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Q4. (Hebrews 10:35-36) Why is perseverance in faith hard sometimes? Why is perseverance so important? How is Christian fellowship important in perseverance? (3:12-14) What can we do to encourage other Christians in this sometimes difficult journey?

  • 1 month later...

Q4. (Hebrews 10:35-36) Why is perseverance in faith hard sometimes?

Perseverance in the faith is hard sometimes when we take our eyes of the cross and walk in the flesh. Jesus told us that we will be persecuted and this should come as an expectation not as a surprise. So that when we are persecuted our faith may rise to the ocasssion and grow in the strength of our Lord.

Why is perseverance so important?

If we are to receive a reward at the end of our journey we must persevere to the end.

How is Christian fellowship important in perseverance? (3:12-14)

Christian fellowship is important to perseverance because we continually encourage our brothers and sisters. In numbers there is strength.

What can we do to encourage other Christians in this sometimes difficult journey?

In this sometimes difficult journey we can encourage other Christians by our prayers, times spent together, giving our testimony, by sharing with them the Word of God - especially a word that pertains to the difficulty they are facing and by just having a listening ear, allowing them to talk through the problem.

  • 1 month later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q4. (Hebrews 10:35-36) Why is perseverance in faith hard sometimes? Why is perseverance so important? How is Christian fellowship important in perseverance? (3:12-14) What can we do to encourage other Christians in this sometimes difficult journey?

Hebrews encourages believers to persevere in their Christian faith and conduct when facing persecution and pressure. We don't usually think of suffering as good for us, but it can build our character and our patience . During times of great stress , we may feel God's presence more clearly and find help from Christians we never thought would care. Knowing that Jesus is with us in our suffering and that He will return one day to put an end to all pain helps us grow in our faith. We must show endurance that our faith is real. Faith means resting in what Christ has done for us in the past, It also means trusting Him for what He will do for us in the present and in the futurre .

( 1 Peter 1: 6-7 ) talks about how all believers face trials when they let their light shine into the darkness. We must persevere in faith during these trials of the refining process that burns away impurities and prepares us to meet Christ . Trials teach us patience and help us to grow to be the kind of people God wants. Struggles, and persecutions refine and strengthen our faith, making us useful to God. This process stretches us and the flesh does not like to be stretched. It also brings changes in us, and our flesh doesn't always like changes, it likes that comfort zone. But Praise God He loves us to much to leave us where we are and He carries us through to the next level of our walk with Him in Faith.

Christian fellowship in Perserverance is important because in prevents having an unbelieving heart. grow cold, and that leaves us open for the enemy to come in and deceive us, Stay in fellowship with other believers , talk daily about your mutual faith, and your needs. Have them pray with you.

What can we do to encourage other christians in this sometimes difficult journey?

We can be sensitive to their feelings, their needs, maybe their aloneness. Reach out to them, ask them if you can pray for them, maybe just a hug, maybe a phone call. I believe we must open our eyes and look at other christians, I mean really look! Let the Holy Spirit show you their heart. Don't just greet them and go on stop and really listen to what they are not saying.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q4. (Hebrews 10:35-36) Why is perseverance in faith hard sometimes? Why is perseverance so important? How is Christian fellowship important in perseverance? (3:12-14) What can we do to encourage other Christians in this sometimes difficult journey?

It seems to be human nature to feel hurt and insecure when we are openly persecuted. If we are not sincerely walking with, loving, and trusting in our Lord for ALL things, these moment of persecution will be shattering. They are indeed shattering momentarily to all of us. It is in the "picking ourselves us" (with God's help) and persevering in our trust of Him, that we grow closer to Him. It is a fact, proven many times over in my life, that God works through each of us for each other as we love Him. Our Christian fellowship then, is precious and so supportive and present for us right in the middle of our challenged moments. For this reason we need to make ourselves "ever available" to God and each other, so that God has us ready and waiting for the times He wants to use us in His ministry to others. We don't have many of the answers during these difficult times, but we do have the Source for our answers in God, and we have the strength of God flowing to us in our united front as we support each other. When we pray together He also imparts His patience to us, so we can confidently wait for His answers. Praise God, For They ALWAYS come.

