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Q1. (Hebrews 12:3-4) Spiritual warfare can be lost by weariness. Why is spiritual warfare so wearying? Why must we continue to resist, on and on? Have you ever been overcome by Satan because of weariness?

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Q1. (Hebrews 12:3-4) Spiritual warfare can be lost by weariness. Why is spiritual warfare so wearying?

Spiritual Warfare is wearying because the Devil, that old lying deceiver is constantly seeking who he can destroy; and he will go to any length to wear you down.

Why must we continue to resist, on and on? Have you ever been overcome by Satan because of weariness?

To win, we must continue to resist the Devil. If we don't resist and grow weary the Devil will have an opening and little by little he will break us down and eventually work his plan to destroy or kill. As James commands us, "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" (James 4:7). The Apostle Paul commands us, "Having done all, stand!" (Ephesians 6:13b). Why must we continue to resist, on and on? so that we can glorify our God and give the Devil no place.

  • 1 month later...

Q1. (Hebrews 12:3-4) Spiritual warfare can be lost by weariness. Why is spiritual warfare so wearying? Why must we continue to resist, on and on? Have you ever been overcome by Satan because of weariness?

Yes. I have been overcome by weariness and it cost me very dearly. Not only me, but it cost other people as well. I think one of the reasons spiritual warfare is so wearying is that it comes on top of all the world requires of us that wearies us, like normal day to day requirements which can be very demanding.

We must resist because the cost of giving in is far too high. This is the battle of life with death and must be won at all costs!

I praise Father that He takes back prodigals like me with such infinite grace. I am most determined never to grow weary again!

Q1. (Hebrews 12:3-4) Spiritual warfare can be lost by weariness. Why is spiritual warfare so wearying? Why must we continue to resist, on and on? Have you ever been overcome by Satan because of weariness?

Spiritual warfare is a lifelong battle and I don't know if I have been overcome by Satan but I sure have been pushed back by him. I am going through one of those pushed back times right now. I was just this morning praying about my spiritual dryness.

Jesus cautions us that we are not of this world but at times the world has such a grave impact upon me when I see the church going the way of the world I just want to give up. Today I see little difference between the two, the church and the world. Maybe it is because we have lost sight and can no longer distinguish between right and wrong. The line has become so distorted it is hard to tell where I stand.

I see the Catholic church paying out hundreds of millions of dollars around the U.S. to cover all the sexual abuse accusations, I see the dialing for dollars ministry on T.V. promising a fortune if I send in my last dollar, I see the same politicians, who in the face of dishonor, clamoring to the podium to tell the public which church they attend, I see ministers defending corporate leaders after the Enron crash saying they are nice people who attend church every Sunday and did nothing wrong, and then I attend a small group meeting and one person tells his story.

It is a stroy of how a street minister would not give up on him and got involved in his life. Told him how the LORD had a better life for him and that he should get out of the gang and live for the LORD. He told how the LORD delivered him from drugs and a gang life, how the LORD delivered him from prison to northern Idaho, from making lots of money selling drugs to making a little money with his hands, he told how the LORD is restoring family relations, he told how much he loves the LORD and I began to regain what was lost.


Q1. (Hebrews 12:3-4) Spiritual warfare can be lost by weariness. Why is spiritual warfare so wearying? Why must we continue to resist, on and on? Have you ever been overcome by Satan because of weariness?

The Christian life involves hard work. It requires us to give up whatever endangers our relationship with God. Satan will use our weaknesses against us to wear us down. (James 4: 7) WE must resist the enemy and he will flee. Use the word against him in our warfare. To run the race patiently and to struggle against sin with the power of the Holy Spirit. To overcome the battle we must keep our eyes on Jesus We will grow weary if we lose our focus by looking away from Jesus to stare at the circumstances surrounding us. We must rise above the things that come at us. We should be running to Christ, not people, not churches, not ourselves. Yes, the warfare can become wearysome, but by centering in on Jesus, He will strengthen us in order to be overcomers and perserve. ( Eph. 6:13b ) When done all, stand in the might of the Lord.

