Pastor Ralph Posted April 14, 2007 Report Posted April 14, 2007 Q2. (Hebrews 1:2-3) What about the author's description of the Son makes you think that the Son described is himself divine? What role does the Son have in doing the Father's will according to these verses? Quote
Tabatha Posted April 28, 2007 Report Posted April 28, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Hebrews 1:2-3) What about the author's description of the Son makes you think that the Son described is himself divine? What role does the Son have in doing the Father's will according to these verses? Not only is Jesus the exact representation of God, but He is God Himself -- the very God who spoke in Old testament times He is eternal; He worked with the Father in creating the world ( John 1: 3; Colossians 1 : 16 ) He is the full revelation of God . You can have no clearer view of God than by looking at Christ. Jesus Christ is the complete expression of God in a Human Body The Son is the radiance of God's Glory, sustaining all things by His powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in Heaven. ( 1: 3 ) ( The key verse ) ( Col0ssians 1: 15) This is one of the strongest statements about the devine nature of Christ found anywhere in the bible. Jesus is not only equal to God ( Philippians 2:6 ) He is God ( John 10:30, 38;12:45 14:1-11 ) ; as the image of the invisible God, He is the exact representation of God. He not only reflects God, but He reveals God to us ( John 1: 18; 14:9 ); as the firstborn prince in a King's household. He came from , not from the dust of the earth ( 1 Corinthians 15:47 ) and He is Lord of all ,He is completely Holy And He has authority to judge the world. Therefore, Christ is supreme over all creation, including the spirit world. We, the believers, must believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, That Jesus is God. We must oppose those who say that Jesus was merely a prophet or a good teacher Quote
Melissa K Posted April 28, 2007 Report Posted April 28, 2007 Q2. (Hebrews 1:2-3) What about the author's description of the Son makes you think that the Son described is himself divine? What role does the Son have in doing the Father's will according to these verses? "The Son is seated at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven", "the Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation." He does God's will by "sustaining all things by his powerful word." Colossians 1:17 also tells us: "He is created before all things, and in him all things hold together." Quote
momtogirls5 Posted April 28, 2007 Report Posted April 28, 2007 Q2. (Hebrews 1:2-3) What about the author's description of the Son makes you think that the Son described is himself divine? What role does the Son have in doing the Father's will according to these verses? Everthing about the author's discription describes Him as divine. I love that Jesus is not merely an image or reflection of God but the "exact representation of His being" Being God himself, of couse, shown else where in scripture. I am having a hard time answering the second half of the question. Maybe it's just to simple. "providing purification for sin" Tabatha, Your scripture reference to Col. 1:15 ( and following verses) is an exellent one. Thanks for that. momtogirls5 Quote
Eudora Posted April 29, 2007 Report Posted April 29, 2007 Here is one of the main reasons I like this type of study, to break down , scripture by scripture, what the scripture is saying. For instance: John 9:5 As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. Interesting notation is that this author claims these words. Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, Quote
Helenmm Posted April 29, 2007 Report Posted April 29, 2007 The Father/Son relationship makes Jesus divine. He is of the Father's essence, even for the period when He inhabited the earth in human flesh. The angels are to worship Him and He is the express glory of God which no human can touch. He has a throne together with God, the scepter of righteousness, and is annointed with the oil of gladness more than any other. all this is because He is the Son, not a messenger, angel or prophet ony, but the Son. Ths Son has a throne and sceptre, so He is the ruler of a Kingdom. He was involved at creation and the heavens are the work of His hands. Effectively He is the voice - or Word - of God. Jesus has still the role of maintenance until the appointed time for the creation to perish - to fold up like a cloak. God has so honoured Him because He loves righteousness and hated lawlessness. In other words He thinks exactly like the Father. Quote
Stan Posted April 29, 2007 Report Posted April 29, 2007 Q2. (Hebrews 1:2-3) What about the author's description of the Son makes you think that the Son described is himself divine? What role does the Son have in doing the Father's will according to these verses? He is an exact representation of the Father, He must be devine to be exact. He is everything that the Father is and is empowered with everything that the Father has which means that He is devine within Himself. He caused all things to come to be by His spoken word. He is the power that God uses to acomplish His will. His Spirit is the leader of us and give us the faith and strength to live in the Son and seek to please Him. He is our teacher of truth without Him nothing was made that was made accordingg to John. Quote
