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  • 2 months later...

Q1. (Hebrews 13:1-3) How do hospitality to strangers and visiting prisoners relate to brotherly love (philadelphia)?

We are to show hospitality to strangers and if those in prison are strangers we are to show the same privilege of our hospitality regardless of their plight. As a fellow Christian they also need to be encouraged, to receive exhortations and the unadulterated Word of God.

Where are you strong in brotherly love? Where are you weak?

I am strongest when I share with groups. I need to focus more on the one on one situations, these I shy away from. Though I still love them, it's that up close and personal that I need to do more.

  • 1 month later...

All men are made in the image of God. We are all brothers and sisters and should respect each other whatever our status in life. According to the parable of the Good Samaritan we are to treat each other with love and concern regardless of status etc. We don't know who a stranger may be and, while using wisdom, we should treat the stranger as a brother or sister, with high regard (until proved unsafe) and worthy of our attention and hospitality. This is largely how the gospel will be spread, because Jesus said we would be known by our love for one another - and how may a stranger taste that love if we do not offer it to him? Hospitality is a fact of life if one is serious about spreading the gospel. The stranger and the prisoner are much in need of attention - so we offer it. It could be oneself in prison, or in need of hospitality, therefore I offer it. The wonderful rule for everything Christian is "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". If I were a prisoner, I would like ..... If I were a stranger in town I would like .......

I'm strong in brotherly love with regard for people in need until I find my interest abused and assumed. I've trained in counselling skills etc. I'm weak where I sense possible rejection, because that was so much part of my youth. It's difficult to overcome.


<H5 style="MARGIN: auto 0in">Q1. (Hebrews 13:1-3) Sacrifices Pleasing to God</H5> 1Let brotherly love continue. 2 Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. 3 Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.

How do hospitality to strangers and visiting prisoners relate to brotherly love (philadelphia)?

:huh:Hospitality is a way of showing care, love and concern to others and this is what brotherly love is all about. When we love someone we do what we can to show our concern, consideration and want to make them comfortable and want to do the best for them.

Where are you strong in brotherly love? Where are you weak?

:P With God

Q1. (Hebrews 13:1-3) How do hospitality to strangers and visiting prisoners relate to brotherly love (philadelphia)? Where are you strong in brotherly love? Where are you weak?

Real love for others produce tangible actions : (1) Kindness to strangers ( 13:2 ) ( 2 ) empathy for those who are in prison and those who are mistreated. ( 13:3 ) ( 3 ) respect for your marriage vows; and contentment with what you have. Make sure that your love runs deep enough to affect your hospitality; empathy , fidelity, and contentment

Some people say they cannot be hospitable because their homes are not large enough or nice enough. But even if I have no more than a table and two chairs in a rented room, there are people who would be grateful to spend time in my home. Are there visitors to my church with whom I could share a meal? Do I know single people who would enjoy an evening of conversation? Is there any way my home could meet the needs of traveling missionaries? Hospitality simply means making other people feel comfortable and at home, I was asking myself these questions after reading the scriptures and I can say yes to all of them. I have done these things, but have become slack in them because of my health.

We are to have empathy for those in jails and prisons, also the families of those in these places. Jesus said that His true followers would represent Him as they visit those in prison. ( Matthew 25:26 ).

My Strong point in these areas are enjoying cooking food for the sick people, calling seniors, e-mailing cards to encourage people who are going through difficults times, praying for people and ministering to them over the phone. Having a bible study in the local jail.

My weak area is not liking to attend social events at the church. I don't like to be around a large crowd. I perfer small gatherings. When I attend a large function I freeze up and don't like to be envolved in idle chit chat. If it is about Jesus or the bible I have no problems.


God does not respect persons, neither should we. It is our obligation to love, as He does and as He showed on Calvary. Whether brother, sister or hatefilled enemy, love is the same.

The love I show and give comes from the Holy Spirit within and as contagious as it is, I have a long way to go before I love as Christ does.

Q1. (Hebrews 13:1-3) How do hospitality to strangers and visiting prisoners relate to brotherly love (philadelphia)? Where are you strong in brotherly love? Where are you weak?

