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Q4. (Hebrews 2:3b-4) In what way has the truth of salvation been confirmed to you? Would signs and wonders help or hinder establishing the truth of Christ's ministry today? From which portion of the Bible have you formed your opinion of the value of signs and wonders today?

The truth of salvation can be confirmed basically in two ways: Your personal experience with God and if you accept the bible as the inspired word of God (with no strings attached). My confirmation is primarily based on how much I feel the presence of the Lord in my life. It's the small things you have to look out for. Don't expect to a load of burning bushes. One just has to learn to interpret the signs of God and how he reveals himself to you. Let me illustrate that with an example out of my own experience:

While I was in Germany last year to visit my mom I got in a car accident with her and she succumbed to her injuries. In the weeks following I went to the local church to get some comfort to deal with the traumatic experience. Near the end of one of the services I still felt a kind of restless but then they started singing the song "Shine, Jesus, shine". This is one of my favourite songs and I hadn't heard it for ages. This was all that I needed. A simple song. I knew for sure at that moment: Jesus is there for me to help and support me.

Will signs and wonders help? Sure they will. But guess what? They are already there but most of us are to ignorant to see them. Besides that: Too much confirmation can be detrimental to your faith. In my opinion it's much better for yourself to learn to trust the Lord without proof (John 20 : 29 - "Jesus said to him, Thomas, because you have seen Me you have believed. Blessed are they who have not seen and have believed."

And no matter how many signs, wonders and miracles you supply the doubters will allways be there.

Q4. (Hebrews 2:3b-4) In what way has the truth of salvation been confirmed to you? Would signs and wonders help or hinder establishing the truth of Christ's ministry today? From which portion of the Bible have you formed your opinion of the value of signs and wonders today?

The truth of salvation has been confirmed to me through a weekly bible study conducted by a student senior that knew Christ first, when I was studying for my undergraduate degree.

I think signs and wonders would help establishing the truth of Christ's ministry today. In our era with the very advanced, sophisticated sciences and technologies, which people depend on their lives, people may not believe to or accept the truth of Christ's ministry. We know that the sciences and technologies still unable to solve all of our problems in the world, for example, it is unable to heal some certain diseases. But for Jesus nothing is impossible. In him there is a hope for our needs. Thus, I think we still need signs and wonders to show that Christ's ministry is true.

There are no special portions of the Bible from which I have formed your opinion of the value of signs and wonders today. For me all of the contents of the Bible are signs and wonders from God. Each of portions of Bible that I read or studied might have a special value to increase my faith.


"A miracle is an event beyond the power of any known physical law to produce; it is a spiritual occurrence produced by the power of God, a marvel, a wonder."

- Billy Graham


Oh my gosh- how do I know my salvation has been confirmed? I thank God for the web space to tell about it- thank You Lord! The mere fact that I am here is a miracle and I believe that each person here is a sign for Jesus Christ and that they reflect His light and His glory through His Word and through their mission He gave them. Jesus said In Matthew: "All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him. Take my yoke, Jesus said and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. Man did I need rest! Did I need teaching! Did I need humility! Did I need a heart! What soul?

Jesus also said, "The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life's worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature. I can surely say I've been choked, I've been immature and I've indulged in some pretty ungodly pleasures of this world. I made choices, I made decisions of this world that only God could have seen me through. From what God and His word teaches and from what He has revealed to me so far, I know for sure that the very devil had had me: lock, stock and barrel! I was naked, afraid and had eaten from the wrong tree. Jesus said, "BUT as they go on their way" and I chose my way.

When I was in sin, my life began to spiral. I eventually fell into a snake pit. I fell so deep and so low. I was obsessed, oppressed and depressed. I was dirty, flirty and unworthy. I was confused, diffused and refused. I was barely hanging on and life became hopeless and dark.

It wasn't until I was broken, badly broken and lost it all that I knew what salvation truly was. I chose my way until I went blind. I could have cared less what you needed or how I treated you. Love was something that I filled in--just because. Sort of like a crossword puzzle. And through frustration, as long as it fit and it looked good--I would try it. And when it didn't match up, I threw it down and tried something else.

