stonedcoldsoberbytheblood Posted June 13, 2007 Report Posted June 13, 2007 Q2. (Hebrews 4:15) In what ways did Jesus share our weaknesses? In what ways was Jesus' tempted? Because we know he didn't sin, were his temptations easier or more difficult than ours? Do we have any temptations he didn't have? Why does it comfort us that he can sympathize with our temptations and weaknesses? Some ways Jesus was tempted or shared our weaknesses are: 1. In insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. 2. He was made like his brothers in every way (testing of our faith, lacking wisdom, believing and not doubting) 3. When we do not know what we ought to pray for (Rom8: 26) and at the last hour, we cry out to GOD. Quote
linda bass Posted June 15, 2007 Report Posted June 15, 2007 Jesus shared our weaknesses because He knew what it was like to be tempted. He shared in our human nature. He was tempted to turn the stones into bread when He was hungry. He was tempted to let the cup of death be passed in the Garden of Gethsemene. I believe His temptations were pretty much the same as ours. Only difference is, if He would of failed and given into temptation there would be no salvation for mankind. I don't think we have any temptations that Jesus didn't have. Because Jesus went through the same temptations we go through, it is comforting to know He sympathizes with us. Quote
Dar Posted June 18, 2007 Report Posted June 18, 2007 Q2. (Hebrews 4:15) In what ways did Jesus share our weaknesses? Jesus as man was hungry, thirsty, He had to rest, became tired. In what ways was Jesus' tempted? Do we have any temptations he didn't have? Jesus was tempted, tested, in all points as we are. Luk 4:1 Now Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness. Luk 4:2 For forty wilderness days and nights he was tested by the Devil. He ate nothing during those days, and when the time was up he was hungry. Luk 4:3 The Devil, playing on his hunger, gave the first test: "Since you're God's Son, command this stone to turn into a loaf of bread." Luk 4:4 Jesus answered by quoting Deuteronomy: "It takes more than bread to really live." Jesus as man was full of the Holy Spirit, if we are to overcome, we must be full of the Holy Spirit. Jesus's weapon was also the word of God, this is why it is most important we be in the word, we study the word; So we too can stand on God's word when Satan comes to tempt us with his lies, and comdemnation. We can be bold, for we are partakers of Christ, our High Priest! Because we know he didn't sin, were his temptations easier or more difficult than ours? Jesus was tempted just as we are tempted!! 1 John 2:15-16 Satan temps with the **** of the flesh, **** of the eyes, and the pride of life. Jesus passed the tests on all counts. Satan is ruler of this world, this is why we are not to love the world, neither the things that are in the world. We are to love the Lord God with all our hearts. Jesus came to do the will of the Father, we too are called to do the will of the Father, to love Him with all our hearts, saying,"if you love Me keep My commandments." Do not give Satan a foothold, stand strong on the word, be full of the Holy Spirit, knowing that Jesus understands our weaknesses, He is full of compassion for us, especially in those times we are put to the test and yet fail. Jesus does not bring condemnation to the Father, as does Satan. God's last words to the church as seen in Revelation is to "Repent." When we fail, we have the word that cuts to the point, bringing us to repent, set the heart of stone on the altar and ask that it be made soft, for we are brought into the covenant of God, by the blood of the Lamb; How awesome is that? Why does it comfort us that he can sympathize with our temptations and weaknesses? It comforts me knowing, Jesus is speaking on my behalf to the Father and the Father listens as Jesus shares His compassion for us. We have been born with this sin nature, that originated in the Garden, when Satan tested Adam and Eve. Because of this sin nature, I must also do my part, put on the full armour of God, so I can fight off Satan when he comes to test, I have been given this armour to put on through the power of the cross! Jesus is there, full of compassion saying, "I am not finished with her yet" My comfort is in knowing - I am in His care! He calls me friend. Quote
Eudora Posted June 26, 2007 Report Posted June 26, 2007 Q2. (Hebrews 4:15) In what ways did Jesus share our weaknesses? In what ways was Jesus' tempted? Because we know he didn't sin, were his temptations easier or more difficult than ours? Do we have any temptations he didn't have? Why does it comfort us that he can sympathize with our temptations and weaknesses? Jesus went into the dessert filled with the Holy Spirit. We are filled with His Spirit so that we too can resist temptation, just as he did. He showed us that it is possible. I believe that had He not been filled with the Spirit of God, He may have fallen. He was, after all human. yes He was God and human, but when He was baptized, the spirit of the Living God fell upon Him, in the form of a dove and then He was led into the wilderness. jesus suffered every temptation that we would suffer and it was through His suffering that He learned obedience. So in this same manner, we will learn obedience, through suffering those same temptations and over coming all that is evil, through the power of the Spirit of God which resides in us. His temptations were all ordained by God who orchestrated every day in the life of Christ. God orchestrates our every day as well and He will not lead us into any temptation that we can not overcome. His word says so. Knowing that He suffered temptations and overcame them, gives us the assurance that we too can do the very same by His power. We can call upon the name of Jesus any hour and every hour. He will hear our cry no matter where we call from. Quote
