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Q4. (Hebrews 11:11). Which part of faith is related to (1) the depth of Abraham's confidence in God? Which part of faith is related to (2) the real existence and power of such a God? How would you describe a faith that lacks either element? Based on verse 11 (not on verses 1-2), formulate in your own words a definition of faith.

  • 1 month later...

Q4. (Hebrews 11:11). Which part of faith is related to (1) the depth of Abraham's confidence in God? Which part of faith is related to (2) the real existence and power of such a God?

The part of faith which is related to the depth of Abraham's confidence in God is knowing that God's promises are to be believed because God is faithful and will bring his promises to pass. The part of faith which is related to the real existence and power of such a God is that through his faithfulness, we experience his existence and power as he rewards those who diligently seek him.

How would you describe a faith that lacks either element?

A faith that lacks confidence in God or one that does not believe in the existence and power of God is empty and devoid of saving grace. Such faith depends only on what man can make happen.

Based on verse 11 (not on verses 1-2), formulate in your own words a definition of faith.

Faith is confidence in the faithfulness of God.

  • 1 month later...
Q4. (Hebrews 11:11). Which part of faith is related to (1) the depth of Abraham's confidence in God? Which part of faith is related to (2) the real existence and power of such a God? How would you describe a faith that lacks either element? Based on verse 11 (not on verses 1-2), formulate in your own words a definition of faith.

Abraham's life was filled with faith, At God's command he left home and went to another land-- obeying without question. He believed the covenant that God made with him.

The depth of Abraham's confidence in God was that he was willing to sacrifice his own son in obedience. The power and existence of such a God provided the lamb and fire. So Abraham did not have to sacrifice Isaac. The power and existence of God gave them both a child when they were to old to bear children.

When Sarah doubted that she could become pregnant in her old age. When we doubt God's power we are denying He is capable of doing what He promises. and His existence.

( Quote ) What is faith? An assumption that God promises are to be believed because God is considered faithful, " worthy of belief or trust, trustworthy, faithful, dependable, inspiring trust or faith. Ultimately our faith rises and falls on what we think of God. Do we believe He is trustworthy? Do we believe He rewards seekers, or is indiferent to their quest? Upon these things hinge our faith.

With this quote to me Faith is believing there is a God who cares about our every need. So much so He sent His Son to save the world. He will do what He says. His covenant, His promise His word is unchangable. Whether I see the answers or not I believe and trust in Him for the answers and results because if God says it in His word it will be done as we are obedient to Him


1.Abrahan obeyed God, In obedience with any question he left his home country and went to another land.

In Obedince to God, Abraham was even willing to sacrifice his son Isaac.

2.In Believing. He believed the Covenant that God made with him. God had promised Abraham a son, but Sarah doubted that she could become pregnant in her old age. At first she laughed but afterward she believed.

Basing in this verse, Faith is Listening , Obeying, and doing as per the word of God Says.


1. Knowing the promises

2. Knowing the promise maker

A faith that lacks either element is not real faith.

Faith is knowing the promises & knowing the promise maker and living your life in obedience to Him.


Q4. (Hebrews 11:11). Which part of faith is related to (1) the depth of Abraham's confidence in God?

Abraham obeyed God by going to a new country to live and by preparing to sacrifice his son. Abraham was assured of Abraham's faithfulness in these circumstances.

Which part of faith is related to (2) the real existence and power of such a God?

God is real and all powerful and this was apparent to Abraham and his faith grew as he lived trusting in God.

How would you describe a faith that lacks either element?

These elements are so intertwined so as to be viewed as one element and as such, both are important.

Based on verse 11 (not on verses 1-2), formulate in your own words a definition of faith.

Faith is knowing God and knowing that God is trustworthy in all his promises.


Abraham believed God and he was judged to be a righteous person in God's sight.

God wants those who believe in Him to seek Him so, since He is the giver of faith He needs complete faith to compliment His existence and power. He desires both elements.

If ones believes in the Lord straight from the heart one knows the definition of faith.


Abraham considered God faithful and true to His word because promises were always fulfilled. Even to his promise of a son.

By reading and studying, we too should have the same faith , confidence and trust that God will do all that He has promised. Faith and obedience go hand in hand, so we are to do as commanded by His Word.

Abraham never doubted that God would give him a son , it was just a matter of when. In faith Abraham trusted God to do as He had promised in His Word.

