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Q3. (Hebrews 2:1) In what ways are we not immune to drifting away from the gospel? According to the author, how can we successfully resist the tendency to drift? How did Jesus describe this phenomenon of "drift" in the Parable of the Sower?

In what ways are we not immune to drifting away from the gospel? when we read the gospel we are to believe it as words sent from God - the Holy Spirit who inspired men to write and not as human opinions - if we believe it's men opinions we are apt to drift

How can we successfully resist the tendency to drift? By not letting the truth slip away from us and forget that we were purged from our old sins (2Pet 1:4-10)

How did Jesus describe this phenomenon of "drift" in the Parable of the sower? They heard the word of God but they did not take heed of it - like a seed that was not sown in good ground will not germinate so it is with the word of God when we hear it and not let is go into our hearts we will drift especially when situation arises - we need to speak the word to those situations to rise above the situation and live

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Q3. (Hebrews 2:1) In what ways are we not immune to drifting away from the gospel? According to the author, how can we successfully resist the tendency to drift? How did Jesus describe this phenomenon of "drift" in the Parable of the Sower?

We are not immune from drifting away from the Gospel if we allow ourselves to be swayed by every wind of Doctrine instead of seeking The Truth which is only found in Jesus.According to the Author we must pay careful attention to what we have heard,and model ourlives on the teachings ,or more importantly the Author of our Faith.

Jesus described this phenomenon of drift,when he used the comparisons of Sowing the Seed in the different type of ground.It is important to sow the seed in good ground where it can be nurtured and well cared for.


Q3. (Hebrews 2:1) In what ways are we not immune to drifting away from the gospel? According to the author, how can we successfully resist the tendency to drift? How did Jesus describe this phenomenon of "drift" in the Parable of the Sower?

In what ways are we not immune to drifting away from the gospel?

We are first born of the flesh, living in the flesh and one day dying in the flesh. It wasn't until we became borne again of the spirit that we understood the gospel and because we still live with the flesh and the spirit we are always warring with ourselves. If we find that the lusts of the flesh has once again gained power over the things of the spirit then we find our hearts have harden to the things of God and our heart grow cold towards Him and the love we once felt for Him and His ways have become dim and the darkness sets back in and no longer is the light of the word or Him shown in us or through us.

According to the author, how can we successfully resist the tendency to drift?

I think that this verse directly should speak to us all and instruction is at our door. What else could be said here...... PAY ATTENTION.......

"We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away." (2:1)

"Pay ... attention" (NIV, NRSV), "give ... heed" (KJV) is prosechō, "to turn the mind to, attend to, be attentive" ... "to apply oneself to something, turn to, occupy oneself with a thing." We are fully responsible for what we have heard. We cannot just drop it and move to something else as if the gospel's commands were merely human opinions.

How did Jesus describe this phenomenon of "drift" in the Parable of the Sower?

Ones that have heard and didn't "PAY ATTENTION" to what they have hear will fall to the way side. Who is He addressing in the parable? ME......, YOU....... ANYONE THAT HAS HEARD THE GOSPEL AND WAS ONCE ROOTED AND GROUNDED IN THE WORD, LIVING AND WALKING IT OUT.

Christ would not be talking to the unsaved or the new convert for the lack of knowledge is there so mercy is given, but to the one that had ruled and reign with Him in heavenly places.He is warning of a sin that has taken root in our lives and we refuse to turn and repent we have openly said, to the Father we are staying here, we 're not leaving this place, then that's where we are left until we repent and turn. We may be pluck right out of the Kingdom of Heaven and no one to accuse but ourselves. It is not once saved always saved and this is the warning of drifting away.

There is a unknowing sin, there is a mishap sin and a quickness to repent and all of these the Father looks at and sees to it that truth comes in, grace is given and mercy is shown. But willful sin and refusal to repent and turn from that sin is rebellion to Him and in this there is judgement into which there is no forgiveness and the door to heaven that was open is now shut to one who once believed that Jesus was Lord over their life, but now has taken their own throne and made themselves a god.

