Pastor Ralph Posted April 18, 2007 Report Posted April 18, 2007 Q3. (Hebrews 13:8) What is the significance of this verse for the original readers? For you? For understanding just who Jesus is? For believing in the power of God for today? Quote
Commissioned Posted June 27, 2007 Report Posted June 27, 2007 Q3. (Hebrews 13:8) What is the significance of this verse for the original readers? For the original readers they were reminded that the same God that kept their leaders is the same God that will keep them. For you? This verse says that the same God who was there at creation is the same God who is here with us at this moment. For understanding just who Jesus is? It says that the same Jesus that performed miracles when He travelled among men here on earth still performs those miracles for men today. For believing in the power of God for today? It says that the power that God displayed in the beginning and throughout history will always be there for us to draw upon today. Quote
Tabatha Posted July 29, 2007 Report Posted July 29, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (Hebrews 13:8) What is the significance of this verse for the original readers? For you? For understanding just who Jesus is? For believing in the power of God for today? The significance of this verse for the original readers is that although Jesus was no longer with them He would always be the same forever. As it said in John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God , and the Word was God and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us." Because He is God, He is Holy and righteous, and His words cannot be broken. Therefore, Jesus is who is unchanging means if He was with the saints in the Old Testament, helping them, and guiding them, then He was also doing the same for the original readers. As I look back I can remember successes and failures, joy and happiness, failed expectations and surprising accomplishments, sickness, health, and a host of other memories. Some things have prompted me to make changes, other things have forced me to. As time moves on I have had to move with it. I am constantly changing, Change for the better. That is the way it should be. I want to change. I want to become more like Jesus. I want to forsake all sins, to Honor God, to be more loving and forgiving, and let the world know what Jesus has done for me. Change is good and sometimes necessary. But, though I may change, circumstances may change, Jesus never changes. He is there always with me, alway dependable, always concerned for me. Jesus has been with me in the past, He is with me now, and He will be with me in the future. ( Colossians 2:9) " For in Him all the fulness of Deity dwells in bodily form" Because He is God, all Power is His. We just have to trust, believe and tap into that power. It is for us as it was for those in time past, present, and future. Quote
charisbarak Posted July 29, 2007 Report Posted July 29, 2007 The orginal readers would relate to the priesthood because priests would serve & die, but Jesus, our Great High Priest, died, rose again & lives forevermore!! I can count on Him even when all changes around me for He remains the same forever & ever. God always was & always will be. Jesus is God! God is in control. What He said he would do, He will do! He will not change!! Quote
Helenmm Posted July 30, 2007 Report Posted July 30, 2007 Q3. (Hebrews 13:8) What is the significance of this verse for the original readers? For you? For understanding just who Jesus is? For believing in the power of God for today? The significance of this verse for Jews must be that Jesus is always new (Paul was fighting against their returning to the old Jewish faith which didn't fit Jesus). They couldn't go back to old Jewish systems because the Holy Spirit is always doing something new and they must keep up with Him. As He was on the day of Pentecost, so He would continue to be, and in Him would their knowledge of Jesus lie. For me the significance of this verse has to do with the consistency of God's appearing to men in the Old Testament, the presence of Jesus on earth and later in Heaven, and the presenceof the Holy Spirit our counsellor, teacher and resident, all of whom are one and have been forever, who will not change and on whom therefore I can depend permanently. For understanding just Who Jesus is it announces Jesus in eternity as well as yesterday and forever in the future. He is part of an eternal permanent establishment which cannot be changed. For believing the power of God for today, this verse indicates that what is true of the days when Jesus walked the earth is true today, because he doesn't change. The church, therefore, should be operating just as He did, or as it was in the first days of operation in Jerusalem - in miraculous power. Old and New Testament wisdom doesn't change over the centuries, and we need to claim all of it as ours. Quote
Stan Posted July 31, 2007 Report Posted July 31, 2007 Q3. (Hebrews 13:8) What is the significance of this verse for the original readers? For you? For understanding just who Jesus is? For believing in the power of God for today? heb. 13: 8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. I believe that it is the same for them and for us today it states that the promises Jesus made them are true for us as well. Jesus is the same God today as He was then. He has the power to change lives today just as He could change their lives if they placed their faith in Him then. Our faith calls for us to first believe that Jesus is who He says He is and that in its self is the main part of our salvation if we do not believe that He is the Christ the Son of the Living God then our faith is in vain. If Jesus is the same today and forevver then He has to be who He claimed to be the Son of the Most High. Quote
