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Q4. Christ, our High Priest

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Q4. (Hebrews 7:26-28) How is Jesus described in verse 26?

holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens

How does Jesus differ from human high priests?

Heb 7:27 Unlike the other high priests, he does not need to offer sacrifices day after day, first for his own sins, and then for the sins of the people. He sacrificed for their sins once for all when he offered himself. NIV

Verse 26 has touched on Jesus

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  • 3 months later...
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Jesus is described in Hebrew 7:26 The High Priest, holy, harmless, undefiled, seperate from sinners and made higher then the heavens.

Jesus is different from human high priest because he is the only one who can attone for all man sins and the human high priest is unable to forgive our sins, only Jesus can.

My confidence in Jesus is knowing that he paid a price for me that I could never pay for. I have the assurance also knowing that I will have eternal life with him. This world is not my home. Jesus says, "These things I have spoken to you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world, St. John 16:33.

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  • 1 month later...

Q4. (Hebrews 7:26-28) How is Jesus described in verse 26?

He's our High Priest, perfectly adapted to our needs as was fitting; He's Holy, blameless, unstained by sin, separated from sinners, exalted higher than the Heavens.(eternal God)

How does Jesus differ from human high priests?

Human high priests were just like us, frail sinful, mortal, needing forgiveness and cleansing. They had to first offer sacrifice for their own sin, before offering sacrifices for others sin, using the blood of animals, and relying on God to pardon.

Jesus is Holy, perfect, sinless, eternal...He's God! He does it all....He is the only intermediary, (was both man and God,) He is the only source of forgiveness and cleansing...His own blood was shed... He brought Himself as the sacrifice. He is our pardon!

What about Jesus' role as High Priest gives you special confidence?

v.26 says He is perfectly adapted to our needs. The verse mentions nothing about the Love of God, but it's implied throughout the text, and His love is what gives me special confidence. That and the fact that He lives to make intercession for us. He met all the requirements, once for all. That means I'm secure. He did it all. I can add nothing to His salvation, His cleansing, nor His keeping power.And His appointment is complete and permanent.

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  • 1 month later...

In Hebrews 7:26, Jesus is described as The high Priest who is holy, harmless undefiled and is separate from sinners and made higher than the heavens.

Jesis is the only one who can atone for all man's sin. Only Jesus can do this. Human priest are unable to forgive our sins.

What a joy to know for sure that Jesus has paid a price for my sins. This gives me the assurance of know I have eternal life with Him.

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In Hebrews 7:26, Jesus is described as The high Priest who is holy, harmless undefiled and is separate from sinners and made higher than the heavens.

Jesis is the only one who can atone for all man's sin. Only Jesus can do this. Human priest are unable to forgive our sins.

What a joy to know for sure that Jesus has paid a price for my sins. This gives me the assurance of know I have eternal life with Him.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Q4. (Hebrews 7:26-28) How is Jesus described in verse 26? How does Jesus differ from human high priests? What about Jesus' role as High Priest gives you special confidence?

Jesus is described in verse 26 as heavenly royalty, unlike the human race. Who of us is blameless, sinless and exhalted above the heavens? In this verse, He is far beyond what the eyes can see and what the mind can know.

Jesus differs from human priests because of 1) His permanency with the Father and 2) no human priest is sinless and 3) royalty sits on the right hand of the Father, issuing redemptive grace and mercy on my poor whining soul!

Having a permanent High Priest as Jesus allows me to put my faith into something bigger then what I can see with my natural eye. And from a natural realm of things, there are some manipulating, uncaring, sinful priests with ugly mannerisms walking around this city! ;-)

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  • 6 months later...

Jesus is described as holy, blameless, pure, set apart, and exalted above the heavens.

The difference between Jesus as High Priest and human priests is the fact that Jesus atonement for sins are a one time only action and it is permanent.

A human priest has to constantly make atonement for the sins of the people and for himself. There is no finality in his actions. The atonement is weak. Jesus' atonement for us is strong and final.

In Jesus, my High Priest, I have special confidence in His atonement for my sins through his blood at the cross on Calvary, I have the assurance that my salvation is certain and final as I remain steadfast in faith, hope, and obedience to Him.

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  • 3 months later...

Q4. (Hebrews 7:26-28)

How is Jesus described in verse 26?

How does Jesus differ from human high priests?

What about Jesus' role as High Priest gives you special confidence?

The author of Hebrews list five characteristics of Jesus in 7:26. Jesus is holy - He is like God in every aspect. Jesus is blameless - being completely sinless is therefore free from guilt and blame. Jesus is pure - unstained by sin. Jesus is set apart

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  • 2 months later...
Q4. (Hebrews 7:26-28) How is Jesus described in verse 26? How does Jesus differ from human high priests? What about Jesus' role as High Priest gives you special confidence?