Proverbs 22:5

Thorns and snares are in the way of the perverse; He who guards his soul will be far from them.


No one is immune to drifting from the gospel. That is why we need to stay in the word and heed to it. The gospel has to take root in out heart so that we will not sin against God. If we stay in the Word and heed it we stand the chance of not drifting. We do not want the Word to be choked out. We want to be doers and not just hearers. God said, "If you love me, you will obey."

Q3. (Hebrews 2:1) In what ways are we not immune to drifting away from the gospel? According to the author, how can we successfully resist the tendency to drift? How did Jesus describe this phenomenon of "drift" in the Parable of the Sower?

Drifting away from the gospel means we are neglecting the message. It is not enough to just listen. Everybody can listen. It is a question of how deep does the message sink in or in other words how well do we listen and are we willing to act on it. And this is where the danger sets in. It requires a constant effort on our part. It is not a one time shot where we commit ourselves to Christ and be done with it. No matter how far we have come on our journey we have to live up to our commitment on a daily base. We are not immune to temptation, complacency, lack of faith when times are tough and so on. Jesus describes it very well in his parabel with the seed falling on shallow ground. The seed has been put into the ground (we have listened to the gospel) but the roots do not grow deep into the ground (we are wavering when our faith is put to test).


Jesus says, in the parable of the sower, that some will ignore the word of God, some will listen and get excited for a bit, some will remain excited till trouble comes, and still others will, in spite of all lifes diiculties will remain faithful and the Holy Spirit will control their lives and this will happen. But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives, he will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. Here there is no conflict with the law.

These words can be like a car that came into an auto shop I worked at when I was a lot younger. A 1968 Chevy Camero, bright red, with hood scoop and mag wheels pulled into the shop. I thought to myself, "wow this car must be suped up, I can hardly wait to work on it." When I lifted the hood, I found an oil soaked, six cylinder engine that barley ran. It looked good all polished up but there was just nothing there.

These words, "Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control," have little value unless they are put into action. Seven of these characteristics of the Holy Spirit are not things to be possessed but to be shared, not things to make me feel good but rules of how I treat others. I found that if I am faithful in love, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self-control then I will have peace and joy.

Unless we keep the weeds out of the whole garden we are in danger of "drifting weeds" which are quick to sow into the rest.



Q3. (Hebrews 2:1) In what ways are we not immune to drifting away from the gospel? According to the author, how can we successfully resist the tendency to drift? How did Jesus describe this phenomenon of "drift" in the Parable of the Sower?

In what ways are we not immune to drifting away from the gospel?

We are first born of the flesh, living in the flesh and one day dying in the flesh. It wasn't until we became borne again of the spirit that we understood the gospel and because we still live with the flesh and the spirit we are always warring with ourselves. If we find that the lusts of the flesh has once again gained power over the things of the spirit then we find our hearts have harden to the things of God and our heart grow cold towards Him and the love we once felt for Him and His ways have become dim and the darkness sets back in and no longer is the light of the word or Him shown in us or through us.

According to the author, how can we successfully resist the tendency to drift?

I think that this verse directly should speak to us all and instruction is at our door. What else could be said here...... PAY ATTENTION.......

"We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away." (2:1)

"Pay ... attention" (NIV, NRSV), "give ... heed" (KJV) is prosechō, "to turn the mind to, attend to, be attentive" ... "to apply oneself to something, turn to, occupy oneself with a thing." We are fully responsible for what we have heard. We cannot just drop it and move to something else as if the gospel's commands were merely human opinions.

How did Jesus describe this phenomenon of "drift" in the Parable of the Sower?

Ones that have heard and didn't "PAY ATTENTION" to what they have hear will fall to the way side. Who is He addressing in the parable? ME......, YOU....... ANYONE THAT HAS HEARD THE GOSPEL AND WAS ONCE ROOTED AND GROUNDED IN THE WORD, LIVING AND WALKING IT OUT.

