Cee Posted November 27, 2007 Report Posted November 27, 2007 Q2. According to Hebrews 3:13 and 10:24-25, what should be a prime motive for meeting together with other Christians? What is our usual motivation? Why do Christians so often get out of the habit of attending church or a small group? How can we help these individuals? Encouragement to one another in Christian love to meet together on one accord. Because of controling and false teaching teaching spirits. Pray to God for striong wisdom, knowledge and guidence. Quote
davidjjj Posted February 4, 2008 Report Posted February 4, 2008 Heb 3:13 But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin Quote
God's leading lady Posted May 20, 2008 Report Posted May 20, 2008 We are children of God, and as a Christan we are supposed to support one another and lift up one another, pray over the burdens we endure, because we are the body of Christ and if one member is going astray we are to encourage the brethren back into the fold. I believe forsaking the fellowship with one another a Christan will becomes distance and will tend to shy away from the body of Christ. Getting involved with the church ministries and activities will allow a Christian to interact and share their Christian experiences. Quote
JanMary Posted July 7, 2008 Report Posted July 7, 2008 Q2. According to Hebrews 3:13 and 10:24-25, what should be a prime motive for meeting together with other Christians? To draw near to God, to spur one another to love and good deeds and to encourage one another, all the more as we see the day drawing near to His coming. What is our usual motivation? To draw near to God for corporate worship, for fellowship, for service. Why do Christians so often get out of the habit of attending church or a small group? Laziness, disappointment, wounding circumstances at church, guilty conscience, different priorities, probably dozens of reasons. How can we help these individuals? Reach out to them, pray for them, listen to them, love them, invite them, go with them. Quote
Patricia A Posted August 18, 2008 Report Posted August 18, 2008 Q2. According to Hebrews 3:13 and 10:24-25, what should be a prime motive for meeting together with other Christians? What is our usual motivation? Why do Christians so often get out of the habit of attending church or a small group? How can we help these individuals? Q2. According to Hebrews 3:13 and 10:24-25, what should be a prime motive for meeting together with other Christians? We meet together with other Christians to worship God and to have a closer relationship with Him and to love and encourage His children. What is our usual motivation? Our usual motivation is for fellowship as we worship God together and for working together in service to others (missions). Why do Christians so often get out of the habit of attending church or a small group? There are many different reasons but I feel the root of the problem is putting emphasis on the wrong thing as far as to what is important in life. It can be a real temptation to let what we call "fun and recreational" activities take the place of attending church, bible studies, small groups, etc. When we find the most joy in serving God and drawing closer to Him, we will let these things be first in our lives. Sometimes individuals have been "hurt", feel left out, etc. and thus no longer attend. How can we help these individuals? It's important that we reach out to these individual with love, share our lives and our time with them, help them to get involved but giving support and encouragement and pray with them and for them. Quote
Sheryl Posted March 9, 2009 Report Posted March 9, 2009 We should continue meeting together with other Christians in order to worship God so that we may become one with HIM, first and most importantly, and to encourage our brethren to hold fast to our hope and faith in Christ. God has entrusted us with spiritual gifts to use in our ministering of these gifts to the benefit of others. Our usual motivation is out of selfish reasons that are contrary to the purpose of God for you. Some use church attendance as a social gathering, to hang out with friends, or even as a fashion event to see who is wearing the latest styles. Some go as a requirement and feel guilty if they don't go instead of going excitedly for God. Some get out of going because of unforgiveness because of hurt caused by a church member. Some have a low priority for church attendance. Some are just lazy. Some don't want to tithe, so they just stay away. We can help them by praying for them constantly, and also by taking the initiative by reaching out and encouraging them to come back. I think the reason most people stray away from church attendance is that no one ever goes out of their comfort zone to reach out for that stray sheep. They notice when he is not there, they even discuss the fact that he's away, but how often do we really go out of our way to find a way to bring him back into the fold? Not often enough. Encouragement is essential. Quote
hanks Posted June 8, 2009 Report Posted June 8, 2009 Q2. According to Hebrews 3:13 and 10:24-25, what should be a prime motive for meeting together with other Christians? What is our usual motivation? Why do Christians so often get out of the habit of attending church or a small group? How can we help these individuals? Our prime motive should be to Quote
C Riv Posted September 2, 2009 Report Posted September 2, 2009 Q2. According to Hebrews 3:13 and 10:24-25, what should be a prime motive for meeting together with other Christians? What is our usual motivation? Why do Christians so often get out of the habit of attending church or a small group? How can we help these individuals? A prime motive to meet with other Christians is that we do not fall away from God. We are motivated to meet with other Christians to share our hopes, our faith, our good and bad times. We meet to give each other love and strength and to motivate one another. It is easy to get lazy, to miss church to skip out of small group gatherings to put ones own ajenda first. In doing that one is letting the world slip into their lives.They soon become all gathered up in their own life soon forgetting the will of God.We can pray for them, phone them, go and visit them incourage them to come out to church and small groups. Reach out to them. Quote