Jesus is described as Holy, harmless, undefiled, seperate from sinners, and has become higher then the heavens above. Jesus is different because He is pure Holy, not needing to offer up sacrifices, as He did that one sacrifice, Himself, for all. Knowing that Jesus died for me and is alive and is forever present in my life gives me confidence beyond measure.We are so blessed. PSALM 34 VS 8 " TASTE AND SEE THAT THE LORD IS GOOD, BLESSED IS THE MAN WHO TAKES REFUGE IN HIM." :rolleyes:

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  • 7 months later...

HOLY, without sin or fault - BLAMELESS, innocent, free from malice an craftiness - PURE, undefiled - SET APART, free from personal sin - and, EXALTED, raised to heaven. . .

Being free from personal sin Jesus had no need to make a sacrifice for Himself - being the sacrifice for all of humanity's sins He only need to make that sacrifice ONCE. . .

Not only was He the sacrifice for our sins - He lives forever and is forever in the presence of the Father as a reminder that my sins, past, presence, and future are atoned for me. . .


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  • 2 months later...

This passage of scripture brings two words to mind: permanence and progression. Jesus' sacrifice "once for all" signifies something that can't ever be taken away - "it is finished." We may fall short of God's glory at times, but when we look back and remember what Jesus did, it helps us to move forward (the progression). Of course we must confess our sins and be careful not to take the work of the cross for granted. But we can find peace in knowing that when we are troubled, wronged, or are in sin, Jesus "offered himself," giving us a way out - the ONLY way out of any circumstance we find ourselves in.

Lord Jesus, thank you for offering yourself and shedding your blood for us. Sometimes we fall short of your glory but thank you that you gave yourself up for the joy that was set before you. Help us to always remember the sacrifice you made and not to take it for granted. In Your precious name, Amen!

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  • 3 months later...

Q4. (Hebrews 7:26-28) How is Jesus described in verse 26? How does Jesus differ from human high priests? What about Jesus' role as High Priest gives you special confidence?

Answer:Jesus was defined as PERFECT,SINLESS(2 Corinthians 5:22- For he hath made him [to be] sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.)..his pre eminence as greater than heaven itself(Colossians 1 :17- And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.)

Jesus differ from Human Priest such that His PriestHood last forever.His priesthood is not through,lineage or Inheritance just like the Levital priest, whose priesthood is according to Mosaic Law,but was ordained and spoken by God with an OATH(verse 28).

It gives me Special confidence,for I have a living Mediator(1 Tim 2:5- For [there is] one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus who constantly plead my case,to the Father,a priest that is so near to the Father(seated on the right hand),and a Priest who tells me

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This passage of scripture brings two words to mind: permanence and progression. Jesus' sacrifice "once for all" signifies something that can't ever be taken away - "it is finished." We may fall short of God's glory at times, but when we look back and remember what Jesus did, it helps us to move forward (the progression). Of course we must confess our sins and be careful not to take the work of the cross for granted. But we can find peace in knowing that when we are troubled, wronged, or are in sin, Jesus "offered himself," giving us a way out - the ONLY way out of any circumstance we find ourselves in.

Lord Jesus, thank you for offering yourself and shedding your blood for us. Sometimes we fall short of your glory but thank you that you gave yourself up for the joy that was set before you. Help us to always remember the sacrifice you made and not to take it for granted. In Your precious name, Amen!


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  • 2 months later...

Q4. (Hebrews 7:26-28) How is Jesus described in verse 26? How does Jesus differ from human high priests? What about Jesus' role as High Priest gives you special confidence?

Jesus is described as a high priest who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens. He differs from human priest because He is living eternally. He will neve die like the human priest. It gives me confidence because I know I have a High Priest that is interceding for me continually. A High Priest that I can go to with all my problems and He will take care of them. I know I am safe and secure in Jesus Christ.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Q4. (Hebrews 7:26-28) How is Jesus described in verse 26? How does Jesus differ from human high priests? What about Jesus' role as High Priest gives you special confidence?

Jesus is described as holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, made higher than the heavens.

Human High Priests had to offer up sacrifices for themselves, and the people.

Jesus offered himself up one time-His blood covered everything! I know that, when I stand before the Father to answer, Jesus' blood will have covered all my sins, because I am not perfect like He is, and He bore all as He was dying on the cross.

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  • 2 months later...

Q4. (Hebrews 7:26-28) How is Jesus described in verse 26? How does Jesus differ from human high priests? What about Jesus' role as High Priest gives you special confidence?

1) Jesus is described in verse 26 as holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners and made higher than heavens.

2) Jesus differs from human high priests because He offered up sacrifice offering once and not daily as the human priests had to. Christ sacrifice for sins was for all, human priest had to offer sacrifice for their own sins first and then for the people. Jesus was made perfect for evermore and human priest were weak and could not keep from sinning.