masika Posted July 31, 2007 Report Posted July 31, 2007 Q3. (Hebrews 13:8) What is the significance of this verse for the original readers? For you? For understanding just who Jesus is? For believing in the power of God for today? The significance of this verse for the original readers who were the Jewish Christians is that, since they were experiencing rejection from their fellow Jews, they often felt isolated. Many were tempted to exchange the Changless Christ for their familar old faith. The writere of Hebrews warned them not to do this, Christ is our only security in a changing world. Whatever may happen in this world, Chrisat remains forever changless. If we trust Him we are absolutely secure, because we stand on the firmest foundation in the universe- Jesus Christ. A famous hymn captures this truth: "On Christ the Solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand" Christ's character will never change, Christ Has been and will be the same forever Quote
s8nfighter Posted July 31, 2007 Report Posted July 31, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (Hebrews 13:8) What is the significance of this verse for the original readers? For you? For understanding just who Jesus is? For believing in the power of God for today? Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." I believe the significance of the verse can be found in Romans 4 as Paul describes the faith that Abraham had. It was a faith that lead to righteousness or was it righteousness that lead to faith. At any rate it was Abraham's obedience to God which was credited to him as both faith and righteousness. The same can be said of Noah, Moses, David, Daniel, Solomon and many others. The two people of the Old Testament who understood the nature of God the most is David and Jonah. David let God set his punishment for sin because he knew God was mercifull. Jonah reluctantly delivered God's message of repentance and forgiveness to the city of Nineveh. This is the same message Christ delivered to the world, and still does today. The power of God; the one thing that amazed and set the world on its heals the most is that Christ had the power to forgive. Mark 2:6 Now some teachers of the law were sitting there, thinking to themselves, 7 "Why does this fellow talk like that? He's blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?" This is the power of God, that he forgives us, and the miricle of God is that he sent his Son to bare our sin. I would not call things other than that a miricle, is it a miricle for the God who made the universe and all things in it to do anything? No. The miricle is in us; the fact that he still loves us and he sent his Son so that we may have llife. Darrell Quote
JustJeff Posted July 31, 2007 Report Posted July 31, 2007 I would think that the original readers of Hebrews were being taught about Jesus as the true Messiah and as Jews, were constantly under assault from non-believing Jews. It was important to identify Jesus as a stablilizing, unchanging Savior, not subject to the winds of changing laws or doctrine. The same holds true for me today, to know that His word of yesterday is still the same word today, in spite of a rapidly changing Christian world. Jesus is God, in the likeness of man, confirmed by this scripture. The power of an eternal, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent God is just as real as the air we breath. That is what is meant by Hebrews 13:8. Quote
Loisb Posted July 31, 2007 Report Posted July 31, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (Hebrews 13:8) What is the significance of this verse for the original readers? For you? For understanding just who Jesus is? For believing in the power of God for today? 1) For the original readers, God delivered them out of slavery as he promised and they believed that He would take care of them forever. 2) I am assured that God said he would never leave me or forsake me, so since He promised this many years ago, He is still able to keep His promises today and in the future. 3) To me this is such a powerful statement when He said He is I AM. Who else can make that statement. I Am everything. He is the same yesterday and will be forever. Everytime I hear that it does something to me. It assures me that God is real and I could never doubt Him. 4) I believe in an all powerful God, who promised to never leave us or forsake us and I can trust that He will be with us forever and His power is still real. Quote
Patricia A Posted August 1, 2007 Report Posted August 1, 2007 Q3. (Hebrews 13:8) "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." What is the significance of this verse for the original readers?For you? Where people trust him today, he is still active with the same power that was seen in the first century. He is the same. He does not change. For understanding just who Jesus is? "Because Jesus lives forever, he has a permanent priesthood. Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them." (7:24-25) For believing in the power of God for today? Jesus who forgave and saved men and women in the first century does so today. Quote
