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We should approach the throne of grace with boldness and confidence because the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords, has invited us to do so because we belong to Him and thus can call His Father,

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  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (Hebrews 4:16) Why should we approach the "throne of grace" with boldness and confidence? What are the promises contained in this verse? On what basis is God able to offer us unrestrained mercy and grace for our sins while still retaining his justice as judge?

To approach the throne of grace means you have confessed your sins and made Jesus the Lord of your life. So you have nothing to worry about or be afraid of. You have been washed in the blood of the Lamb.

You are promised God

  • 1 month later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (Hebrews 4:16) Why should we approach the "throne of grace" with boldness and confidence? What are the promises contained in this verse? On what basis is God able to offer us unrestrained mercy and grace for our sins while still retaining his justice as judge?

Jesus told us that anything we ask in His name will be heard. We know that, because of His sacrifice we have attained eternal life and the gift of grace. With this knowledge, we can be bold and confident that Jesus will accept us at His throne. We are promised love, compassion and acceptance not condemnation. God can be merciful because He is a loving Father as well as judge. Love for us as sinners is paramount.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (Hebrews 4:16) Why should we approach the "throne of grace" with boldness and confidence? What are the promises contained in this verse? On what basis is God able to offer us unrestrained mercy and grace for our sins while still retaining his justice as judge?

We should come to the throne with confidence like the ambassadors that we are: joyful in heart & with gladness because our confidence testifies that we are walking in light and victory. Boldness is a sign that we agree with His Holiness and that we accept his promises as the truth. Otherwise, coming to the throne with doubt or with my head hanging down would mean that I may not have accepted the Written Word as it was written. Or perhaps that I may need to read it again. For we are saved by His grace - no matter what. Its pretty simple. Its glorious! Coming to the throne with confidence is evidence that I trust His Word, that He carrys me, that He forgave me, that He had mercy on me, as imperfect & as sinful as I am.

The promise is that no matter what my needs are, Jesus went through it in every way & although he was without sin, He 'has gone through the heavens'. Since God offers me mercy & grace for my sins when I repent of them (and 13Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account) & once I agree, accept and seek the throne, the promise is once my heart is laid bare, I will want to be sinless, like Jesus. As a result, the basis is that God is a giver of Life, not death. Therefore justice is served to everyone, so that we may all receive it. Precisely why 12 'the word of God is living and active'.

  • 1 month later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (Hebrews 4:16) Why should we approach the "throne of grace" with boldness and confidence? What are the promises contained in this verse? On what basis is God able to offer us unrestrained mercy and grace for our sins while still retaining his justice as judge?

If we come to God in prayer with weak unbelieving faith He will not answer our prayers. God want us to come to His throne with boldness and full confidence. To find God's mercy and grace. God is the High Priest who is able to give us justice.

  Cee said:
If we come to God in prayer with weak unbelieving faith He will not answer our prayers. God want us to come to His throne with boldness and full confidence. To find God's mercy and grace. God is the High Priest who is able to give us justice.

I like how you answered this! I is impossible to please God without faith.

  Dar said:
I like how you answered this! I is impossible to please God without faith.

No, without faith, it is impossible to please Him Hebrews 11:6 says; "and without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to God "must believe" that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.

  • 2 months later...

Q3. (Hebrews 4:16) Why should we approach the "throne of grace" with boldness and confidence? What are the promises contained in this verse? On what basis is God able to offer us unrestrained mercy and grace for our sins while still retaining his justice as judge?

Jesus having experienced the constant bombardments of this world to sin, and having felt the limitations of human weakness, understands our plight!

The context before verse 16 shows that God is wanting us to enter into His rest (unlike those He redeemed from Egypt-who fell in the desert) and that God looking into the depths of who we are and desiring truth not just in actions but in the thoughts and attitudes of our hearts, God is wanting a faithful people who heed His word

  • 3 months later...

Q3. (Hebrews 4:16) Why should we approach the "throne of grace" with boldness and confidence?

