Pastor Ralph Posted April 14, 2007 Report Posted April 14, 2007 Q1. (Hebrews 3:6b) Why is the writer exhorting his readers to "hold on" to Christ? Why must we continue in our faith? According the writer of Hebrews, what happens if we don't? Quote
bob.kenda Posted May 4, 2007 Report Posted May 4, 2007 Q1. (Hebrews 3:6b) Why is the writer exhorting his readers to "hold on" to Christ? Why must we continue in our faith? According the writer of Hebrews, what happens if we don't? we are not servants but friends. Therefore, we are His house if we hold onto our courage and hope of which we boast. So we don't go astray in our faith. If we don't hold fast, we won't enter His rest. I don't understand this paragraph, stating : these Jewish Christians................The writer gives them a stern warning -- you are only part of the Messiah's household if you continue firm in your faith in Him. Any comment? Quote
Commissioned Posted May 6, 2007 Report Posted May 6, 2007 Q1. (Hebrews 3:6b) Why is the writer exhorting his readers to "hold on" to Christ? The writer is exhorting his readers to "hold on" to Christ so that their faith would be firmly grounded, and they would not revert to their former way of living. Why must we continue in our faith? We must continue in our faith so that we continue, with our brothers and sisters of all ethnicity, to be a part of the Messiah's household. According the writer of Hebrews, what happens if we don't? If we don't, the writer of Hebrews says that we will lose our focus; thus disinheriting ourselves from the promised rule with Christ. Quote
Ms CJ Posted May 9, 2007 Report Posted May 9, 2007 Q1. (Hebrews 3:6b) Why is the writer exhorting his readers to "hold on" to Christ? Why must we continue in our faith? According the writer of Hebrews, what happens if we don't? Why is the writer exhorting his readers to "hold on" to Christ? We must maintain a bold and open profession of the truths of the gospel, upon which our hopes of grace and glory are built, and live upon and up to those hopes, so as to have a holy rejoicing in them, which shall abide firm to the end, notwithstanding all that we may meet with in so doing." So that we see there must not only be a setting out well in the ways of Christ, but a stedfastness and perseverance therein unto the end. Why must we continue in our faith? We have here a direction what those must do who would partake of the dignity and privileges of the household of Christ. 1.) We must take the truths of the gospel into our heads and hearts. 2.) We must build our hopes of happiness upon those truths. 3.) We must make an open profession of those truths. 4.) We must live so up to them as to keep our evidences clear, so that we may rejoice in hope, and then we must in all persevere to the end. According the writer of Hebrews, what happens if we don't? In a word, we must walk closely, consistently, courageously, and constantly, in the faith and practice of the gospel, that our Master, when He comes, may own and approve us. Quote
Helenmm Posted May 12, 2007 Report Posted May 12, 2007 Q1. (Hebrews 3:6b) Why is the writer exhorting his readers to "hold on" to Christ? Why must we continue in our faith? According the writer of Hebrews, what happens if we don't? Rev 2,3,4 proclaims that those who overcome will receive crowns. Victory is not an empty thing, but something to be fought for and won. The trained athlete wins the prize. We have to finish the race. We can't flip out to some former state of comfort, but must maintain the pace with Jesus. The writer sees the Hebrews wanting to return to the old Jewish faith, butJesus brings a new dimension and we can't go backwards. The promised land is ahead, not behind! We must continue our faith until we reach the goal which is Christ Jesus. We cant stop short of Him. If we don't follow Jesus to the end, according to the writer to the Hebrews, then we shall not enter into His rest. Full stop. People who harden their hearts against Him do not then enter His rest. That simple! Quote
Tabatha Posted May 12, 2007 Report Posted May 12, 2007 Q1. (Hebrews 3:6b) Why is the writer exhorting his readers to "hold on" to Christ? Why must we continue in our faith? According the writer of Hebrews, what happens if we don't? The author called his readers to pay attention to the truth they had heard so that they wouldn't drift away into false teaching. Paying careful attention is hard work. It involves focusing our mind, bodies, and senses. Listening to Christ means not merely hearing, but obeying ( James 1: 22-25 ) We must listen carefully. A central theme of Hebrews is that Christ is infinitely greater than all other proposed ways to God. The faith of Jewish readers was good, but faith must point to Christ. Christ's message is important. No one will escape God's punishment if he or she is indifferent to the salvation offered by Christ. Eyewitnesses to Jesus ministry had handed down His teaching to the readers of this book. These readers were second-generation believers who had not seen Christ in the flesh. They are like us ; we have not seen Jesus personally. We base our belief and faith in Jesus on the eyewitness accounts recorded in the Word Because Christ lives in us as believers . We can remain courageous and hopeful to the end. We are not only saved by being steadfast and firm in our faith, but our courage and hope reveals that our faith is real. Without this enduring faithfulness , we could easily be blown away by the winds of temptation, false teaching, or persecution. Our hearts turn away from the living God when we stubbornly refuse to believe Him, If we persist in our unbelief God will eventually leave us alone in our sin. But God can give us new hearts , new desires , and new spirits ( Ezekiel 36:22-27 ). Be aware of the deceitfulness of sin ( it attracts but also destroys ) encourage each other with love and concern. Quote