Ms CJ Posted April 29, 2007 Report Posted April 29, 2007 Q2. (Hebrews 1:2-3) What about the author's description of the Son makes you think that the Son described is himself divine? What role does the Son have in doing the Father's will according to these verses? He has taken on the role of the Son Of Man and in that role there is a Son-ship. He has then made us joint heirs with Him and in that we too are seated at the His right hand. He has also made us to be in the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins and now the Father can look at us through His Son and we too are made in His likeness and in us with humble hearts working in His image and righteousness,we are purged of sin, becoming pure before our Heavenly Father. In this role He has become our Advocate, interceding for us always and remembering what it is to live as a nature man, the power of sin, the work of the enemy, and how grace is needed, mercy required so that at such a time sin is less and righteousness is ruling. In this role as well He keeps us in covenant with the Father a Blood covenant and this is the only way to the Father is through the Blood of Jesus. We can speak His name, but without the recognition of the cross and the blood that was shed, His name is only a name and there is no divinity, there is no power and there is no covenant connection which links us to His Father as family or joint- heirs. We must see Him in this Son ship role in order to receive eternal life. Without this acknowledgement there is no remission of sin, there will be no seat available in heaven and a with staying of His magnificent hand in our lives. Quote
bob.kenda Posted April 30, 2007 Report Posted April 30, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Hebrews 1:2-3) What about the author's description of the Son makes you think that the Son described is himself divine? What role does the Son have in doing the Father's will according to these verses? The description given is the exact description of God. Jesus is the exact representation of God, therefore He is God and therefore is divine. Hebrews declares the Son as the one through whom He made the universe. The Son Jesus, has the heart of the Father - not my will but Thine be done. He spoke the universe into existence, and the Son, by His word, sustains or keeps is together. Quote
lamountain Posted April 30, 2007 Report Posted April 30, 2007 I am a new christian so some of these questions are hard for me and if my answers are off please email me and i would love the help. The authors description makes me think Jesus is divine because Jesus is described as an exact replica of God. Gods word became flesh. I believe God took his holy word (like an author may do a character) and put in some human dna without flaws took some of His glory made a man without sin and sent him to us.Jesus is Gods word. I also believe that his role is to keep us in line and love us. To pull us all out of our sinful ways and to Gods glory Quote
jwealing Posted April 30, 2007 Report Posted April 30, 2007 Tabatha said: Not only is Jesus the exact representation of God, but He is God Himself -- the very God who spoke in Old testament times He is eternal; He worked with the Father in creating the world ( John 1: 3; Colossians 1 : 16 ) He is the full revelation of God . You can have no clearer view of God than by looking at Christ. Jesus Christ is the complete expression of God in a Human Body The Son is the radiance of God's Glory, sustaining all things by His powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in Heaven. ( 1: 3 ) ( The key verse ) ( Col0ssians 1: 15) This is one of the strongest statements about the devine nature of Christ found anywhere in the bible. Jesus is not only equal to God ( Philippians 2:6 ) He is God ( John 10:30, 38;12:45 14:1-11 ) ; as the image of the invisible God, He is the exact representation of God. He not only reflects God, but He reveals God to us ( John 1: 18; 14:9 ); as the firstborn prince in a King's household. He came from , not from the dust of the earth ( 1 Corinthians 15:47 ) and He is Lord of all ,He is completely Holy And He has authority to judge the world. Therefore, Christ is supreme over all creation, including the spirit world. We, the believers, must believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, That Jesus is God. We must oppose those who say that Jesus was merely a prophet or a good teacher Tabatha, Great post! I think it is enough to say that He is divine. Because He is divine by His very nature and character, He cannot pass Himself off as something else. He cannot hide His divinity any more than I can pass myself off as a giraffe, or a skunk, or even God Himself. I may be enough to say that He is because He Is and cannot be anything else. The second part of the question also hit right on in your post. The Son has been established as divine, one with the Father. Therefore, He must do the Father's will. They are One. There will is One. There can be no conflict between them. Quote
