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Q3. (Hebrews 10:26-31). (In your discussion, please resist the temptation to slam another Christian who might understand the security of the believer differently from you!) What kind of sin is expressed by the phrase, "deliberately keep on sinning" (10:26)? Is this talking about sins related to the weakness of our flesh or apostasy? What elements in 10:29 contribute to your understanding that this is indeed flagrant apostasy, not garden-variety sin?

  • 1 month later...

Q3. (Hebrews 10:26-31). What kind of sin is expressed by the phrase, "deliberately keep on sinning" (10:26)?

The sin expressed by the phrase, "deliberately keep on sinning" is a persistent rebellion towards God.

Is this talking about sins related to the weakness of our flesh or apostasy?

This is not about sins related to the weakness of our flesh. It is flagrant apostasy.

What elements in 10:29 contribute to your understanding that this is indeed flagrant apostasy, not garden-variety sin?

We can be sure that this is indeed flagrant apostasy because in verse 29 the author describes the sin as trampling the Son of God under foot, treating the blood of the covenant that sanctifies as an unholy thing and insulting the Spirit of grace.

29How much more severely do you think a man deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God under foot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace?
  • 1 month later...
Q3. (Hebrews 10:26-31). (In your discussion, please resist the temptation to slam another Christian who might understand the security of the believer differently from you!) What kind of sin is expressed by the phrase, "deliberately keep on sinning" (10:26)? Is this talking about sins related to the weakness of our flesh or apostasy? What elements in 10:29 contribute to your understanding that this is indeed flagrant apostasy, not garden-variety sin?

When people deliberately reject Christ's offer of salvation , they reject God's most precious gift. They ignore the leading of the Holy Spirit., the one who communicates to us God's saving love. This warning was given to Jewish Christians who were tempted to reject Christ for Judaism, but it applies to anyone who rejects Christ for anothr religion or, having understood Christ's atoning work.

Deliberately turning away from and keep on sinning. This sin is attributing to the devil what is the work of the Holy Spirit . It reveals a heart attitude of unbelief and unrepentance. Deliberate ongoing rejection of the work of the Holy Spirit is blasphemy because it is rejecting God Himself. This is talking about deliberate apostasy.

The point is that there is no other acceptable sacrifice for sin than the death of Christ on the cross. if someone deliberately rejects the sacrifice of Christ after clearly understanding the gospel teaching about it, then there is no way for that person to be saved, because God has not provided any other name under heaven by which we can be saved.

Any one who would dare trample the Son of God under foot and has insulted the Spirit of Grace is indeed flagrant apostasy. This is no way a garden- variety of sin.


Q3. (Hebrews 10:26-31). (In your discussion, please resist the temptation to slam another Christian who might understand the security of the believer differently from you!) What kind of sin is expressed by the phrase, "deliberately keep on sinning" (10:26)? Is this talking about sins related to the weakness of our flesh or apostasy? What elements in 10:29 contribute to your understanding that this is indeed flagrant apostasy, not garden-variety sin?

"26If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, 27but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. 28Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. 29How much more severely do you think a man deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God under foot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? 30For we know him who said, 'It is mine to avenge; I will repay,' and again, 'The Lord will judge his people.' 31It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." (10:26-31)

It is a sin of denying Christ and His death for our sins. It is apostacy, not accepting the gift of God His amazing grace that frees us from the fear of death and promises us eternal life in Christ.

WHO TRAMPLES THE SON OF GOD UNDER FOOT, I think this is the idea that you are totally dismissing what Christ has done for you and failure to accept Him what else is left, no animal sacrifice ever freed men of their sin it was just a delay till the Masiah came, He has come so their is nothing left. Christ died for all sins past present and future so that we would not be fearful of death, but if we reject Him there is no room in our hearts for the Spirit of Christ to heal us then we have made a place for the fear to return and bring more misery to our life. Praise be to God for His wonderful Mercy, Grace the freedom to chose life, His presious Son who has truly died that we might live, who makes us Holy as He is holy in the eyes of the Father.

Q3. (Hebrews 10:26-31). (In your discussion, please resist the temptation to slam another Christian who might understand the security of the believer differently from you!) What kind of sin is expressed by the phrase, "deliberately keep on sinning" (10:26)? Is this talking about sins related to the weakness of our flesh or apostasy? What elements in 10:29 contribute to your understanding that this is indeed flagrant apostasy, not garden-variety sin?
Q3. (Hebrews 10:26-31). (In your discussion, please resist the temptation to slam another Christian who might understand the security of the believer differently from you!) What kind of sin is expressed by the phrase, "deliberately keep on sinning" (10:26)? Is this talking about sins related to the weakness of our flesh or apostasy? What elements in 10:29 contribute to your understanding that this is indeed flagrant apostasy, not garden-variety sin?

