bortendahl Posted May 23, 2007 Report Posted May 23, 2007 Q2. (Hebrews 1:2-3) What about the author's description of the Son makes you think that the Son described is himself divine? What role does the Son have in doing the Father's will according to these verses? Because the Son is the direct and exact representation of the Lord (The most Divine). He is carrying all things from the Lord and when we read, follow, and Live in God. We have eternal life! Quote
kellyc Posted May 26, 2007 Report Posted May 26, 2007 Q2. (Hebrews 1:2-3) What about the author's description of the Son makes you think that the Son described is himself divine? What role does the Son have in doing the Father's will according to these verses? Jesus is the exact representation of God Jesus provided purification for our sins Quote
sandieh Posted May 28, 2007 Report Posted May 28, 2007 The term "exact reprensentation" of the Father, says He is indeed divine. His role was that of Savior, in that He saved us from our sin and as creator, through whom everything came into being. Quote
MarkH Posted May 29, 2007 Report Posted May 29, 2007 After reading these two verses in the King James Version, The New King James Version, The New Jerusalem Bible, and the New International Version Bibles there is no doubt that Jesus is divine. In New Jerusalem Bible, Jesus is the reflection of God Quote
Dar Posted May 30, 2007 Report Posted May 30, 2007 Q2. (Hebrews 1:2-3) What about the author's description of the Son makes you think that the Son described is himself divine? Jesus is the BRIGHTNESS of God's glory, God's presence. is Jesus. John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. What role does the Son have in doing the Father's will according to these verses? Jesus came to do the will of the Father, in these verses we see and know Jesus fulfilled all He came to do and that is why He is seated in the seat of honor and authority, at the right hand of the Father. Quote
AngelOnLine Posted May 31, 2007 Report Posted May 31, 2007 Q2. (Hebrews 1:2-3) What about the author's description of the Son makes you think that the Son described is himself divine? By saying, Quote
tmroberts Posted June 2, 2007 Report Posted June 2, 2007 What about the author's description makes you think that the Son described is himself devine? Th author's description states that Jesus is the owner and heir of all things God created. Not only this, but God created all things through Jesus. Only a devine Son could, by God's almighty power, be appointed to such a position of authority. It is God-given to His devine Son, not for mere human beings but devinely appointed to God's One and Only Son, Jesus Christ. What role does the Son have in doing the Father's will according to these verses? Jesus role is to carry out the devine plan of the Father which is to uphold the univers by His mighty word of power, especially the words He spoke to us while on the earth. He was also sent for the purpose of taking on sin and death for the whole human race. He is the perfect and final sacrifice for all the sins of mankind past, present and future. He accomplished a complete atonement for the whole of mankind then ascended, bodily, into heaven to rejoin His Father, God, after completing His earthly assignment. Thank You Lord Jesus!!! Quote
Ralph Posted June 11, 2007 Report Posted June 11, 2007 Just the phrase, "Through whom he made the universe," indicates divinity. We also know from the passage that Jesus is the exact representation of God's being. How exciting it is to know the divine Father through His divine Son!! Quote
jjcia Posted June 16, 2007 Report Posted June 16, 2007 Q2. (Hebrews 1:2-3) What about the author's description of the Son makes you think that the Son described is himself divine? What role does the Son have in doing the Father's will according to these verses? In verse 2 "but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe." a)"..but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son".. God Himself spoke by this 'Son',through this 'Son', using his physical mouth and his physical body to relay His message AS Himself (the Son as God the Father) therefore divinity of the Father is also revealed in the Son, and how divine He (the Son) is indeed! As much divine as the Father!! "..whom he appointed heir of all things.." God Himself appointed Jesus to be THE HEIR of ALL things, and that includes EVERYTHING, the heavens and earth,the entire universe, and everything within it, including you and me..Thank God for that because we are His. Actually this makes me wonder whether 'the heir of all things' also include the negative sides of 'the all thing' i.e. the earth: pollution, dying earth etc; humanity: pain,suffering, poverty, SIN..etc,etc..that's a question for everyone As I ponder upon it, I think " all things" in this verse did mean ALL THINGS, the good AND the bad..which is why He who inherits also is He who has to die once and for ALL , so that after the ultimate sacrifice, what He inherits will be what He has done..the fruit of His work on the cross.And a "new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away.." Another reason for Him being divine; He is the Prince of God!! the ruler of the present and the future heaven and earth. c)"..through whom he made the universe.." God made the universe through Jesus, His Son. God imparted His power into and through Jesus, power unimaginablely great that the whole universe is created..He is Divine Power in Himself indeed!! verse 3: The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by His powerful word.After He had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the majesty in Heaven The role of the Son in doing the Father's will: a) the body/mouth of God the heir of all things - hence the cross and the reward-THE inheritance c) the Power of God d) the radiance of God's glory e) sustainer of all things f) puryfying sins by His death on the cross Quote
Kim Rasz Posted July 25, 2007 Report Posted July 25, 2007 The fact the the author uses characteristics that are descriptive of our Holy Father and that only the divine one could possible possess all of the characteristics that are used to describe Him. It seems to me that the Son is completely responsible for doing the Father's Will. He is the only one capable of doing what the Father desires. Quote