PATJOE Posted August 1, 2007 Report Posted August 1, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (Hebrews 13:8) What is the significance of this verse for the original readers? For you? For understanding just who Jesus is? For believing in the power of God for today? If the original readers are the people who witnessed Jesus' miracles and his crucifixion while on earth, they would know that what Jesus has done personally for them, will be available to all mankind until the end of time. For me, I can believe that all I read and study about Jesus' miracles and his loving sacrifice, is just as available to me to-day. For those understanding who Jesus is - they know He never changes -- He is the same to-day as He has always been since the day God placed Him with us on earth -- the Son of God. All of this, being truth, should make it so easy for all to know the power of God that is available to every one of us today. We need to try and reach all of those that don't. Quote
June Posted August 1, 2007 Report Posted August 1, 2007 That God never changes!!!!!! Whatever He did yesterday He will do today. Jesus and God are ONE. Jesus is like God the Father. He is Eternal and never changing. He did miracles, healed, and gave sight to the blind. Trust and faith can bring these same things today. He is very much ALIVE and still the same as years ago. NEVER CHANGING. What He has said He would do, either He has or He will. HE IS ALL POWERFUL. Quote
PCHRIS Posted August 2, 2007 Report Posted August 2, 2007 Because of the drift away from their faith and wanting to go back to the old ways the writer needed to reiterate that Christ is the same yesterday [ OT] and today [NT] and forever [eternal, always there for us when we need Him.] The same reiteration happens for me- knowing that He was around for those who had been before, He is around for us NOW and will be forever more. Christ is one who never changes and He is for me so what can man do against me. The same power back then is the same power working in me and in others. Quote
AngelOnLine Posted August 2, 2007 Report Posted August 2, 2007 3. (Hebrews 13:8) What is the significance of this verse for the original readers? It says that He was, He is, and He always will be. For you? For me if means that he will always be there for me and will never forsake me, no matter what I do. I will always be forgiven and loved if only I come to Him. For understanding just who Jesus is? That He is the same Jesus who came to earth to save us from our sins. He is the same today as He was then. For believing in the power of God for today? It tells me that the Power of God that was shown in the past is the same Power that is shown to me today. Quote
Ms CJ Posted August 3, 2007 Report Posted August 3, 2007 Q3. (Hebrews 13:8) What is the significance of this verse for the original readers? For you? For understanding just who Jesus is? For believing in the power of God for today? What is the significance of this verse for the original readers? * Like God the Father, I AM THAT I AM, the eternally existent One (Exodus 3:14), so Jesus continues eternally -- past, present, future. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End (Isaiah 41:4; 44:6; 48:12; John 8:56-58; Revelation 1:4, 8, 17-18; 21:6; 22:13). For you? * Like God the Father, I AM THAT I AM, the eternally existent One (Exodus 3:14), so Jesus continues eternally -- past, present, future. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End (Isaiah 41:4; 44:6; 48:12; John 8:56-58; Revelation 1:4, 8, 17-18; 21:6; 22:13). For understanding just who Jesus is? * "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Theologians may limit miracles to apostolic days For believing in the power of God for today? * Where people trust him today, he is still active with the same power that was seen in the first century. He is the same. He does not change. In terms that the writer of Hebrews has laid down: "Because Jesus lives forever, he has a permanent priesthood. Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them." (7:24-25) Quote
Craig Posted August 3, 2007 Report Posted August 3, 2007 The significance of this verse for the original readers has the same significance for me and that is: I can exam the lives of the saints that have gone on before me and those saints contemporary to me for inspiration and encouragement in my own faith walk. Jesus is the Alepha and Omega, the Begining and the End -- He is the same yesterday, today and forever!!!!! Jesus is my rock today and forever more. His promises are the same yesterday, today and forever!! I love Jesus and He has my alliegance and love. Quote
linda bass Posted August 13, 2007 Report Posted August 13, 2007 (Hebrews 13:8) What is the significance of this verse for the original readers? Like God the Father, Jesus is the eternally existent One. Jesus continues eternally-past, present, and future. He is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. For you? For me, this verse means that Jesus will never change or go back on His Word. It means He will always be there for me. He will never leave me nor forsake me. For understanding just who Jesus is? The same Jesus who healed the sick and raised the dead during His earthly ministry, has the same power to do so today. Just as Jesus forgave and saved men and women in the 1st century, He continues to do so today. Jesus is the same. He does not change. For believing in the power of God for today? Because Jesus lives forever, He has a permanent priesthood. He is able to save those who come to God through Him because He forever lives to make intercession for them. Quote
