davidjjj Posted February 13, 2008 Report Posted February 13, 2008 Q2. (Hebrews 11:6) The first element of faith is belief in God's existence. Why is the second element just as essential to true faith? The 2nd aspect is relational aspect where the 1st is merely factual; the 2nd aspect is built upon the first. What does it mean to "seek" God? I think we see something of the answer to this in the Psalms, David in pursuit of God! As the deer pants for the waters so my soul longs after you (42) we see the desire to know God, we hear it in Moses’ cry- “show me Your glory” (Ex 33) we hear it in Paul’s cry “I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings” (Phil 3) I think to seek God means also means to make Him our priority- we seek first His kingdom and righteousness. Then we see all those in the OT who sought the Lord in prayer for wisdom and intervention- we see for example in the life of Hezekiah a man who sought God in everything he undertook: 2Ch 31:20 This is what Hezekiah did throughout Judah, doing what was good and right and faithful before the LORD his God. In everything that he undertook in the service of God’s temple and in obedience to the law and the commands, he sought his God and worked wholeheartedly. And so he prospered What difference does it make whether or not you believe God will reward seekers? Jacob wrestled with God- declaring- “I will not let You go unless You bless me” he received a blessing (and humility i.e. a permanent limp). As he held on to God, he got something of answer- he learned something of God’s mercy and power! Jacob was a bit of a scoundrel, but God loved him- there was a quality in Jacob that God was pleased with, and I believe that it was because Jacob wanted the inheritance and blessing, he valued them and prized the things of God and would not let them go. He believed God would reward those who diligently seek Him- he had faith! The one who seeks finds (Mat 7:8) God wants us to value Him so much that we will give up everything else to know the reward of His gracious presence in our lives! (Mat 13:45-46) He wants us to seek things above where Christ is seated (Col 3:1). He wants us to hold on to His promises (both for this life and the next) see Hebrews11:33 re promises for this life and re the next see Heb 11:13 (promises fulfilled in Christ) So the “difference” is huge, when we seek God in prayer He wants us to believe for answers Mat 7, Mark 11:22-24, James 1:6. The difference is seen in the last reference, if we ask God for wisdom but do not believe He will truly supply it- we will not receive it! (James 1:7) Quote
God's leading lady Posted May 29, 2008 Report Posted May 29, 2008 I am not really sure what the second element may be however trust is very important in depending on God for all your needs and wants. In the word of God it states the those who seek him will find him. Those who seek him not only will find him but will be rewarder. Quote
JanMary Posted July 15, 2008 Report Posted July 15, 2008 Q2. (Hebrews 11:6) The first element of faith is belief in God's existence. Why is the second element just as essential to true faith? Even Satan believes in God! The second element is seeking to know God...to not only believe IN Him, but to BELIEVE Him. To be personally intimate with our God and Father. What does it mean to "seek" God? The opposite of passivity...It's an active searching, continuously looking and reaching for Him through prayer, listening, spending time with Him and in His Word....wanting to please Him through active faith in Him. What difference does it make whether or not you believe God will reward seekers? It's a pleasurable promise....it's motivating, to keep on keeping on during dry spells or times when one might otherwise slack off or tune out in the relationship. We're wired up to want positive reinforcement...so reward for seekers shows how well our Creator knows and loves us. It also tells me how much it means to Him to have children who will seek Him...that He wants it to be a positive endeavor for the rest of our lives. Quote
Patricia A Posted August 26, 2008 Report Posted August 26, 2008 Q2. (Hebrews 11:6) The first element of faith is belief in God's existence. Why is the second element just as essential to true faith? What does it mean to "seek" God? What difference does it make whether or not you believe God will reward seekers? Q2. (Hebrews 11:6) The first element of faith is belief in God's existence. Why is the second element just as essential to true faith? The second element is so essential as it means to develop that close relationship with God. Our relationship with God is the most important thing in our life. What does it mean to "seek" God? To seek God means that we live our lives constantly striving to make our relationship with God a more real and living one. This can be done through prayer, studying the Word, meditation and praising God. What difference does it make whether or not you believe God will reward seekers? Through faith, we know God will reward seekers because there can be no greater reward than a close relationship with God forever. Quote
Sheryl Posted March 14, 2009 Report Posted March 14, 2009 It is not enough to just believe God exists. God desire a personal relationship with us in order to draw us nearer to Him which means seeking to know Him intimately and passionately. To seek God means to develop a relationship with Him through prayer and the Word of God. It means getting an understanding through the Spirit of God what pleases and displeases Him. It makes a great difference. If you don't believe, you won't receive all God has in store for you. Quote