Christ would not be talking to the unsaved or the new convert for the lack of knowledge is there so mercy is given, but to the one that had ruled and reign with Him in heavenly places.He is warning of a sin that has taken root in our lives and we refuse to turn and repent we have openly said, to the Father we are staying here, we 're not leaving this place, then that's where we are left until we repent and turn. We may be pluck right out of the Kingdom of Heaven and no one to accuse but ourselves. It is not once saved always saved and this is the warning of drifting away.

There is a unknowing sin, there is a mishap sin and a quickness to repent and all of these the Father looks at and sees to it that truth comes in, grace is given and mercy is shown. But willful sin and refusal to repent and turn from that sin is rebellion to Him and in this there is judgement into which there is no forgiveness and the door to heaven that was open is now shut to one who once believed that Jesus was Lord over their life, but now has taken their own throne and made themselves a god.

Proverbs 22:5

Thorns and snares are in the way of the perverse; He who guards his soul will be far from them.


We must follow what the Bible says and not deviate from the Word. No shortcuts. We must heed the word as we have heard it.

Pay closer attention to what we have heard. Stay focused on what the Word says and not what man wants it to say. Obey the commands that are written in the Gospel.

If you don't plant the seed in fertile soil it will not grow. The hard ground, the shallow soil of rocky ground, and thorny soil where the plant gets choked out are all representative of seeds not nourished with the Word. We are to be doers and spread the infallible Word (gospel, good news) to others.


:DQ3. (Hebrews 2:1) In what ways are we not immune to drifting away from the gospel?

As is customary in this day everyone reading a statement can come up with their own ideas on that statement based on their own interpretation of the statement's meaning. I could read a statement that says John is tall, he likes beans. Where one person may interpret this as saying John is tall because he likes to eat beans, beans are what you should eat to grow tall; another person my interpret it as saying that he is tall, and conversely he likes beans also. It is for this reason why the author states "We must pay more careful attention...". He is telling us that anyone could drift away and that we are not immune. I guess the evidence in today's society of the possibility of drifting is the repeated manifestations of sin, or alternatively the many persons that "back-slide"; the fact is that although we have a genuine love of GOD and are Christians, we too can drift.

According to the author, how can we successfully resist the tendency to drift?

The first part of verse 1 is applicable here again "We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard..." it is through doing this that we can succesfully avoid drifting, by paying close and careful attention.

How did Jesus describe this phenomenon of "drift" in the Parable of the Sower?

Jesus used the different soils to describe the phenomenon of drift in the parable of the sower. The seed sown on the path illustrates to us that if we do not pay attention to the word of GOD, satan can easily snatch us up and fly away with us. The birds are satan. The seed sown in the shallow soil shows us how the initial learning of the gospel, and its understanding, can easily be destroyed if we do not play careful attention. The mere fact of paying close attention (to in this case the word of GOD [namely the bible]) we save ourselves by watering our seed to new growth and further development, without the water that paying attention brings we shall soon fall to our death as we drift away. The soil with the thorns gives us an insight into the many distractions that could stifle the growth of a young christian if they do not pay attention. The lack of attentivenes can lead to us being choked to death in the vise grip of satan, and lead to our ultimate lack of attachement to the word of the lord. The final soil reiterates what the authour has been telling us, that we need to pay attention becuse when we pay attention we are like the seed in the 4th soil "...the one wwho received the seed that fell on the good soil is the man who hears the word and understands it. he produces a crop yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown" (Matthew 13:23) "he who has ears, let him hear" (Matthew 13:9) :D

Q3. (Hebrews 2:1) In what ways are we not immune to drifting away from the gospel? According to the author, how can we successfully resist the tendency to drift? How did Jesus describe this phenomenon of "drift" in the Parable of the Sower?

We must be grounded in the Word, to stay in our Word (not just read it but to study) apply the Word to our life, so that we we not drift away, pray for the Holy Spirt help. The world is full of temptations. We must learn to be doers of the Word not hearer.