Frodo Posted July 25, 2007 Report Posted July 25, 2007 The Son and the Father are one. The Son created the universe and sustains life through His word. The Son has the power and authority of the Father and sits at His right hand. Since they are one, the will of the Father and the Son would be the same. Quote
Luckett Posted September 9, 2007 Report Posted September 9, 2007 The author states the "Son" as "Heir of all things, and through Him God made the universe", he also says the Son is radiance of God's Glory, an exact representative of His being(God's). The role the Son has is redeemer and Savior Quote
betty childers Posted September 24, 2007 Report Posted September 24, 2007 I think god the Father and his son Jesus made this world and God was so enlightened by his son Jesus that he made him ruler of all. And for that we should all be thankful and praise his name everyday and be in his word all we can Quote
Cee Posted September 24, 2007 Report Posted September 24, 2007 The Superiorty of the Son's revelation is demonstrated bt 7 great descriptive statements about Him (Son). 1 Appionted heir of all things. 2. Through whom He made the universe. 3. Radiance of God's glory. 4. exact representation of His being. 5. Substaining all things. 6. Provided purification for sins, through His redeeming death on the cross. 7. Sat down at the right hand of the Father in heaven, meaning that the Son's job is complete. Quote
amandah Posted November 11, 2007 Report Posted November 11, 2007 Q2. (Hebrews 1:2-3) What about the author's description of the Son makes you think that the Son described is himself divine? What role does the Son have in doing the Father's will according to these verses? The author of Hebrews states that the Son is made heir over all things. The Son is the radaince and exact representation of his beign. Leading to the conclusion that the Son is God. Quote
momofmiraclebaby Posted November 19, 2007 Report Posted November 19, 2007 He is appointed heir to ALL things and He made the worlds, the brightness of His glory, He is the express image of God. Upholds all things by the word of His power......He set down on the right hand of the Majesty on high. scriptures says it best!! Quote
davidjjj Posted December 2, 2007 Report Posted December 2, 2007 Q2. (Hebrews 1:2-3) What about the author's description of the Son makes you think that the Son described is himself divine? He is the heir of Quote
bawarren911 Posted December 13, 2007 Report Posted December 13, 2007 The author says that the Son is the express image of the Father. He Himself purged our sins, and sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high. Quote
Semeion Posted March 4, 2008 Report Posted March 4, 2008 Q2. (Hebrews 1:2-3) What about the author's description of the Son makes you think that the Son described is himself divine? What role does the Son have in doing the Father's will according to these verses? The Son is Divine because he is the exact representation of God Himself. he is co-ruler, the universe was "made through him"(Hebrews 1:2). Even John noted that people saw God's grace in Jesus, he is the Only One to provide purification to our souls; only the Divine can render that power. Quote
InTotalAwe Posted April 4, 2008 Report Posted April 4, 2008 What about the author's description of the Son makes you think that the Son described is himself divine? "Mortal man could have done none of the things mentioned in vs. 2-3 except speak for God as the prophets before did. Only deity could "make the worlds", "uphold all things by the word of his power", be the "brightness of glory" and "express image of his person", and mortal sinful man most certainly could not have "purged us from our sins." What role does the Son have in doing the Father's will according to these verses? His role is as the 'appointed heir of all things'. Quote
murray Posted April 15, 2008 Report Posted April 15, 2008 Q2. (Hebrews 1:2-3) What about the author's description of the Son makes you think that the Son described is himself divine? What role does the Son have in doing the Father's will according to these verses? In verse 2, it describes Jesus as being the One who has been given dominion over all things and through whom all worlds were made. In verse 3, it says that Jesus sustains all that exists through the power of God's word. Quote
Mephibesheth Posted April 25, 2008 Report Posted April 25, 2008 Q2. (Hebrews 1:2-3) What about the author's description of the Son makes you think that the Son described is himself divine? What role does the Son have in doing the Father's will according to these verses? The Son's divinity is revealed by the facts that :1) He is God's exact representation; 2) all things were made through Him and sustained by Him; and 3) He is seated next to God in a divine place. The son's role in doing the will of the Father was the provision of purification of man's sins and their effects on "all things." Quote
JanMary Posted May 5, 2008 Report Posted May 5, 2008 Q2. (Hebrews 1:2-3) What about the author's description of the Son makes you think that the Son described is himself divine? What role does the Son have in doing the Father's will according to these verses? 1)He is Son, Heir, lawful owner of all things, co.creator of the worlds, reaches of space, and the ages of time. He's the sole expression the the glory of God (the Light Being, the out.raying or radiance of the divine)and the perfect imprint and very image of God's nature. In other words, He is God! 2)His role is, according to verse 3 "upholding and maintaining and guiding and propelling the universe by His mighty word of power, (even to ) offering Himself as God's sacrifice on our behalf, accomplishing the cleansing of our sins, and ridding us of guilt....then He sat down at the right hand of the divine Majesty on high. Quote
smsalmon Posted May 21, 2008 Report Posted May 21, 2008 The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being. Because he took his place of authority at God's right hand. Quote
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