When we face the spiritual warfare and feel like giving up. It is easy to lose sight of the big picture. But we're not alone, there is help. Many have already made it through life, enduring far more difficult circumstances than we have experienced. Suffering is the training ground for Christian maturity. It develops our patience and makes our final victory sweet. Just as Christ did not give up , neither should we.

Read in Matthew ( 4 : 11 Mark 1 : 12,13, Luke 4: 1- 13 . It will bring great encouragement to know how Jesus resisted the enemy. ( 1 Timothy 6: 12 ) Fight the good fight of the faith . Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses. (13) In the sight of God. who gives life to everything. and of Christ Jesus.

Q1. (Hebrews 12:3-4) Spiritual warfare can be lost by weariness. Why is spiritual warfare so wearying? Why must we continue to resist, on and on? Have you ever been overcome by Satan because of weariness?

Satan is right in the middle of our spiritual struggles. If we are not poised against him he will increase our weakness and stress and turn our 'one step forward' into 'two steps backward'. For this reason we must focus on how powerful God is over Satan; how much God loves us, opposed to Satan's hatred of us for loving God; and believe God's promises to us -- especially when He says - in our deepest trials, that is when He is closest to us. I have been overcome by Satan but thankfully, it was only momentary. God was closer and He overcame the dread of Satan and the moment I dwelled on Him, He gave me peace and patience to wait on Him.


Spirirual warfare wears me down at times because it takes place between my ears. I am in constant combat with myself (thoughts, desires, lusts), the Tempter (through the world) and the Holy Spirit. I know that I have to die a little each day so that God may have rule over me so, I press on. When I die I am victorious as death (sin) has no dominion over me. Thanks be to God for the victory through Jesus Christ, His Son.

I have been overcome by Satan, especially when I was a babe in Christ, simply because I was not rooted and grounded in the Word. It's easy to grow weary when you don't eat enough to sustain you.


Like warfare, spiritual warfare takes energy, emotion, constant focus, making the right decisions, trusting in God, etc. Its a battle and can wear on us. Jesus said the prize, the reward of Heaven is being an overcomer. That is why we continue to resist. Yes.

Q1. (Hebrews 12:3-4) Spiritual warfare can be lost by weariness. Why is spiritual warfare so wearying? Why must we continue to resist, on and on? Have you ever been overcome by Satan because of weariness?

Spiritual warfare is so wearying because our opponent in this war, that is, Satan, is very clever, tricky, powerful, and not easy to give up.

We must continue to resist, on and on, because with his power, trick, and cleverness Satan can continuously attact and put pressure on us over a long periode of time, so that if we do not continue to resist we can lose though in Christ we are more powerful than him.

Yes, I have been overcome by Satan many times in my lifes because of weariness.

Q1. (Hebrews 12:3-4) Spiritual warfare can be lost by weariness. Why is spiritual warfare so wearying? Why must we continue to resist, on and on? Have you ever been overcome by Satan because of weariness?

1) Spiritual Warfare is a battle and satan is fighting hard to kill us and he puts all kinds of obstacles in our path; then when we aren't getting anywhere, we grow weary. Satan knows that when we get too weary, we get weak and then we return to our old ways. We must constantly pray and keep our faith in GOd's promises.

2) We must resist because Satan is after our souls and he will destroy us, then go on to someone else.

3) Yes, so many times. I'm sure that everyone has gone through this weariness at one time or the other, but you have to keep on praying despite the weariness.



Q1. (Hebrews 12:3-4) Spiritual warfare can be lost by weariness. Why is spiritual warfare so wearying?

Spiritual warfare takes much strength and energy because Satan is constantly trying to wear us down.

We have to always be on guard and ready to fight back.