3) Jesus role as High Priest gives me special confidence because His death served as special atonement for my sins. His death brought me eternal life. The comfort of knowing He is sitting on right hand side of the Father intercessing on my behalf.

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  • 9 months later...

A High Priest who is holy, set apart, blameless, pure, sinless, and exalted above the heavens; differing from human high priest because of these things and because he lives forever. The human high priest not only had to atone for the peoples sins but his own sin every day. Jesus atoned one time and only for the people. The human high priest strength was weak, Jesus’ strength was made perfect forever. In addition to what’s already mentioned above, His role as High Priest gives me confidence that He saved me, is the author and finisher of my faith, and is responsible for my sanctification. He is alive forever, has lived as a human so He knows what living this life is about when He intercedes for me to the Father. He loves me and I can trust Him.

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  • 5 months later...

Q4. Jesus is described on verse 26 as One who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens.

Because He lives forever, he did not offer sacrifices continually for himself and for the people, as the old covenant priests did, but Jesus once for all he offered himself as the One and only perfect sacrifice that pleased God.

My confidence in Him is that He lives for ever to interced for me in the presence of the FAther in heaven. There is no weakness in Him, no fault in Him, His blood was perfect. He is my Perfect Advocator in the Throne of God, my King-High Priest eternaly.

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  • 1 year later...

Jesus is described in verse 26 as a priest that meets our needs, one that is holy blameless, pure, set apart from sinners and exalted above the heavens. Jesus is different from human high priest because he only had to sacrifice once and that was for us and He has been made perfect forever.


I know that Jesus being my High Priest gives me a special confidence because I know he is there at the right hand of God and he is interceding for me.



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  • 2 years later...

Q4. (Hebrews 7:26-28) How is Jesus described in verse 26? How does Jesus differ from human high priests? What about Jesus' role as High Priest gives you special confidence?

In Hebrews 7:26-28, Jesus is described as High Priest who meats our needs, he is holy, blameless, pure and set apart from sinners, exalted to heaven above.

Jesus differs from human high priest because he is the Son of God, has no beginning or end and will be our High Priest forever. A human high priest was appointed by God, but unlike Jesus he would die and another priest would take his place.   

Jesus being our High Priest gives me confidence because he suffered and died for our sins. God resurrected him from the dead. Because of his sheding of his blood for us, he became our sacrifice for our atonement of sins. he now is High Priest forever, sitting at the right hand of God the Father. Jesus is now our mediator before the Father, being he shared our temptations and overcame the world, we now have have help in time of trouble.

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  • 2 years later...

Jesus is the one pure and perfect high priest to redeem man from sin back to the father.  He is the only way to the father. God said so.  he is sinless, pure, holy and righteous and set above the heavens.  He will never die so he will always be there to intercede to the father for us. he has been made perfect forever and for this reason we have all confidence that we will be forgiven of sin when we ask.

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  • 2 years later...

Q4. (Hebrews 7:26-28) How is Jesus described in verse 26? How does Jesus differ from human high priests? What about Jesus' role as High Priest gives you special confidence?

He is described as holy, innocent, unstained, separated from sinners and exalted above the heavens. He differs from human priests in the fact that He lives forever while they do not and they can only cover our sins and He removed them from us and His power overrules theirs as well. The oath that was made by the Lord was final for the priesthood of Christ which would take our sins. The very fact He can make intercession for me.

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  • 5 months later...
On 4/16/2007 at 12:02 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. (Hebrews 7:26-28) How is Jesus described in verse 26? How does Jesus differ from human high priests? What about Jesus' role as High Priest gives you special confidence?

Pure. Exalted. Set apart. Blameless.

His sacrifice is once for all.  Not daily. No sacrifice for His own sin. Regular high priest does have to offer sacrifice for his own sins. Regular high priest weak in his own strength. Christ has power of an indestructible life.

His power and purity offered to me gives me a sure salvation!

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  • 1 year later...

Jesus is my perfect high priest, tempted in everyway, but remained sinless. He was the pure Holy offering to pay for the sins of humanity. No other sacrifice  would work. And this was/is God's plan, He foreknew all humans who would believe and would/will be saved, and Jesus is the only High Priest who is capable of shedidng Him own blood and the propitiation for all human sin. All Glory to the Lamb that was slain.

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Jesus is my perfect high priest, tempted in everyway, but remained sinless. He was the pure Holy offering to pay for the sins of humanity. No other sacrifice  would work. And this was/is God's plan, He foreknew all humans who would believe and would/will be saved, and Jesus is the only High Priest who is capable of shedding Him own blood and the propitiation for all human sin. All Glory to the Lamb that was slain.

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