Thank you Pastor Ralph for this wonderful Bible Study. I am so grateful. Thank you.


(Hebrews 10:35-36) Why is perseverance in faith hard sometimes? Why is perseverance so important? How is Christian fellowship important in perseverance? (3:12-14) What can we do to encourage other Christians in this sometimes difficult journey?

Perseverance in Faith is hard sometime because nobody would like to pass through any kind trials.We all seem to think that once we are saved then everything will just be rigth all the way.

Perseverance is impotant in that although some times we don't usually think of suffering as good for us , but it can build our charecter and our patience. During times of great stress we may feel God's presence more clearly and find help from Christians we never thought would care. Knowing that Jesus is with us in our suffering and that He will return one day to put an end to all pain helps us grow in our faith and relationship with Him.

When one is persecuted to give up and turn the back on Christ, remember the benefit of standing firm and continue to live for Christ. Patient endurance is not a way to be saved but the evidence that you are really committed to Jesus.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q4. (Hebrews 10:35-36) Why is perseverance in faith hard sometimes? Why is perseverance so important? How is Christian fellowship important in perseverance? (3:12-14) What can we do to encourage other Christians in this sometimes difficult journey?

Dear pastor Ralph:

Thank you so very much for these rich studies. They bring out necessary truths that we need to hear and understand. The questions are excellant in that we need to search the word as well as throughly read your notes for better understanding of the meaning of what the writer is pointing out.

I have been learning new revelations of the word that I had not seen before. This I appreciate and am grateful for the wisdom of your gifting as a teacher. Also the answers and views of other students are exciting to read. Thank you again.

In His Service

Christine ( Aka Tabatha )

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q4. (Hebrews 10:35-36) Why is perseverance in faith hard sometimes? Why is perseverance so important? How is Christian fellowship important in perseverance? (3:12-14) What can we do to encourage other Christians in this sometimes difficult journey?

Just like the nation of Israel, when they came to the banks of the Red Sea with the Egyptian army behind them, (Ex. 14:11 They said to Moses, "Was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you brought us to the desert to die? What have you done to us by bringing us out of Egypt? 12 Didn't we say to you in Egypt, 'Leave us alone; let us serve the Egyptians'? It would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the desert!") I too have felt alone and surrounded by troubles. Faith is hard at times especially when a person feels all alone. Sometimes all it takes is a prayer from a stranger, other times it takes more. The more is hard to find at times and that is why I really strive to live by the Good Samaritan example Jesus gave.

Just yesterday a motorhome pulled up outside our house, a lady exited and walked down the street. Her husband got out with two dogs on a leash and I went outside to tell him that he could bring the two dogs into the yard and let them cool off as it was over 100 degrees. He shared with me that he and his wife were picking up his stepdaughter for the summer. He also shared that the trip with the moterhome had cost way more than expected and that he tried to sell some things at the local pawn shop and had no luck. Well silly me I went in and told my wife what was going on and together we gathered what money we had and gave it to them. Most people wouldn't have noticed the trouble the man was in let alone inviting him into thier yard and then to give them gas money..

It is a lot easier to cry out to the LORD in times of trouble than it is to keep on when you feel that no one cares. (15 Then the Lord said to Moses, "Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on.)

I can't think of anywhere this verse applies today, you just won't find it. (Sometimes you were publicly exposed to insult and persecution; at other times you stood side by side with those who were so treated. 34 You sympathized with those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, because you knew that you yourselves had better and lasting possessions.) I guess you just have to consider two things: 1 who is your neighbor and 2 what is your goal??



Q4. (Hebrews 10:35-36) Why is perseverance in faith hard sometimes? Why is perseverance so important? How is Christian fellowship important in perseverance? (3:12-14) What can we do to encourage other Christians in this sometimes difficult journey?

It's' hard because our sinful flesh wants to go with the flow, to follow the worldly view instead of what God wants us to do. It is improtant becaus is keeps us on the path laid out by Jesus, the narrow path and few are they that find it. Christian fellowship removes us from the world where we can be refreshed in the word with fellow belivers, where we can go in time of weakness and have someone to lift us up. We incourage other because it's God will for us as christians to be there for each other in love and mercy helping all to come to a knowledge of Christ and His death and ressurection.