We must pay careful (earnest) attention to our leaders teaching, what Jesus taught and what we read and study from our Bible. We must let the seeds of the Word fall on good soil letting the roots growing deep within our heart, not on bad ground.


Q3. (Hebrews 2:1) In what ways are we not immune to drifting away from the gospel? According to the author, how can we successfully resist the tendency to drift? How did Jesus describe this phenomenon of "drift" in the Parable of the Sower?

We are not immune to drifting when we don't heed the word. When we simply hear and follow without the understanding and compassion that our hearts need to flourish and mature in our Chrisitan growth. This happens when we do not feed and nourish our spiritual growth constantly. We can resist the tendency to drift when we surrender our understanding over to Christ. Enrich our spiritual journeys with the proper nourishments so that we can fully mature as Chrisitans with the knowledge and understanding we need.

I love plants, this spring I planted new plants and I also tended to the old ones. I went out and purchased new soil, food that can provide all the nourishment my new and old plants need for healthy growth. I pruned the plants that needed pruning and repotted the ones that needed it. I also planted new grass seeds and for the last three weeks have been watching new grass grow and carefully tending to the areas that are resisting new growth. Some areas where the soil is very dry might need sodding. The seedlings are not taking root at all even though I water everyday and have applied fertilizer. I guess I've learned the lesson of the sower because some areas are much more resistant that others even with my constant care and feeding. These seeds won't take root. So I will have to add new grass to this area in order to have growth. I believe it is the very same way while we travel on our spiritual journeys, if we don't nurse and care for and provide the nutrients needed for our spiritual growth we will not grow into mature Christians.


Q3. (Hebrews 2:1) In what ways are we not immune to drifting away from the gospel?

Many people hear the gospel and pay no heed to the commands of the Word. Their lives are not changed by what they hear, they continue as before hearing the Gospel.

According to the author, how can we successfully resist the tendency to drift?

When we meditate on the Word of God and allow our lives to be changed and guided by it we resist the tendency of drifting away.

How did Jesus describe this phenomenon of "drift" in the Parable of the Sower?

In the Parable of the Sower, Jesus described this phenomenon of "drift" as the seeds not being grounded but being swept away by the elements.


We are not only immune to "drifting away", but prone to it - I think the parable of the sower helps us examine how well we listen and obey - the Hebrew word for listen is "shema" which implies hearing and reponding in some way that makes a change in how we live daily - without the response we are not truly listening and therefore are prone to forget, be distracted and let the problems and responsibilities of life pull us away from our commitment to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind and strength

We must "pay more careful attention" to "what we have heard" - make a commitment and take the time to get alone with the Lord - pray, study, listen and respond in a way that changes something in our lives


In what ways are we not immune to drifting away from the gospel? According to the author,how can we successfully resist the tendency to drift? How did Jesus describe this phenonmon of drift in the Parable of the Sower?

The author wanted the people to listen attentively to the words of the Lord and not be carried away to other popular opininons.We as Christians need to stay mature so we can be able to soak up what God is telling us,if we are not praying enough in the Lord then we can lose the gospel.The author wants us to hold on to the words of Christ cause they are the words of God himself.Jesus described drifting in various ways in the Parable of the Sower,we are as seeds and where we fall is how we accept the word in our hearts.When it falls on the wayside then we do not understand it and the enemy comes and takes it away from us,some seed fall on the stony places and it means that we only understand little and we quickly go back to the world,the seed among the thorns lets the cares of this world choke the person spirtual life,so we need to fall on the good ground and recieve the Word so we can be blessed


Ways we are not immune to drifting away from the gospel: 1) holding on to a pet sin or refusing to deal with unconfessed sin in our life, 2) having an idol in our life, be it money, or our job, or sports, or whatever, 3) seduction of materialism, the desire to possess the current 'in thing', 4) the pursuit of pleasures, caring more for personal recreation, and 5) world interference.

