Pastor Ralph Posted April 14, 2007 Report Posted April 14, 2007 Q3. (Hebrews 2:10) What does it mean, to bring many sons and daughters "to glory"? In what sense did Jesus become "perfect" through suffering? What are the implications for our own lives? Quote
Commissioned Posted May 6, 2007 Report Posted May 6, 2007 Q3. (Hebrews 2:10) What does it mean, to bring many sons and daughters "to glory"? Through His precarious death on the cross, Jesus bought our redemption. When we accept salvation throught the cross we acknowledge that the way to eternal life is to follow Jesus. In following Jesus and living our lives as he has commanded us we become his bride, the Church; sons and daughters which he will present to Father. In what sense did Jesus become "perfect" through suffering? Jesus became "perfect" through suffering as he completed the plan of God for the salvation of man. What are the implications for our own lives? In our own lives we come to perfection as we do the will of God and accomplish His purpose for our lives. Quote
Tabatha Posted May 6, 2007 Report Posted May 6, 2007 Q3. (Hebrews 2:10) What does it mean, to bring many sons and daughters "to glory"? In what sense did Jesus become "perfect" through suffering? What are the implications for our own lives? Christ was always morally perfect. By obeying, He demonstrated His perfection to us, not to God or Himself. In the Bible perfection usually means completeness or maturity.By sharing our experirnce of suffering. Christ shared our human experience completely.He is now able to offer salvation to those who obey Him. As we are obedient to Jesus as He was to the Father and go through what ever is put before us and overcome we will grow up into the Head who is Christ,as we do this we will be brought into the Sons and Daughters for His Glory. Verse (2 : 10 )In bringing many sons to Glory, it. was fitting that God, for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the author of their salvation perfect through suffering." He was already perect, Yet He still had to over come the battles and rejections of humanity and especially the cross. He became perfect through suffering by conquering and overcoming all things that was given Him. The radiance of obedience glorified Him . I would say If we follow Christ and go to the cross with Him and not shirk from the persecutions that are put before us we too will reign in Glory with Jesus as His beloved.As we are obedient to God's will and call on our lives we will rule and reign with Christ when He comes to take His own with him in Glory Quote
Ms CJ Posted May 7, 2007 Report Posted May 7, 2007 Q3. (Hebrews 2:10) What does it mean, to bring many sons and daughters "to glory"? In what sense did Jesus become "perfect" through suffering? What are the implications for our own lives? What does it mean, to bring many sons and daughters "to glory"? God the Father made the Lord Jesus Christ the captain of our salvation (that is, He consecrated, He appointed Him to that office, he gave Him a commission for it), and He made him a perfect captain: He had perfection of wisdom, and courage, and strength, by the Spirit of the Lord, which He had without measure; In what sense did Jesus become "perfect" through suffering? He was made perfect through sufferings; that is, He perfected the work of our redemption by shedding His blood, and was thereby perfectly qualified to be a Mediator between God and man. He found his way to the crown by the cross, and so must His people too. Being consecrated and perfected through suffering, has consecrated the way of suffering for all His followers to pass through unto glory; and hereby their sufferings are made necessary and unavoidable, they are hereby made honorable, useful, and profitable. What are the implications for our own lives? That in all things pertaining to Christ and our salvation the one thing that is en scripted on God's people is that He has come as perfect, He left as perfect and He reigns as perfect before God the Father and that we being sin are now made to look perfect as He is perfect because of His shed blood and in all that He came and succeeding in doing. He has made us to look the same as He looks to God the Father. We are co partners with Him now in all that God the Father has given to Him, He gives to all who will believe and become followers of the cross. This is interesting to understand in the sense of the word implications; Function: noun Pronunciation: "im-pl&-'kA-sh&n 1 a : the act of implicating : the state of being implicated b : close connection ; especially : an incriminating involvement 2 a : the act of implying : the state of being implied b (1) : a logical relation between two propositions that fails to hold only if the first is true and the second is false (2) : a logical relationship between two propositions in which if the first is true the second is true (3) : a statement exhibiting a relation of implication 3 : something implied: as a : SUGGESTION b : a possible significance <the book has political implications> Quote
charisbarak Posted May 8, 2007 Report Posted May 8, 2007 Jesus was the first fruits of many to come--many sons & daughters (me & you) brought to glory with Him. Jesus was perfected by suffering by bringing the plan of salvation to be complete. He's the author & finisher of our faith. The implication here is that as many as receive Him, to them He gave (gives) eternal life. There is a whole world of peoples who need to hear!! Quote