Yes it can be hard, very hard but as 2Timothy 3.12 tells us - 'yes and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution'. [For some people are not told about the last bit of that scripture just the promise of a better life when you come to Jesus.] We need to keep our eyes focused on Jesus.

Romans 5.3-4 'and not only so but we glory in tribulations [suffering] also: knowing that tribulation works patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope:'

Fellowship is important because we come together in encouraging, exhorting, praying for each other.

Show through scripture how every man and woman of God who was persecuted, tested, tempted and how they persevered through it all. I would even get them to read Foxes Book of Martyrs [that can go both ways though, so use discernment with that one]

Pray with them and Philippians 4.13 helps tremendously!


Sometimes when we don't see manifestation, we tend to doubt but we must remember that God's timing is different than ours. We need to keep on keeping on. Determination to reach the goal. And our goal is to live for eternity with Christ. We must keep our minds fixed on God and not let the things of this world get us down. We need to lift each other up and be encouragers when things aren't going the way we think they should. We must not quit but have the attitude and faith that we will win the race.


  Tabatha said:
Dear pastor Ralph:

Thank you so very much for these rich studies. They bring out necessary truths that we need to hear and understand. The questions are excellant in that we need to search the word as well as throughly read your notes for better understanding of the meaning of what the writer is pointing out.

I have been learning new revelations of the word that I had not seen before. This I appreciate and am grateful for the wisdom of your gifting as a teacher. Also the answers and views of other students are exciting to read. Thank you again.

In His Service

Christine ( Aka Tabatha )

Thank you Darrell for your testamony, It brought tears to my eyes. God Bless you back in your need.


Q4. (Hebrews 10:35-36) Why is perseverance in faith hard sometimes? Why is perseverance so important? How is Christian fellowship important in perseverance? (3:12-14) What can we do to encourage other Christians in this sometimes difficult journey?

Very many distractions millitate against our perseverance in faith. The most severe are probably connected with our carnal nature and addiction to the convenient. We need to develop and maintain focus through daily habits in order to retain the faith. If we have daily habits that run along with cleaning our teeth, then perhaps we'll last the distance.

Nothing gets achieved without perseverance, and neither does a lifetime of service to the Most High God. It's a basic!

Christian fellowship is essential, because it involves "provoking one another to good works". We need provocation. Everything we do is in a social context including the practice of our faith. If we dry up the social context it's like starving ourselves of food - we don't benefit but instead become thin and weak - and dead! Yes, yes, I know the real food is the Word of God, but don't we need to share the meal?

We need to get into the positive side of the word of God. So many people view it as lack of negative - eg holiness is the lack of sin! No it's Not! Holiness is the presence of wholeness, spiritual health, love, generousity, patience, gentleness, service and the preference of others, worship and songs of praise, adoration etc. Why is marriage sacred? Because God wants holy children (untraumatised, happy, obedient, busy, learning, growing, grateful, competent, adjustable, prosperous children.) When marriage is profaned the children are traumatised and devastated. That is an unholy child - broken and less than the potential he was created for.

We have adopted the world's view of Christianty as something that prohibits our fun. Yes, it prohibits that which damages, breaks and hurts, and promotes that which brings life, health, joy and peace, prosperity, truth. We need to show each other how our faith works vigorously, to listen to each other's testimonies and share them, to speak up when change is needed, to talk constantly of matters of faith (by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony). We need to be clear about the boundaries (what is and isn't sin, such as provocative dress). You say this is judging! No it's discernment, and when someone's been a Christian for a few years and still dressing immodestly, then we need to make it clear that they are attracting the wrong kind of attention so they can sort out how important their faith is to them. God wants us to be separated out from the world and we need to be prepared to do this. The Amish are a great example. I'm not saying we have to go that far, but we certainly have to "Come out of her, my people" (Rev 17). We won't encourage one another by building a tolerant, mutual approval society, but by clearly aiming to live holy lives and create holy communities."Don't do this and don't do that" are only the bottom line. The headlines are "Do it this way, and build it that way!"


