davidjjj Posted February 3, 2008 Report Posted February 3, 2008 Week 9 Hebrews study 19Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, 20by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, 21and since we have a great priest over the house of God...." (10:19-21) Q1. (Hebrews 10:19-21) How did the veil of the Tabernacle function in Old Testament worship? The veil purposely separated the outer and inner rooms of the tabernacle (NIVANCT 342) it was in a sense a barrier to keep people out (apart from the high priest) of the presence of God What is the significance of the veil being ripped in two at Jesus' crucifixion? This veil was a barrier, and the author of Hebrews says in fact it represented Jesus Quote
God's leading lady Posted May 19, 2008 Report Posted May 19, 2008 The Veil of the Tabernacle was the place were the saints of God will come to worship. The Tabernacle also was consider to be the place were God would communicate with man. The Veil was no longer needed to be used by the high priest as the mediator to go before God to bring a sacrifice of washing away their sins, however Jesus is the go between or the mediator and the sacrificial lamb for all mankind sins to be forgiven. The new and living way is through Jesus who shed his blood for all mankind for the remission of their sins. Man no longer can be wash and cleanse by the sacrifice of goats and bulls daily, now their sins are forgiven by one shedding of blood and forgiven only one time. this is the new way. Our access to God is call living because this living way is were a child of God can go before the Father freely, without having a go between or a veil which keeps a child of God from having that one -on -one relationship with the Father, where you and I can come before the Father boldly and with confidence knowing that we have a God who understands, cares, and is touch by our infirmities. Quote
JanMary Posted July 5, 2008 Report Posted July 5, 2008 Q1. (Hebrews 10:19-21) How did the veil of the Tabernacle function in Old Testament worship? The veil was a visible reminder that the access between God and man was blocked by sin, and we were separated from Him. He is Holy, and fallen man is not....at that time there was only a temporary system for being in relationship with Him...through animal sacrifices brought to and offered by the high priest. What is the significance of the veil being ripped in two at Jesus' crucifixion? When the veil was ripped in two from top to bottom, it signified that the Lamb of God, who was sacrified for fallen man's sins, had removed the veil or separation and the way is now open between God and man, if we come to Him through the blood of Jesus Christ. Why is our access to God called a "new and living way"? Jesus is the New and Living Way...the only Way to the Father. In what sense is it new? In what sense is it living? It is new in that all of the years of animal sacrifice have been done away with, and each time an individual comes to the God, the new way is available through the living Jesus. It will never be obsolete and a newer plan for cleansing and forgiveness instituted. It is living because Jesus lives eternally and makes intercession for us. Quote
Patricia A Posted August 18, 2008 Report Posted August 18, 2008 Q1. (Hebrews 10:19-21) How did the veil of the Tabernacle function in Old Testament worship? What is the significance of the veil being ripped in two at Jesus' crucifixion? Why is our access to God called a "new and living way"? In what sense is it new? In what sense is it living? Q1. (Hebrews 10:19-21) How did the veil of the Tabernacle function in Old Testament worship? Sin came between God and man and the veil was a visible reminder of this. The temporary system for having a relationship with God was through animal sacrifices. This sacrifice was offered by the high priest. What is the significance of the veil being ripped in two at Jesus' crucifixion? When Jesus died on the cross for our sins, the separation between man and God was removed. The veil was ripped to show that man now has access to God as our sins have been forgiven. The blood of Christ has given us free access to God. Why is our access to God called a "new and living way"? This is called a "new and living way" because we now have a new life and now can live forever with God. Our sins are forgiven and through Jesus Christ we now have free access to God forever. In what sense is it new? In what sense is it living? This is new because it is different from the old way of animal sacrifice. We now have a new life in Jesus Christ. It is living because it has no end. It goes on forever as we have eternal life with Jesus Christ. Quote
Sheryl Posted March 7, 2009 Report Posted March 7, 2009 The veil of the Tabernacle served as a divider between God who is pure and holy and the worshippers who were not. The ripped veil was a signal or sign because of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. We as believers now have access to The Father. Our access to God is called a new and living way because the death of Christ has removed us from the position of being seperated from God to in a relationship with God. New in the sense that our access to Him did not exist before Christ came in the flesh. Living in the sense that Jesus died and rose again and will remain alive forever and will always be available to us as our representative to God. Quote
hanks Posted June 8, 2009 Report Posted June 8, 2009 Q1. (Hebrews 10:19-21) How did the veil of the Tabernacle function in Old Testament worship? The Holy Place and the Most Holy Place were separated by a veil. In the Most Holy Place we found the Ark of the Covenant, which represented God Quote
