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Q2. (Hebrews 12:5-11) How does it help, when you look at your struggles and hardships as the Father's discipline and training?

When you look at your struggles and hardships as the Father's discipline and training, you are encouraged knowing that this is God's discipline for those he loves.

What are the benefits of such discipline to the Christian?

The benefits of such discipline to the Christian is that the hardships gives endurance for the journey that is ahead.

  • 1 month later...
Q2. (Hebrews 12:5-11) How does it help when you to look at your struggles and hardships as the Father's discipline and training? What are the benefits of such discipline to the Christian?

Who loves his child more--the father who allows the child to do what will harm him, or the one who corrects, trains, and even punishes the child to help him learn what is right? It's never pleasant to be corrected and disciplined by God, but His discipline is a sign of His deep love for us. When God corrects you, see it as proof of His love and ask Him what H is trying to teach you.

We may respond to discipline in several ways: ( 1) we can accept it with resignation: (2 ) we can accept it with self-pity, thinking we really don't deserve it: ( 3 ) we can be angry and resentful toward God: or ( 4 ) we can accept it gtatefully, as the appropriate response we owe a loving Father.

I remember as a child my Father raised 6 of 7 kids. He was very strict, sometimes to the point of being cruel. I hated him growing up, we had no mother. I look back on those times and am now thankful for His strictness because it has built charactar in my life and knowing what is right and wrong. Since I have forgiven him and been grateful for those time. I was not an easy child to deal with, Stubborn and rebellous was my biggest problem. Always wanting it my way. When I became a christian those were the first things God began to deal with in my life. It was not easy giving in to doing things God's way. But am now thankful He loves me so much He is not going to leave me the way I am. It gets easier as I submitt to His chastening. Oh yes, it hurts at times, but it is all worth it knowing what lies ahead and the rewards that are laid up in store for when I meet Him face to face as His Bride.


When we go through the fire we grow. We become experienced in the Christian life, mature and complete in our application of the Word. It makes us elders of the church, leading to increased responsibilty and dependability.

The benefits are numerous. To me the greatest is an enhanced relationship with the Lord, a greater closeness to Him. I am more in tune with His still small voice and more able to respond in a manner favorable to Him.


This helps tremendously, even though for me sometimes I wonder what/why God is doing it to me but it is only when I get onto my knees and ask God to reveal what is in my heart and what hidden sins are there, then it is made clear to me why.

Going through 'the crucible' - by going through some 'tough times' - by having some 'valley experiences' is the only way God develops and builds our character.

Q2. (Hebrews 12:5-11) How does it help when you to look at your struggles and hardships as the Father's discipline and training? What are the benefits of such discipline to the Christian?

When I look at my struggles and hardships as the Father's discipline and training I do not consider the struggles and hardships as burden that I must escape, but endure them with my heart that more joyful and thankful.

The benefits of such discipline to the Christian are eternal life, the experience of sharing in his holiness, and a peaceful harvest of righteousness..


Q2. (Hebrews 12:5-11) How does it help when you to look at your struggles and hardships as the Father's discipline and training? What are the benefits of such discipline to the Christian?

It let you know that you are loved by the Father,for with out His love He would leave you and not care what you do. If He disciplines us then He is showing that He care enough about us to want to teach us how to live right and for Him.

The benefits are that we learn where we make mistakes and correct them, like teaching a child what you want him to do and how to do it you learn through mistakes and correction.

Q2. (Hebrews 12:5-11) How does it help when you to look at your struggles and hardships as the Father's discipline and training? What are the benefits of such discipline to the Christian?

Knowing our struggles are God's way of training us, helps us to accept the hardship. It is no longer a burden, but now a challenge to learn the lesson God is teaching us. Knowing God is in control, is another lesson in trusting Him. Without God, our struggles can make us angry and bitter. With God, He shows us the way to victory and peace. We learn we cannot struggle successfully through anything on our own. It all takes place in our lives to help prepare us to be the true sons and daughters of the Living God in our Eternal Life with Him, and while here on earth. He is training us to lean on Him so we can, one day, walk together into God's kingdom eternally.

