sahala p.s. Posted April 30, 2007 Report Posted April 30, 2007 Q1. (Hebrews 1:2) In what way do you think the author of Hebrews is using the word "Son"? As a metaphor? As a biological relationship? How would a Son's words have more weight than a prophet's? The author of Hebrews is using the word Quote
Andree Posted April 30, 2007 Report Posted April 30, 2007 I believe that the author of Hebrews used the word "Son" literally that is Jesus being the biological son of the living God. The author starts with "In the past....., but in these last days..". This is an indication that something new and unprecedented has happened. One can feel the excitement behind his words. The time of the prophets is over and it is taken to the next level: God himself through his own Son speaks to them. When you send your own Son you send something of yourself. He not only comes to represent you but is equipped with your power, your knowledge,your authority. How much more weight the Son's words have is clearly shown in he parable that Jesus tells about the man who planted the vineyard (Luke 20:9 - 15, Mat 21:33 - 40, Mar 12:1 - 9). In Mar 12:6 "...Finally, he sent his son to the renters because he thought they would respect him". Not only is the son the last one to be sent (last resort) there are also clear expectations of respect linked to the son. Try to replace the word "him" with "me" and you know where the expectations come from. Every father projects something of himself into his son. Quote
Nancy D. Posted April 30, 2007 Report Posted April 30, 2007 All of us can relate with the biological relationship of a child and the humans, so to me, the connection of a spiritual relationship is easily understood also. I think God meets us on the grounds we stand in our understanding and knowledge. We also can relate to the love a parent has for his child, and understand how SPECIAL it was for Almighty GOD to be willing to give up His precious SON to DIE for people who were not worthy of His Love....terrible order to save their souls. And yet, because even humans are sometimes willing to die for their children, we can grasp that LOVE, WAS THE SOURCE OF His PLAN ....and God Himself is LOVE personified in the body of Jesus Christ. I do not think a prophet compares with the relationship of a Son....totally in HIs Image....perfect and in Oneness in mind and spirit. God the Father and the Son, Jesus Christ are the same, so it was truly God, the Father, in the body of Jesus who saved His all those who will believe in Jesus. Quote
STEPHEN ROSS Posted April 30, 2007 Report Posted April 30, 2007 Q1. (Hebrews 1:2) In what way do you think the author of Hebrews is using the word "Son"? As a metaphor? As a biological relationship? How would a Son's words have more weight than a prophet's? I believe that the author of Hebrews is using the word Son in two the Divine sense of the Father and Son as being one and part of the Trinity but also in a relational sense reflecting the human understandingof Father and son . Prophets still have a role today in communicating the will of God to his people,but Jesus as the Son of God is the ultimate Authority. Quote
bob.kenda Posted April 30, 2007 Report Posted April 30, 2007 Q1. (Hebrews 1:2) In what way do you think the author of Hebrews is using the word "Son"? As a metaphor? As a biological relationship? How would a Son's words have more weight than a prophet's? As a biological relationship. The son would have the heart of the Father, and hear the heart of the Father because of the covenant relationship. Quote
lamountain Posted April 30, 2007 Report Posted April 30, 2007 I do not think it was a metaphor, and i think its more spiritual then biological. God created his son and then sent him to the earth with humans to show his love for us, Jesus was Gods ONLY son. Most parents with only one child seem to give them all of the rewards of that relationship. God appointed Jesus as his right hand man, like a birth right. Jesus was a Man for while he was on the earth, but I believe he had a little different dna so to say. Jesus was in my belief a part of God. Quote
Umberto Posted April 30, 2007 Report Posted April 30, 2007 In Genesis 1:26 God said, "Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness..." This indicates that God is the genetic blueprint for us. Our physical nature is based upon God. We are His creation. Those who believe are his children, because of Christ. If we are His children, in a literal sense, since He made us, then how much more Jesus, as He is patterned physically after God, as we are, and patterned spiritually after God, through the Holy Spirit. Jesus is both fully God and fully man. Therefore, thank you Jesus, He can be both literal Son of God and brother to us, thereby bridging the chasm between me and God. Quote
sherica80 Posted April 30, 2007 Report Posted April 30, 2007 I think the bible is referring to son as a biological part of God. For Jesus had a earthly mother but God was his father. Quote