I had reached a place in my life that I was untrustworthy. I had nothing left. I had no dignity, no pride, no reputation, no material things to be greedy with, no spirit, no hope, no job, no meat, no money, no car, and all was lost. Truth was my only option. I was stripped naked of all the 'things' a person in the flesh thought they needed to survive. I was then alone. Just God and me.

But Halleluiah! Jesus truth was revealed to me while I was walking the streets broken. He showed me people who had nowhere to go. He sat me down next to people on the city bus who needed wheelchair lifts to get them on. He put blind people on the bus. He put strangers in my sight that slept on cardboard boxes. He showed me people out there who were dazed and confused and lost. He provided food to me when I had nothing to eat. He gave me more then I needed so I could anonymously leave it on the street corner for the homeless man who had death in his eyes. He gave me money when I didnt have a job and showed me which homeless man to give it to on Christmas Eve night. He revealed church signs with sayings for when I wondered through town alone, weary and feeling hopeless so they could touch me when I needed touching. He provided rent money from complete strangers and he wired Christmas money from someone Ive never met to buy my son a gift when I didnt have a permanent job or a gift. He brought to my side a Vietnam Veteran while I sat at the bus terminal alone. He made the man talk about his past to me and He put words in my mouth to say to his hurting, lost soul. He used those words to speak to the lady who heard our conversation and HE touched her, since she had lost her entire family to a fire. The rest of the truths Jesus has revealed to me would take too much server space and He will reveal to me where else to use it.

But it was then that I knew He was my Teacher, My Ruler and He taught me truth through my brokenness. He showed me what truths to look for from Him. I dont ever know how I shall escape if I ignore such a great salvation! I do know that my salvation is a spiritual occurrence and wonder. And I know that others who know me know. I believe that when we live with Christ in us, it is a miracle, it is a sign and the lost will wonder. I know since I was born to not drink from His cup--He had to reveal it to me.


For a sinner, yes, signs and wonders would help Christ's ministry, if Christ was flamboyant. And even if my paternal father asked me two weeks ago: "If Jesus walked on water then, how come he doesn't do it now?" I' cant say that that would even cause him to repent if He saw Jesus doing it.

But for Pete's sake and a small wonder, God gave us green grass to provide food for cows and look what man does with it. He manicures it, waters it, mows it, fertilizes it and drills small holes in it to putt balls into! :)


When Jesus speaks to me through the Holy Spirit is where I get value but my opinion doesn't count anymore.


:DQ4. (Hebrews 2:3b-4) In what way has the truth of salvation been confirmed to you?

The truth of salvation has been confirmed to me by the wondrous feeling of the holy spirit. when he pays me a visit, I know GOD is near. I can speak of the lord and despite being my saved for 8 months now, still cry. Even when I fall, I want to get back up, the idea of burning in the pit is unbearable I want to see GOD. Like Bebe and CeCe Winans said "they say streets of gold, can you imagine somewhere where life will never end; no one ever grows old, oh, my brother please come with me. It's what I live for, a place where love will never cease. Willing to die for, heaven is where I want to be." Can I get an amen up in here; becuse that's what my salvation means to me. Its that important.

Would signs and wonders help or hinder establishing the truth of Christ's ministry today?

I think it would help; but then again Jesus denounced the unbelievers who saw miracles and still chose not to belive (Matthew 11:21-24). So maybe the mere fact of our having faith is good enough, for blessed is he that has faith. :D

Q4. (Hebrews 2:3b-4) In what way has the truth of salvation been confirmed to you? Would signs and wonders help or hinder establishing the truth of Christ's ministry today? From which portion of the Bible have you formed your opinion of the value of signs and wonders today?

The truth of salvation has been confirmed to me by the word of God working in me, the change in my life and the Holy Spirit that is within me. I think signs and wonders can be both hindrance and help, we must be careful the Bible warn about false prophets. Signs and wonders today? I think Matt. 7:15-23. I still believe that God works wonders today and give us a sign,


Q4. (Hebrews 2:3b-4) In what way has the truth of salvation been confirmed to you?

The truth of salvation has bee confirmed to me by signs, wonders, miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit. Truly it is hard for anyone to go along each day and not see these confirmations of the truth of Salvation. As Believers, we should testify to the goodness of Gos and to the fact of God's interventions which will bring Him glory and show the world that signs, wonders, miracles and the Gifts of the Spirit are still operating today.

Would signs and wonders help or hinder establishing the truth of Christ's ministry today?