Dar Posted August 28, 2007 Report Posted August 28, 2007 Q3. (Hebrews 13:8) Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. What is the significance of this verse for the original readers? The original readers were Jewish believers who were becoming weak in their faith that Jesus the Messiah alone was all that was needed to be saved. The Jewish people held a special place in God's heart, God gave them laws and regulations to live by and now with this new covenant, some of them were becoming weak in their faith. They had to be reminded that Jesus is the same yesterday as He is today, He is the Messiah, the Savior, there are no more sacrifice's to be made except of yourself to God. It is God's mercy given to mankind to believe. It is important they do not trample on the Son of God underfoot, by counting the blood of the covenant as a common thing and therefore insulting the Spirit of grace. The Lord will judge His people. God's mercy is seen in Christ Jesus, who is the same yesterday as He is today, our Savior, the Messiah, the King of King, our Bridegroom, Jesus is the Christ! For you? For understanding just who Jesus is? Heb 10:10 By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. Jesus is the Christ, He is the Son of God, He is sitting at the right hand of God, He is interceding on our behalf, and we are to make ourselves ready for His appearing again as - King of Kings! For believing in the power of God for today? God is the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. His promises are true, He is sitting on the throne very pleased with the believer who has come to put their trust in the grace and mercy given through the cross, who are living a life of thankfullness to the Son for what He did for us, and thankfull to God for loving us so much that He gave His only Son to die, giving us life eternal and power to live a life of appreciation for all He has done, and not trampling on the Son of God underfoot. Quote
MarkH Posted September 1, 2007 Report Posted September 1, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (Hebrews 13:8) What is the significance of this verse for the original readers? For you? For understanding just who Jesus is? For believing in the power of God for today? Jesus is the same, He will never change. He always wants to please God and do His will. Jesus had died for our sins and will take care of us because he loves us. He always has loved us He always will. Quote
Cee Posted December 25, 2007 Report Posted December 25, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (Hebrews 13:8) What is the significance of this verse for the original readers? For you? For understanding just who Jesus is? For believing in the power of God for today? Jesus~~ the same yesterday, today, forever; the significance of this vers for the orginal readers are, Jesus Christ is the same. A confession of the changelessness of Christ. Yester~ To me is that probably when the days when Jesus Christ's life were here on earth with His disciples. Today~ This is talking about the Christ whom eyewitnessed observed Him (2:3). Forever~ This will always be true. For me~ Jesus is always forever. For understanding just who Jesus is ~Always close by my side He is with me forever. For beliving in the power of God for today, by reading His words daily and praying. Quote
JanMary Posted August 6, 2008 Report Posted August 6, 2008 Q3. (Hebrews 13:8) What is the significance of this verse for the original readers? To the original readers, Jesus was the same now that He'd been resurrected and was in Heaven, as He'd been walking among them as their Messiah, on earth, and as He'd been before His incarnation. For you? Jesus is Almighty God, just as He was before His incarnation, and during His earthly life, death and resurrection and always will be. He has not changed....He is immutable. For understanding just who Jesus is? This verse declares the Sovereignty of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, Who is God. The second Person of the Trinity, who existed before the world was formed, came to earth and lived, died and was resurrected and is now seated at the right hand of the Father in Heaven. For believing in the power of God for today? Because He is unchanging, I can depend on His power that was manifested in creation, and while He was on earth...He has not changed, nor has His power diminished because He is invisble to me. Quote
Patricia A Posted September 20, 2008 Report Posted September 20, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (Hebrews 13:8) What is the significance of this verse for the original readers? For you? For understanding just who Jesus is? For believing in the power of God for today? Q3. (Hebrews 13:8) What is the significance of this verse for the original readers? For you? Jesus is always with us. We never have to be concerned that he will leave us. For understanding just who Jesus is? THIS MAKES IT CLEAR THAT JESUS IS GOD. For believing in the power of God for today? WE KNOW THAT GOD IS WITH US TODAY JUST AS HE WAS IN THE PAST AND WILL BE WITH US IN THE FUTURE. Quote
hanks Posted July 7, 2009 Report Posted July 7, 2009 Q3. (Hebrews 13:8) What is the significance of this verse for the original readers? For you? For understanding just who Jesus is? For believing in the power of God for today? All that Jesus had done on earth and all the promises He made then, He still does. We know that presently He intercedes in heaven on our behalf Quote
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