hanks Posted June 15, 2009 Report Posted June 15, 2009 Q2. (Hebrews 11:6) The first element of faith is belief in God's existence. Why is the second element just as essential to true faith? What does it mean to "seek" God? What difference does it make whether or not you believe God will reward seekers? We seek God by prayer; by praying earnestly, and in full confidence! God invites us to come to him in full assurance that he will hear and answer prayers. We will receive pardon, mercy, and peace. Rewards can never be earned. In his sovereign goodness, God grants rewards not in terms of payments, but as blessings on his people. God grants us the gift of life eternal. Quote
kiwidenis Posted August 4, 2009 Report Posted August 4, 2009 Q2. (Hebrews 11:6) The first element of faith is belief in God's existence. Why is the second element just as essential to true faith? We not only believe that Abba God exists ... we also believe that HE is faithful and true to HIS promises. If He was not He could not be God! and therefore would not deserve our faith and devotion. What does it mean to "seek" God? What difference does it make whether or not you believe God will reward seekers? Importantly we know that before we seek God - HE first sought out us! this is the amazing Good News of our Father's love. and NOW knowing that we are loved and that our Father seeks us out we obey HIS commandment to seek him. The word seek [Gk] is in the continuous present meaning We don't just look out for HIM one time. it is a continuous task we are urged to be continuously seeking and following our Abba Father... it makes sense - if someone as wonderful as our Heavenly Father has sought us out - its a no brainer that we should be attentive and respond to HIS love for us by giving HIM our full attention and devotion. As Jesus taught us in Matt 6:33 "Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all other (necessary) things will be yours as well." As someone said .. If we don't seek His Kingdom FIRST .. then we do not really seek it at all! I believe it may make no difference if we did not know God will reward seekers ... He commands us to seek - so we obey - knowing that our rewards are 'laid up in glory' Our task is to 'Trust and Obey' Him now. and there is no better option available. God bless you all and may HE continue to draw us closer to Himself through HIS mighty love for you and me : ) Quote
C Riv Posted September 10, 2009 Report Posted September 10, 2009 Q2. (Hebrews 11:6) The first element of faith is belief in God's existence. Why is the second element just as essential to true faith? What does it mean to "seek" God? What difference does it make whether or not you believe God will reward seekers? Thru out the scriptures God is calling to us to come to Him. When we come He will look after us, supply us with our needs, not our wants. To come to Him and surrender to Him takes faith, so to go that distance then one has to believe that God will reward them also. It has to be all the way or none. Believe with all your heart. To seek God is to come to that place in ones life where they surrender all to Him, your heart mind and soul are His for the taking, the teaching the grooming. You are looking for that one on one relationship, He becomes more then just a pray to once a day, but becomes involved in all your activities, thoughts and conversations of the day. To believe that God will reward seekers is very important and makes all the difference in the world. To claim one has faith but then say you are not sure about rewards for seekers of God is like saying you believe God made the earth and all that is in it, but you are unsure of the miracles that took place thru out time. To believe that God exists and that He will reward all who seek Him, one has to have faith for it is impossible to come to Him and please Him without it. Quote
DrD Posted May 3, 2010 Report Posted May 3, 2010 Believing in the existence of God is also experienced by demonic or evil spirits who according to the Word of God "shudder" at such but are in no way changed because of this belief. . . Believing that God rewards those who seek Him diligently / earnestly is what results in our being recompensed or rewarded by Him. . . Believing that God rewards those who are earnest, sincere, and / or persistent in our quest is important in rewards being manifest - if we don't ask we shouldn't expect to receive - if we refuse to seek we shouldn't expect to find anything and if we refuse to knock we can't expect to get an answer. . . Quote
peaches Posted July 11, 2010 Report Posted July 11, 2010 To seek God means to seek His will. When we seek the will of God, we are essentially finding out what pleases Him (Ephesians 5:10). When we show God that we are looking for and desire to do the things that please Him, we are exercising faith. God sees that, and in turn, he rewards us on the basis of our persistent, diligent search of what He wants. Quote