We can successfully resist the tendency to drift by resisting temptation and by spending time studying the Bible and praying on a daily basis.

This is how Jesus described "drift" in the Parable of the Sower. The seed thrown on the hard ground, rocky soil, and thorny soil,

represents those who hear the gospel, but don't heed it. They are just hearers of the word, without being doers of it.

Q3. (Hebrews 2:1) In what ways are we not immune to drifting away from the gospel? According to the author, how can we successfully resist the tendency to drift? How did Jesus describe this phenomenon of "drift" in the Parable of the Sower?

When we close our minds and our hearts to the gospel of Christ, we tend to drift away from what God intended for us through Christ. We tend to "listen" but not to "hear" what is meant for us to hear--we hear what we want to hear. To keep frm drifting, we must pay close attention to what is being said by and about Christ; we have got to learn to apply the teachings of Christ to our daily lives. We've got to learn to stand on the promises of salvation and eternal life made by God through Christ. HEAR THE WORD AND DO SOMETHING WITH IT! Don't just hear the Word and go about our daily lives as though we haven't learned anything from the Word of God.

Jesus' description of the sower (farmer) in Matthew 13:3-9 says of drifting:

"The hard path where some of the seeds fell represents the heart of a person who hears the Good News about the Kingdom and doesn't uderstand it; then Satan comes and snatches way the seeds from his heart. The shallow, rocky soil represents the heart of a man who hears the message and receives it with real joy but he doesn't have much depth in his life and the seeds don't root very deeply, and after a while when trouble comes, or persecution begins bcause of his beliefs, his enthusiasm fades, and he drops out. The ground covered with thistles represents a man who hears the message, but the cares of this life and his longing for money choke out God's Word, and he does less and less for God. The good ground represents the heart of a man who listens to the message and understands it and goes out and brings thirty, sixty, or even a hundred others into the Kngdom." (Matthew 13:18-23 TLB)

This passage tells us to hear the Word and let the Word enter into our hearts and our lives--use the Word to bring others to Christ.

Q3. (Hebrews 2:1) In what ways are we not immune to drifting away from the gospel? According to the author, how can we successfully resist the tendency to drift? How did Jesus describe this phenomenon of "drift" in the Parable of the Sower?

We are sinful since the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. We are vulnerable to things which attack us from all angles especially from our weakest point. Take as for example "the power of wants". If our aim is not clear, we'll not be able to give full attention. So also in hearing the Gospel, if it just ends up by expressing in words like 'the message is nice' then it'll not have a deep impact in our heart. However, as the writer of the Hebrews suggests, we need to give full attention because of the danger that awaits us.

We'll be able to resist the tendency to drift away only by giving full attention to the things we have heard.

In Jesus' description of 'drift' in the Parable of the Sower: drifting away is compared to the seed that falls on the hard ground of the path, the shallow ground of the rocky soil, or the thorny soil where it was choked out.

Q3. (Hebrews 2:1) In what ways are we not immune to drifting away from the gospel? According to the author, how can we successfully resist the tendency to drift? How did Jesus describe this phenomenon of "drift" in the Parable of the Sower?

There are many good examples and reasons listed by the other responders that are right on about drifting. I find that drifting away from God does not come all at once - in one fell swoop - but it is a gradual thing. Missing a church service here and there - not studying the Word - skipping on chances to fellowship. It becomes easier and easier to skip the things that keep us anchored in God - that is when the drifting starts. Without our anchor we will continue to slip away from where we need to be and where we intended to be. Our faith needs nourishment daily - one way to avoid drfiting is to feed your faith and make your faith a "verb" out in the world.


Christians need to be daily focused in the Word of God and in prayer or their is a tendency to break fellowship with God and other believers and drift into selfishness and the world. Jesus' describes this phenomenon of drift in the Parable of the sower in that satan; the cares of this world and a shallow spiritual life can snatch a person away.