zam Posted May 8, 2007 Report Posted May 8, 2007 Q3. (Hebrews 2:10) What does it mean, to bring many sons and daughters "to glory"? In what sense did Jesus become "perfect" through suffering? What are the implications for our own lives? To lead people to His Kingdom which He had prepared. To let us have the qualities of those who live there and to share His glory. Jesus in accomplishing the task entrusted by the Father had to undergo the suffering of human beings. Though He suffer yet He was a conqueror through resurrection from the dead. Jesus, the One whom the world look as the powerless now became the most powerfull. He had come to suffer and take the disgraceful death on the cross just for us sinners but, he is the first fruit of resurrection, which gives us hope that trusting in Him assures Eternal life. Quote
Stan Posted May 8, 2007 Report Posted May 8, 2007 Q3. (Hebrews 2:10) What does it mean, to bring many sons and daughters "to glory"? In what sense did Jesus become "perfect" through suffering? What are the implications for our own lives? When Jesus died on the cfross He completed the perfect will of the Father and paid the whole price for our sins and made a way for us to pe pure and Holy in the sight of God. He made a way for us to follow Him as He entered into Heaven to the glory of the Father. Jesus was already perfect in the way we understand perfect but by dying on the cross He completed the perfect will of the Father and said it is finished. He meant that now He was perfect again in the sight of the Father. On the cross He took on our sins and the Father could not look on Him now risen He is again the perfect and only true Son of God and Holy and Righteous in the sight of the Father. Quote
s8nfighter Posted May 8, 2007 Report Posted May 8, 2007 There are times I need to check out the older versions of the bible to completely understand the word of God. This is one case where the King James version completes my understanding. I could not figure out if, Christ was God's Son and of wnom He was very pleased, was made perfect at death, was He imperfect throughout life. God's requirement for sin offering is a lamb without blemish (perfect). If God sent his Son to be our sin offering He must have been without blemish. When Moses came down from the mountain with the commandments, God's glory was upon him and shown about him. God's glory and honor is His perfect righteousness as indicated by the Law which Moses carried. 9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man. (KJV) Jesus was crowned with glory and honor, He was the picture of God's perfect righteousness, His Glory, and His Honor. Jesus neither folded when tempted nor when persecuted and because of this spotlessness He (God's perfect Son) was an atoning sacrifice for all showing us all God's love by His grace. What are the implications for our own lives? A book, which I read quite some time ago (See You at the Top) was filled with instructions on how to become wealthy. The best advise in the book was, "If you want to become wealthy, find someone who is and copy his life." But too early in my quest for wealth I found out money needs to come before family, friends and neighbors and gave up my quest. Jesus died for our sins but He lived to instruct us as how we are to live and He rose again to give us help in living life if we choose to follow Him. His life was either for not or a quest for eternal life which promises great rewards. His words were either for not or a guide for me to copy. Words from "See You at the Top" if you want to become wealthy, find someone who is and copy his life. Words from Jesus, "12 "Do for others what you would like them to do for you. This is a summary of all that is taught in the law and the prophets. 13 "You can enter God's Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose the easy way. 14 But the gateway to life is small, and the road is narrow, and only a few ever find it.(Matthew 7 NLT) In other words, if you want to go to heaven, find someone who did and copy his life. Darrell Quote
JustJeff Posted May 8, 2007 Report Posted May 8, 2007 The Father glorified the Son in His passion and as the First Born of the Dead, the Son glorifies us in Him. Jesus Christ was made perfect when He became a man and suffered, with no loss, the trials of man, that is, the weaknesses of the flesh. By not surrendering to sin in any way He became complete in spirit and in flesh. Perfect. As our perfect example the implication is clear. We are to be as He was and to walk as He did. We cannot lead sinful lives. We must walk worthy of our calling. Quote
Helenmm Posted May 8, 2007 Report Posted May 8, 2007 Q3. (Hebrews 2:10) What does it mean, to bring many sons and daughters "to glory"? In what sense did Jesus become "perfect" through suffering? What are the implications for our own lives? I think Jesus was given the responsibility of the earth and its purpose - that of producing sons and daughters for the Kingdom of Heaven. Since the fall of Adam, they had actuallyto be reclaimed, as their inheritance had been handed over to the evil one whom Adam had believed more than God. To make this situation right again (retrieve the ineritance for men) Jesus had to touch base with satan and reclaim the lost heritage. Seeing satan had dominion over the earth, the battle had to be fought on that ground, so Jesus had to take human flesh, let satan do his worst, and then rise up in victory for the claiming of every man who so wished. These, covered by His blood, could then be brought into the very presence of God as his bride whom He loves and for whom He died and rose again victorious. They would