DrD Posted April 26, 2010 Report Posted April 26, 2010 The prime motive for meeting together with other believers is that we can all be encouraged to continue to grow and progress in our realtionship with Christ and be found ready whenever Jesus returns. . . Revelation 22:11-12 (NKJV) 11 He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still." 12 "And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. Usually we are motivated to assemble with other believers so that we ourselves can be more effective in our service to Christ. . . Believers generally get out of the habit of assembling together for various reason one of which I believe is perpetrated by the times we live, the electronic age - where people can view worship services on the television and computer (internet). . . I believe that people use these entities as convenences which afford them the opportunity to do other things and also get "SOMETHING" of the Word of God - which does not allow then to fulfill or acquire their full potential in Christ. . . HOW CAN WE HELP THEM? through prayer and personal encouragement. . .Romans 15:1-7 (NKJV) 1 We then who are strong ought to bear with the scruples of the weak, and not to please ourselves. 2 Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, leading to edification. 3 For even Christ did not please Himself; but as it is written, "The reproaches of those who reproached You fell on Me." 4 For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope. 5 Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus, 6 that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. 7 Therefore receive one another, just as Christ also received us, to the glory of God. Quote
FollowYeshua Posted May 3, 2010 Report Posted May 3, 2010 Q2. According to Hebrews 3:13 and 10:24-25, what should be a prime motive for meeting together with other Christians? What is our usual motivation? Why do Christians so often get out of the habit of attending church or a small group? How can we help these individuals? Hebrews 3:13 But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness.Hebrews 10:24-25 (New International Version) 24And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. 25Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another Quote
Ramon Posted October 26, 2010 Report Posted October 26, 2010 Q2. According to Hebrews 3:13 and 10:24-25, what should be a prime motive for meeting together with other Christians? What is our usual motivation? Why do Christians so often get out of the habit of attending church or a small group? How can we help these individuals? ANSWER: 1. According to Hebrews 3:13 and 10:24-25, what should be a prime motive for meeting together with other Christians? Hebrews 3:13-14- But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin 14- For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end; Hebrews 10:24-25-And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. 25Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another Quote
iam4_1god Posted January 2, 2011 Report Posted January 2, 2011 Q2. According to Hebrews 3:13 and 10:24-25, what should be a prime motive for meeting together with other Christians? What is our usual motivation? Why do Christians so often get out of the habit of attending church or a small group? How can we help these individuals? We should meet together to worship God, and to encourage each other. Catch up on gossip, and see the latest fashions. My reason is because there are no churches in my area that encourage others to come, and also, there is no outreach. If you don't belong to a "click" you don't belong. There are so many different reasons, and so many different churches. It seems all we want to do is argue about doctrine! I have been thinking about having a Bible study in my home-I just don't seem to be able to find anyone interested. The biggest concern seems to be doctrine-the truth is in the Bible, but most people don't seem to want to go there. I don't know what the answer is, except taking it to the Bible. Quote
blezed Posted March 21, 2011 Report Posted March 21, 2011 Q2. According to Hebrews 3:13 and 10:24-25, what should be a prime motive for meeting together with other Christians? What is our usual motivation? Why do Christians so often get out of the habit of attending church or a small group? How can we help these individuals? 1) The prime motive for meeting together with other Christians should be to encourage one another towards love and good deeds. 2) Our usual motivation is usually for our own selfish reasons. We consider ourselves first and foremost. We look at what I can get not how I can help someone else. 3) Christians often get out of the habit of attending church or a small group setting because we look at whether it meets our need. 4) We can help these individuals by encouraging them, praying for them and inviting them to attend service. Quote
servant for Christ Posted May 28, 2011 Report Posted May 28, 2011 Q2. According to Hebrews 3:13 and 10:24-25, what should be a prime motive for meeting together with other Christians? What is our usual motivation? Why do Christians so often get out of the habit of attending church or a small group? How can we help these individuals? The prime motive should be to exhort one another daily. Our usual motive is selfish. Christians often get out of habit of attending church because they are thinking of self. The day of Christ's return for His faithful is approaching. As it does, we will face many spiritual trials and persecutions, and much doctrinal deception. We must meet together regularly in order to encourage one another to hold fast to Christ and the apostolic faith of the new covenant. Quote
