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Q3. Every religion has its own kind of faith. What is the content of the Judeo-Christian type of faith that sets it apart from any other? What is the basis of Noah's faith (11:7)? What is the basis of our faith? How does faith grow (see Romans 10:17)

Q3. Every religion has its own kind of faith. What is the content of the Judeo-Christian type of faith that sets it apart from any other?

The Judeo-Christian type of faith is different from other faiths as our God is living now and will live always.  Our faith is based on the birth, life, death for our sins and ressurection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

What is the basis of Noah's faith (11:7)?

Noah believed God, had a fear of God and obeyed God.

What is the basis of our faith?

Our faith is based on our strong belief that Jesus is the Son of God and is God, that He lived on earth, died for our sins and rose from the dead. We believe those who accept His invitations will live with Him forever in a state of true joy.

How does faith grow (see Romans 10:17)?

Faith grow by living a life close to God which includes prayer, hearing and studying His Word and by believing His promises

. :rolleyes:

  • 6 months later...

I think what sets it apart from other faiths is the reality of Jesus as the sacrificed Son of God, sent by God to save sinners through the blood on Calvary. Most other religions other than Christian, believe in God but substitute the reality of Jesus with some other human figure instead of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Noah's faith was based on holy fear as a result of believing God when he was warned of the inevitable.

Our faith is based on believing the assurances of God.

Faith grows as we grow in the knowledge of God through the Word of God combined with the work of the Holy Spirit in us. ;)

  • 3 months later...

Q3. Every religion has its own kind of faith.

What is the content of the Judeo-Christian type of faith that sets it apart from any other?

The Old Testament saints and the readers of this epistle share a common faith and together reap the benefits of a fulfilled promise. We as believers are made perfect through the work of Christ.

What is the basis of Noah's faith (11:7)?

The faith of Noah was based on God's warning that He was going to destroy the world with a flood. There had never been a flood in human experience yet Noah believed God and built an ark, even though he was probably very far from navigable waters.

What is the basis of our faith?

Jesus Christ.

How does faith grow (see Romans 10:17)?

We read in Romans 10:17,

  • 2 months later...
Q3. Every religion has its own kind of faith. What is the content of the Judeo-Christian type of faith that sets it apart from any other? What is the basis of Noah's faith (11:7)? What is the basis of our faith? How does faith grow (see Romans 10:17)

The Judeo- Christian type faith is that Jesus is Gods true Son who was sent to earth born of a virgin named Mary, suffered, was crusifed, He died and rose again three days later and now sits at the right hand of the Heavenly Father. We believe that one day He will come back for His followers and that we will be given eternal life. Our God is a live! Jesus walked among fellow humans but He was perfect, without blemish. Noahs faith came from Godly fear. God told him what to do and why, and Noah did not question God but believed in what God had to say. My faith comes from those individuals who shared the Word of God with me at an early age. The seed of Christ was planted in me and the more I read the scriptures, listened, talked and prayed the more the Holy Spirit grew in me, and still is growing. Hearing Gods Word strenghtens my faith and helps it grow. :rolleyes:

  • 7 months later...

We believe that our God is eternal, all powerful and present everywhere at all times - that He is faithful to His Word, promises His character and His will. . . He is a God of love and although there are consequences to sin and disobedience, it is not His will that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. . . He has prepared a place wherein we can live eternally in His presence. . . He is the Creator and Maker of all things and all things whether in heaven, on earth, or beneath the earth are under His control and are subject to Him and in the end will honor Him. . .

Noah had a faith wherein he trusted God enough to obey His commands and comply with His will before seeing the results. . .

The basis of our faith is the same - loving God enough to trust Him - to stand on His Word and promises and to obey His commands before realizinbg the results. . .John 20:29 (NKJV)

Jesus said to him, "Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

Faith grows and increases through hearing the Word of God and acting on His Word - an important element to hearing is having an action that responds bases on what is heard - having a "corresponding action". . .


  • 5 months later...

Q3. Every religion has its own kind of faith. What is the content of the Judeo-Christian type of faith that sets it apart from any other? What is the basis of Noah's faith (11:7)? What is the basis of our faith? How does faith grow (see Romans 10:17)?


1.Every religion has its own kind of faith. What is the content of the Judeo-Christian type of faith that sets it apart from any other?


  • 2 months later...

Q3. Every religion has its own kind of faith. What is the content of the Judeo-Christian type of faith that sets it apart from any other? What is the basis of Noah's faith (11:7)? What is the basis of our faith? How does faith grow (see Romans 10:17)

All I know is, I take God at His word! I read it every day, and that is how my faith grows. The Word of God tells us all we need to know to grow in faith, and to actively seek God. Noah took God at His word, and built an ark!

  • 2 months later...

Q3. Every religion has its own kind of faith. What is the content of the Judeo-Christian type of faith that sets it apart from any other? What is the basis of Noah's faith (11:7)? What is the basis of our faith? How does faith grow (see Romans 10:17)

1) Judeo-Christian is the type of faith that is set aside from others isbecause of the strong belief in God.

2) The basis of Noah's faith is his reference and obedience to God. He believed God event though their was no sign of a flood.

3) The basis of our faith is that we acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God, He died for our sins and we trust and believe His word.

