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Q4. (Hebrews 9:9) Why were external sacrificial regulations unable to cleanse or perfect the conscience? How does a guilty conscience keep us from intimacy with God? What is necessary for us to be able to come "boldly" (4:16)?

  • 1 month later...

Q4. (Hebrews 9:9) Why were external sacrificial regulations unable to cleanse or perfect the conscience?

External sacrificial regulations were unable to cleanse or perfect the conscience because they pertained to the externals only. The cleansing or the perfecting of the conscience comes with the healing and purity of the heart towards God.

How does a guilty conscience keep us from intimacy with God?

A guilty conscience keeps us from intimacy with God because the nagging guilt and consciousness of sin inhibits the sinner from approaching God's holy presence with freedom and boldness.

What is necessary for us to be able to come "boldly" (4:16)?

Acceptance of the divine forgiveness of sins and the Lordship of Jesus Christ who sits upon the throne.

  • 4 weeks later...
Q4. (Hebrews 9:9) Why were external sacrificial regulations unable to cleanse or perfect the conscience? How does a guilty conscience keep us from intimacy with God? What is necessary for us to be able to come "boldly" (4:16)?

Though you know Christ,you may believe that you have to work hard to make yourself good enough for God. But rules and retuals have never cleansed people's hearts. By Jesus Blood alone we have our consciences cleansed, we are freed from death's sting and can live to serve God, and we are freed from sin's power. If you are carrying a load of guilt because you are finding that you can't be good enough for God, take another look at Jesus' death and what it means to you. Christ can heal your conscience and deliver you from the frustration of trying to earn God's favor.

Christ's sacrifice transforms our lives and hearts and makes us clean on the inside His sacrifice is infinitely more effective than animal sacrifices. No barrier of sin or weakness on our part can stifle His forgiveness.

( Hebrews 4:16 ) Prayer is our approach to God , and we are to come "with confidence." Some Christians approach God meekly with hearts hung low, afraid to ask him to meet their needs. Others pray flippantly, giving little thought to what they say. Come with reverence because He is your King, But also come with Bold Assurance because He is your Friend and Counselor.


Q4. (Hebrews 9:9) Why were external sacrificial regulations unable to cleanse or perfect the conscience? How does a guilty conscience keep us from intimacy with God? What is necessary for us to be able to come "boldly" (4:16)?

Why were external sacrificial regulations unable to cleanse or perfect the conscience?

* The sacrifice of bulls and goats does nothing for the inner person, the conscience, that inner barometer of sin and guilt. They cannot "cleanse" (NIV) or "make perfect" (KJV)32 the conscience.

How does a guilty conscience keep us from intimacy with God?

* the nagging guilt and consciousness of sin inhibits the sinner from approaching God's holy presence with freedom and boldness

What is necessary for us to be able to come "boldly" (4:16)?

* 16 Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.


The external sacrifices were only regulations--no deeper.

A guilty conscience keeps us from God because we haven't asked forgiveness & done what we could to restore our fellowship with God.

We can only come boldly when we have accepted Jesus' sacrifice for us, cleansing us.


Q4. (Hebrews 9:9) Why were external sacrificial regulations unable to cleanse or perfect the conscience?

To be cleansed and have a clear conscience we must accept the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. He offered us forgiveness and salvation, we have to receive it.

How does a guilty conscience keep us from intimacy with God?

A guilty conscience puts up a barrier between us and God. We have to humble ourselves before God and ask for forgiveness to clear our conscience so we can have access to God.

What is necessary for us to be able to come "boldly" (4:16)?

To be able to come boldly, we have to accept the Sacrifice that Jesus made for us. :rolleyes:


They are for the external body and flesh. They were only a matter of food & drink and various ceremonial washings. We need death of a sacrifice to atone for sin. A willing heart to repent and accept forgiveness. To boast what God has done for us and the strength He has given us. We can do nothing on our own.. Give all praise and honor to God because He is Worthy!!!


When someone beats on another person, continually, it is not because of what the beaten person has done, it is because of the anger that the aggressor has inside. Beating someone does not remove the anger. When sacrifices were made they did not remove the desire to sin so guilt remained. This guilt keeps us from God because a sinful person cannot have a relationship with a holy God. In order to come boldly to the throne room we must repent to clear our conscience and go through our High Priest, Jesus Christ.


THE VERDICT IS OUT: And everyone is found GUILTY. According to the Law of Moses there was a fine for the sins committed. The fine, or atoning sacrifice had to be made, this didn't change the verdict, the verdict was still guilty. The new covenant God has chosen to make with us does not change the verdict, but it does change the outcome. The verdict is guilty but the decision is, "YOUR SINS HAVE BEEN FORGIVEN."