C Riv Posted September 2, 2009 Report Posted September 2, 2009 Q1. (Hebrews 10:19-21) How did the veil of the Tabernacle function in Old Testament worship? What is the significance of the veil being ripped in two at Jesus' crucifixion? Why is our access to God called a "new and living way"? In what sense is it new? In what sense is it living? I believe that the veil separated us from God. Only the High Priest could go beyound the veil. The importance of the veil being wripped in two shows that that the old way is finished. Jesus has made a way for us into the Most Holy of all places. The people back then did not have access to God on their own, they had to go to the priest and they could go further. Now we can come to God thru Christ in pray. We get to go beyond the curtain because Jesus is there for us to take our prayers to God. It is not once a year but can be a continuous relationship with God.It can be any time or any where, very much alive. Quote
DrD Posted April 26, 2010 Report Posted April 26, 2010 Basically it blocked and prevented sinful humans coming into the presence of God. . . The veil being ripped in two signified that Jesus' sacrifice was accepted - paying the penalty for our sins and providing for our atonement - which allows humanity to again come into the presence of God. . . NEW - because it didn't exist before Jesus opened up the way. . . Prior to Jesus being accepted as our atoning sacrifice - sin prevented us from comning into the presence of God. . . LIVING WAY - because Jesus wasn't simply martyred for a cause He believed in - He died to save us - was resurrected to justify us - and lives to continually intercede for us. . . Quote
FollowYeshua Posted May 3, 2010 Report Posted May 3, 2010 Q1. (Hebrews 10:19-21) How did the veil of the Tabernacle function in Old Testament worship? What is the significance of the veil being ripped in two at Jesus' crucifixion? Why is our access to God called a "new and living way"? In what sense is it <i>new</i>? In what sense is it <i>living</i>? The veil between the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place separated the presence of YHWH from sin and only one time per year was the High Priest permitted to go around the veil following strict instructions along with the blood of sacrificed animals to atone for the sins of the people. The significance of the torn veil represents access to God and that any person that trusts in the shed blood and torn body of Christ can with full confidence approach God for forgiveness and have an ongoing relationship with our creator- the Living God himself. Our access to God is a new and living way because the old order of things was changed when Jesus became the fullfillment of the new order of things. Quote
Ramon Posted October 26, 2010 Report Posted October 26, 2010 Q1. (Hebrews 10:19-21) How did the veil of the Tabernacle function in Old Testament worship? What is the significance of the veil being ripped in two at Jesus' crucifixion? Why is our access to God called a "new and living way"? In what sense is it new? In what sense is it living? Answer: Hebrews 10:22- Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure. 1. How did the veil of the Tabernacle function in Old Testament worship? The Veil separates the,ark of covenant, a sysmbol of the presence of the Lord.No one can come inside this place,The Holiest of Holy where the Ark of Covenant is located except the High Priest.The Veil represent the LAST LINE of DEFENSE so that no unauthorized entry, will happen. 2. What is the significance of the veil being ripped in two at Jesus' crucifixion? The significance of the veil being Ripped in two,also means,GOD accepted JESUS sacrifice,the only sacrifice that GOD was pleased.(Isaiah 53;10) The significance:THE BARRIER THAT SEPARATES MAN FROM GOD,was already removed,for those WHO BELIEVE.That Barrier is Quote
iam4_1god Posted January 2, 2011 Report Posted January 2, 2011 Q1. (Hebrews 10:19-21) How did the veil of the Tabernacle function in Old Testament worship? What is the significance of the veil being ripped in two at Jesus' crucifixion? Why is our access to God called a "new and living way"? In what sense is it new? In what sense is it living? The veil kept the throne of God separate from the rest of the temple. Only the High Priest could go in, and then, only once a year. The torn veil represented Jesus' body that was sacrificed for our sin. Jesus' death provided a way for us to go into the Holy of Holies, and speak to God directly. We have a new and living way of speaking to God now-new because we can now go to the Father ourselves, and living because Jesus was resurrected and now sits at the right hand of God! Hallelujah! Quote
blezed Posted March 18, 2011 Report Posted March 18, 2011 Q1. (Hebrews 10:19-21) How did the veil of the Tabernacle function in Old Testament worship? What is the significance of the veil being ripped in two at Jesus' crucifixion? Why is our access to God called a "new and living way"? In what sense is it <i>new</i>? In what sense is it <i>living</i>? 1) The veil of the Tabernacle function in Old Testament was to separate the Holy Place from the Holy of Holiness. 2) The significance of the veil being ripped in two at Jesus' crucifixion showed that believers do not have to go thru the priest for forgiveness they may walk in the presence of God at anytime. 3) Our access to God is called a new and living way because this is something that had never been done before. 4) It is new because it didn't exist for humans before Jesus opened up the way through his sacrifice for our sins, and living because he is not a mere martyr but a resurrected and living Savior, who "always lives to make intercession" (Hebrews 7:25) for us. Quote
servant for Christ Posted May 28, 2011 Report Posted May 28, 2011 Q1. (Hebrews 10:19-21) How did the veil of the Tabernacle function in Old Testament worship? What is the significance of the veil being ripped in two at Jesus' crucifixion? Why is our access to God called a "new and living way"? In what sense is it <i>new</i>? In what sense is it <i>living</i>? In the Old Testament, the veil separated the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place, which is where the ark of the covenant was. The significance is that Christ made a way for man to go to God, we are no longer separated from him. The way is new because the covenant is new. The livingway is a path of eternal life,it was not opened by Christ's sinless life, it required His death. It is new because the Old Testament people did not have the access we now have and it is living because Christ is still alive. Quote