Who loves his child more--the father who allows the child to do what will harm him, or the one who corrects, trains, and even punishes the child to help him learn what is right? It's never pleasant to be corrected and disciplined by God, but His discipline is a sign of His deep love for us. When God corrects you, see it as proof of His love and ask Him what He is trying to teach you. It brings a closer and deeper relationship with Him if we are obedient to what He is doing.

We may respond to discipline in several ways: ( 1) we can accept it with resignation: (2 ) we can accept it with self-pity, thinking we really don't deserve it: ( 3 ) we can be angry and resentful toward God: or ( 4 ) we can accept it gratefully, as the appropriate response we owe a loving Father.

Because of who He is. And He knows what we need better than we do.

I remember as a child my Father raised 6 of 7 kids. He was very strict, sometimes to the point of being cruel. I hated him growing up, we had no mother. I look back on those times and am now thankful for His strictness because it has built charactar in my life and knowing what is right and wrong. Since I have forgiven him and been grateful for those time. I was not an easy child to deal with, Stubborn and rebellous was my biggest problem. Always wanting it my way. When I became a christian those were the first things God began to deal with in my life. It was not easy giving in to doing things God's way. But am now thankful He loves me so much He is not going to leave me the way I am. It gets easier as I submitt to His chastening. Oh yes, it hurts at times, but it is all worth it knowing what lies ahead and the rewards that are laid up in store for when I meet Him face to face as His Bride.


:P Pastor Ralph' post='25836' date='Apr 18 2007, 10:37 PM']Q2. Hebrews 12:5-11) How does it help when you to look at your struggles and hardships as the Father's discipline and training?

Don't see the hardships of the Christian life as a burden that you must escape, but as the "discipline of the Lord," the training course intended to prepare you to live and conduct yourselves as sons and daughters of the Living God. We are heirs in training.

What are the benefits of such discipline to the Christian? Here are the benefits of the Father's discipline.

  1. Eternal life (12:9b). "How much more should we submit16 to the Father of our spirits and live (zaō)!" The author is not proposing a works-salvation, here, only reminding us that at the end of hardship is eternal life.
  2. The experience of sharing in his holiness (12:10b). This is an astounding statement. Holiness (hagiotēs) here is "positive holiness of life"17 rather than sanctification brought about by sacrifice (9:13; 10:10, 14, 29). This is the process of sanctification whereby we "are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another" (NRSV, 2 Corinthians 3:18). We don't develop personal holiness overnight; it is only completed when we enter Christ's presence at the end of our lives. Growing in this holiness is painful, however. As Paul said, "We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God" (Acts 14:22). But in the process we become sharers or partakers (metalambanō18) in the divine character.
  3. A peaceful harvest of righteousness (12:11b). "Peaceful" (NRSV, eirēnikos) means "pertaining to being conducive to a harmonious relationship, peaceable, peaceful."19

It assures me that God loves me and cares for me and wants me to be a better person. It gives me strength to know I am not alone in this fight. Discipline and training by God gives assurance of holiness and eternal life.

Q2. (Hebrews 12:5-11) How does it help when you to look at your struggles and hardships as the Father's discipline and training? What are the benefits of such discipline to the Christian?

1) It shows me that He must care. If He didn't love me, He would not care enough to punish me. It assures me that I have another chance to get my life right. I don't consider my struggls and hardships as punishment, I consider that there is a lesson for me.

2) It produces righteous and peace in ourlives and prepares us to live and conduct ourselves as heirs in training.

1) It shows me that He must care. If He didn't love me, He would not care enough to punish me. It assures me that I have another chance to get my life right. I don't consider my struggles and hardships as punishment, I consider that there is a lesson for me.

2) It produces righteous and peace in ourlives and prepares us to live and conduct ourselves as heirs in training.


It helps me to think of these trials as God's discipline for me because it shows me God loves me & wants to see me grow & be perfected. The benefits are eternal life, sharing in His holiness, a harvest of righteousness & a growing, deepening relationship with Him!!


Q2. (Hebrews 12:5-11) How does it help when you to look at your struggles and hardships as the Father's discipline and training? What are the benefits of such discipline to the Christian?

As a born again believer, I have no problem in abiding and obeying in the Word of God. I knwn that He Has Very Good Plans for me. He is the created me and He knows what is the best for me. When God corrects me, I see as proof of His Love for me, I should question Him, but ask Him what He is trying to teach me.