Don W Posted July 14, 2007 Report Posted July 14, 2007 The Holy Bible states that Jesus, in His humanity, shared all of our weaknesses and so He was tempted in every way we are tempted, but without ever giving into the temptation and without ever sinning against His Father in heaven. No, it wasn Quote
MarkH Posted July 25, 2007 Report Posted July 25, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Hebrews 4:15) In what ways did Jesus share our weaknesses? In what ways was Jesus' tempted? Because we know he didn't sin, were his temptations easier or more difficult than ours? Do we have any temptations he didn't have? Why does it comfort us that he can sympathize with our temptations and weaknesses? Jesus had to learn as we do to trust God. Though doing things contrary to God may seem the easy way through life, Jesus learned that God Quote
Janesb Posted September 9, 2007 Report Posted September 9, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Hebrews 4:15) In what ways did Jesus share our weaknesses? In what ways was Jesus' tempted? Because we know he didn't sin, were his temptations easier or more difficult than ours? Do we have any temptations he didn't have? Why does it comfort us that he can sympathize with our temptations and weaknesses? Jesus chose human life and faced temptation BUT He chose not to succomb and stayed strong through His relationship with His Father God. We know about the kinds of ways he was tempted- to give himself temporary satisfaction, to conquer the world easilyand give in to the evil ruler of this world. We often give into our desires for food, for admiration and popularity. I think it was very hard for Jesus after a 40 day fast; it should teach us that strength comes through our relationship with the Father. Even before His death Jesus the man did not want to suffer but He was obedient; this example has been an inspiration to many persecuted for their faith and it helps us to know Jesus faced weaknesses too. We can only overcome by prayer. Quote
Cee Posted October 15, 2007 Report Posted October 15, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Hebrews 4:15) In what ways did Jesus share our weaknesses? In what ways was Jesus' tempted? Because we know he didn't sin, were his temptations easier or more difficult than ours? Do we have any temptations he didn't have? Why does it comfort us that he can sympathize with our temptations and weaknesses? I don't know that answer to this question, because I didn't know that Jesus was ever weak like us. I know that in Matthew 4:1-11 He was tempted. His temptaions was easier than ours because He has all power to resist all temptations. No we don't have any temptations He didn't have. Because Jesus has been tempted in every way, just as we are yet without sin. Quote
davidjjj Posted December 30, 2007 Report Posted December 30, 2007 Q2. (Hebrews 4:15) In what ways did Jesus share our weaknesses? In what ways was Jesus tempted? Because we know he didn't sin, were his temptations easier or more difficult than ours? Do we have any temptations he didn't have? Why does it comfort us that he can sympathize with our temptations and weaknesses? Firstly Jesus allowed Himself (Phil 2:5-10) to enter into the realm of time and space, He would have never have felt physical pain before the incarnation, or known hunger Quote
InTotalAwe Posted April 29, 2008 Report Posted April 29, 2008 Q2. (Hebrews 4:15) In what ways did Jesus share our weaknesses? Jesus shares our weaknesses in that He came in the flesh and lived among us for 33 years. In what ways was Jesus' tempted? He was tempted in all 'points' with the same temptations mankind is faced with today. There is no need to point to individual temptations. They all fall under one or the other category; l*st of the eyes, l*st of the flesh or the pride of life. Because we know he didn't sin, were his temptations easier or more difficult than ours? We can look back in history to the Inquisition, or the Roman Coliseum infamous for Christians being fed to lions or being burned alive and see that many martyrs suffered horrendous torture and death. However, none of us has had to do battle with satan face to face as Jesus did during His 40 day wilderness temptation. Few today, at least in America, have shed any blood 'striving against sin'. Do we have any temptations he didn't have? Jesus most likely wasn't tempted by chocolate so to speak or the newest BMW or Mercedes on the market, but technically all sin falls under the 3 categories stated above, the l*st of the eyes, the l*st of the flesh and the pride of life. Why does it comfort us that he can sympathize with our temptations and weaknesses? It comforts us because it is only by and through Him and His mercy that we can overcome these things. Better still, He can empathize with us, because He has suffered the same frailties and weaknesses Himself. That is why He came. He wanted to walk, talk, breathe and bleed in the flesh so He could experience our plight and relate more closely to our pain before He laid His life down in the ultimate sacrifice. We will never experience any greater love than our very Creator has shown us. How comforting is that? Quote