Patricia A Posted May 12, 2007 Report Posted May 12, 2007 Q1. (Hebrews 3:6b) Why is the writer exhorting his readers to "hold on" to Christ? Why must we continue in our faith? According the writer of Hebrews, what happens if we don't? And we are his house, if we hold on to our courage and the hope of which we boast" (3:6b). These Jewish Christians are tempted to return to their former Judaism. The writer gives them a stern warning -- you are only part of the Messiah's household if you continue firm in your faith in him. Paul says something similar: "... if you continue in your faith, established and firm, not moved from the hope held out in the gospel" (Colossians 1:23). We need to continue for the same reason. We are part of God Quote
marcene Posted May 13, 2007 Report Posted May 13, 2007 Q1. (Hebrews 3:6b) Why is the writer exhorting his readers to "hold on" to Christ? Why must we continue in our faith? According the writer of Hebrews, what happens if we don't? Christ is head over the house of God, which we are if we remain "In Him". We can only remain in Him through our faith in Him. If we don't we can never enter the "rest" of the Lord and being in His house. Quote
JustJeff Posted May 13, 2007 Report Posted May 13, 2007 To let go of the Lord is akin to hanging on the edge of a cliff and giving up before help arrives. The fall is great and the result is most certainly, death. If you are truly a Christian you have no recourse but to continue in the faith. To lose one's faith is to return to the past, and in the past there is the bondage of sin, the idols of Egypt and, the wrath of God. Quote
masika Posted May 13, 2007 Report Posted May 13, 2007 We are to hold on to Christ because He lives in us and He is our hope, we can remain courageous and hopeful to the end. We are to remain in our faith because without faith we can not please God. Without this enduring faithfulness, we could easily be blown away by the winds of temptation, false teaching, or persecution. Quote
sahala p.s. Posted May 14, 2007 Report Posted May 14, 2007 Q1. (Hebrews 3:6b) Why is the writer exhorting his readers to "hold on" to Christ? Why must we continue in our faith? According the writer of Hebrews, what happens if we don't? The writer exhorting his readers to Quote
charisbarak Posted May 14, 2007 Report Posted May 14, 2007 When I hear the words, "hold on" I associate something ready to shake me or to wait for further instruction instead of going the wrong way head-first! Obviously, we are going to come up against those shakers--false prophets, false teaching, temptations, tests. We need to grab hold of our hope!! We must continue in our faith because we need to stay close to God to finish our race! If we don't, we may not truly be of God's household! Quote
zam Posted May 14, 2007 Report Posted May 14, 2007 Q1. (Hebrews 3:6b) Why is the writer exhorting his readers to "hold on" to Christ? Why must we continue in our faith? According the writer of Hebrews, what happens if we don't? Because of the dangers that awaits on the way which attempt to drags us from believing in Jesus Christ. Because we have hope in Jesus Christ, and set our eyes upon Him, therefore we should not discontinue our holds on Him. If we don't then we'll be no more part of his house hold. Quote
Stan Posted May 14, 2007 Report Posted May 14, 2007 Q1. (Hebrews 3:6b) Why is the writer exhorting his readers to "hold on" to Christ? Why must we continue in our faith? According the writer of Hebrews, what happens if we don't? "And we are his house, if we hold on to our courage and the hope of which we boast" (3:6b). We must hold on to retain our faith in Christ, every day, every hour of the day the devil is trying to destroy our faith in Christ and all He has done and is going to do to for us as children of The Most High God. you are only part of the Messiah's household if you continue firm in your faith in him. Paul says something similar: ".. He says that we can continue to be a part of Christ household if we have the faith to continue to believe in Him as our Saviour. We can only be family if we fight the good fight and continue to worship and praise God and as the disciples ask increase our faith. If we fail to pray, worship, and study from the word then slowly the devil will come and steal our faith and along with it our joy in the knowledge that we are intitled to a life ever lasting and a place that Jesus as gone on before to prepare. Quote
Nancy D. Posted May 14, 2007 Report Posted May 14, 2007 Q1. (Hebrews 3:6b) Why is the writer exhorting his readers to "hold on" to Christ? Why must we continue in our faith? According the writer of Hebrews, what happens if we don't? We must hold on to our faith to continue to increase in our is like cannot make muscles by just sitting and never moving them.... we must take the seed given each of us, and USE it and exercise it daily as we will then create within our lives experiences that prove to us our faith in Christ can be trusted and leaned on. Without Jesus holding our hand and His Spirit guiding us, we cannot mature spiritually and our "race" in life will not be as effective or strong enough to win a prize to glorify Him. Our head beliefs must go to our hearts to produce the fruits of His Spirit, which will glorify Him. We can read all about Jesus and learn many facts about His life, but without Jesus Christ in our hearts and minds and souls, we will not have the intimate or in depth relationship we yearn to have with HIm, so our faith and trust and beliefs are one with and in Him. We must continue, or persevere in our faith for it to grow mature and usable for His glory and kingdom. We want to earn the crown of life, so we must keep working and believing and using our faith to overcome our sinful natures, and finally become more like Jesus, who is our Goal in Life. He said to Be Holy as He is Holy, and only when we stay close to Him are we able to see Him as he is and ourselves as we are....the closer we walk to Him the better we are able to emulate Him.... If we do not, we regress and fail in many ways, and we lose our place in the race, and do not enter into His rest...which is in His Life, Peace, Joy.....Salvation. Quote