s8nfighter Posted April 30, 2007 Report Posted April 30, 2007 1 In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe. 3 The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. 4 So he became as much superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs. The author's description of the Son states that Jesus is a carbon copy, an exact duplicate, cannot tell the two apart, it was God's only way to get through to us that this is who He is. He is a god who loves us and demands great things from us, if great things is obedience to Him. God's glory is not His power but His love for His creation, and His righteousness. Jesus, without sin, came in God's glory (His love for us) not to condem a sinful world but to bring it to obedience through salvation by the power of His word (You are forgiven). I believe God saw a glimmer of hope for His creation when He spotted Noah, because just before that He expressed regret for His creation. That glimmer of hope kept God from completely destroying the word the first time. God's distaste for sin and His love for us must be an uncomfortable combination, so much so that He couldn't watch as the sins of the world were piled upon Jesus at the cross. Jesus' role in order to sustain all things by the power of "You are forgiven" was and is our last chance. What are we to do with it?? Quote
Charles t Posted April 30, 2007 Report Posted April 30, 2007 Jesus came to earth so we would kown God. Jesus is our image of God. Knowing Jesus is knowing God. Quote
Patricia A Posted April 30, 2007 Report Posted April 30, 2007 Q2. (Hebrews 1:2-3) What about the author's description of the Son makes you think that the Son described is himself divine? What role does the Son have in doing the Father's will according to these verses? I believe the Son to be divine because: Quote
JustJeff Posted April 30, 2007 Report Posted April 30, 2007 As "appointed heir to all things", and "the brightness of His glory", as well as "the express image of His person", the author indicates that the Son is the fullness of the Godhead bodily and is devine. By verses one and two of the first chapter of Hebrews we learn that the father uses the Son to create and maintain the worlds (this one, the universe and the new one to come). Being treated as an heir to all things it appears that the Son is given all power and authority over everything that exists and has earned this by His passion. This is clear by His seat at the right hand of the Father, an open example by God of the trust He has in His Son. Quote
PATJOE Posted April 30, 2007 Report Posted April 30, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Hebrews 1:2-3) What about the author's description of the Son makes you think that the Son described is himself divine? What role does the Son have in doing the Father's will according to these verses? Jesus is spoken of as one who sits on the right hand of God. There has never been another to compare to this glorified position, bestowed upon Him by God the Father. He is His divine Son, appointed heir over all things; the radiance of God's glory; a mirror image of His father; co-creator and protector of God's universe through His spoken word; through the Cross. He provided our purification from sin and is now seated with His Father, on His right hand as co-ruler with God over all. Quote
masika Posted April 30, 2007 Report Posted April 30, 2007 The author say that the Son not only represents God , but He is God Himself. The very God who spoke in Old Testament times. He is internal, He worked with the Father in creating the world. He is the full revelation of God. You can have no clearer view of God than by looking at Christ. Jesus Christ is the Complete expression of God in human body. Quote
marcene Posted April 30, 2007 Report Posted April 30, 2007 The description of God speaking through his Son.... The Son as the radiance glory of God..... Superiority over Angels.... Sitting at the right hand of God.... worshipped by angels...firstborn..laying the foundtions of the world... never to perish...speaks of being divine. The Son will do the Fathers will as he is the exact representation of the Father. He loves righteousness and hates wickedness. Sitting at the right hand of God..ruling with God. Quote
revmrf Posted April 30, 2007 Report Posted April 30, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Hebrews 1:2-3) What about the author's description of the Son makes you think that the Son described is himself divine? What role does the Son have in doing the Father's will according to these verses? Hebrews 1:2-3, indicates divinity by using the descriptives: God's heir, co-creator, reflector of divinity, exact representation of God's being, sustainer of all things (holds all together), sits at the right hand (privileged position) of Majesty. Seems to me that the Son is the implementor of God, the Father's, will. Quote