Lacking faith is like doubting there will be a tomorrow. There is a tomorrow either here or there. So it is believing through faith that we can face tomorrow. Faith is believing that God will be there during all our trials and help us through and make us stronger in all we face. Praise His Holy Name!!!

Q4. (Hebrews 11:11). Which part of faith is related to (1) the depth of Abraham's confidence in God? Which part of faith is related to (2) the real existence and power of such a God? How would you describe a faith that lacks either element? Based on verse 11 (not on verses 1-2), formulate in your own words a definition of faith.

1) Abraham knew for certain that God was totally faithful to His promises. 2) Our goal as Christians to want to live in such way as to please God, relates to His real existence and power. We cannot love and serve someone who we don't believe is real and there for us. 3) Without truly believing that God exists -- is all powerful -- and faithfully promises us eternal life wth Him, -- such a person is not Christian and depends solely on himself for control in his life.

My definition of faith in God is: as the blind person loves and trusts his leader dog to guide and protect him, so the faithful Christian loves and totally trusts our Lord to guide us into His righteousness, while He protects us from our sins and from eternal condemnation. We believe this so emphatically that we both need and are able to, turn the reigns of our lives over to Him. We want what He alone offers and know certainly we cannot attain it on our own without Him.

Q4. (Hebrews 11:11). Which part of faith is related to (1) the depth of Abraham's confidence in God? Which part of faith is related to (2) the real existence and power of such a God? How would you describe a faith that lacks either element? Based on verse 11 (not on verses 1-2), formulate in your own words a definition of faith.

1) By faith, Abraham traveld to an unknown land without any idea where he was going; and by faith, he offered his son back to God as he was directed. Abraham had unbelievable trust in God and believed that God would do what he said he would.

2) If we trust in God and are obedient, through his faithfulness we can experience his existance and power without actually seeing him.

3) Without both elements of faith, llife would be empty. You wouldn't have any faith. Man believes that everything (good or bad) that happens in his life is his own doing. He doesn't believe that he couldn't exist if it wasn't for God.

4) Faith is the confidence that what we hope will actually happen and it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.


Q4. (Hebrews 11:11). Which part of faith is related to (1) the depth of Abraham's confidence in God? Which part of faith is related to (2) the real existence and power of such a God? How would you describe a faith that lacks either element? Based on verse 11 (not on verses 1-2), formulate in your own words a definition of faith.

8By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went.

9By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise:

10For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.

I think that the trust He had in His God as His maker and that He longed for a city that God built and the fact that He knew that God would do what He said He would do. When we listen and obey God's voice our faith can only be strengthened when what He tells us happens.

2. the part where He knew that God would do what he said even if it meant offering Issac as a sacrifice.

3.It is with out a true trust in God and what He says that He will do and therefore is not faith at all just a simple belief.

Faith is beliveing something so strongly there is no one who can convince you that it will not happen or come to pass even if it doesn't happen right then. A trust that you are willing to live with forever if it take it but know it willnot.


Q4. (Hebrews 11:11). Which part of faith is related to (1) the depth of Abraham's confidence in God? Which part of faith is related to (2) the real existence and power of such a God? How would you describe a faith that lacks either element? Based on verse 11 (not on verses 1-2), formulate in your own words a definition of faith.

If God didn't really exist with power there'd be no point in having faith in Him. One might as well have faith in some lucky charm for all the good it would do. Praise His Name that is not the fact. God exists, and everything in creation is testimony to that fact so that all can clearly see the evidence of His being. Not only that but Jesus came to demonstrate clearly the nature of God and His love towards us so that we are without excuse. That part of faith is not at all the problem.

Concerning the depth of Abraham's faith: it was based on Abraham's experiences with God over many years. I think there was a fearful respect of the Almighty as well as a thankful love for the God who called him out and went with him to new lands, protected him and won battles for and with him. He had begun with a relationship which could not be denied, and this relationship grew with continued communication and many experiences over many long years. Abraham may have been puzzled over the promise of children, but the rest of the relationship was all in order, so that enigmatic part had to be waited for. Abraham knew God as his friend, and that long-tem relationship could never be denied with integrity. Eventually he did receive God's promise of course, and after Sarah's death, remarried and had many children. But Isaac remained the child of promise.

My definition of faith in terms of Abraham's experiences would be that it is a growing relationship in which mutual trust is the powerful element. Abraham put his trust in God, and God put a great deal of faith in His friend Abraham. Together they blossomed a beautiful thing on the earth.


11 By faith Abraham, even though he was past age--and Sarah herself was barren--was enabled to become a father because he considered him faithful who had made the promise.