If Satan can wear us down, then he can dominate us. But if we will just continue to resist, we can win. James commands us, "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" (James 4:7). The Apostle Paul commands us, "Having done all, stand!" (Ephesians 6:13b).

Have you ever been overcome by Satan because of weariness?

Yes, I have been overcome by Satan because of weariness. I thank Jesus for His forgiveness and use these experiences to grow and to be prepared the next time I am tempted in this way.


Spiritual Warfare is wearying because it is an ongoing battle we are in, as Ephesians 6 states 'we wrestle not gainst flesh and blood, but gainst principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places' this is why the armour of God is so powerful and how we need to be praying this daily for protection in this spiritual battle we are in.

We must be continually praying for protection, strength, guidance, discernment in all areas of our life. This is an ongoing battle and we must, must be continually praying for power to resist the evil one otherwise satan will keep at us and try to beat us down.

Definetly yes, i have found the more I mature in my faith the stronger the attacks become.

Satan has and will try everything and anything to distract me from ministering to others.


Q1. (Hebrews 12:3-4) Spiritual warfare can be lost by weariness. Why is spiritual warfare so wearying? Why must we continue to resist, on and on? Have you ever been overcome by Satan because of weariness?

It is because it is a continuing battle with the powers of darkness, where all sin is developed. Paul says we war against principalities and powers. It can only be wearing when wemust fight such battles.

We must continue to resist because it is what Jesus did> After the temptation in the desert was over he left Him alone for a season scripture says so if he the devil could return and tempt Christ the true Son of God what can we expect but the same kind of temptations. Every temptation is a battle and to win we must over comeby relying on the Holy Spirit to provide the strength.Scripture says Submit to God and the devil will flee from you so we must first do God's will then we can over come.

We are over come by weariness when we fail to give God praise when the world tests and tempts us when we are drawn away by a friend or family member who is suffering and we blame God. I often fail when I pray and see nothing happen I lose the battle and have to pray for forgiveness. When I am tempted by lusts of this life,keeping upwith the Jones's, the world calls it but is not being a good stuart of God's blessings.

Q1. (Hebrews 12:3-4) Spiritual warfare can be lost by weariness. Why is spiritual warfare so wearying? Why must we continue to resist, on and on? Have you ever been overcome by Satan because of weariness?

Satan is right in the middle of our spiritual struggles. If we are not poised against him, he will increase our momentary weakness and stress and turn our 'one step forward' into 'two steps backward'. For this reason we must focus on how much more powerful God is over Satan; how much God loves us opposed to Satan's hatred of us for loving God; and believe God's promises to us, especially when He says - in our deepest trials, that is when He is closest to us. I have been overcome by Satan but thankfully it was only momentary. God was His closest to me and He overcame the dread of Satan, and the minute I dwelled on Him, He gave me peace and patience to wait on Him.


It is wearying because it acts as sand in the gears of our nerves, mind and spirit. However, the Lord , when we persevere will give us comfort like oil that will enable us just enough to carry on.

It is very important to carry on to the end because satan never ceases for very long to come against the works of God(us).

I have been overcome by the evil one. Just enough to cause me to desire to persevere in the Lord more and more. it has caused a stubborness in me to stand and having stood to stand firm. Fear of falling can be a great impetus to stay away from the edge.


We have to develop an attitude of maintaining our faith. Sometimes it is hard to maintain when opposed so often. If and when we grow weary, it is easier for Satan to wear us down and dominate us with all kinds of negativity. We must stand our ground to win the fight and to discern where all negativity comes. It is not of God...


Spiritual warfare is wearying--emotionally, physically as well as spiritually. It's a constant battle against our flesh & those areas we are weak, in which Satan would like to overcome us. We can be overcome, or even hated for standing for the Lord.

We need to resist because it is a command (not a suggestion) from God. He wants us to have the victory---though HIM!

Yes, I have been overcome, but the Overcomer brought me through & back to Him.