Hospitality to all is brotherly love... Whether it is a stranger in need or a person in jail who is paying debt to society or in jail because of no wrong doing except thier loyalty to Christ.

I am the strongest in brotherly love when it comes to sharing with others in need. I have little but share what I have because I know what it is to be hungry. I know what it is like to be judged for not having much and therefore I do not judge on appearence. I know what it is like to sin and therefor I do not judge the sinner. I know what forgiveness feels like so I forgive. When it comes to brotherly love those are my strong points.

My weakness is the anger I feel when I see people taken advantage of. I have no compassion for the preditor who pounces upon a person in distress because this is their weakest moment. Banks charge the most intrest to those who can least afford it and justify that by saying that the greater intrest is necessary because of the greater risk. Wouldn't a lower payment be less risky??? Hospitals give better care to those with better insurance and little or no care to those without. Wealth building evangelists take the last dime from a starving person promising hope while they eat like kings. I guess that is the weak point of my brotherly love. I just cannot tolerate people taking advantage of other people; esp. when it comes to the word of God.

Jer. 23:30 "Therefore," declares the Lord, "I am against the prophets who steal from one another words supposedly from me. 31 Yes," declares the Lord, "I am against the prophets who wag their own tongues and yet declare, 'The Lord declares.' 32 Indeed, I am against those who prophesy false dreams," declares the Lord. "They tell them and lead my people astray with their reckless lies, yet I did not send or appoint them. They do not benefit these people in the least," declares the Lord." (NIV)



We are to show hospitality to strangers because God said we should & that we may be entertaining angels some time! We need to encourage those who are down & out & even supply someone's needs. Those in jail need to have letters of hope written to them--especially Christian brothers & sisters. We can be witnesses of the love of Jesus at these times.

I have much growth needed to fully realize & be open to showing hospitality. It's rather hard with an unbelieving husband who is not a people person. Perhaps, one day, I will be in the position to invite others to my home. I guess God needs to grow me further first.....


The rule to do unto others as you would have them do unto you helps us put ourselves in others's shoes and to treat them as you would like to be treated.

I am weakest when it comes to feeling I have been rejected as that is how I was treated as a child...and then I have trouble believing the other person REALLY WANTS to relate with me openly with love. But I nearly always treat others with as much love as I have to offer anyone a the moment.


Q1. (Hebrews 13:1-3) How do hospitality to strangers and visiting prisoners relate to brotherly love (philadelphia)? Where are you strong in brotherly love? Where are you weak?

It is the main form of love showing compassion was what Jesus did for all who were hurting and needed His help and He wants us to do the same show compassion to all who need us. I am not good at showing brotherly love to those I don't know. I know that Jesus show love to everyone but it's still hard for me. I need to reach out to those in need better than I do. Those I know in church or at work it is easier for me to show compassion to since I already know them and its easier to associate my need and wants towhat they might be in need of.


Q1. (Hebrews 13:1-3) How do hospitality to strangers and visiting prisoners relate to brotherly love (philadelphia)? Where are you strong in brotherly love? Where are you weak?

Real Love for others produces tangile actions. Jesus said that His really followers would represent Him as they visit those in prisons. So we are to follow Jesus example if we want to be true Christians.

Q1. (Hebrews 13:1-3) How do hospitality to strangers and visiting prisoners relate to brotherly love (philadelphia)? Where are you strong in brotherly love? Where are you weak?

Hospitality to strangers is required by us, if we ourselves want to be treated warmly with hospitality. While on earth Jesus taught "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". The end product of obeying this is brotherly love. As Christians we also love each other,whether we have been persecuted and even imprisoned for our faith in God; or even if we were active criminally, imprisoned and found God in prison and turned our lives over to Him. I feel strong in brotherly love related to all of the above. I am still working on (with God's help) showing brotherly love to some very difficult people.

Q1. (Hebrews 13:1-3) How do hospitality to strangers and visiting prisoners relate to brotherly love (philadelphia)? Where are you strong in brotherly love? Where are you weak?

1) We are to show love to strangers & visit prisoners, because we are to treat others as we want to be treated and we should be like one family. Everyone has faults and we should disregard them and love them just as they are with brotherly love.