Q4. (Hebrews 11:11). Which part of faith is related to (1) the depth of Abraham's confidence in God? Which part of faith is related to (2) the real existence and power of such a God? How would you describe a faith that lacks either element?

Confidence in God is directly proportional to the relationship with and knowlege of God. The power of God is independant of either of these.

God told Abraham he would have a son through his seed, not understanding completely the will of God Abraham had a child with Sarah's maid servant. Even though he didn't completely understand God's will, Abraham went ahead in the wrong direction, opposit of God's will for Abraham. Then when God's will was completely revealed to Sarah and Abraham, Sarah laughed in disbelief. God's will still prevailed.

Faith that lacks the complete knowlege or confidence in the will of God will lead to either missing out on God's will or add misery to others.

God has a will or desire for each and every one of us. His will is that all come know the power of His saving grace for each and every one of us. This is His promise to us John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son."

We can, like Abraham, add to this promise, or like Sarah, scoff at this promise, but in doing so we will either miss out or add misery to the will of God.

Faith leads to trust, trust leads to knowlege, knowlege is belief with understanding, and understanding leads to doing the right thing. James 2:18 "But someone will say, "You have faith; I have deeds." Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do."



Q4. (Hebrews 11:11). Which part of faith is related to (1) the depth of Abraham's confidence in God? Which part of faith is related to (2) the real existence and power of such a God? How would you describe a faith that lacks either element? Based on verse 11 (not on verses 1-2), formulate in your own words a definition of faith.

Which part of faith is related to (1) the depth of Abraham's confidence in God?

* Faithful (pistos), "worthy of belief or trust, trustworthy, faithful, dependable,

inspiring trust or faith.

Which part of faith is related to (2) the real existence and power of such a God?

* "By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command,

so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible." (11:3)

How would you describe a faith that lacks either element?

* One that cannot hear, see or know that there really is a living caring God

and that has no hope in eternity or redemption.

Based on verse 11 (not on verses 1-2), formulate in your own words a definition of faith.

* Faith is based on hope, and in that hope comes an answer.

* Faith has an unspeakable joy and nothing or no one can take that joy

* Faith brings a peace that surpasses all understanding

* Faith is having confidences in knowing that our sins are forgiving

* Faith is being healed from all things ( spirit, soul and body)

* Faith is knowing that there really is a time of the coming of Christ

and the saints will come along side Him

* Faith is knowing that God does not lie and His word never returns void

and His is judge that will judge all things just as Noah believed and saw

* Faith is a strength, carries wisdom in it and teaches all truths

* Faith is ................................................................................................



is on and on and on....................................................................


Abrahams confidence in God was unshakable, going into a strange land and going to receive an inheritance, he was obedient unto Him.

Knowing how powerful God is an unshakable thing to have, knowing His immutability and sovereignity over all.

Without these aspects we are saying that God isn't worth trusting and has limits.

Faith is knowing and trusting our Heavenly Father and wanting to be in constant focus on Him.


Abraham's faith was based on a certainity that God made real what He promised. Abraham's personal relationship with, and knowlege of God was the basis of his faith in God. Abraham had confidence in God based on that relationship. Abraham responded to God's calling in his life. He had a real and dynamic relationship with God. His faith was grounded in the reality of God's power because he had experienced it.

If I have no relationshop with God or a faith grounded in that relationship, then I really have no faith in God at all. Abraham acted on a faith that was based on a personal knowledge, trust and certainity that God would deliver on the promises made to him.


Q4. (Hebrews 11:11). Which part of faith is related to (1) the depth of Abraham's confidence in God? Abraham

  • 2 weeks later...

Q4. Hebrews 11:11 Which part of faith is related to (1) the depth of Abraham's confidence in God?

Before I go to Sarah, it is important to understand the importance of Faith and God's righteous ways are for us, for it all comes together in how we love God.

(Genesis 12:1-3) God spoke to Abraham "get out of your country, from your family and go to the land I will show you, I will make you a great nation and will bless you and you will be a blessing." Abraham was obedient to God's word.

God made a covenant with Abraham and as I see in (Genesis 15) Abraham does not understand how an heir of the covenant would come from him, for Sarah was old, but we see in v6, Abraham believed in the Lord, and He accounted it to him for righteousness.

Sarah and Abraham thought they were helping God by bringing forth a son by Hagar, his name is Ishmael.

(Genesis 17: 1-2) Abraham at the age of 99, The Almighty God said to him, "walk before Me and be blameless," for God is making a covevnant with Abraham.