Ramon Posted November 2, 2010 Report Posted November 2, 2010 Q2. (Hebrews 11:6) The first element of faith is belief in God's existence. Why is the second element just as essential to true faith? What does it mean to "seek" God? What difference does it make whether or not you believe God will reward seekers? Hebrews 11:6(Amplified)- But without faith it is impossible to please and be satisfactory to Him. For whoever would come near to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He is the rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him [out]. Hebrews 11:6(KJV)- But without faith [it is] impossible to please [him]: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and [that] he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Answer: Seeking God is as important as believing in God.In seeking Him,then we will have understanding and revelation to do His will.Seeking God is to continue learning,and fellowship with Him through His Words in the Bible. Knowing God,through His Word will set us free..free from condemnation,free from self righteousness,free from satan deception.. John 8:31-32- 31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, [then] are ye my disciples indeed 32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. God will reveal Himself to you,through His Words,if indeed we continue to seek Him.The More we know God,the more we know what is His will for us.. Ephesians 1:17-18- That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: 18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints God will reward those who seek Him..because it is His nature,though it should not be our motivation in seeking Him.Rather we seek God,because we Love Him,we want to Know Him,and have fellowship Quote
iam4_1god Posted January 9, 2011 Report Posted January 9, 2011 Q2. (Hebrews 11:6) The first element of faith is belief in God's existence. Why is the second element just as essential to true faith? What does it mean to "seek" God? What difference does it make whether or not you believe God will reward seekers? Seeking God to me means a lot of things. Reading His word every day-praying in the Spirit-being obedient. Jesus said that when we're being good to others, we're being good to Him. Also-when others criticize us for believing and being dedicated to seeking God, we stand firm and don't back down-these are what I believe to mean seeking God. I believe that the word of God is true. God wants us to believe Him, and know that He will keep His word-otherwise, what's the use? All the things we go through because we believe-for what? Because we know that there is a better day coming! Mansions, and streets of gold! We can not comprehend what waits for us there! Quote
blezed Posted March 24, 2011 Report Posted March 24, 2011 Q2. (Hebrews 11:6) The first element of faith is belief in God's existence. Why is the second element just as essential to true faith? What does it mean to "seek" God? What difference does it make whether or not you believe God will reward seekers? 1) The second element of faith is essential because it is not just enough to believe in God's existence, even the demons believe God exist. God wants a personal relationship with you. 2) To "seek" God means to put forth an effort to find out or learn something. To deligently search. 3) It makes a difference whether or not you believe God will reward seekers because it shows the sincerity in your seeking Him. Those who sincerely look for him will find that they are rewarded with God's intimate presence. Quote
servant for Christ Posted May 28, 2011 Report Posted May 28, 2011 Q2. (Hebrews 11:6) The first element of faith is belief in God's existence. Why is the second element just as essential to true faith? What does it mean to "seek" God? What difference does it make whether or not you believe God will reward seekers? The second is just as essential because we must believe that He will reward us when we earnestly seek Him, knowing that our greatest reward is the joy and presence of God Himself. He is our shield and our exceeding great reward. to seek God is to go in search of, to ask for, to try to acquire or gain. We are to learn more about our Lord, become close to Him. If we do not believe God,we are gong to miss out on His promises for us. Quote
jacquie7 Posted January 16, 2012 Report Posted January 16, 2012 The second element is essential because God rewards us with His intimate presence. He develops a personal relationship and transforms us into the image of His Son. To seek Him means to act on the faith that He does exist, to do more than just know Him on the surface, but to desire; and develop a more personal relationship with Him. I am not sure if it does make a difference. For example, some may seek Him out based upon an inner feeling they have that He exists without the thought of a reward. It is more of seeking out and having a personal and intimate relationship with your Creator. Once He is found and makes Himself known to the seeker, the hope of reward comes afterwards. Quote
Old Jerry Posted August 27, 2013 Report Posted August 27, 2013 The reason that the second element is just as essential to truth faith is that even the demons believed in the One God. But if we really want to be with God then we need to seek Him and want to know more about Him. We know that if we seek Him He will live eternally with Him in heaven when we transition into the next life. This makes all the difference in the world. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted September 10, 2015 Report Posted September 10, 2015 Q2. (Hebrews 11:6) The first element of faith is belief in God's existence. Why is the second element just as essential to true faith? What does it mean to "seek" God? What difference does it make whether or not you believe God will reward seekers? Hebrews 11:6, the first element of faith, that God exist, the second element is also necessary, to seek God out, to approach him. To seek God means we not only know that God exist, but we want to know him and his righteousness, we want to come into his presence. Whether we believe that God rewards those who seek him, is a promise that he will answer those that knock and the door will be opened to them. We know through faith that God will reward those who seek him and his promises. Quote