Because Jesus, our high priest, by His sinless sacrifice tore down that middle wall of partition between God and man, gaining for us the privilege of approaching the throne of grace with boldness, knowing that we have been washed and cleansed by Christ's atoning sacrifice.

What are the promises contained in this verse?

In approaching the throne of grace with boldness we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in our time of need.

On what basis is God able to offer us unrestrained mercy and grace for our sins while still retaining his justice as judge?

On the basis that we have a high priest (someone who has made sacrifice for our sins) that has passed into the heavens; that someone being Jesus, the Son of God.

  • 2 weeks later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (Hebrews 4:16) Why should we approach the "throne of grace" with boldness and confidence? What are the promises contained in this verse? On what basis is God able to offer us unrestrained mercy and grace for our sins while still retaining his justice as judge?

1) We should approach the thrown of grace boldly and with confidence because our confidence is in the sufficiency of Jesus's completed work and present personality to reconcile us to God as His own beloved children. The strength or weakness of the boldness and confidence with which we approach God is a direct reflection of our trust in Jesus and all that He has done and is in the sight of God and also of our trust in who God is. For Jesus said He reconciled us to God, and God said Jesus reconciled us to God, and it is not possible for either to lie (we know that it is not possible for Them to lie because lying is a tool for stealing and God cannot steal anything because everything belongs to Him). Someone might say "I know they said that, but we are so unworthy." Yes, it is true that we are unworthy, but Jesus is not! Therefore, let us be reconciled to God and henceforth to live a life worthy of the praise He deserves for reconciling us to Himself!

2) The promises included in this verse are: a) the ability to approach God's throne; B) the ability to receive; c) merciful treatment from our Father who is The Majestic Glory; d) good and perfect gifts from the Father of heavenly lights; and e) timely help.

3) The question should probably read "On what basis is God able to offer us unrestrained mercy and grace for our sins while still retaining His "CONSISTENCY" as judge. I make this point to remind myself that "justice" is whatever God says it is. Relative to God's consistency, or truth character, God said "the wage of sin is death". Justice for our sins was repayed to God's full satisfaction at Golgatha where Jesus, who was not in debt to God, nevertheless submitted to death in our place - to the praise of His glory!


When a Christian comes before the Throne of Grace a Christian will obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

The promises are mercy and grace.

Through our High Priest Jesus who is our mediator and advocater who is touch by our infirmities allows and enable us to go before the Father and obtain the promises of mercy and grace.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. (Hebrews 4:16) Why should we approach the "throne of grace" with boldness and confidence?

Because He has invited us to come boldly and with confidence....we're approaching our loving Heavenly Father, and because Jesus has already borne the penalty for our sins, we have nothing to fear in coming to Him.

What are the promises contained in this verse?

We are promised His Presence and His attention...His ear and His understanding. We're promised Grace or unmerited favor, and we will receive mercy for our failures. we're promised His help in good time for every need...appropriate help and well timed help, coming just when we need it. Forgiveness is promised, and implied here as well.

On what basis is God able to offer us unrestrained mercy and grace for our sins while still retaining his justice as judge?

When I was a new Christian, someone explained that Jesus is my advocate and in essence, stands between God and me...so the Father sees me through His Son's righteousness, who has cleansed, redeemed and justified me, therefore I receive mercy rather than the punishment I deserve for my sins. He is still a just judge, but my fine has been paid, and my sentence of death has been commuted to life eternal.

  • 1 month later...

:PQ3. (Hebrews 4:16) Why should we approach the "throne of grace" with boldness and confidence?

Because it is not a throne of judgment for us, but a

throne where grace is dispensed freely.

What are the promises contained in this verse?

1. Mercy

2. Grace

3. Help

4. Timely

God is anxious for us to enter into His rest. What a joy.

On what basis is God able to offer us unrestrained mercy and grace for our sins while still retaining his justice as judge?

The High Priest who is King is calling each of us to approach his

generous throne so he can give us His rest. He is God and in complete control but because of the death of His son, Jesus Christ, we have been forgiven our sins.