masika Posted April 30, 2007 Report Posted April 30, 2007 A son is always the heir of all that belongs to the father. Sons are always honored whether they are still small, it can go to the extend that relatives can use all means to kill the son so that they inherit the properties of the man who has died incase he was very rich. The words of a son has weight in that Prophets only do what they are told to say. The son has all authority to say . Quote
revmrf Posted April 30, 2007 Report Posted April 30, 2007 Q1. (Hebrews 1:2) In what way do you think the author of Hebrews is using the word "Son"? As a metaphor? As a biological relationship? How would a Son's words have more weight than a prophet's? 'Son': Much more than metaphorical in usage or, in my opinion, even than a biological relationship. I believe that this is 'mystery.' By that I mean it's inexplicable ... cannot be fully explained. I say this because they [Father and Son (and Holy Spirit)] 'were.' They already 'were'... there before the beginning of creation [foundation of the world.] The Son's words carry more weight because of this co-existant/co-equal characteristic [see vv.2b - 3.] Quote
godsanointed523 Posted April 30, 2007 Report Posted April 30, 2007 In what way do you think the author of Hebrews is using the word SON? As a metaphor? AS a biological relationship?How would a Son's words have more weight than a prophets? He is using the word to show that God and the Father are deeply personal and very direct with one another,they are one in the same.It is not used as a metaphor but more as the family relationship.The son's words are more powerful because it is by divine revelation from the Father himself and not so much with the guidance of the Holy Spirit Quote
bobbirich Posted May 1, 2007 Report Posted May 1, 2007 Isn't God's Word amazing?! - All of us have read and meditated on the same words, yet there are so many different views expressed as the Holy Spirit works among us to keep us on track and in tune, yet shows us all of the many facets of what we are studying! --- just amazing! I'd just like to add that as far as "Hebrews" would understand "Son" (especially as the firstborn son) it would be as the one who is to inherit a double portion, usually follow in his father's footsteps as far as occupation, carry on the family name, and be the spiritual leader among his siblings. Looked at from this viewpoint, we can definitely see how Jesus was God's firstborn Son and the builder and leader of our "family". Quote
charisbarak Posted May 1, 2007 Report Posted May 1, 2007 The author to Hebrews is using "Son" to mean that Jesus is truly God's only Son, not as a metaphor. Biologically, I believe so. For Him to have come to earth as a man--divine and human, it certainly would also be a bilogical relationship. The Son's words carried more weight than the prophet's because the prophets were prophsying (sp?) about HIM! Quote
Lisa Rupert Posted May 1, 2007 Report Posted May 1, 2007 Q1. (Hebrews 1:2) In what way do you think the author of Hebrews is using the word "Son"? As a metaphor? As a biological relationship? How would a Son's words have more weight than a prophet's? Jesus is the Son of God, he is part of the personalities of God. The word made flesh. God's very own words. Quote
Craig Posted May 1, 2007 Report Posted May 1, 2007 Jesus is the unique Son of God. God fully expressed Himself through Jesus, calling Him His son. Jesus is God the Father's supreme revelation of Himself to humanity. God, expressing Himself in Jesus, taught humanity how to have a real and practical relationship with Himself and one another. All through Jesus' ministry people of all walks of life were amazed by the authority and power of Jesus' teaching. This is reflected in the fact the Jesus as the Son of God, the Christ, the God-Man had all of the aurhority of God the Father. Quote
Esther Donald Posted May 2, 2007 Report Posted May 2, 2007 Q1. (Hebrews 1:2) In what way do you think the author of Hebrews is using the word "Son"? As a metaphor? As a biological relationship? How would a Son's words have more weight than a prophet's? The author is using the word son as a biological relationship because Jesus is God's son made flesh. He is emphasizing not only His sonship, but that He is the only Son in the sense of being begotten (Jn 1:14) A Son's words have more weight than a prophet's because The Son is the spokesman for God, was appointed heir of all things, planner of the worlds and brightness of God's glory - His Son made flesh (God himself) Quote
Helen Williams Posted May 2, 2007 Report Posted May 2, 2007 The author is using the word "Son" in a literal sense. Jesus is truly the Son of God. He came to show us who God truly is. Jesus is God in the flesh. Jesus knows God, He was with Him from the beginning. He has always been. Remember when it was said, "Let US make." Quote