Mephibesheth Posted May 13, 2008 Report Posted May 13, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Hebrews 4:15) In what ways did Jesus share our weaknesses? In what ways was Jesus' tempted? Because we know he didn't sin, were his temptations easier or more difficult than ours? Do we have any temptations he didn't have? Why does it comfort us that he can sympathize with our temptations and weaknesses? 1) Jesus shared our weaknesses by becoming flesh, which is the source of our weakness. Thus, He lived and worked in this world with the same body that we have. 2) This verse says that Jesus was tempted in every way that we are. Thus, He got hungry and thirsty and tired and cold and lonely. 3) This verse says that Jesus was tempted in all ways as we are. Thus, His temptations were not easier than ours - they were the same. The fact that Jesus was tempted proves that He was fully flesh. The fact that Jesus did not sin, proves that He was fully God. If we try and figure out how God did that we will likely lose our mind; if we dont believe He did, we will certainly lose our soul. 4) Again, this verse clearly states that we have no temptations that Jesus did not also suffer. 5) I am comforted by the fact that Jesus was tempted in every way that we are and yet did not sin because that means that He is able to keep me from sin during all of my temptations through the life that He lives in me. Quote
God's leading lady Posted May 17, 2008 Report Posted May 17, 2008 Jesus share our weakness by taking upon himself our sins, which he did on the cross. Jesus was tempted in every aspect that a human could face yet he did not commit sin. Jesus still suffered the same fate of temptation as mankind but the difference was he did not sin his temptation was not easier as you and I since he had to bear our sins upon himself and he took them to calvary by dying on the cross for you and I. Jesus was tempted as much as we where tempted and every temptation we are faced with Jesus was faced with the same. Jesus came to earth as a man bearing our infirmities and knowing every sinful thought that we go through, but he did not fulfill any sinful act. I John 4:2-3 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God and every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God and this is that spirit of antichrist where of ye have heart that it should come and even now already is it in the world, so this scripture confirms to us that Jesus was a man who came in the flesh who experience the same fleshly desires as you and I, in which he can sympathize with our temptations and weakness with all mankind but he didn't sin. However we were born into sin and Jesus came as a man to redeemed us from sin by his precious blood. Quote
JanMary Posted May 26, 2008 Report Posted May 26, 2008 Q2. (Hebrews 4:15) In what ways did Jesus share our weaknesses? He experienced everything we experience as human beings.. though He was fully God, He was also fully man. So He was hungry and thirsty, tired, hot and sweaty, had colic probably as a baby, fell down when learning to walk, had human emotions....all that we feel and experience. In what ways was Jesus' tempted? He was tempted in every respect as we are, yet without sin. Because we know he didn't sin, were his temptations easier or more difficult than ours? It says in every respect as we are...but then I've never been on a 40 day fast, with Satan tempting me to use Divine powers to circumvent the natural temptations, or to experience His heinous suffering and I would say His temptations were far greater than any I will face, and I have the benefit of turning to Him for strength to face them, so even in that, I'm not alone. Do we have any temptations he didn't have? No, He was tempted in every area that we are. Why does it comfort us that he can sympathize with our temptations and weaknesses? It's in our nature to seek to be understood. When someone else "gets it" when I share with them, there is an intimacy in the shared understanding. He isn't just a "far off" High Priest who can't relate, He's a suffering Servant as well, who can. It comforts me that I don't have to explain to Him how pain feels, or how devastating grief is.. or what it's like to feel tormented by Satan, He's experienced it all, to the maximum limit and not only understands but has sent the Holy Spirit to comfort me. Quote
Kenya Posted September 9, 2008 Report Posted September 9, 2008 Jesus shared in our human weaknesses by experiencing temptation in the forty days in the wilderness and in the Garden of Gethsemane. Although Jesus is/ was without sin, he experienced the exact same temptations we go through during his stay as human. This is because God intends for us to be like Jesus and so He will walk us through the same experiences that Jesus went through. So we can find comfort in knowing that Jesus will be sympathetic to our weaknesses because he has shared in and understands our weaknesses. Quote