jacquie7 Posted January 9, 2012 Report Posted January 9, 2012 So that we may not become hardened by sins deceitfulness and to encourage each other. Our usual motivation is our own selfish needs which is contrary to the scriptures and Christian often get out of the habit of attending church or small groups based on whether or not it meets their own personal needs. Encouragement and explaining Christian responsibilities to help them to see that non-participation is contrary to the scriptures and God’s command to be obedient. Quote
Old Jerry Posted August 20, 2013 Report Posted August 20, 2013 The prime motive for meeting together with other Christians is to encourage them. Our usual motivation is to do what is the best for us. The reason that Christians so often get out of the habit of attending church or a small group is that they aren’t putting that group or church in the right priority. We are more interested in attending what we want rather then what the group needs.  We can help these individuals by encouraging them to attend church or small groups. Contact them when they miss church.   Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted September 5, 2015 Report Posted September 5, 2015 Q2. According to Hebrews 3:13 and 10:24-25, what should be a prime motive for meeting together with other Christians? What is our usual motivation? Why do Christians so often get out of the habit of attending church or a small group? How can we help these individuals? According to Hebrews 3:13 and 10"24-25, the prime motive for meeting together with other Christians is to worship the Lord our God, to exhort and edify our fellow believers. Most people only go to church once a week and forget about meeting together the rest of the week. This motivation is usually to impress other people that we great Christians, but we only deceive ourselves. Christians who usually miss one or two Sunday's of service and avoid meeting together for fellowship usually get involved in worldly activities and forget about God and fellow believers. We can help the individuals who make a habit of missing services and fellowship by encouraging them to go with us to services and join in  the meeting together. We should encourage them to hold fast to their hope in Christ, as we are commanded to do these things. Quote
Paula Price Posted July 10, 2018 Report Posted July 10, 2018 We are to meet together to exalt and lift each other up, which will strengthen us in our walk with God. We are to help each other in doing good deeds which is what is expected of us. Our usual motivation is to please God and to worship him and do his will. We fall out of the habit of doing this for various reasons but I think mostly because there are things going on in our churches that are not Godly. People are trying to do their own will and not God's will during services. There are a lot of things that has been added to services, trying to include everyone, regardless as to whether they are walking in the word or not. There are so many opinions and different ways of doing things and everybody wanting to have it their way it causes a riff and division of members. We forget that we are suppose to be worshipping God and doing His will. Who wants to attend meetings with a angry mob??? We can help by presenting ourselves as sincere Christians with the heart of Christ and showing others the way to serve and worship with the sincere heart of pleasing God and doing what He has commanded us to do in his word. Not my will, but Thy will, o Lord, be done. We were created to worship God and to do his will. "Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every word into judgment with every secret thing, whether it be good or evil". Quote
Godswriter Posted July 28, 2020 Report Posted July 28, 2020 Q2. According to Hebrews 3:13 and 10:24-25, what should be a prime motive for meeting together with other Christians? What is our usual motivation? Why do Christians so often get out of the habit of attending church or a small group? How can we help these individuals? The primary motive for believers meeting together is spur each other on in the faith and in good deeds and encourage each other in Word, pray for one another. We are supposed to do it because as the epistle of John says in the 4th chapter We love God because He first loved us. When He first loved us He chose to die for us on the cross at Calvary. That should cause us to desire to worship Him. Christians usually do it because to please God but not worship Him and do His will. People are usually doing God's will their will. Quote
Jesus Follower Posted January 2, 2021 Report Posted January 2, 2021 On 4/18/2007 at 5:15 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. According to Hebrews 3:13 and 10:24-25, what should be a prime motive for meeting together with other Christians? What is our usual motivation? Why do Christians so often get out of the habit of attending church or a small group? How can we help these individuals? To spur one another on to love and good deeds. To see what we can get out of church. "Me first " motivation. Temptation to put other things before church. Hard heartedness. Hearts cold toward one another. Prayer, love and obedience to the Father. Quote
Dove81 Posted December 1, 2024 Report Posted December 1, 2024 Q2. According to Hebrews 3:13 and 10:24-25, what should be a prime motive for meeting together with other Christians? For us to draw near to God, to fellowship with like minded people and to grow in our faith. What is our usual motivation? To motivate other believers, to encourage and strengthen one another. Why do Christians so often get out of the habit of attending church or a small group? Selfishness and to meet our own needs and desires. Some stop because they feel they have been hurt by someone in the church. How can we help these individuals? Pray for them and reach out to them tomsee if they are ok and why they haven’t attended service. Quote
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