2) I love being around people and I am a good listener. I love visiting the sick, hospitals and senior citizens. My heart goes out to these people.

3) Even though I love being around people, I am weak at speaking to groups. I am much better in one-on-one conversations. I am constantly nervous about being rejected by my listeners. I have been praying about improvement in this area.


Originally meaning blood family, today it means members of the Christian family. We are brothers and sisters in Christ.

Though I do not invite strangers to my home ----- I would feed any that came by and were hungry.

I do not visit the imprisoned. I give to the needy.

According to this passage I need to go under reconstruction.


We, as Christians, should be showing brotherly love to all. Hospitality to strangers and visiting prisoners is part of that as the text shows we could be entertaining angels. We are not to shy away from doing these things even if it is just a smile to a stranger in the street all these things reflect the light of Christ in our lives.

My strong area would be I can start a conversation up with most people and talk about spiritual things and having comapssion for those who are socially rejected.

My weak point would be, and God is helping me to vanquish this, is sometimes I would start favouring someone, like spend extra time in discipleship or counselling, because of a certain gift they have, say in musical gifts, and I would go out of my way to help them. Hoping they will stay in our church and use their gifts.

It is very, very selfish and I am so thankful that God is changing my attitude in this thinking.


Q1. (Hebrews 13:1-3) How do hospitality to strangers and visiting prisoners relate to brotherly love (philadelphia)?

Hospitality to strangers of all types is important because we are all children of God so that makes us each brothers and sisters in Christ strangers are our family. We should not judge one's misfortunes. We should love one another and leave the judgement to God for he is the only judge. We should visit the prisoners to help them with their faith. Reminding them that God loves them and is with them.

Where are you strong in brotherly love?

My strength in brotherly love is in loving people, all kinds of people, no matter what the situation, find the Good in it and wear the example of Christ with compassion and love towards a mislead, misguided mankind.

Where are you weak?

I wasn't always strong in brotherly love and it is something that I work at everyday. At the store, at work, or anywhere I might be, I try to show some love to my other brothers and sisters in Christ even if it is something as simple as a smile, a hello, or letting someone with fewer items go before me in the store. I try to find the Good, even though at times it is a challenge but with Christ leading me I always prevail.


Q1. (Hebrews 13:1-3) How do hospitality to strangers and visiting prisoners relate to brotherly love (philadelphia)? Where are you strong in brotherly love? Where are you weak?

How do hospitality to strangers and visiting prisoners relate to brotherly love (philadelphia)?

* "If one member suffers, all suffer together" (1 Corinthians 12:26).

Where are you strong in brotherly love?

* In ministry gifts for the people of God, saved, unsaved and fallen ones from grace

Administration gifts to the church to help the church grow and minister to the churched

and unchurched

Intercession prayer (pray for one another so they may be saved)

To allow God to help me enter into a place in the spirit and watch for

the heart of God for the Church and things ahead for the Church ( meaning

the Body of Christ as a whole)

Praying for our leaders in our nations that run our country and for our military

To keep a watch over our nation and the world we live in ( praying for one






Where are you weak?

* Letting myself get tried or discouraged doing the work of the ministry

* Watching the dead works of the religious

* Finding myself judging the pride in church leadership and seeing them

abuse the leadership and having clicks ( having to remember to love them)

* Wanting to help and love the weak and beaten up and sometimes giving to much

and suffering loss and disappointment

To God be the glory who gives us the victory! Amen


Brotherly love includes compassion, mercy and attentative ministry. Hospitality to strangers and ministering to prisoners is an expression of brotherly of love in action -- a true act of caring and concern for the welfare and well-being of others.

My strength in brotherly love is reflected in jail ministry; nursing home ministry; family home ministries; community kids ministries and a general seeking to minister to others as God leads. As a Pastor I actively seek out people to minister to.

I'm weak in brotherly love in regards to those Christians who won't permit "God to be their God", and know better, while facing economic, relationship, health, etc. issues. People who will cry and wine, but will not make active moves to change the direction of their lives.

  • 3 weeks later...

Hospitality to strangers and visiting prisoners relates to one form of demonstrating brotherly love to other Christians as well as non-Christians so that we might demonstrate the grace of God


Q1. (Hebrews 13:1-3) How do hospitality to strangers and visiting prisoners relate to brotherly love (philadelphia)?