I believe the phrase "deliberately keep on sinning" is talking strictly about apostasy -- any one who has deliberately turned away from God in total defiance and rejects the saving grace of our Saviour permanently. This could never refer to those who love God and temporarily succumb to temptations, as we all do, and who repent -- these are the sins that Jesus died to forgive us for. In verse 10:29, the phrases "trampled the Son of God underfoot" "treated as unholy the blood of the covenant that sanctified him" and "insulted the spirit of grace" - are all phrases that could never be said of those of us who know, love and trust our Lord and Saviour, even though we are sinners. These phrases belong to the purposely defiant and are indeed referring to apostasy.


The writer is meaning that those who deliberately reject Christ us their personal savior are rejecting Chirst Offer of Salvation, which is God's most precious gift.

The point is that there is no other acceptance sacrifice for sin than the death of Christ on the cross. If someone deliberately rejects the sacrifice of Christ after clearly understanding the Good News teaching about it,then there is no way for that person to be saved , because God Has not provided any other Name in all f Heaven for people to call on to save them.

The Sacrifice of Christ is tied with the Holy Spirit; therefore, to scorn Christ's sacrifice is to insult and disdain The Holy Spirit by arrogantly rejecting Him. The Holy Spirit is a person, not just a force or influance. To reject Him is to cut off the means of God's acceptance. This is equivalent to blasphemy against The Holy Spirit.

Q3. (Hebrews 10:26-31). What kind of sin is expressed by the phrase, "deliberately keep on sinning" (10:26)? Is this talking about sins related to the weakness of our flesh or apostasy? What elements in 10:29 contribute to your understanding that this is indeed flagrant apostasy, not garden-variety sin?

Any one who continues in sin deliberately having a choice between sinning or not to sin is in judgement because that is like trampling the grace of the cross. The weakness of the flesh is the sin which overcomes each one of us from time to time, the sin which is commited without thinking or of which is still not in our control. I was an alcholic; God took from me the desire to drink, but if I, having recieved that which is from God rejected it, I would be guilty of trampling the Sod of God under foot. If I choose to go on drinking how much more grace is there??

I had asked God hundreds of times to take away the burden of alchol and when He did, He also began a whole new work in me, changing everything. There are still things He is working on because I am a stuborn person, and besides I had only asked him to take away the alchohol. Each day the I in my life becomes less and less important and the Love of others and of God replaces it. The most important thing I have learned is, the quicker a person can get out of self and into God and others the better chance that person has in experiencing a life pleasing to God.

There is nothing in vrs 10:29 which indicates to me the writer is speaking of anything less than the fact that we are the light of the world and should show a light that is worthy of the grace given us through the sacrifice of God's Son on the cross.

Romans 6:14 For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace. 15 What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means! 16 Don't you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey--whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness?



Q3. (Hebrews 10:26-31). (In your discussion, please resist the temptation to slam another Christian who might understand the security of the believer differently from you!) What kind of sin is expressed by the phrase, "deliberately keep on sinning" (10:26)? Is this talking about sins related to the weakness of our flesh or apostasy? What elements in 10:29 contribute to your understanding that this is indeed flagrant apostasy, not garden-variety sin?

I spent five years in a charismatic church and later found the pastor was making babies outside his marriage in a long term sexual relationships over thirty years. His wife needed much psychiatric care for years. I fear for this man facing the living God because his behaviour flew right in the face of God. On the one hand he was teaching biblical principles and on the other ..... It is so clear what God thinks of this behaviour that you'd have to be very hard-hearted to continue in this vein. This is dangerously flying right in the face of God. He didn't disbelieve in God, but persisted in flagrant sin in his position of authority. It could be a weakness of the flesh type sin but it runs very close to apostasy. Sometimes God gives people up to their hardness of heart. It is terrifying.


Understanding I have here the text is saying if we sin wilfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth is pure apostasy. Cheap grace is a term used here, "I have a licence to sin, I'm saved, God is a loving God, He won't send me to hell, I can keep doing what I want to do." {unless there is repentance} you will find yourself in big trouble on that Day of Judgment.

Trampled the Son of God under foot.

Treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified him.

Insulted the Spirit of grace.

This is definite flagrant apostasy.


Refusing the Lord as Savior and His sacrifice of blood. Deliberately turning away from Jesus the Messiah.

After receiving the knowledge of truth and keep on sinning , this is deliberate.

These are sins related to deliberate turning away from the faith, flagrant deliberate apostasy.