Sheryl Posted January 24, 2009 Report Posted January 24, 2009 Jesus also experienced temptations in the same way that we experience them. Jesus was tempted, according to the passage of scripture, in every way, yet he did not sin. They had to be more difficult. To sin is easy. Not to sin, as we all know, is far more difficult. I assume he was tempted in every aspect of life. The same as us. It is very comforting to know that because He hears our cries, understands our pain, removes our shame, and as a result of his love and his faithfulness to us, strengthens us in our weaknesses. Quote
hanks Posted April 27, 2009 Report Posted April 27, 2009 Q2. (Hebrews 4:15) In what ways did Jesus share our weaknesses? In what ways was Jesus tempted? Because we know he didn't sin, were his temptations easier or more difficult than ours? Do we have any temptations he didn't have? Why does it comfort us that he can sympathize with our temptations and weaknesses? Jesus himself experienced weaknesses and temptations. At the onset of His ministry, He was tempted by Satan; He coped with thirst, weariness, desertion, and disappointments throughout His earthly ministry. When He was in the wilderness, Jesus experienced hunger, and the devil tempted Him by asking Him to make bread out of stones. While hanging on the cross, He was mocked. Jesus is not only fully divine; He is also fully human and thus understands our weaknesses and our temptations Quote
Mrstoler Posted July 13, 2009 Report Posted July 13, 2009 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Hebrews 4:15) In what ways did Jesus share our weaknesses? In what ways was Jesus' tempted? Because we know he didn't sin, were his temptations easier or more difficult than ours? Do we have any temptations he didn't have? Why does it comfort us that he can sympathize with our temptations and weaknesses? The Lord Jesus took on our weaknesses in His flesh as the sin that He himself never committed. He was tempted with pride, greed, ****, covetness. I believe when Jesus was tempted He suffered for us and our weakness. No we do not have any temptations that Jesus didn Quote
C Riv Posted July 27, 2009 Report Posted July 27, 2009 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Hebrews 4:15) In what ways did Jesus share our weaknesses? In what ways was Jesus' tempted? Because we know he didn't sin, were his temptations easier or more difficult than ours? Do we have any temptations he didn't have? Why does it comfort us that he can sympathize with our temptations and weaknesses? Jesus was made man so He definetly shared our weaknesses, He just did not give into them. Jesus was temted in every way we are. I think some of His temptations were harder as satan showed himself in person to Jesus, and for some no more difficult then ours. I think Jesus had more temptations then any of us, after all He is the Son of God and if satan could win Him, well where would we be now? To know that He walked this earth as we do and faced temptations and weaknesses makes it easier to communicate with Him I think. He was lowered to our level for a short time to reach us. It just seems so loving, reachable, then trying to reach Him if He had of remained in heaven. In the old testament times the only ones able to talk to God were the priests when they were in the holy places, or chosen ones whom God chose. We were given that gift of freedom of cumminication with Him. Isn`t He awsome! Quote
DrD Posted March 15, 2010 Report Posted March 15, 2010 Jesus shared our weaknesses in that He shared the same fleshly body we are clothed in which caused Him to suffer the same things we suffer. . . The writer says that Jesus was tempted in "all point" just like us and I am convinced that the greatest temptation both He and we suffer is to put our trust or confidence in something or somebody other than the One True and living God. . . To trust in or place confidence in flesh (physical strength - intellect - personal resources) or in the enemy is in essence making it or them our god. . . Considering who Jesus is I would have to say that the temptations He faced were far greater than any we could ever possible imagine facing - which gives me a reassurance that any themptation I face in live - He can and will help me to resist successfully. . . I feel that we have different versions of the same temptations Jesus faced and not different temptations - and as I previously stated I thing that all temptations we face stem from one basic temptation - to turn from God, to trust in something or someone other than God - and to worship or give honor or praise to anything other than God. . . I am conforted with the fact that He symphathizes with us when we are tempted because it assures me that there is an abundace of helf offered to me to guarantee me not only successfully resisting the temptation - but coming from that temptation with victory. . . Quote