  • 6 months later...

The throne of God is a place of compassion and favor for those who believe and is not a place for judgment.

The promises of God's mercy and grace in time of need.

God is able to offer grace and mercy to believers on the basis that God desires the best for us. He want us to find rest in him. He is just, yet forgiving.

  • 3 months later...

Q3. (Hebrews 4:16)

Why should we approach the "throne of grace" with boldness and confidence?

What are the promises contained in this verse?

On what basis is God able to offer us unrestrained mercy and grace for our sins while still retaining his justice as judge?

We can approach with boldness and confidence knowing we will find grace, mercy, kindness, compassion, understanding and a sympathetic ear; and even help in our time of need. But as sinners we must come to the throne of grace in repentance and faith. We know Jesus sits exalted at the Father

  • 2 months later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (Hebrews 4:16) Why should we approach the "throne of grace" with boldness and confidence? What are the promises contained in this verse? On what basis is God able to offer us unrestrained mercy and grace for our sins while still retaining his justice as judge?

I believe that if Jesus said that you are allow to come we have nothing to fear. We should have deep faith; I believe that that is the boldness and the confidence. The promise is that we will receive grace from God. He gives mercy and grace because of what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross. God is a loving God and all He ever wanted to do in the first place is show us mercy and grace through His love for us and our love for Him.

  • 2 weeks later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q3. (Hebrews 4:16) Why should we approach the "throne of grace" with boldness and confidence? What are the promises contained in this verse? On what basis is God able to offer us unrestrained mercy and grace for our sins while still retaining his justice as judge?

At the throne of grace sits our High Priest and God calls for us to come ,and gave us the way thru His Son. We therefore can come to the throne of grace with boldness and confidence because Jesus paved the way for us. Our faith hope and trust is in Jesus. We are promised mercy and grace. Thru His endless love He is able to offer His mercy and grace for His desire is for us to come to Him for we all know that He is our judge.

  • 7 months later...

We should approach the throne of God with boldness and confidence knowing that not only can the Lord help us but He is waiting to help us. . , He doesn't choose to redicule or punish us - He knows we need help and is willing to help us. . . He knows that we can't fix it ourselves - He is willing to work in us and through us to get it fixed. . . Knowing this we can come to the Lord without hesitation or fear. . .

We are promised four things in this verse (1) Mercy which is kindness and / compassion for us during our time of need; (2) Grace, God's favor; (3) help, the support needed to get through the situation or circumstance we face; and (4) well timed help - what we need when it is needed. . .

God is able to offer all of this to us because He faced the same temptations we face and understands how frail and weak we are in and of ourselves to resist these temptation or to gain victory over them - and being faithful to His Word and the finished work of redemptionand atonement at Calvary - and that power of His love He is able to demonstrate mercy and grace without imputing judgment. . .


  • 5 months later...

Q3. (Hebrews 4:16) Why should we approach the "throne of grace" with boldness and confidence? What are the promises contained in this verse? On what basis is God able to offer us unrestrained mercy and grace for our sins while still retaining his justice as judge?

Answer:Romans 4:14-16- 14 Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. 15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. 16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

The writer,has f irst develop,how we relate to Jesus being the Great High Priest,and upon knowing this fact,we need to Hold on Fast to our belief and Confession,on the Lordship of Jesus,and his new position in heaven,interceding and mediating in our behalf(1 Timothy 2:5- For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.)

The author concludes that we should draw near to the throne of grace with confidence and boldness. We will not find rejection.

We will find mercy and timely help. Because Jesus has experienced all the pains and difficulty of life, he is both qualified and eager to give us help at the right time and in the right way. Therefore, let us draw near the throne with confidence,not with fear,trembling,but fearlessly and with confidence.

For if there is a throne,it means there is a kingdom,and that kingdom is full of Grace,and if we receive Jesus as our personal Saviour:then we are part of that Kingdom,the Kingdom of Grace,perfected by the shedding of blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The promise is this verse is that,we will find unrestrained mercy, and grace for our sins,..because the punishment for our sins was already absorbed by Jesus in the cross in the Calvary,and we can't add anything to what Jesus has done.