Knowing the truth and still turn your back is rejecting Our Savior and rejecting what He sacrificed on the Cross for us.


When you know that you shouldn't do it and go ahead and do it anyway, you are deliberately sinning. This is not absentmindedly caving in to a fleshly desire, this is apostasy.

The application of the term apostasy here has given me a clearer understanding of the scripture.


Q3. (Hebrews 10:26-31).

What kind of sin is expressed by the phrase, "deliberately keep on sinning" (10:26)?

Turning deliberately away from faith in Christ--not weakness of the flesh.

Is this talking about sins related to the weakness of our flesh or apostasy?

This is referring to apostasy.

What elements in 10:29 contribute to your understanding that this is indeed flagrant apostasy, not garden-variety sin?

Trampled the Son of God under foot.

Treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified him.

Insulted the Spirit of grace.


This phrase deals with the rejection of Jesus Christ.

The writer of Hebrews in writing "...trampled the Son of God under foot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified him and who has insulted the spirit of grace? Heb 10:29 (NIV), does not seem to be talking about intentional or untentional sin we slip into. The degree of seriousness in the words that he is choosing would indicate that he talking about the rejection of the grace and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.


Q3. (Hebrews 10:26-31). What kind of sin is expressed by the phrase, "deliberately keep on sinning" (10:26)?

The statement deliberately keep on sinning refers to returning away from Christ as if Christ was not the Messiah.

Is this talking about sins related to the weakness of our flesh or apostasy?

This is speaking of apostasy, the denial of Christ.

What elements in 10:29 contribute to your understanding that this is indeed flagrant apostasy, not garden-variety sin?

In 10:29 this is not the occassional sin, but intentional sin, denying Christ, insulting the Holy Spirit, trampling the son of God under foot treating it as an unholy thing, etc....

Q3. (Hebrews 10:26-31). (In your discussion, please resist the temptation to slam another Christian who might understand the security of the believer differently from you!) What kind of sin is expressed by the phrase, "deliberately keep on sinning" (10:26)? Is this talking about sins related to the weakness of our flesh or apostasy? What elements in 10:29 contribute to your understanding that this is indeed flagrant apostasy, not garden-variety sin?

1) When you "deliberately keep on sinning", you are actually defying God. You are saying that he died on the cross for nothing.

2) Turning away from God or taking against the Holy Spirit would be good examples.

3) No! These sins can be forgiven.

4) This is indeed a rejection of God.

1) When you "deliberately keep on sinning", you are actually defying God. You are saying that he died on the cross for nothing.

2) Turning away from God or taking against the Holy Spirit would be good examples.

3) No! These sins can be forgiven.

4) This is indeed a rejection of God.


Q3. (Hebrews 10:26-31). What kind of sin is expressed by the phrase, "deliberately keep on sinning" (10:26)? Is this talking about sins related to the weakness of our flesh or apostasy? What elements in 10:29 contribute to your understanding that this is indeed flagrant apostasy, not garden-variety sin?

What kind of sin is expressed by the phrase, "deliberately keep on sinning" (10:26)?

* It is the continually rejecting of our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ

* To of known Him and yet deny Him

* To of know the truth and meaning of the cross and turn, for scripture say's

the truth will set you free and some refuse to stay free of the sins they are in.

Is this talking about sins related to the weakness of our flesh or apostasy?

* Apostasy

What elements in 10:29 contribute to your understanding that this is indeed flagrant apostasy, not garden-variety sin?

(1) One who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified him

(2) One who has insulted the Spirit of grace


When you continually deliberately sin, it is actually a life-style--an insult to God.

This is speaking about apostasy, not weakness of the flesh.

In 10:29: trample Jesus underfoot, treated blood of covenant as an unholy thing, and insulted the Spirit of Grace---show it is apostasy.

  • 2 weeks later...

The sin of apostacy, rejection of Christ, indicated by several phrases...."rejected the law of Moses", "trampled the Son of God under foot", "treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified him", "insulted the Spirit of grace".


Q3. (Hebrews 10:26-31). (In your discussion, please resist the temptation to slam another Christian who might understand the security of the believer differently from you!)

What kind of sin is expressed by the phrase, "deliberately keep on sinning" (10:26)? Continually walking away from truth, instead of walking toward it.

Is this talking about sins related to the weakness of our flesh or apostasy? This chapter is a call to preserve faith. In order to do that, we need to stay connected to God first of all, then family. This includes the family God has given us. (immediate and Christians) By doing this we will not become weakened in our faith which can lead to apostasy.