Brotherly love is the key word to hospitality to strangers. There are people in the church I see, but they are strangers to me. Being a stranger I have no idea of how I can be a friend, is there a need in their life, are they lonely, etc.? By offering a time of fellowship to a brethren, we get to know them, as we share together the good things of God.

In the scriptures, christians were being put in prison just for preaching God's word, and they were killed and tortured. I being a christian could also find myself in the same situation as I go about speaking the name of Jesus. I am talking about today! In America we are not to have prayer in our schools, we are not to pray in the name of Jesus, we are called bigot if we speak against the sin of homosenuality. It breaks my heart to think of what the world has done to the Jewish people, the people God calls "the Apple of His eye." Hospitality is most important indeed, we must open our hearts to others and not hatred.

Where are you strong in brotherly love? Where are you weak?

I like to entertain and when I do, I try to do my very best to make people feel special! I go out of my way. I did find that with some people they felt intimidated by the special foods, or presentation, and yet with others, it was a time of great fellowship together, they left with a feeling of being a very special person indeed.

There was a time when a visiting minister came to our church and was in need of a place to stay. We were going to be gone during that time, but we offered our home to this stranger,and we purchased special foods he liked, so he would feel at home.

There were other times we opened our home to strangers and of course family members. God has blessed us with a nice home, but we look at our home as His. Because we have been hospitable, God afterwards has always blessed us with joy, and happiness, of a good time spent together.

Q1. (Hebrews 13:1-3) How do hospitality to strangers and visiting prisoners relate to brotherly love (philadelphia)? Where are you strong in brotherly love? Where are you weak?

We need to remember where we came from before Jesus washed our sins away. We were strangers in sin; we were also prisoners in sin, until God

  • 3 months later...
Q1. (Hebrews 13:1-3) How do hospitality to strangers and visiting prisoners relate to brotherly love (philadelphia)? Where are you strong in brotherly love? Where are you weak?

We are showing love and concern relates to brotherly love. I am strong in holding a Christian conversation to strangers. I'm not weak in any of these arears/


  • 2 months later...

Hebrews 13

Heb 13:1 Keep on loving each other as brothers.

Heb 13:2 Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.

Heb 13:3 Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering. NIV

Q1. (Hebrews 13:1-3) How do hospitality to strangers and visiting prisoners relate to brotherly love (philadelphia)? Where are you strong in brotherly love? Where are you weak?

The common thread between these exhortations is- loving others. It appears the author starts (In verse 1) with the love they share in their local fellowship (brotherly love) God exhorts them to continue in this love. In Galatians 6:10 we see this love is a priority in God

  • 4 months later...

Q1. (Hebrews 13:1-3) How do hospitality to strangers and visiting prisoners relate to brotherly love (philadelphia)?

We're commanded to love others as Christ loves us. That would include strangers, prisoners, as well as our enemies! It was brotherly love (sisterly) which brought the gospel to me when I was a prisoner...of Satan and his kingdom.

Where are you strong in brotherly love?

It's easy to love those who love me, show kindness to me, family, people at church, or elsewhere. With the gift of evangelism, it's easy for me to feel the love of God for the unsaved and to share His love with them and to desire them to spend eternity in Heaven with Him and with the saints.

Where are you weak?

My weakness is in loving those who reject me, or mistreat me..... those one would expect would be easy to love because of family blood....certain family members. There is one who mistreats one of my brothers, who is "slow"....I have not been able to love her, except to pray for her salvation. I am able to be kind when I'm around her, but if I followed my emotions, I'd wring her neck or slap her upside the head!

It's odd...I find it easier to love a person who doesn't know the Lord, because I understand that until they know Him, they have no love to give. But it's more difficult to love a believer who mistreats or rejects others, or even me, because I have a higher expectation of them since He lives in them.

I used to love to entertain and to have people in our home. When we lost it all and went through homelessness, I lost the ability to do as we used to do. I've lost the confidence and the desire to be hospitable. I'm thankful for this question, because the Holy Spirit brought this to my attention, and I'm asking for this desire/gift to be restored!

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