Q4. (Hebrews 10:35-36) Why is perseverance in faith hard sometimes?

Persecution and ridicule of Christians can cause faith to waver unless one can stand firmly with eyes on the goal.

Why is perseverance so important?

Perseverance is so important because temptations, frustrations and trials will come in our lives and unless we are determined to persevere and keep our eyes on the goal.

How is Christian fellowship important in perseverance? (3:12-14)

Christian brothers and sisters can support each other in times of trials and difficulties and help each other to remain strong.

What can we do to encourage other Christians in this sometimes difficult journey?

We can love them, pray for them and with them, encourage them with words and deeds and remind them of the goal.


Perseverence in faith is hard sometimes because the world is not friendly to Christianity. Jesus' way is a foreign way and goes against just about everything the world represents and holds important. Most people, it seems, by nature follow the conventional whether right or wrong. Most people cannot stand on what they believe if it means standing outside the pack or herd. There is a fear of being free.

Spiritual growth, closeness to God and a multitude of other blessings, including being welcomed into Heaven, come as a result or reward for persevering.

The most important thing that we can do in encouraging others to persevere is to model it ourselves. Our example speaks volumes to others.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q4. (Hebrews 10:35-36) Why is perseverance in faith hard sometimes? Why is perseverance so important? How is Christian fellowship important in perseverance? (3:12-14) What can we do to encourage other Christians in this sometimes difficult journey?

1) Sometimes you have to go through a great deal of struggles and start loosing your faith, but if you persevere no matter what happens, you will gain your reward.

2)You are promised a heavenly reward if you continue to persevere.

3) It is usually harder for a Christian, because they are trying to live right and it seems like a lot of obstacles keep coming their way.

4) You can encourge them by telling them of your person experiences and keep telling them to keep the faith to believe that God will bring them through if they continue to believe.


Q4. (Hebrews 10:35-36) Why is perseverance in faith hard sometimes? Why is perseverance so important? How is Christian fellowship important in perseverance? (3:12-14) What can we do to encourage other Christians in this sometimes difficult journey?

Why is perseverance in faith hard sometimes?

* Because the problems or situation look or seem hopeless and we tend to allow fear in and when

we do then the fear ( false evident appearing real) takes the place of faith. This is when we turn

to prayer and the word of God and let the Holy Spirit led us, teach us and comfort us.

Why is perseverance so important?

* Perseverance will bring the answer, the victory and the prize of the high calling in Christ

Jesus as we know Paul understood and said so.

"35 So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. 36 You need

to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what

he has promised." (10:35-36)

How is Christian fellowship important in perseverance?

* So that we can encourage one another

What can we do to encourage other Christians in this sometimes difficult journey?

* Pray with them

* Take them to the word and teach them to apply it or lead them to remembrance of it

* Bring light into a dark situation

* Stand with them and love them with the God kind of love

* Most importantly tell them God loves them and is with them and that He will never leave

them nor forsake them


Perseverance in our faith is difficult sometimes because of the trials we must go through.

It is important because we need to finish the race & earn the rewards.

Christian fellowship helps us to persevere--by encouraging each other--to spur us on!

Keep our eyes on Jesus & help others to make it through their trials too. Love each other.

  • 2 weeks later...

Perseverance is hard because of ridicule from others and rejection. It is important because we need perseverance in order to finish the race. Fellowship can help by providing encouragement.


Q4. (Hebrews 10:35-36) Why is perseverance in faith hard sometimes? I think it is because we forget how far we have come. Something comes along and we begin to deal with it. We often forget that God can handle our problems no matter how big or small. We tend to loose the value of what is important, our conviction to our commitment. We here in America, deal with persecution on a very small basis, while others in countries far away from us honestly are being beaten and imprisoned for their faith, just like the write of Hebrews has reminded the Jews to not forget their earlier days of their terrible sufferings, when all was taken from them. We forget how small our troubles are in comparison to the great big God that we serve.

Why is perseverance so important? Because perseverance keeps us stead fast in our faith.