receive eterna life and live with God the Father, God the Son andGod the HolySpirit for ever one. When this project was complete (or will be complete!) Jesus willbe united with His bride at the wedding feast and will thenbe complete, for like Adam, His side was opened up to produce His bride, and He is only complete with her at His side. This is the perfection HIs suffering produced! The implications for our lives are amazing. We are the bride if we will enter into crucifixion with Him (it was on the cross that He was pierced for us) - if we, like Him, will give everything for our bridegroom, we can be one with Him. There is a cross, and it's the cross of persecution for the faith. We will not always be understood or given all we want by a society who are not believers. They want all we have, but without believing Jesus. They will not receive. The bride will be faithful to Jesus. She'll be single minded and totally one-eyed about what she wants, namely her beloved, and she will not be moved! Nothing else will matter but that she become one with her love - Jesus. She wil long for Him and prepare carefully for His coming. She will be ready. Quote
lamountain Posted May 8, 2007 Report Posted May 8, 2007 It means to gather alot of people to salvation, he was a sheperd jesus preached the word of God to many people and gathered them together to bring about Gods word to others.jesus became perfect through suffering by having to go through the suffering all humans do but the difference is jesus was able to overcome all suffering, we are to follow that path,jesus suffered through his life to teach us that it was only temporary and better things would come so grin, pray,and bear it with Gods strength and nothing was to large to overcome. When jesus died on the cross he perfected that suffering by defeating death and saving our souls, And although while we are on this earth we may never be as perfect as Jesus we are to live our lives through his teaching and strive to become perfect. Quote
masika Posted May 8, 2007 Report Posted May 8, 2007 It means Salvation to all People.Jesus' suffering made Him aperfect leader , or Pioner, of our salvation. Christ was always moral perfect. By obeying , He demonstrated His perfection to us, not to God or Himself. In the Bible , perfection usually means completeness or maturity. By sharing our experience of suffering , Christ shared our human experience completely . He is now able to offer eternal salvation to those who obey Him. Jesus did not need to suffer for His own salvation, because He was God in human form. His perfect obedience demonstrates that He was the complete sacrifice for us. Through His suffering , Jesus completed the work necessary for our own Salvation. Our suffering can make us more sensitive servants of God. Quote
PATJOE Posted May 8, 2007 Report Posted May 8, 2007 Q3. (Hebrews 2:10) What does it mean, to bring many sons and daughters "to glory"? In what sense did Jesus become "perfect" through suffering? What are the implications for our own lives? It was Jesus' mission to bring us all to the glory of God; to the redeemed souls we will be in Heaven, by His loving death on the cross and then his miraculous resurrection from death - all so we can marvel in our good fortune to have the chance to believe in Him and trust Him with our lives on earth. Jesus was always perfect, however His gift to us on the Cross had to take place, and as He died, He brought to fruition the perfect conclusion to God's plan for us and Christ entered into His Father's glory. It is so clear in our own lives that we have the opportunity of becoming one of the many sons and daughters that are brought to glory. The implication is we must be so thankful, and put Him first in our lives so we can truly know what it means to love Him, to be loved by Him, to be forgiven by Him,and to eventually be accepted home in Heaven by Him. Quote
Lisa Rupert Posted May 9, 2007 Report Posted May 9, 2007 Q3. (Hebrews 2:10) What does it mean, to bring many sons and daughters "to glory"? In what sense did Jesus become "perfect" through suffering? What are the implications for our own lives? It meant for Jesus to bring many son and daughters to glory that his job here on this earth was done, that he brought many to the Father and he taught many the way to teach others how to bring many more. Jesus became perfect because he fulfilled the scriptures according to God's words. He became perfect through his sufferings, his death and his blood became the ultimate sacrifice. We can use the examples of Jesus and live a Christ like life because he has shown us how in the Word. Quote
PCHRIS Posted May 9, 2007 Report Posted May 9, 2007 Jesus paved the way for us, through the cross he paid for our sins with His life. Now as disciples we die to our old self and clothe ourselves in Christ and follow Him totally. He is the Perfect lamb of God, without blemish/sin, the once only sacrifice which was needed to take away the sins of you and me. The implications for my life are to deny myself, pick up the cross and follow Him Quote
Patricia A Posted May 9, 2007 Report Posted May 9, 2007 Q3. (Hebrews 2:10) What does it mean, to bring many sons and daughters "to glory"? In what sense did Jesus become "perfect" through suffering? What are the implications for our own lives? Jesus is the Leader we follow. And our destination is glory which is the state of being in the next life and thus this is described as participation in the radiance or glory. The idea here is that the state of perfection and the culmination of God's purpose for Jesus is the heavenly, glorified, conquering Christ. But to achieve this end, he had to go through the suffering of humanity, and especially the suffering of a disgraceful execution on the cross Because of this, we can know salvation and eternal glory with God. Quote
