophet's? I believe that the author of Hebrews is stating that the Lord Jesus Christ is truly the Son of God because a biological relationship the Lord's words weight than a prophet's would. Also a son would have the ability to lay claim the rights of the royal status as heir and also he could be anointed as a ruler by a prophet after his father proclaimed that he wanted him to succeed him as ruler. As Christ being the Son of God he had the ability to do what no other person could truly do which is lay claim to the ability to forgive sins which only God could do. Only the Son of God would be able to do that since in truth one of the Lord's name means the Lord who sanctifies you. Also the Lord Jesus Christ Himself his name alone says it all because the first part is The Lord who saves and second part is Anointed One, The Messiah. That speaks volumes to the authority of the sonship of Jesus Christ. Quote
Sister Val Posted July 19, 2020 Report Posted July 19, 2020 Whereas God spoke to Israel through the prophets of the Old Testament, his message would now be spoken through his son Jesus. Jesus is the expressed image of God. When we hear him speak we also hear the father for they are one. Jesus represents God. Quote
Jesus Follower Posted October 24, 2020 Report Posted October 24, 2020 On 4/14/2007 at 9:45 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Hebrews 1:2) In what way do you think the author of Hebrews is using the word "Son"? As a metaphor? As a biological relationship? How would a Son's words have more weight than a prophet's? Expand Literally. Yes. Biologically and spiritually. The son's words carry more authority. They can be legally binding and carry "enforcement" capability in terms of consequences for disobedience, likewise assuredness of blessings when given. Quote
Paulhoward Posted April 10, 2021 Report Posted April 10, 2021 The Passion translation has a note to verse 2, "c1: 2 Or “he has spoken through a Son.” We speak in English; God speaks in “Son,” for Jesus is the language of God. The Sonship of Jesus is the language he now uses to speak to us." The way God speaks to,us now is very intimate, it's the Son all the time. Someone who shares identity, some creeds would say, "substance" with the Father. Because He shares this He thinks & feels like the Father, He has the same nature, theynspeak the same "language", its Son language!!!!!!! Quote
royk Posted October 22, 2022 Report Posted October 22, 2022 Q1. (Hebrews 1:2) In what way do you think the author of Hebrews is using the word "Son"? As a metaphor? As a biological relationship? How would a Son's words have more weight than a prophet's? The word "Son" is for the begotten son of God, not a metaphor of anything. Conceived by the Holy Ghost, and made man in the flesh. The Messiah, Emanuel, our LORD and Savior, the living word or God. Jesus is God, and Son of God. He came to show us how much God really loves us, so deep and strong for those He for-knew and called, and justified. We are blessed to have Jesus words, the fulfiller of the most important prophecies. He confirmed and fulfilled all of them, Psalm 22:31 "They will proclaim his righteousness, declaring to a people yet unborn: He has done it!" Quote
kMORIAHu Posted February 20, 2023 Report Posted February 20, 2023 On 4/14/2007 at 9:45 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Hebrews 1:2) In what way do you think the author of Hebrews is using the word "Son"? As a metaphor? As a biological relationship? How would a Son's words have more weight than a prophet's? Expand 1. The Parable of the Tenants “Listen to another parable: There was a landowner who planted a vineyard. He put a wall around it, dug a winepress in it and built a watchtower. Then he rented the vineyard to some farmers and moved to another place. When the harvest time approached, he sent his servants to the tenants to collect his fruit. The tenants seized his servants; they beat one, killed another, and stoned a third. Then he sent other servants to them, more than the first time, and the tenants treated them the same way. Last of all, he sent his son to them. ‘They will respect my son,’ he said. But when the tenants saw the son, they said to each other, ‘This is the heir. Come, let’s kill him and take his inheritance.’ So they took him and threw him out of the vineyard and killed him. Therefore, when the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants? “He will bring those wretches to a wretched end,” they replied, “and he will rent the vineyard to other tenants, who will give him his share of the crop at harvest time.” Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures: ‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes’ ? Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit. Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed. Matthew 21:33-44 2. Because he is not a servant, but an heir Quote
Paulhoward Posted August 8, 2023 Report Posted August 8, 2023 Q1. (Hebrews 1:2) In what way do you think the author of Hebrews is using the word "Son"? As a metaphor? As a biological relationship? How would a Son's words have more weight than a prophet's? My understanding is that they share the divine nature, therefore Not created. Jesus is in more of what we would see as a biological relationship, not a creature. Therefore the Son always knows the Father’s heart unlike an angel which doesn’t have an intimate relationship that the son has. Quote
Dove81 Posted July 28, 2024 Report Posted July 28, 2024 Q1. (Hebrews 1:2) In what way do you think the author of Hebrews is using the word "Son"? As a metaphor? As a biological relationship? I believe the author is using the word “Son” biologically and not as a metaphor. Jesus was the Son of God, the only begotten Son of God. Jesus could only do what His father did and told him to do while here on earth. How would a Son's words have more weight than a prophet's? Jesus’s words carried more weight because they came directly from God, its in scripture that Jesus went and prayed every morning for God to guide and direct him each day. He said he does what His father does. They are in a sense one, God in the form of man here on earth. Quote
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