We dont need to fear(THIS IS WHAT THE ENEMY WILL ALWAYS TELL US,THAT GOD IS NOT PLEASED WITH US),for God was already satisfied on the punishment received by His Son on the Cross( Isaiah 53:10- Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief : when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin , he shall see his seed , he shall prolong his days , and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand)

  • 2 months later...

Q3. (Hebrews 4:16) Why should we approach the "throne of grace" with boldness and confidence? What are the promises contained in this verse? On what basis is God able to offer us unrestrained mercy and grace for our sins while still retaining his justice as judge?

When Jesus died on the cross and went to the Father, He secured our salvation. In addition, He also secured for us a way to approach the Father without fear of reprisal. We now can come boldly to the throne of grace, and find mercy and help in God's way, and in God's timing. This throne is not a throne of judgement-it is a throne of mercy and grace, and love. Therefore, we have no need to fear, because our High Priest, Jesus, has gone before us, and He is already talking to the Father on our behalf. When we get there, the Father is already pondering and figuring out the best way to help us, and get all the glory! Which we will give Him anyway, cause He deserves it!

  On 4/14/2007 at 10:14 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Hebrews 4:16) Why should we approach the "throne of grace" with boldness and confidence? What are the promises contained in this verse? On what basis is God able to offer us unrestrained mercy and grace for our sins while still retaining his justice as judge?

Because Christ sympathizes with our weaknesses, we can confidently approach the heavenly throne, knowing that our prayers and petitions are welcomed and desired by our heavenly Father. It is called the "throne of grace" because from it flow God's love, help, mercy, forgiveness, spiritual power, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, His spiritual gifts, the fruit of the Holy Spirit, and all that we need under any circumstances. One of the greatest blessings of salvation is that Christ is now our high priest, opening a wayy to His personal presence whereby we can always seek the help we need.

  • 2 months later...

Q3. (Hebrews 4:16) Why should we approach the "throne of grace" with boldness and confidence? What are the promises contained in this verse? On what basis is God able to offer us unrestrained mercy and grace for our sins while still retaining his justice as judge?

1) We should approach the "throne of grace" with boldness and confidence because it is not a throne of judgment, but a throne where grace is freely given.

2) The promises contained in this verse are we may obtain mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

3) God can offer us unrestrained mercy and grace for our sins while still retaining his justice as judge because He is our King.

  On 4/14/2007 at 10:14 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Hebrews 4:16) Why should we approach the "throne of grace" with boldness and confidence? What are the promises contained in this verse? On what basis is God able to offer us unrestrained mercy and grace for our sins while still retaining his justice as judge?

1-Because it is not a throne of judgment for us, but a throne where grace is dispensed freely. "Grace" is charis, "practical application of goodwill, (a sign of) favor, gracious deed/gift, benefaction, divine favor."13

2-so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need

3-When you're in trouble, don't hesitate. When you come to Jesus' throne in prayer you'll find a sympathetic ear, divine pardon for your sins, and timely aid whatever your trouble may be. Why wait? The High Priest who is King is calling you to approach his generous throne so he can give you his rest.

  • 9 months later...

The throne of grace is a place where we will find that Christ is sympathetic to us and will show us mercy and grace, and help us in our time of need. He will pardon us of our sins and give us rest. He sympathizes with us and understands our sufferings and troubles. He came down from heaven to save us and show us how to live so we can have life more abundantly; taking back what Satan took from Adam. His throne is a place where we can receive grace and blessings, not judgment.

  • 5 months later...

Q3. Heb 4:16 We should aproach the Throne of Grace because is not any throne of a earthly kingdom, is a Throne of Mercy, One in the Highest rank is inviting us to go into the Room with boldness, with courage when in great need.

Jesus our Sympathetic High Priest is there to grant us our request. We have His assurance that we shall be heard and helped in that Throne.

His promise is that we shall receive mercy in our times of need.

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