Like most businessmen I keep a record of payments recieved and of payments due, but when I forgive a debt there is no record. "For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more." (Jer. 31:34 NIV) If the payment for sin is death the only way to escape death is by removing the record and that is done by accepting the forgiveness of God through the sacrifice of His Son on the cross.

There is only one thing that seperates us from God; "SIN". If God forgives that sin and there is no record kept, that should put a little more confidence in the way we approach Him.



They were unable because these were done by mere human beings, and it was reapeated year after year.

When you are guality of doing wrong to someone, you can not have good relationship with that person, it is the same with God, you can not have intemancy with God, when you know for sure that you have broken your relationship with Him.

Once you have repented your sins and have good relationship with God, you have the right to go to Him without fear, you boldly go to Him and ask for anything, since He is our Aba Father.

Q4. (Hebrews 9:9) Why were external sacrificial regulations unable to cleanse or perfect the conscience? How does a guilty conscience keep us from intimacy with God? What is necessary for us to be able to come "boldly" (4:16)?

In the old covenant, an individual's free access to God personally was barred, both by a thick veil in front of the Holiest of Holy places, and by their not knowing how to enter God's presence. Therefore all of the blood offerings in the world were not capable of giving peace to guilt ridden consciences. If we allow our guilty consciences ongoing room in our lives, we are not accepting the grace and forgiveness that Jesus died to give us. When we don't accept God's plan for our lives, we keep ourselves separated from Him. We need to humble ourselves before God to thank Him for Jesus having redeemed us on the cross. We need to understand and trust that at the moment of Jesus' death, the veil in the tabernacle that once barred us from entering into the presence of God, ripped from top to bottom -- God's way of letting us know we now have personal and clear access to Him, and He alone can relieve our guilt and grant us peace in Him. God invites us to approach Him boldly and with confidence, because His throne is no longer a throne of judgment -- it is now a throne of God's grace and forgiveness, when a true believer approaches Him. He offers this to us 24-7. We don't have to wait to be invited each time. The atonement for OUR sins took place on the cross, ONCE and for always, giving us this ever present offer for the rest of our lives. We sure need to praise our Lord daily. I thank you, and praise you Lord. It is not within our grasp to deserve any of this.


External sacrifices are unable to cleanse the conscience of the worshipper. Hebrews 9:10 says that "they are only a matter of food and drink and various ceremonial washings - external regulations applying until the time of the new order."

A guilty conscience causes a break in fellowship with God. I know I have sinned and I feel guilty about it and don't feel good about talking with God because of my guilt. I feel unworthly before God.

We need to repent and come boldly to the Throne of God. As a Christian I must take the long view of my Christian walk. I cannot allow the guilt of sin to block my relationship to God. I must repent and ask forgiveness of my sin and keep moving forward. Keep allowing God to work in my life.



Q4. (Hebrews 9:9) Why were external sacrificial regulations unable to cleanse or perfect the conscience?

The really effective barrier to a man or woman's free access to God is an inward and not a material one; it exists in the conscience. External sacrifices do not perfect the conscience.

How does a guilty conscience keep us from intimacy with God?

The nagging guilt and consciousness of sin inhibits the sinner from approaching God's holy presence with freedom and boldness.

What is necessary for us to be able to come "boldly" (4:16)?

We need complete trust in God's mercy to come boldly to the throne.


Q4. (Hebrews 9:9) Why were external sacrificial regulations unable to cleanse or perfect the conscience?

Material sacrifices could not cleanse internally.

How does a guilty conscience keep us from intimacy with God?

Because the conscience would be overwhelmed and guilt-ridden.

What is necessary for us to be able to come "boldly" (4:16)?

We must repent and aproach God with boldness or faith and confidence knowing we will be cleansed.


Q4. (Hebrews 9:9) Why were external sacrificial regulations unable to cleanse or perfect the conscience? How does a guilty conscience keep us from intimacy with God? What is necessary for us to be able to come "boldly" (4:16)?

Sacrifices are an outer means of showing a knowledge of God and an acceptance of His Authority but are not able to cleanse the inner part of a man's heart where sin dwells. A guilty conscience is an awarenedd that we have sinned against God and ourselves and our need to seek forgiveness from God and anyone we may have sinned against and in most cases fromour selves, We all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God so we need to seek forgiveness then forgive ourselves and move on toward the way God has chosen for us. If we are to come boldly before God we must first believe and then seek and then forgive and then will we be able to have a clear conscience that will allow us to come boldly before God's thrown and worship Him as He wants us to do.


1. Killing of an animal does nothing for the inner person or conscience of a human being. It is just a ritual that doesn't affect a person at all.

2. A guilty conscience stays with you always until you ask for forgiveness. A guilty conscience will make you approach God with humbleness.