jacquie7 Posted January 8, 2012 Report Posted January 8, 2012 The Veil separated God from man; when it ripped it opened the way for man to come boldly to God ending the separation. Our access to God is new because it didn’t exist to man after Adam’s fall and before Jesus’ death. His sacrifice for our sins and living because He is alive and always will be to make intercession for us. Quote
Old Jerry Posted August 19, 2013 Report Posted August 19, 2013 The veil of the Tabernacle functioned in the Old Testament worship to separate the Holy from the Holy of Holies. No one was allowed to go in there except once a year and then it was only the High Priest. The significance of the veil being ripped in two at Jesus’ crucifixion was to show us that we all have access to God through Jesus. The reason that our access to God is called a “new and living way” was because everybody has access to God not just the High Priest. This was new because we have access to God. It is living because we have a living God. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted September 5, 2015 Report Posted September 5, 2015 Q1. (Hebrews 10:19-21) How did the veil of the Tabernacle function in Old Testament worship? What is the significance of the veil being ripped in two at Jesus' crucifixion? Why is our access to God called a "new and living way"? In what sense is it new? In what sense is it living? According to Hebrews 10:19-21 the veil in the Tabernacle of the Old Testament functioned to separate the Holy Place from the Holy of Hollies, which contained the mercy seat of God. Only once a year would the High Priest enter the Holy of hollies to sprinkle the mercy seat with the blood from the sacrifice, for his own sins and the sins of the people. The significance of the veil being ripped in half as Christ died on the cross signifies that he was the sacrifice for our sins and now the Holy of Hollies was available to all that believed in Christ and have access to the throne of God. Our access to God is called a "new and living way" because of Christ sacrifice for our sins, we no longer need an earthly High Priest to represent us before God. It is new because we no longer need animal sacrifices to approach God. It is living because Christ who offered up Himself for our sins, rose from the dead and is now living at the right side of the Heavenly Father. Christ is mediator between man and God. Quote
Paula Price Posted July 10, 2018 Report Posted July 10, 2018 In the old testament, the veil of the tabernacle separated the holy palace, from the most holiest place, where the ark of the covenant was which represented the throne of God. The significance of the veil being ripped during Christ's crucifixion is that we are no longer separated from God. it is a new, a living way, because it did not exist for us until Christ died on the cross, making it new now and Christ being a living Savior interceding for us at the right hand of God, the father. We don't have the slay the lamb any more! We don't have to put no more blood over the door! Someone has taken the place of the lamb his name is Jesus, the GREAT I AM! Quote
Godswriter Posted July 27, 2020 Report Posted July 27, 2020 Q1. (Hebrews 10:19-21) How did the veil of the Tabernacle function in Old Testament worship? What is the significance of the veil being ripped in two at Jesus' crucifixion? Why is our access to God called a "new and living way"? In what sense is it new? In what sense is it living? When it came to the veil in the OT, it protected the way to the holy place and holy of holies where only the high priest could go once a year. The significance of the veil being torn in 2 is that it told the Sanhedrin that Jesus was the Lamb of God and also the true Son of God who was the only could die for our sins. It is called a new and living way because Christ provides the way to His Father and also because He is our Advocate as well. It is living as well through the fact Christ is not dead but alive. Quote
Jesus Follower Posted December 31, 2020 Report Posted December 31, 2020 On 4/18/2007 at 5:15 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Hebrews 10:19-21) How did the veil of the Tabernacle function in Old Testament worship? What is the significance of the veil being ripped in two at Jesus' crucifixion? Why is our access to God called a "new and living way"? In what sense is it new? In what sense is it living? Separated the Holy Place from the most Holy Place. That is where God's presence was. We have free access to God's presence because of Jesus' sacrifice thru faith in Him. There was no pathway to God's presence before Christ's sacrifice. So it is new, and living because Christ is alive. He didn't stay dead! Thank you Jesus! Quote
Dove81 Posted December 1, 2024 Report Posted December 1, 2024 Q1. (Hebrews 10:19-21) How did the veil of the Tabernacle function in Old Testament worship? The vail was to separate us from God’s holiest place, it separated us from God and only the priest could enter once a year. What is the significance of the veil being ripped in two at Jesus' crucifixion? To show that no longer will there be a separation between man and God. Now we can freely come to him on our on for repentance. Why is our access to God called a "new and living way"? In the past we had to go through the priest to get to God. Now that our high priest Jesus came and made atonement for our sins, we can now approach the throne of God with boldness and confidence. In what sense is it new? All before it was never an option, if one went behind the vail that wasn't chosen to be priest they would die. Now we can go before God whenever and wherever we are and with confidence knowing that he will hear our prayers. In what sense is it living? Id say because there is no more condemnation, we are free to worship God and ask for forgiveness and anyhing we need without having to go to the priest and have him sacrifice an animal for us. Quote
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