(Gen. 17: 7-8) An everlasting covenant God made between Abraham and his descendants, this covevnant included all the land of Canaan as an everlasting possession; and He will be their God. To keep this covenant every male must be circumcised, being a sign of the covenant between God and Abraham, as an everlasting covenant. If a child is not circumcised, he will be cut off, for he has broken God's covevnant. -- Abraham was OBEDIENT and did what God said.

(Genesis 17: 16) God will bless Sarah and give her a son, she will be a mother of nations, kings shall come from her. It is interesting that Abraham laughed when he thought of Sarah, who was almost 90 years of age be with child? I do not read this as unbelief, I see his reaction to be soo human, are you sure I heard you right God? -- We see Sarah also laughed within herself, I read this as, how wonderful this would be, I dreamed of this, are you sure, I in my old age will bring a son and in him the covenant will be established? I read this as laughter of joy, only God could bring life to a dead womb when the impossible seems so evident. Sarah had a son and called him Isaac.

We see Sarah's faith in (Hebrews 11:11) Through "faith" also Sarah herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised. ( I see Sarah telling Abraham, "lets have pleasure and we will have a son!" it is by this faith - put into action that Sarah received the strength to conceive, to receive the seed of Abraham)

Which part of faith is related to (1) the depth of Abraham's confidence in God?

Abraham's faith in God stayed strong even with the evidence of the deadness of Sarah's womb.

Rom 4:19 And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sara's womb:

Which part of faith is related to (2) the real existence and power of such a God? How would you describe a faith that lacks either element? Based on verse 11 (not on verses 1-2), formulate in your own words a definition of faith.

As we exercise faith we will find strength to face what lays ahead, for our faith is in The Almighty God, the I Am, that I Am. Walk forward in obedience, knowing what lays ahead is strength to do the impossible.

Q4. (Hebrews 11:11). Which part of faith is related to (1) the depth of Abraham's confidence in God? Which part of faith is related to (2) the real existence and power of such a God? How would you describe a faith that lacks either element? Based on verse 11 (not on verses 1-2), formulate in your own words a definition of faith.

The depth of Abraham

  • 3 months later...
Q4. (Hebrews 11:11). Which part of faith is related to (1) the depth of Abraham's confidence in God? Which part of faith is related to (2) the real existence and power of such a God? How would you describe a faith that lacks either element? Based on verse 11 (not on verses 1-2), formulate in your own words a definition of faith.

Abraham had a personal relationship with God, he knew that God would keep his promise to him. Abraham was sure of what he had hoped for for many years for would one day come to him from God. I would describe that as when you know what you know and can not explain it. My definition of faith is being faithful to God in all things.

  • 2 months later...

Q4. (Hebrews 11:11). Which part of faith is related to (1) the depth of Abraham's confidence in God? Which part of faith is related to (2) the real existence and power of such a God? How would you describe a faith that lacks either element?

Heb 11:11 By faith Abraham, even though he was past age

  • 3 months later...

Without any type of real existence of God and without any tangible knowing, Abraham stepped out in faith and trusted in an unseeing God. Abraham believed in a voice that spoked to him to leave his father and country and follow this God who would prosper him and make him a great nation in which this great faith that Abraham had would cause him and his wife Sara to have a child in their old age and father a nation of greatness.

Without faith it is impossible to please God.

To me faith is trusting God even though I can't see or feel I believe that God is real and that I don't question his might nor his existence but I trust and believe in him without any traces of tangible beliefth in intangible beliefth.

  • 1 month later...

Q4. (Hebrews 11:11). Which part of faith is related to (1) the depth of Abraham's confidence in God?

Abraham's faith in God's reliability and trustworthiness to fulfill His promisesl

Which part of faith is related to (2) the real existence and power of such a God?

Abraham's experiential faith based on His relationship with God from the day He spoke to him to go to the land that He would show him and God's faithfulness to lead him there.

How would you describe a faith that lacks either element?

I would describe it as believing IN God, but not BELIEVING God....not trusting Him. Like I believe in the President's existence, but don't know him personally, therefore don't expect personal interaction with him.

Based on verse 11 (not on verses 1-2), formulate in your own words a definition of faith.

Faith is the ability to step into the "air", if need be, based on the belief in His promise and the reliability of God's Words to me that when I step in faith, He will provide "solid ground" for me to stand on. It's believing His Word even though circumstances may be directly opposite of what He's promised me.

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