3. If you have faith in God and repent, you will believe his Word and know that you can go to him freely and boldly.


Q4. (Hebrews 9:9) Why were external sacrificial regulations unable to cleanse or perfect the conscience? How does a guilty conscience keep us from intimacy with God? What is necessary for us to be able to come "boldly" (4:16)?

When David became conscious of his sin, he cried out to God things like "Take not your Holy Sppirit from me, Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me". He didn't even begin to think about bulls and goats, knowing that the issue was the state of his heart and his need for God's mercy. Malachi talks constantly about the state of heart as distinct from the value of offerings of animal blood. He wants to see generousity given to the poor, to abused wives, the right temple offerings (not just the injured animals) showing that the people's hearts were right. Even in the Old Testament it was clearly understood that the state of the heart was the real matter before God. Blood of bulls and goats could do nothing if the heart wasn't right! So the new law "I will put my law in their hearts" etc was clearly indicated long before Jesus, possibly right from the beginning where Abraham was called the friend of God and Job pleased the Lord, even right back to Abel whose sacrifice pleased God because it came from a right heart. I think the blood of Jesus covered them too!

If we have not dealt with a sin that stands between us and God, then we have again closed the veil. Our flesh stands between us and God and to go into the holy of holies in that state is dangerous. We are justified by Jesus' death if we also crucify our flesh as our part of the covenant. It has to be "Not I (carnal nature) who live, but Christ who lives in me".

If we are to come boldly to the throne of grace we must come with all issues settled between us and our brethren, otherwise we are not entitled to participate in the body and blood of Jesus (represented by the communion). We must have examined our consciences for any sin and done everything possible to put it right with both God and man. Then we may come boldly to the throne of grace as sons and daughters of the living God.


The external sacrificial regualtions only pertained to the flesh, outside, external.

A guilty concscience, (con) - with (science) - knowledge. With knowledge we know we have sinned, or sinning, and unless we boldy come 'clean' to the Father and confess our sin, it will keep that barrier between us.


Q4. (Hebrews 9:9) Why were external sacrificial regulations unable to cleanse or perfect the conscience? How does a guilty conscience keep us from intimacy with God? What is necessary for us to be able to come "boldly" (4:16)?

Why were external sacrificial regulations unable to cleanse or perfect the conscience?

* Because the really effective barrier to a man or woman's free access to God is an inward

and not a material one; it exists in the conscience.

How does a guilty conscience keep us from intimacy with God?

* The guilt and consciousness of sin inhibits the sinner from approaching God's

holy presence with freedom and boldness

What is necessary for us to be able to come "boldly" (4:16)?

* " Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive

mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need "


Because it was external. We cannot approach God when we feel guilty because we're ashamed. We must humble ourselves and confess our sin(s) to God and truly repent and then we can approach God to ask for forgiveness.


Because it was external. We cannot approach God when we feel guilty because we're ashamed. We must humble ourselves and confess our sin(s) to God and truly repent and then we can approach God to ask for forgiveness.


External sacrificial regulations were unable to cleanse or perfect the conscience because the conscience is the inner of a person that can not be touched or affected by the regulations that pertain to the external; the sacrifices of bulls and goats that are external do nothing for the conscience that is the inner person.

A guilty conscience keeps us from intimacy with God by always accusing or condemning us that we are guilty and improper to come to God throne. Therefore it inhibits us from approaching God's holy presence with freedom and boldness.

Knowing that we are of the truth and be confident of the forgiveness in Christ's blood is necessary for us to be able to come “boldly”te]


Q4. (Hebrews 9:9) Why were external sacrificial regulations unable to cleanse or perfect the conscience? I personally think this all stems from the fact that back in the Old Testament, the folks did not have the Holy Spirit. They were separated from God, even in the Tabernacle. We now have a renewing of our mind by the power of His Spirit which lives inside of those that He calls His own. The Spirit, pierces our conscience, if not even going so far as to take over the conscience, layer by layer as we submit to the spirit of Jesus living inside of us.

How does a guilty conscience keep us from intimacy with God? The guilt is to much to bear and as we bare it, we hold ourselves not submitted to the conviction of the Spirit. We are taking back the guilty of our sin instead of living in the complete knowledge that Jesus shed His blood for all sin,

  • 2 weeks later...

External sacrificial regulations were unable to cleanse or perfect the conscience because the sacrifaces of goats and bulls did nothing for the inner person, the conscience. Blood sacrifaces could not cleanse nor make perfect, the conscience.

A guilty conscience keeps us from intimacy with God by allowing us focus on our sin rather than fellowship with God.

In order for us to be able to come "boldly" we need to come to the throne of grace with confidence.


External sacrificial regulations were unable to cleanse or perfect the conscience because the sacrifice of bulls and goats does nothing for the inner person (the conscience). A guilty conscience keeps us from intimacy with God because it limits our ability to be bold. A clear conscience is necessary for us to be able to come boldly before God.

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