Q1. (Hebrews 12:3-4) Spiritual warfare can be lost by weariness. Why is spiritual warfare so wearying? Why must we continue to resist, on and on? Have you ever been overcome by Satan because of weariness?

It is very easy to get weary, thinking that the suffering you are in is only on you alone. This can make us lose sight of the big picture, but we are not alone: there is help. Many have already made it through life, enduring far more difficult circumstances than we expected

We are to continue to resist, on and on, because suffering is the training ground for Christian maturity. It develops our patience and makes our final victory sweet.


Q1. (Hebrews 12:3-4) Spiritual warfare can be lost by weariness. Why is spiritual warfare so wearying?

Because Satan tries so hard to wear us down trying to make us want to give up or lose heart.

Why must we continue to resist, on and on?

Because Satan is trying to wear us down so he can be in


Q1. (Hebrews 12:3-4) Spiritual warfare can be lost by weariness. Why is spiritual warfare so wearying? Why must we continue to resist, on and on? Have you ever been overcome by Satan because of weariness?

Spiritual warfare can be lost by weariness. Why is spiritual warfare so wearying?

* That you will not grow weary and lose heart.

Why must we continue to resist, on and on?

* We too must resist the temptation to "grow weary" or "lose heart."

If Satan can wear us down, then he can dominate us.

Have you ever been overcome by Satan because of weariness?

* Yes


Spiritual warfare is exhausting to me because my physical and mental resources are low and the only strength I have is in Christ. It is not easy always to resist the devil or my own selfishness, and satan always knows how to hit me below the belt. MY strengh to over come is when I get close to Him and His Word and speak it to the devil and also to myself to reassure my own self what is true and what is not true...for the Liar always says something to deceive me. casting down the imaginations of my mind and heart is one way I get control of myself and turn away from the Liar. I have to truly lean on Jesus and trust Him and His Word to me to overcome sin and temptation etc.

Yes I have been worn down and given up to a degree at times, and it is a grievious feeling and condition to be in alone. Thank the Lord He is always with me, and protects me from myself most of the time...when I am vulnerable especially.. I thank God for the Holy Spirit who warns, guides, and comforts me as I draw near to HIM>..

Spiritual warfare is exhausting to me because my physical and mental resources are low and the only strength I have is in Christ. It is not easy always to resist the devil or my own selfishness, and satan always knows how to hit me below the belt. MY strengh to over come is when I get close to Him and His Word and speak it to the devil and also to myself to reassure my own self what is true and what is not true...for the Liar always says something to deceive me. casting down the imaginations of my mind and heart is one way I get control of myself and turn away from the Liar. I have to truly lean on Jesus and trust Him and His Word to me to overcome sin and temptation etc.

Yes I have been worn down and given up to a degree at times, and it is a grievious feeling and condition to be in alone. Thank the Lord He is always with me, and protects me from myself most of the time...when I am vulnerable especially.. I thank God for the Holy Spirit who warns, guides, and comforts me as I draw near to HIM>..


Spiritual warfare can be lost by weariness because it is easy to just give in when trials and persecution come our way and there is no end in sight.

Spiritual warfare is so wearying because we are fighting against Satan and his demonic forces.

The reason we must continue to resist, on and on is that if we lose heart and give up Satan can wear us down, then dominate us. However, if we continue to resist, we will win the spiritual battle and Satan will flee.

There have been times in my life when I've been overcome by Satan because of weariness. Often when this happens, I realize I tried to resist the devil with my own strength and will power rather then calling upon the Lord and drawing on His strength.

  • 2 weeks later...

Spiritual warfare is wearying because it delves into the very depths of our heart and soul. We must continue to resist to that we don't fall. Yes, from weariness of the soul and from constant persecution by others.


Spiritual warfare is so wearying for a number of reasons. One is that sometimes it is constant as well as harsh, and when we try to fight it on our own we lose the battle and give into temptation. Satan seems to know where we are weak and when we are weary so this makes it even worse because that

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