Paula Price Posted July 14, 2018 Report Posted July 14, 2018 The second element is just as important has our belief because it is what is asked of us or commanded of us as believers to do. When we believe, we should want to learn more of what he requires because that is how we enter into the kingdom and that is the goal, right? to see God and be with him forever? Well, He has commanded us to seek him and to ask of him and to let him in when he knocks.(Matthews) We are to do his will just as he was to do the father's will. If we say we believe then we should want to trust and obey for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus. That is the word and we must walk in his word and do his will. Jesus always did the will of the Father, and we must do the same. He promised us a reward and if we believe we, will receive! He said it and God can not lie! He is a promise keeper! It makes a difference and the difference is eternal life, for if we do not believe we will not receive, God said so.... And why would we not want to believe??? We are not only to believe, but to obey his commandments and do his will. That is what He said for us to do and when we do, we will be rewarded... Don't we expect for our children to obey us??? Isn't there a consequence when they don't??? We are the children of God. He has commanded us to trust and obey and to walk in his word and do his will in order to receive our reward. I'm just trying to get to heaven..... to be with the Father... I am going to do whatever is required and thank Him for mercy and grace which covers me when I'm weak and fall short... Thank You Lord....Thank You Jesus!!!! I praise your Holy name!!!! Quote
Paula Price Posted July 19, 2018 Report Posted July 19, 2018 The second element is just as important to believe as the first because God said it. He said he would reward those who seek him and what point is it to believe that He is God and He exists if we are not going to believe in Him to do what He promises to do?? It matters that we believe because that is what is required of us to receive his promises. He has already done what He said he will do. We are required to seek him, to do His will, that is a commandment!! Not a request! When we want a service from someone, there is a requirement to pay in order to receive the service and if we do not meet that requirement we do not get the service. In order to receive from God, we must meet His requirements. Belief, is His requirement. Seek Him, is His requirement. Any other thing He ask of us is His requirement. It is His will that we are to do. Not ours or anyone else. His will be done. Thy will be done. Quote
Godswriter Posted August 9, 2020 Report Posted August 9, 2020 Q2. (Hebrews 11:6) The first element of faith is belief in God's existence. Why is the second element just as essential to true faith? What does it mean to "seek" God? What difference does it make whether or not you believe God will reward seekers? The second element requires more than just mere belief since we must be willing to say that We know that He exists and that He will reward us for choosing to seek Him. We must be willing to accept His will as He has it for us meaning that we believe it is good, acceptable, and perfect for that is how He planned it. We must also be willing to bring all decisions to Him both great and small. The difference is that when we believe we are choosing to show that we are seeking Him and we want to please Him. Quote
Jesus Follower Posted January 14, 2021 Report Posted January 14, 2021 On 4/18/2007 at 5:20 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Hebrews 11:6) The first element of faith is belief in God's existence. Why is the second element just as essential to true faith? What does it mean to "seek" God? What difference does it make whether or not you believe God will reward seekers? It shows we believe in God's goodness,grace, and favor. That He is faithful and will save us in response to our faith. Pursue closeness with God with sustained diligence. Even demons believe in God. They shudder, because they don't seek Him and will be punished eternally. No reward for them. Quote
royk Posted November 16, 2022 Report Posted November 16, 2022 (Hebrews 11:6) The first element of faith is belief in God's existence. Why is the second element just as essential to true faith? What does it mean to "seek" God? What difference does it make whether or not you believe God will reward seekers? God calls each of His elect, those He foreknew; We're unable to decide to seek Him of our own initiative as we afre first "in the world," from birth. God's word clearly provides many promises for those who seek Him with their whole heart,... not out of curiosity Quote
Dove81 Posted December 26, 2024 Report Posted December 26, 2024 Q2. (Hebrews 11:6) The first element of faith is belief in God's existence. Why is the second element just as essential to true faith? The second element is just as essential because with true faith you’ll have a desire to have intimacy with God. To know him for yourself which will cause you to seek him and what to know more of his character traits. What does it mean to "seek" God? To yearn to know more of him about him. To study his word to have an intimate relationship with him. What difference does it make whether or not you believe God will reward seekers? If you don't believe then how do you believe he will give you eternal life? How can you believe he is real if you cant believe he will reward those who diligently seek him. Quote
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