Q3. (Hebrews 2:1) In what ways are we not immune to drifting away from the gospel? According to the author, how can we successfully resist the tendency to drift? How did Jesus describe this phenomenon of "drift" in the Parable of the Sower?

We are not immune to drifiting away from the gospel becasue we are human. We must be responsible for what we have heard, we cannot drop it and move to something else this very thing will cause us to drift away.

To successfully resist the tendency to drift we must pay carfule attention to what we have heard, be attentive.

One the seed was give out it was applied to the wrong ferterlizer and the seed was chocked and so it is with his Word if we don't apply it to our lives we will drift away.

  • 2 weeks later...
Q3. (Hebrews 2:1) In what ways are we not immune to drifting away from the gospel? According to the author, how can we successfully resist the tendency to drift? How did Jesus describe this phenomenon of "drift" in the Parable of the Sower?

We're not immune to drifting away from the gospel simply because we are a fallen race. We are of the race of man whose first father and mother sinned first, causing all of us to be separated from God. That is a generalized answer for it encompasses all of mankind. However, each one of us has certain vices that distract us. It could be a lack of time. It could be overwork. It could be that you just keep yourself busy with family things, or a new car, or a new boat, or a hobby...and so on. We get distracted and if we aren't too careful, we start to drift because we are not spending time in His Word like we should be.

To resist this drifting away, pay close attention to His Words, His commands. Heed them.

In the Parable, they heard the Word but didn't take it to heart. They didn't follow it.


Q3. (Hebrews 2:1) In what ways are we not immune to drifting away from the gospel? According to the author, how can we successfully resist the tendency to drift? How did Jesus describe this phenomenon of "drift" in the Parable of the Sower?

Because we are human and at times can wiggle away or minimize the authority and person of Jesus Christ, we need to stay on task and believe the truth that Jesus is the Son of the Living God, and His word is final.

Q3. (Hebrews 2:1) In what ways are we not immune to drifting away from the gospel? According to the author, how can we successfully resist the tendency to drift? How did Jesus describe this phenomenon of "drift" in the Parable of the Sower?

if we consider the commandments of Jesus as just a great teachers' opinion

we should give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard

way side, stony places,thorns


We have to continually be renewed in the spirit of our mind by saturating it with the Word of God. To not do so, gives us an opportunity to become that forgetful hearer, James I believe spoke about. The cares, worries and pursuit of pleasures and riches can also cause drifitng. This is a good reason NOT to negelt the assembying of ourselves together also so that we as Christians can HEAR the Word being preached and taught, as well as learn MANY More applications of the Word to daily life!! He who hears my Word and obeys it is like a house built on solid rock! Nothing can move it! Matt7:24


Q3. (Hebrews 2:1) In what ways are we not immune to drifting away from the gospel?

We are humans and the flesh is weak, Satan is ruler of this world we are living in and he is out to kill and destroy and take our joy in the Lord away. Drifting is the key word, for it is easy to drift slowly, without seeing how far away from God we have strayed.

According to the author, how can we successfully resist the tendency to drift?

This is why we must give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip, drift away; that is, we must pay attention to, be cautious about, apply oneself to, adhere to God's word. If we treasure the gift of salvation than we have our part of the covenant to do and that is heed the instructions God has given to us to live by, for He has called us to live righteous lives and has given us the Holy Spirit, the power to live by and have fellowship with God. Take Heed! so you do not drift away.

How did Jesus describe this phenomenon of "drift" in the Parable of the Sower?

Mat 13:37 He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man;

Mat 13:38 The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one;

Mat 13:39 The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.

Mat 13:40 As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.

Mat 13:41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;

Mat 13:42 And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Mat 13:43 Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.

Do Not let the world be number one in our life, it is easy to drift into the thinking of the world and to seek after the pleasures of the world, take heed, let the Word, the Seed, fall on our hearts, let it change our heart of stone, for we have come to the understanding of the "Word" for it is truth, it is life changing, if we heed it and obey the instructions God has given us to live by, plant it deep into our heart.

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