revmrf Posted April 30, 2007 Report Posted April 30, 2007 Tabatha said: Not only is Jesus the exact representation of God, but He is God Himself -- the very God who spoke in Old testament times He is eternal; He worked with the Father in creating the world ( John 1: 3; Colossians 1 : 16 ) He is the full revelation of God . You can have no clearer view of God than by looking at Christ. Jesus Christ is the complete expression of God in a Human Body The Son is the radiance of God's Glory, sustaining all things by His powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in Heaven. ( 1: 3 ) ( The key verse ) ( Col0ssians 1: 15) This is one of the strongest statements about the devine nature of Christ found anywhere in the bible. Jesus is not only equal to God ( Philippians 2:6 ) He is God ( John 10:30, 38;12:45 14:1-11 ) ; as the image of the invisible God, He is the exact representation of God. He not only reflects God, but He reveals God to us ( John 1: 18; 14:9 ); as the firstborn prince in a King's household. He came from , not from the dust of the earth ( 1 Corinthians 15:47 ) and He is Lord of all ,He is completely Holy And He has authority to judge the world. Therefore, Christ is supreme over all creation, including the spirit world. We, the believers, must believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, That Jesus is God. We must oppose those who say that Jesus was merely a prophet or a good teacher Tabatha, The Collossions verse above is a very important one to hang onto when addressed by those who question Jesus, the Christ's, divinity... along with what we're discovering in the Hebrews study. Quote
cheastarr Posted April 30, 2007 Report Posted April 30, 2007 Q2. (Hebrews 1:2-3) What about the author's description of the Son makes you think that the Son described is himself divine? What role does the Son have in doing the Father's will according to these verses? Verse 2 says that He has appointed Jesus, His Son, heir of all things, through Him who made the world (God). Verse 3 says thatHe is Quote
stonedcoldsoberbytheblood Posted April 30, 2007 Report Posted April 30, 2007 When the author describes the Son in Hebrews 1:2-3 as exact representation of God-- meaning not approximate, but precise, and heir of all things, not some things--through whom he made the universe, this conveys all attributes of divine and this also points out that the Son surpasses excellence and that no other deity, no other prophet, no other gods, is in perfect unison with God then The Son. The Son's role according to verse 2 and 3 is to: * Teach this powerful word ( Jesus replied, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head." Matthew 8:20) * Share in Gods glory (Now if we are children, then we are heirs, heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. Romans 8:17 ) * Lead us to the Kingdom Of God ( "I tell you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father's kingdom." Matthew 26:29) Quote
Umberto Posted April 30, 2007 Report Posted April 30, 2007 lamountain said: I am a new christian so some of these questions are hard for me and if my answers are off please email me and i would love the help. The authors description makes me think Jesus is divine because Jesus is described as an exact replica of God. Gods word became flesh. I believe God took his holy word (like an author may do a character) and put in some human dna without flaws took some of His glory made a man without sin and sent him to us.Jesus is Gods word. I also believe that his role is to keep us in line and love us. To pull us all out of our sinful ways and to Gods glory lamountain, As long as the Holy Spirit is in you, have no fear! Moses was afraid to be God's mouthpiece because he feared he could not speak well, and look what he did through God's power! Moses was raised Pharaoh's son (I assume with little Hebrew training), yet again look what he said and did. God bless! Quote
sahala p.s. Posted May 1, 2007 Report Posted May 1, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Hebrews 1:2-3) What about the author's description of the Son makes you think that the Son described is himself divine? What role does the Son have in doing the Father's will according to these verses? I think the author's description about all of the six characteristics of the Son proves that the Son is himself divine. With him having these six characteristics there is no comparison. Beings' all things are nothing compared to his. The role of the exact representation of his father is the Son has. With this role all of what the Son says, does, acts, wants are the exact representation of what father does. Quote
charisbarak Posted May 1, 2007 Report Posted May 1, 2007 The Son is the radiance of God's glory! The Son's job on earth was to come to earth to redeem us by His death. He sustains us & He is God's heir. God's will for Him was all that He wanted to do. Quote
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