peaches Posted June 1, 2010 Report Posted June 1, 2010 Jesus was tempted by Satan after his 40-day fast, and just before he was arrested in the garden of Gethsemane. Because he was fully man, Jesus experienced emotional, mental, and physical pain. He cried, he got angry, experienced hunger, tiredness - all the things we deal with. I believe that Jesus' temptations were more difficult. Although he had his disciples, Jesus was somewhat alone in his ministry: 1) Peter denied him 2) the disciples fell asleep on him while he prayed 3) the disciples argued amongst themselves about who was better. So he often found himself tarrying alone and prayed frequently because he knew the challenges that were coming his way. The difficulty of his temptations, and moreso his ability to withstand them, shows us that we dont have to fall to our temptations, and the importance of relying on the Father to help us in those situations. The comfort in knowing that Jesus understands helps to keep us from condemning ourselves. Of course our sins greatly displease God, though it should not make us run away from him, but to him. We are "the joy that was set before him," the reason he laid down his life in the first place, the one who was sinless took our sins away, making it possible for us to have peace, freedom, and hope of a life spent with him. Quote
Ramon Posted September 13, 2010 Report Posted September 13, 2010 Q2. (Hebrews 4:15) In what ways did Jesus share our weaknesses? In what ways was Jesus' tempted? Because we know he didn't sin, were his temptations easier or more difficult than ours? Do we have any temptations he didn't have? Why does it comfort us that he can sympathize with our temptations and weaknesses? Answer: Answer: Christ is able to feel with us in our feelings of weakness, fear, anxiety, insecurity, and being torn between choices that are complicated and difficult. He feels with us and for us in those circumstances because he has been tested in every way like we have been. Jesus was tempted,just like us,an in fact more than us,in some degree.And it gives us a sense of belongingness,sense of we can relate;FOR AS HE IS TEMPTED LIKE WE ARE,HE COMMITS NO SIN,and it gives us also encouragement to resist the devil, in Christ Jesus name.As He is so are we in Christ(1 John 4:17-...: because as he is , so are we in this world.)..So it gives us also confidence,since we have a Sympathetic,HIGH PRIEST who are interceding in our behalf,that His grace will always abound in every situation that we face in,that there is always a High Priest who is very merciful and full of goodness,if we fail in our weaknesses.Because he did not sin, he is able to be a sympathetic high priest. Quote
iam4_1god Posted November 20, 2010 Report Posted November 20, 2010 Q2. (Hebrews 4:15) In what ways did Jesus share our weaknesses? In what ways was Jesus' tempted? Because we know he didn't sin, were his temptations easier or more difficult than ours? Do we have any temptations he didn't have? Why does it comfort us that he can sympathize with our temptations and weaknesses? The bottom line-Jesus was tempted as we are, but He did not fail! He threw scripture back at His tempter! He refused to give in! Were His temptations more difficult than ours? No, because verse 15 says that He was tempted in all ways just like we are! But He didn't sin! So, even though Jesus was exposed to the same kinds of temptations that we are, He did not give in-He knew no sin. But, at the same time, He understands our weaknesses, and knows that we are not able to turn away as He did, because He is perfect man. We, on the other hand are not perfect, because of the fall. Jesus died on the cross, because there was no other way to secure our salvation, because we are not perfect. Quote
servant for Christ Posted November 28, 2010 Report Posted November 28, 2010 On 4/14/2007 at 10:13 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Hebrews 4:15) In what ways did Jesus share our weaknesses? In what ways was Jesus' tempted? Because we know he didn't sin, were his temptations easier or more difficult than ours? Do we have any temptations he didn't have? Why does it comfort us that he can sympathize with our temptations and weaknesses? Jesus shared our weaknesses in the same way we do by going through test and temptations. Jesus was tempted in ****, greed, unforgiveness, and dishonesty. I don't think it was any easier or harder, I think it was the same as we feel today. We do not face any temptation that Jesus did not experience. It should comfort us because of the compassion that Jesus had for us. Quote
blezed Posted February 3, 2011 Report Posted February 3, 2011 Q2. (Hebrews 4:15) In what ways did Jesus share our weaknesses? In what ways was Jesus' tempted? Because we know he didn't sin, were his temptations easier or more difficult than ours? Do we have any temptations he didn't have? Why does it comfort us that he can sympathize with our temptations and weaknesses? 1) Jesus shared our weaknesses by being tempted by Satan. He experience temptation just as we do. 2) Jesus was tempted in all ways. Specifically, 40 days in the wilderness and in Garden of Gethsemane. 3) I believe Jesus temptations were more difficult because he had not sinned. 4) No we do not have any temptations that He did not have. 5) It comforts us that Jesus can sympathize with our temptations and weaknesses because we know that He has experienced something that we are going thru. We feel that He can relate. Quote
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