PATJOE Posted May 14, 2007 Report Posted May 14, 2007 Q1. (Hebrews 3:6b) Why is the writer exhorting his readers to "hold on" to Christ? Why must we continue in our faith? According the writer of Hebrews, what happens if we don't? Jesus is God's Son. We need to hold on and focus on Him, especially when the world has so many ways to pull is in many different directions. If we do not hold fast to our faith and trust God with "everything", we will drift away - lose all hope (that God offers us) -- lack in courage (our strength is in God alone). We will revert back to our own inefficient "self-sufficiency" and always get into trouble. Through Him alone, we are strong in our weakest moments. Quote
lamountain Posted May 15, 2007 Report Posted May 15, 2007 The writer asks us to hold on so that we do not fall away from our Lord and Savior.If we do not hope and have strength in him we will fall ,slip,backslide into our ways that we knew before we knew jesus. Quote
Lisa Rupert Posted May 15, 2007 Report Posted May 15, 2007 Q1. (Hebrews 3:6b) Why is the writer exhorting his readers to "hold on" to Christ? Why must we continue in our faith? According the writer of Hebrews, what happens if we don't? We must continue to hold on to Christ, not wavering in our faith and courage. Our eyes and our thoughts must stay fixated on Christ so that we can build a firm and established faith with Christ. We must continue in our faith if we plan to be members of his household. If we don't continue we become lost and disorientated, and we soon fall. Quote
Andree Posted May 16, 2007 Report Posted May 16, 2007 Q1. (Hebrews 3:6b) Why is the writer exhorting his readers to "hold on" to Christ? Why must we continue in our faith? According the writer of Hebrews, what happens if we don't? The writer of Hebrews is addressing a wavering community of christians, a community that is very tempted to return to their former ways of judaism. He gives them a stern warning about the consequences. These consequences become evident if one understands what faith in Christ will do for you. It will make you a member of Gods household. You are now part of God's family. but this membership is not selfsustaining, it has to be renewed and maintained continously through faith in Christ. If we loose faith in Christ we revoke our membership. So, the consequences are quite severe. Quote
STEPHEN ROSS Posted May 16, 2007 Report Posted May 16, 2007 The writer is exhorting his followers to hold on to Christ sothat they are a part of the household of God . We must contionue on with our faith so that we do not loose our inheritance in The Kingdom of God.If we do not hold on to our faith in Jesus we are likely to stray away and be unfaithful to God.. Quote
Craig Posted May 16, 2007 Report Posted May 16, 2007 Those who hold on to Christ will live with Him eternally. Continuing in faith reveals that a person is actually a child of God. Persevering in the faith is a hallmark of God's children. If a person does not endure in the faith he/she is not a part of the house of God and there is no eternal fellowship with God in heaven. Quote
godsanointed523 Posted May 17, 2007 Report Posted May 17, 2007 We must hold on to Christ because just as the Son and Moses did they were faithful in their place of God's will.We continue in faith because we have our eyes on Jesus and the glorious heaven that we will enter upon death or when we are raptured.If we dont then we can lose our place in that future with the Lord. Quote
PCHRIS Posted May 17, 2007 Report Posted May 17, 2007 The writer is wants to make it clear that only those who are consistent with what they profess have any claim to be part of the 'house' We must continue on in our faith, just as God is faithful to us, we need to be faithful to Him through our obedience to His will, as Paul states in one of his letters - 'to keep running the race'. If we don't we will waiver off course, get caught up in the plans of men and the enemy will tempt us even more to give up the hope we have in Christ. Quote
Helen Williams Posted May 17, 2007 Report Posted May 17, 2007 We are to "hold on" to Christ because He is our only hope in being a part of His household. We need to stay focus and keep the faith. It is not the one that start or run the fastest but the one that holds out until the end. If we keep the faith and hold out, we are assured to be a part of the Messiah's household. If we don't we will not enter into His rest. Quote
June Posted May 18, 2007 Report Posted May 18, 2007 We are where Christ dwells. Gods house. The temple in which Christ lives. We must guard our hearts so that no intruder can enter. We need to hold on to what we are taught and stand up for what is right in the eyes of Christ. (God) Quote
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