Signs and wonders would help establish the truth of Christ's ministry today. In fact, it will confirm what Jesus said to his followers just before he returned to sit at the right hand of Father, "these signs shall follow them that believe."

From which portion of the Bible have you formed your opinion of the value of signs and wonders today?

The last words of Jesus given in Mark 16:17:18":

17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Q4. (Hebrews 2:3b-4) In what way has the truth of salvation been confirmed to you? Would signs and wonders help or hinder establishing the truth of Christ's ministry today? From which portion of the Bible have you formed your opinion of the value of signs and wonders today?

The truth of my salvation I find everyday in my daily search of Jesus through the word. I believe that signs and wonders both help and hinder the truth of Christ ministry, it confirms the belief in Christ for the believer and it hinders the lack of belief for those who chose to explain the events as coincidental. I have formed my opinion of the value of signs and wonders from the complete bible because through out it you find evidence, completely factual evidence.


My spiritual life grows gradually, so does my process of knowing God. Since young I was brought to Sunday school and listen to stories about Jesus.. But this is not enough, I know that we need to be convinced that what we believe is true to have our seed grows on good soil. And I think the 'power' or 'cause' that is able to do so is GOD.. I remembered when I was seven, during one night before I went to sleep, this thought suddenly popped into my mind, convincing me that I need to pray and talk to God every night, this is how I start talking to God every night.. At 14, the interest in knowing God's word suddenly grow in me, might be due to my Sunday school teacher at that time.. and after that

i tried to question myself whether I was given any gift to serve God then at when I was 17, I got to serve God as CG leader.. So, from all these, I know that God is the one who really guides me.. But He'll work according to His time.. I guess most of us will go through the same process but at different rate. Some who underwent greater tribulations or trials might grow faster.. The best verse I found to describe this is Job 42:5 'I had heard of thee by the hearing of the ear; but now mine eye seeth thee.' We heard about God through those who know Him and we experience changes in our life guided by the Holy Spirit.. And I hope that finally I'll meet God face to face too :) God's signs and wonders do help in converting people but according to God's plan.. No one can stop stop if He wants to make the whole nations His kingdom but out of love He gave us freedom to choose.. There's one thing I dont really understand, if Jesus said that the sign of Jonah (death and resurrection of Jesus) was the last sign that He'll show, then how about the signs and wonders that happen today? Are they from God?

Q4. (Hebrews 2:3b-4) In what way has the truth of salvation been confirmed to you? Would signs and wonders help or hinder establishing the truth of Christ's ministry today? From which portion of the Bible have you formed your opinion of the value of signs and wonders today?

The truth of salvation has been confirmed and attested by those who heard Him. Signs and wonders helps in establishing the truth of Christ's ministry today. First from the Book of Exodus and then from the New Testament we have Mark 16:16-18; Acts 4:29-30; 5:12; Heb.2:4.


God has confirmed the truth of salvation in my life by the great and many changes He has made in my life. In todays culture signs and wonders would be explained away by many. I think the most powerful testimony of the Living God is through the reality of changed lifes -- changed hearts -- when people begin to take on the characteristics of Jesus Christ. It is hard to explain away changed hearts for Jesus Christ. The signs and wonders God has performed throughout the Bible has had equal influence in my opinions of signs and wonders today.

Q4. (Hebrews 2:3b-4) In what way has the truth of salvation been confirmed to you? Would signs and wonders help or hinder establishing the truth of Christ's ministry today? From which portion of the Bible have you formed your opinion of the value of signs and wonders today?

Just believing in God the father, the son and the Holy ghost has opend my eye to the joy of salvation. I feel his presence inside me, correcting me, teaching me and helping me. I believe is more peopel could experience signs and wonders as the apostles did this would definitley estalish the truth to many non-belivers/undecieed. The bible say that we shoud do greater works then then disciples, so the ball is in our court to believe God for signs and wonders. Definitely the New Testatment.

  • 2 weeks later...
Q4. (Hebrews 2:3b-4) In what way has the truth of salvation been confirmed to you? Would signs and wonders help or hinder establishing the truth of Christ's ministry today? From which portion of the Bible have you formed your opinion of the value of signs and wonders today?