How is Christian fellowship important in perseverance? (3:12-14) Because we all have an enemy , who is the enemy of God Almighty. We are all in danger of the one who comes to kill and destroy the house of Israel, the body of Christ, whether we are jew or Gentile, we are all fighting the same enemy. The powers and the principalities

, the spiritual warfare that we all battle, against the flesh of man kind that has fallen into sin and disobedience. Unbelief and disobedience leads to the grave of sin and we need to continually exhort each other daily to remain steadfast and faithful to the cause which we are all called to, according to the purpose of which we are all called to.

What can we do to encourage other Christians in this sometimes difficult journey?

We all just need to continually be persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. We need to remember that this earth is not our home and that someday, we will all sit in judgment of truth, for what we stay steadfast in. Our belief and obedience to stay connected to God first and everything else falls into it


Q4. (Hebrews 10:35-36) Why is perseverance in faith hard sometimes?

We don't want to be criticized for our faith. We want to be with our friends and follow our fleshly desires.

Why is perseverance so important?

Perseverance is important because temptations are always just around the corner. Without our constant perseverance we would fail. We need to persevere and keep our focus on Jesus.

How is Christian fellowship important in perseverance?

Fellowship with other Christians give us the encouragement we need to persevere.

(3:12-14) What can we do to encourage other Christians in this sometimes difficult journey?

We can encourage them and pray for them and be a good example. :rolleyes:


Perserverance in faith is hard sometimes because often the flesh is weak and it is easy to give into temptation and give up.

Perserverance is so important because it is important to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith.

Christian fellowship is important in perserverance in that those who are strong in the faith can exhort and encourage the weaker brethren.

We can encourage other Christians in this sometime difficult journey by praying with and for them, exhorting and encouraging them in their faith, and just being there for them.


Q4. (Hebrews 10:35-36) Why is perseverance in faith hard sometimes?

We start out in our "faith walk" as a baby in Christ. We have to learn how to persevere - our flesh tells us another way. Persevering is a learning process, trusting God in all things, at all times, good or bad.

Why is perseverance so important?

It is very important we persevere (steadfast effort to follow God's commands and do His work) because there is a human enemy, a great opposer of God, an enemy who rules this world, who has great power, who is out to steal and kill those who love God. He is Satan, and he is out to destroy the "faith" the people that love God have - perseverance is so important!!

How is Christian fellowship important in perseverance? (3:12-14)

We the church in order to stand strong for the Lord must be in fellowship with one another, with fellowship meaning, caring, praying, sharing God's Word, encouraging, up lifting each other in the Faith.

What can we do to encourage other Christians in this sometimes difficult journey?

Let them know - sometimes the journey will be difficult! But God will be there!! The more one perseveres, the closer one grows to God. The more the brethren helps his brother to persevere the closer he grows in the Lord God. This is why Christ Jesus went to the cross, so we can have power to persevere. It is our perseverances that pleases God, for through it God sees our love for Him.

If a babe in Christ thinks all will be smooth and they will not have trials or testing, this is a false teaching; It is important they understand - God tells us, "take up your cross." Expect those difficult times and when they come, you will be ready to practice "perseverance." (We must also be there for them, for we are the family of God.) Persevere!

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q4. (Hebrews 10:35-36) Why is perseverance in faith hard sometimes? Why is perseverance so important? How is Christian fellowship important in perseverance? (3:12-14) What can we do to encourage other Christians in this sometimes difficult journey?

The perseverance in faith is hard sometimes because we have two mindsets; to live in this world and to follow God


There are several reasons why perseverance in faith is so hard sometimes, among them are: we sometimes get hard-pressed by the world to follow her ways; when we are suffering, it

  • 3 months later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q4. (Hebrews 10:35-36) Why is perseverance in faith hard sometimes? Why is perseverance so important? How is Christian fellowship important in perseverance? (3:12-14) What can we do to encourage other Christians in this sometimes difficult journey?

Perseverance in faith is only hard when your flesh say to you it is hard, but when you know that you are doing the will of God for His purpose you will receive His promise.

Perseverance is important for God to get the glory from it.

We can encourage other Christians by being a witness in scriptures and truth.

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