4) Faith grows when we study God's Word, Hear God's Word and Believe God's Word.

  • 2 months later...

Q3. Every religion has its own kind of faith. What is the content of the Judeo-Christian type of faith that sets it apart from any other? What is the basis of Noah's faith (11:7)? What is the basis of our faith? How does faith grow (see Romans 10:17)

I think the Judeo-Christian type of faith is believing in God, in someone we cannot see,yet knowing that he lives and loves us. The basis of Noah's faith was godly fear. Noah treated God's message with great respect and awe. His faith was expressed in obedience. I think my faith is the same, based on godly fear. My heart's desire is to be closer to the Lord than ever before. As I pray and seek His face, I will have that closeness. Because He will give us our heart's desire. Our faith grows by hearing and believing the Word of God.

  • 7 months later...

The basis of Noah’s faith is his obedience. The basis of our faith is hearing the word of God and it grows through our continued study of the word and hearing of the word; and through Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith.

  • 1 year later...

We believe that Jesus Christ was born to the Virgin Mary, walked this earth, was crucified on the cross, was in the tomb for three days and nights and was resurrected and is sitting at the right hand of God interceding for us.


The basis of Noah’s faith is that he knew God and worshiped him and knew that the flood that had informed him was going to happen. Our faith is that Jesus Christ is going to return and that we are going to be with him.


Our faith grows by hearing the message and the message is heard through the word of Christ.



  • 2 years later...

Q3. Every religion has its own kind of faith. What is the content of the Judeo-Christian type of faith that sets it apart from any other? What is the basis of Noah's faith (11:7)? What is the basis of our faith? How does faith grow (see Romans 10:17)

With all the religions on the earth Judeo-Christian type of faith sets it apart from all of them. Faith is the remarkable key that we must have to believe in God, his promises and his trust worthiness. Other religions have to work for a reward to get into heaven. Judeo-Christians know that God is a holy God, we can never work our way to him or get into heaven. He has provided a way for us to approach him and come into his presence, this is the work of his only begotten Son, Jesus who is the Christ.

Noah's faith was that he believed God when told to build an arch, because the world was to be destroyed by water. Only Noah and his family were saved because of their faith and trust in God.

Our faith is similar to Noah's, by faith we know God exist, by his Son and God's truth that he taught and by his death and resurrection from the dead and ascension into heaven we are saved.

Our faith continues to grow because of the work of the Holy Spirit, who fills us with God's presence. By this indwelling spirit our spirit bears witness of the presence of God. By his gifts and promises we grow, by our answered prayers we are convinced God knows us.        

  • 2 years later...

The content of our faith is based on the belief that God is and that Jesus came to earth, died on the cross and was resurrected from  death to redeem man back to God. The basis of Noah's faith is the fact that God spoke to him and instructed him, he heard and did the will of God. He had never seen God but believed and obeyed.  The basis of our faith is the same.  We heard the gospel, the word of God, we believe it to be true and we do what He say do. Faith grows when we preach the gospel and convince the non believer in God or by walking in the word and letting our light shine so that others see Christ in us.  Our faith grows when we practice the word of God in our everyday lives or live the word daily.  Our faith grows as we encourage ourselves in God by studying his word and doing his will.  Our faith grows as we pray to God to increase our faith so that we are pleasing in his sight.

  • 2 years later...

Q3. Every religion has its own kind of faith. What is the content of the Judeo-Christian type of faith that sets it apart from any other? What is the basis of Noah's faith (11:7)? What is the basis of our faith? How does faith grow (see Romans 10:17)

The faith that we have is based on faith in Jesus Christ and his Father in Heaven and also baptism in the Holy Spirit after you believe in Jesus Christ when you confess your sins. Faith comes by hearing the word of God through preaching and teaching. 

  • 4 months later...
On 4/18/2007 at 5:21 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. Every religion has its own kind of faith. What is the content of the Judeo-Christian type of faith that sets it apart from any other? What is the basis of Noah's faith (11:7)? What is the basis of our faith? How does faith grow (see Romans 10:17)

Our faith is a gift of God. Also, when we place our faith in Jesus, God saves us on the basis of Jesus' righteousness, not our own, when we place our faith in Him.

He believed the Word of God. And obeyed by building the ark.

Same. Our faith grows by hearing God's word and obeying thru the power of the Holy Spirit.

  • Pastor Ralph changed the title to Q3. Judeo-Christian Faith
  • 1 year later...

Q3. Every religion has its own kind of faith. What is the content of the Judeo-Christian type of faith that sets it apart from any other?
Judeo-Christian faith believes that God came to earth in the form of man Jesus. He was perfect and without sin, he died on the cross taking on all of mankind’s sins, was resurrected in 3 days and is seated at the right hand of God in heaven. Jesus fulfilled the law, something we could do. We trust in God and not the works of our own hands.

What is the basis of Noah's faith (11:7)?

Noah was moved with fear, he trusted God though he hadn’t seen or heard of what was coming to the earth.

What is the basis of our faith?
Trusting what God has said will come to pass in our life while we are in the land of the living. Reading how through out the bible God never lied he did all he said he would do.


How does faith grow (see Romans 10:17)?

Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God.

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