What elements in 10:29 contribute to your understanding that this is indeed flagrant apostasy, not garden-variety sin? Trampling on Christ jesus and what He has done for us. This is the grace that God sent Him for, and this is to be continually in the forefront of our mind. To forget what He did for us, is in my opinion to kill Him all over again. It


Q3. (Hebrews 10:26-31). What kind of sin is expressed by the phrase, "deliberately keep on sinning" (10:26)?

Apostasty - A sustained defiance towards God.

Is this talking about sins related to the weakness of our flesh or apostasy?

This is not talking about sins of the flesh but absolute apostasy - deliberately turning away from God.

What elements in 10:29 contribute to your understanding that this is indeed flagrant apostasy, not garden-variety sin?

All of the elements:

trampled the Son of God under foot

treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified him,

insulted the Spirit of grace :rolleyes:

  • 2 weeks later...
Q3. (Hebrews 10:26-31). (In your discussion, please resist the temptation to slam another Christian who might understand the security of the believer differently from you!) What kind of sin is expressed by the phrase, "deliberately keep on sinning" (10:26)? Is this talking about sins related to the weakness of our flesh or apostasy? What elements in 10:29 contribute to your understanding that this is indeed flagrant apostasy, not garden-variety sin?

I take this as one who has turned from accepting Jesus as his/she personal savior. This is not a garden-variety sin. This is the walking over on the Son of God. Since God has placed Jesus at his right side, to walk over Jesus means that you have a better way of salvation signifying you don


Q3. (Hebrews 10:26-31). (In your discussion, please resist the temptation to slam another Christian who might understand the security of the believer differently from you!) What kind of sin is expressed by the phrase, "deliberately keep on sinning" (10:26)?

I see "deliberately keep on sinning" as apostacy.

Apostacy is falling away from the faith.

How can a person commit apostacy, fall away from the faith in Jesus if they never had faith in Him in the first place?

A person who as seen in Heb 6:5- 6 Have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,

If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves

the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.

"Fall away" means to apostatize. Apostasy is falling away from the truth, the faith.

Here it is referring to Christ Jesus and His death and resurrection.

Apostasy is an act of rebellion to God. Once a person has tasted, that is to eat or experience the saving grace of God and tramples on the work of the cross, how? willfully, AND deliberately continue to live in sin, and chooses to go ones own way, has fallen away from the truth. Jesus came to make us a new creation, to free us from the power sin has on our lives.

Faith and trust in Jesus's work on the cross is striving to live righteous lives, and when we fall because the flesh is weak, we can repent and ask forgiveness, for the cross covers our sin.

How does a heart so heardened by sin, a person who willfully allows to let sin rule in their life, ever come to the point of REPENTANCE again ? For they have trampled on the work that Christ did, to set men free from the power of sin, not for man to willfully contiue in sin. It is mans choice, God never takes our choice away from us. This is why we must encourage each other in the church, for when we do fall and we will, don't let Satan condemn us, God is there to forgive our repentent heart, the cross has covered our sins and we can go boldly to the throne.

Repentance is turning away from sin, disobedience, or rebellion and a turning back to God. IT MEANS A CHANGE OF MIND, TURN AROUND, GOING IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION - IT IS GODLY SORROW. If a person no longer is repentent, there are no longer anymore sacrifices to be had, for Jesus was our sacrifice, once for all who will believe.

Is this talking about sins related to the weakness of our flesh or apostasy?

I think in a way they are one and the same - with the key word "WILLFULLY" (as shaking your fist in the face of God.) Jesus preached that repentance and faith are two sides of the same coin; by repentance one turns away from sin; by faith, one turns toward God in accepting the Lord Jesus Christ. Unless you repent, said Jesus, "you will all likewise perish" Repentance is turning from wickedness and dead works (Acts 2:38) and conversion is accompanied by humility. It is God's will and pleasure as well as His command, without which we cannot be saved (Luke 13:3)

Too many people think, once they except Christ as Lord they can continue to travel on the wide road, a road that leads to distruction, Repent, turn around and walk the narrow road, it leads to the end of the race, to God. Repent is the last word Christ said to five churches out of seven as seen in Revelation. The church must take heed.

Thank you God for the Cross and the power I received because of Christ Jesus my Bridegroom and my love for Him and for You, thank You for giving to me this wonderful gift.


The type of sins expressed in this phrase are those of the unbeliever deliberately rejecting and hardening his/her heart to the Lord Jesus Christ; and instead of accepting the Lord as his/her Lord and Savior, turns away to unbelief and apostasy and keeps turning or running away from the Lord. I believe that this is exactly the unforgivable sin and it cannot be committed by anyone who truly knows the Lord through the conviction of the Holy Spirit and God

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