Confirmed to us by the Word of God. Signs and wonders can only help in establishing the truth of Christ's Ministry today. I believe that the New Testament has helped me for my opinion of the value of signs and wonders today. I specifically like Hebrews and John. I have never really got into reading in depth and taking notes as I read Hebrews before, but what an awesome book with great information. Do not take me wrong I think the entrie Bible is important but I have enjoyed studying in the New Testamant.

Q4. (Hebrews 2:3b-4) In what way has the truth of salvation been confirmed to you? Would signs and wonders help or hinder establishing the truth of Christ's ministry today? From which portion of the Bible have you formed your opinion of the value of signs and wonders today?

by the realization that God has given me that my salvation is solely based on what Christ has done for me, not what i may or may not have done.

i think the truth of Christ's ministry has been proven by His crucifixion and His resurrection. some saw the miracles and chose not to believe


The truth of the Salvation Gospel was confirmed when I accepted Christ. There is No disputing being born again. That in itself is a powerful miracle, when you pass from death into life! Miracles and wonders happen everyday. Look around. The sun shines, the rain falls, seasons come and go...prayers are answered, people are healed! Lifes are changed. The most hardened sinner totally changes after confessing Jesus as Lord! Famlies are reconcilled, addicts set free, the gospel is preached in all the earth!! I would have to say the Gospels, and the work of Jesus...was proof enough for me! And then there is that ongoing work that is even now taking place as we grow from faith to faith! Signs and wonders are common place especially in newly evangelized countries! Read the Heavenly Man about Brother Yun in China, if you aren't convinced before you will be then!!


Q4. (Hebrews 2:3b-4) In what way has the truth of salvation been confirmed to you?

It is confirmed in me by the Holy Spirit living in me. The same Spirit that drew me into the truth of the Word, drawing me into life eternal found in Jesus the Christ.

Would signs and wonders help or hinder establishing the truth of Christ's ministry today?

We see many signs and wonders done by God today! Any time the work of the Holy Spirit is evident would always be a help, He is our helper. The Jew has always asked for a sign, so they would know it is from God, but what pleases God today is for us to come in "faith" - our faith grows as we read and study God's Word, and as we look to Him to fulfill His Word.

From which portion of the Bible have you formed your opinion of the value of signs and wonders today?

Heb 2:4 God also bearing witness with them, both by signs and wonders, and by manifold powers, and by gifts of the Holy Spirit, according to his own will. The Lord fulfilled the ancient promises for He is the coming Messiah.


Q4. (Hebrews 2:3b-4) In what way has the truth of salvation been confirmed to you?

By the gifts he has bestowed on me, the many blessings I have experiencee and by the fact that I have grown in my faith.

Would signs and wonders help or hinder establishing the truth of Christ's ministry today?

I think signs and wonders do help today, but the kind of miracles and signs that we read about in God


Q4. (Hebrews 2:3b-4) In what way has the truth of salvation been confirmed to you?

My like,heart, mind, and perspective have radically changed since Jesus Christ saved me. His Holy Spirit dwelling inside me have been gradually,as promised in God's word, transforming my heart and mind to become like Jesus' heart and mind. The 'proof' is in the manifestation of the fruit of the Holy Spirit in my life.

Would signs and wonders help or hinder establishing the truth of Christ's ministry today?

I'm not really sure. The truth speaks for itself and stand alone. I think in modern society there are many distractions in the form of technology, media, and the like. The most profound truth is really the most basic...one that the child's heart can understand. When we, especially in the USA begin to realize that material possessions cannot hold a candle in value to the priceless gift of salvation and eternity spent with Jesus, then a wonder beyond what touches the senses begins to occupy and grow within our souls. Then, is causes us to consider the needs of others before our own.

From which portion of the Bible have you formed your opinion of the value of signs and wonders today?

I would say the portion of Matthew's gospel that addresses 'the little children'. Matthew 19:13-15

Q4. (Hebrews 2:3b-4) In what way has the truth of salvation been confirmed to you? Would signs and wonders help or hinder establishing the truth of Christ's ministry today? From which portion of the Bible have you formed your opinion of the value of signs and wonders today?