Helen Williams Posted May 9, 2007 Report Posted May 9, 2007 Jesus brought us by way of the cross. Blood had to be shed. Jesus is our leader. We are His followers. He is our guide, He is our example(perfect). Jesus had to go through the way of the cross but the reward was glorious. Our reward will also be glorious if we follow the way of Jesus. Jesus became perect through suffering in that He IS the heavenly, glorious, and conquering Christ. THAT IS SOMETHING TO SHOUT ABOUT! In our own lives there will be some suffering for Christ sake but we have eternal life in the end. Quote
marcene Posted May 10, 2007 Report Posted May 10, 2007 Q3. (Hebrews 2:10) What does it mean, to bring many sons and daughters "to glory"? In what sense did Jesus become "perfect" through suffering? What are the implications for our own lives? To bring many sons and daughters to glory, is to bring them from death to life...To His glory. Jesus became perfect through suffering death and conquering it. It means we also can be free of death through HIM. Quote
June Posted May 10, 2007 Report Posted May 10, 2007 It means to witness to them and bring to salvation. He was and is the Leader for us to follow in faith to get to the throne of the Father. Jesus was glorified and conquered death by the suffering on the cross. He sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For as we are made in His Image, we have the same right through our salvation and faith in Jesus Christ. Quote
heavenlymann Posted May 10, 2007 Report Posted May 10, 2007 to bring us to perfection where He is at. He was made perfect in that He completed His own mission through His suffering in His humanity. In our own lives He calls us to follow His lead daily. He went before us and showed us the Way and He does this on a daily basis. Quote
Craig Posted May 12, 2007 Report Posted May 12, 2007 Jesus' endurance of sufferings on this earth makes Him our leader. He has already experenced the sufferings we must go through on this earth. He not only endured them but triumphed over sin, death and satan through them. His sinless life has blazed a path to God, a path we must follow. Jesus is our model, our leader, and our captain. He understands our pain because He Himself went through suffering. As a Christian I must permit Jesus to be my leader; my captain; my model. Quote
Esther Donald Posted May 12, 2007 Report Posted May 12, 2007 Q3. (Hebrews 2:10) What does it mean, to bring many sons and daughters "to glory"? In what sense did Jesus become "perfect" through suffering? What are the implications for our own lives? What does it mean, to bring many sons and daughters "to glory"? It was suitable to divine wisdom and justice and the program of grace to offer Jesus as a sacrifice in order to bring many souls to glory or to accept Jesus as they Lord and savior Jesus Christ bringing them from death to life In what sense did Jesus become "perfect" through suffering? What are the implications for our own lives? He suffered for the remission of our sin and because of his suffering He is now able to offer eternal salvation to those who obey Him. Through the suffering before and on the cross Jesus completed the work necessary for our own Salvation. Our suffering can make us stonger sons and daughters with utmost respect for him thru obedience. It will also make us more compassionate to those who don't know Him and servants of God who are struggling to become more like Him. Quote
stonedcoldsoberbytheblood Posted May 14, 2007 Report Posted May 14, 2007 Q1 Because Jesus' suffering was not of His own will, but from the will of the Father and because of His obedience and sacrifice for us, Glory is a promise with the Father in eternity. Through repentence, sacrifice and obedience, we too are granted salvation and eternity- or brought to Glory with the Father. Glory, meaning for everything and anything, I ask His will not mine and follow through with His voice, not mine. For today, glory means action as I pass through here. Q2 Jesus did everything that was pleasing to God. He obeyed perfectly, never once drifting, falling away or choosing His own will. He heard and He followed and He obeyed to the " T " (cross). Q3 The implications are that I do what God wants me to do. Not that I have done something for God. Quote
sis. dee Posted May 15, 2007 Report Posted May 15, 2007 Q3. (Hebrews 2:10) What does it mean, to bring many sons and daughters "to glory"? In what sense did Jesus become "perfect" through suffering? What are the implications for our own lives? Jesus is the captain of our salvation. He is our Leader, He is our guide, He encourage us and by this we follow Him. We accept the gift of salvation. Jesus is the author and the finisher of our faith. Jesus was already perfect, but He became perfect through suffering by coming to earth in human form (man) taking on the sins of the world and dying on the cross. In my life Jesus is my example, He is my leader, my guide and I am to follow Him day by day. Quote
Jewell Posted May 17, 2007 Report Posted May 17, 2007 To bring them to glory is to show them the way to heaven. Jesus became perfect through suffering by the aspect of completing his mission. For my life, that means I will see him in heaven. Quote
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