At this point in my life, I consider all events, whether good, bad or ugly, as training events the Lord is putting me through. As a result, I take all situations in stride. I permit my God to be My god and grow from each event without anxiety or worry because I know God is in control. The result of discipline is Christian growth and closeness to God.


Q2. (Hebrews 12:5-11) How does it help when you to look at your struggles and hardships as the Father's discipline and training? What are the benefits of such discipline to the Christian?

How does it help when you to look at your struggles and hardships as the Father's discipline and training?

* "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces

a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." (12:11)

What are the benefits of such discipline to the Christian?

1) Eternal life (12:9b). "How much more should we submit16 to the Father of our

spirits and live (zaō)!" The author is not proposing a works-salvation, here, only

reminding us that at the end of hardship is eternal life.

2) The experience of sharing in his holiness (12:10b). This is an astounding statement.

Holiness (hagiotēs) here is "positive holiness of life"17 rather than sanctification

brought about by sacrifice (9:13; 10:10, 14, 29). This is the process of sanctification

whereby we "are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to

another" (NRSV, 2 Corinthians 3:18). We don't develop personal holiness overnight;

it is only completed when we enter Christ's presence at the end of our lives. Growing

in this holiness is painful, however. As Paul said, "We must go through many hardships

to enter the kingdom of God" (Acts 14:22). But in the process we become sharers

orpartakers (metalambanō18) in the divine character

3) A peaceful harvest of righteousness (12:11b). "Peaceful" (NRSV, eirēnikos) means

"pertaining to being conducive to a harmonious relationship, peaceable, peaceful."19


My Father loves me, and He knows I NEED self discipline to be able to overcome my sinful nature...I am a mother and know discipline is for my own good.....so I am thankful when He holds me back...

It is all for the creating of Spiritual fruit in my life, so my life will glorify His name and Him....and also to make it possible for me to be a Light in the Darkness of the world, so others can see Him in me. I totally believe THAT ALL THINGS WILL WORK TOGETHER FOR MY GOOD...for I love him and am called according to his purposes.

  • 2 weeks later...

Looking at my struggles and hardships as God's discipline and training helps me to realize that He is preparing me for the kingdom. As a result of His discipline I become more mature in the faith.

The benefits of such discipline to the Christian are eternal life, sharing in the Lord's holiness, and a peaceful harvest of righteousness.


Discipline is a tool used to help us learn right from wrong. Struggles and hardships teach us and they also mold us as we learn to make good decisions.


Q2. (Hebrews 12:5-11) How does it help when you to look at your struggles and hardships as the Father's discipline and training?

I first must distinguish if the struggles and hardships are not of my own doing. When God brings a hardship, I have to remind myself that I am on the potters wheel, being molded into a new creation. God chastens me, reminding me that I have been purchased at a high price and the price included a free training course, one that will help me understand how sin separates me from fellowship with the Almighty God; It is through this discipline that I understand the importance of God's commandments, they are for my good, for I am being trained to live a life of righteousness, preparing me for the day Christ Jesus will rule from the throne of David, rule with a iron rod of righteousness.

What are the benefits of such discipline to the Christian?

The benefits are to keep us on our toes, so we don't become too comfortable with the things here on earth and forget the Lord God who has made all things possible for us. God wants our love, and the way we show Him our love is to be obedient to His voice. I am so glad He loves me so much that He would not let me go my own way, as much as His discipline hurts, I am thankful for it, as I do not want to go astray.

  • 2 weeks later...
Q2. (Hebrews 12:5-11) How does it help when you to look at your struggles and hardships as the Father's discipline and training? What are the benefits of such discipline to the Christian?

We begin to see it is not us against the world. Rather it is our loving Father working things out in us.

The benefits is if we allow God to do His work in us, we will be changed more into the likeness off God, souls will be saved, lives will be touched, and God gets the glory.

Q2. (Hebrews 12:5-11) How does it help when you to look at your struggles and hardships as the Father's discipline and training? What are the benefits of such discipline to the Christian?

We begin to see it is not us against the world. Rather it is our loving Father working things out in us.

The benefits is if we allow God to do His work in us, we will be changed more into the likeness off God, souls will be saved, lives will be touched, and God gets the glory.

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