Roman 10: 9-10 says if you confess with the mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in you heart that God has God has raised him from the dead you will be saved. This scripture alone is the biggest sign and wonder that has happened to me. Once I confessed that Jesus Christ was Lord of my life and I accepted him as my personal savior; he has moved and is moving in every aspect of my life. I am no longer the same person I was before. Sin no longer has control over me. Though I may commit sin, I can go to my father the Lord Jesus, and get right with God. My focus is no longer on what I have done, or what I need to do but rather on what God is and will do through my changed life. Knowing that God has done this for me, I can see that God has done this for those in the Bible. And if God can change my life and the lives of King David, Moses, Peter, and Paul, there is nobody on this earth whose life he cannot change. These are the greatest signs and wonders that can ever be preformed. Healing, the sick feeding the multitudes, raising the dead, are great signs and wonders that Jesus did but there

  • 2 weeks later...

I tend to stand next to Thomas on this issue. He would probally tell us what Jesus told him ... "Blessed are they that believe and don't see..." Paul exhorts us as he exhorted the Romans that nature itself proves the existence of God. For those who do not believe Holy Scripture ( A TRUE SIGN AND A MIRACLE!) that the Father is revealed through His Son, then they are "without excuse". Our lives are the receptical of the love of Christ to a dying world. The sign and miracle is the fact that Jesus can regenerate unregenerate people through His mercy and grace.

  • 3 weeks later...

The truth of salvation has been confirmed in me in numerous ways, but it all boils down to the fact that the Lord has brought me to Himself through His Holy Spirit to be born-again into the forever family of God, and He has changed me (and will continue to change or transform me daily into the likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ. The miracles of this happening to little old me are that He chose me to be saved before the foundations of the world were established and will continue His wonderful work in me until it is perfectly completed when I go home to heavenly glory to be with Him and to be like Him forever in His glory! I believe that Christians still see signs and wonders today, mostly in seeing the salvation of many people around them and their changed lives as a result, but also in healings by the Lord Jesus (as well as by the Holy Spirit using the hands and means of doctors to heal people) sometimes, but I also believe that the picture of the early church of the apostles

  • 1 month later...
Q4. (Hebrews 2:3b-4) In what way has the truth of salvation been confirmed to you? Would signs and wonders help or hinder establishing the truth of Christ's ministry today? From which portion of the Bible have you formed your opinion of the value of signs and wonders today?

I believe Gods' salvation has been confirmed, firmly established, settled because of His word. It says in Psalm 119:89-90 Forever Oh Lord they Word is settled. Your faithfulness extends to all generations. The church of Acts is the pattern for the New Testament church. In the church of Acts there are signs, and wonders, gifts and miracles. Signs and wonders reveal Gods approval upon His ministry. Acts 2:22 says Men of Israel hear these words Jesus of Nazareth a man attested by God to you by miracles, wonders, and signs which God did through Him in your midst. It is God who does the Wonders. We need to be willing and obedient for Him to work through us. They prove Gods faithfulness, love and care towards us. We should respond to Jesus with a sense of awe. His works change our lives through His power. I believe God can use anything to point people to Him. He even used a donkey but He gets great delight when we are willing vessels. I believe He annoints those who realize they can't make it without His help and hand on their life. The purpose is always to point poeple to Jesus for salvation until His kingdom is established on earth. Also, these gifts are used to edify the church. I Corinthians 14:1 says Pursue love and desire spiritual gifts. We need to earnestly desire these things in our lives. It doesn't say anywhere that gifts have ceased. Miracles point to who Jesus is. God has a heart for people and wants to work in their midst. Mark 16:19-20 says so then after the Lord had spoken to them He was received up into Heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. And they went out and preached everywhere the Lord working with them and confirming the Word through the accompanying signs.

  • 3 weeks later...

Signs and wonders should have a place today. According to 1 Cor. 15:24-25, one of the functions of prophecy (not technically listed here as a sign/wonder, but still a supernatural event) is to convict unbelivers of their need for God. Signs and wonders serve a similar function. They are not necessarily for the believer's benefit, although they do bolster one's faith, but for the benefit of the unbeliever to draw them to God.

  • 2 weeks later...

I think signs and wonders would be very appropriate for today. We are a culture and a world in need of seeing the mighty works of God.

I believe in the gifts of the Spirit based on Joel, Acts, and I Corinthians. In my own life, I have seen and experienced the mighty works of God. But somehow life's experiences and sorrows tend to change points of view. I do, however, believe that Hebrews is applicable today.

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