A-believer-of-JC Posted May 3, 2007 Report Posted May 3, 2007 In what way do you think the author of Hebrews is using the word "Son"? As a metaphor? As a biological relationship? I think the writer is using the word "Son", as a biological relationship, when he noted in verse 2 that, "Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds". KJV. I believe God knew that he would be well pleased with his Son Jesus; as Jesus was with God in the beginning, and had co-planned His coming before the beginning of creation. God knew that his Son would do his will, therefore to show us how much the father loves the Son, and what lenghts the father would go to, by rewarding his son for a job well done, in giving him his kingdom and a scepter to rule with. Lastly, I think the Son who ascended back from whence he came, gave the author of this book a revelation of who he truely was, a deity from the beginning, as we know was the Word. How would a Son's words have more weight than a prophet's? I think the author at once shows that Jesus, representing God , is far superior than the Old Testament Prophets. As we know their message God gave them was fragmentary and incomplete. God gave it to them bit by bit through visions, dreams, events, and direct communication, when men became ready and able to recieve it. On the other hand Christ's message is climactic and complete, because He is the Son and because His message is of the last days, and in teaching us the way to the Kingdom of God. We must know that Jesus' incarnation initiated the end time, and it will be fulfilled when He returns to reconcile and restore all things. We must know that the prophets were created by the Word, which is Jesus Christ. (CF. Acts 2:16, 17; 3:19-21; I Peter 1:20). Quote
June Posted May 3, 2007 Report Posted May 3, 2007 As our divine mediator to the Father and His son. As being like God and being Supreme. As being the son of God. The Son's words were the Word. He is the same as God the Father , having the same nature and essence as the Father. Prophets die but Christ is forever and His Word is unchanging. Quote
Commissioned Posted May 3, 2007 Report Posted May 3, 2007 Q1. (Hebrews 1:2) In what way do you think the author of Hebrews is using the word "Son"? As a metaphor? As a biological relationship? The word "Son" is used here not as a metaphor but in the capacity of a biological relationship. How would a Son's words have more weight than a prophet's? The words of a Son would have no more weight than that of the Prophet if both are speaking on behalf of the Father. In His ministry, many times Jesus made reference to the Prophet's words in illustrating or driving home a point. Quote
Ah~Lizay Posted May 4, 2007 Report Posted May 4, 2007 [size="2]I feel the author was using the word son in the bological perspective. He wanted people to know that Jesus was more than someone who came to the earth to preach about the word of the lord, but rather was the flesh and blood incarnation of the messiah foretold of by prophets before. I feel that his intent was to show the readers of the bible book that there was more than on reason to listen to Jesus's words. That what Jesus had to say was more than inspiration, but directly from the mouth of GOD. [/size] Quote
Diana Posted May 7, 2007 Report Posted May 7, 2007 I believe that the Word "Son" is both metaphor and literal in meaning. In a literal sense the word conveys a sense of a physical bond between the Father and Son. As a metaphor, it feels like an emotional mystical relationship that is not as well defined as an obvious literal relationship. I believe that the Words of the Son have greater influence than a prophet because He has a more direct relationship with the Father even though he does use the word of the prophets to make a point.He also said that he did not come to change the law and what the prophets had said before his coming. Quote
slt111954 Posted May 7, 2007 Report Posted May 7, 2007 Q1. (Hebrews 1:2) In what way do you think the author of Hebrews is using the word "Son"? As a metaphor? As a biological relationship? How would a Son's words have more weight than a prophet's? I think the author is telling us that Jesus is God's biological son; Although God used prophets to give instructions to let the Israelites know when He was pleased or displeased with them--Jesus, as His Son is above His companions (angels? men?)--God also (it appears) acknowledges the presence of Jesus at the creation of the earth--it seems that as the Son of God, having been at God's side from the beginning, Jesus would know firsthand the character and ways of God--he woud, therefore, be more authoritative when He speaks of God than the prophets were even though they spoke with God. Quote
linda bass Posted May 7, 2007 Report Posted May 7, 2007 I believe the author of Hebrews is using the word "Son" as a biological relationship. The prophets God sent in the past were just spokesmen on His behalf. Now, however, God has revealed Himself to mankind directly and personally through His Son Jesus. The Son's words would have more weight than a prophet's because for one, He has a direct relationship with the Father. Most of the prophets were given their messages through dreams and visions. Quote
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