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Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

This Psalm Teaches the greatness of God. The all-powerful creator cares for His most valuable creation- people

This Psalm teaches us that God is mindful of us as humans that God has ordained praise to come from our lips.

Jesus became human, just a little lower than the Heavenly beings and He will raise all who belong to Him above the Heavenly beings when He comes to reign over the new Heaven and new earth, Jesus is the only Person who perfectly reflects God's image( Galatians 2:20, Colossians 1:15. )

We are to Trust God. We are to worship Him and let our lips praise Him, Respect Him, and Obey him. Bow down to our Lord because His name is majestic in all the earth.

We are to take care of, protect everything that is put in our care. Multiply the inhabitants, Let our light shine with the Glory of Christ. Add to His kingdom those that are lost and dying.


Psalm 8 teaches that God is the all mighty and he is the creator of the whole universe.

It is reminding us that we even the children and infants should personally give praise from their lips for all the things that God has given us.

It teaches us that Christ was able to humble himself and become lower than the heavenly things - such as being as a man - and die for our sin on the cross. It also illustrate to us that Jesus Christ is willing to sacrifice his life for us, so that we do not have to go to hell. Just as it is mentioned in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." God loves us.

We must obey his word and praise him for all creatures that He has made. Lastly, we need to serve God by ruling responsibility over his creation. Our rule is never independent of God, but in submission to God.

. :unsure:


[/size]Psalm 8 teaches that God is the all mighty and he is the creator of the whole universe.

It is reminding us that we even the children and infants should personally give praise from their lips for all the things that God has given us.

It teaches us that Christ was able to humble himself and become lower than the heavenly things - such as being as a man - and die for our sin on the cross. It also illustrate to us that Jesus Christ is willing to sacrifice his life for us, so that we do not have to go to hell. Just as it is mentioned in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." God loves us.

We must obey his word and praise him for all creatures that He has made. Lastly, we need to serve God by ruling responsibility over his creation. Our rule is never independent of God, but in submission to God.

. :unsure:

Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

1). Psalm teaches us that God is the Lord and Creator of the whole world and the universe. He rules over the world with love, power, justice and sovereignty.

2). Psalm teaches that human being bear the very image of God. That we are created to be a worker of God with dignity and value in overseeing His creation. God has created us for a reason, which gives our life ultimate meaning and purpose. We are to obey and be submissive to the One in authority.

3). It teaches us that we owe to our Creator and all glory belongs to God.

4). Our responsiblity is to demonstrae Christlike character and conduct in our task. He wants us to bring Him glory as a faithful manager of the resources and responsibilities He has placed us under His control. We are to find fulfillment and motivation in working with God, trusting and submitting our total dependency on HIm.

Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

This Psalm proclaims to me that God is creator. He is over all his creation and has not departed from it or "left it in motion" to fend for itself.

Man has a God-designed /defined purpose in creation. When even the weakest of man (children & infants) attribute to Yahweh sovereignty over His creation, His protective strength safeguards. Jesus Christ came to earth to reconcile mankind to God. The Psalmist states, "You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet" which reminds me that Jesus is ascended and is sitting at the Father's right hand. Father God will make his enemies a footstool for his feet.

Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

Psalm 1 teaches me that God is the creator of all, and even in the vastness of His creation, He cares for us.

We are so small in this vast creation, but we are important to God.

God, in the form of lowly man, will come to us and show us GOd's love.

We need to care for and respect and preserve this precious earth.

Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

1. This psalm teaches us that God is the God of the whole universe :the earth & the heavens!He is a glorious & a majestic God !It also portrays God as the creator of the universe.At the same time, it shows that God is mindful of us & cares for us inspite of His greatness!

2.Even though God made man a little lower than the heavenly beings;He crowned human beings with glory and honor & made him ruler over the works of His creations.

3.Christ put everything under His feet at the cross .His name is a majestic name in all the earth!

4.Since God has crowned us with glory and honor & also made us rulers over His creations we are expected to be good stewards & reflect His love, compassion & humility.


Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

1) What does this psalm teach about God?

* How Majestic He is

Creator of all heaven and earth

Look at His glory by looking at creation

2) What does it teach about human beings?

* That man is evidence of the true Creator

Man holds the glory of God

That God is infinite and that man can be also

That God is mindful of mankind

3) What does it teach us about Christ?

* That God sent His Son to redeem mankind for God so loved the world

God made Him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor

4) What does it teach about our responsibilities?

* His majesty is in the greatness of creation, on earth and extending to the farthest heavens. And yet he wants to know us and include us in his plan. The glory of his infinite creation is seen in his particular care for lowly man.

"Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground." (Genesis 1:28)

Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

I see that it speaks of the majesty and splendor of GOD.....how huge and awesome HE is....also it shows about us that though we are made lesser beings in HIs sight , He loves us enough to give us the responsibility to care for HIS creation.

I'm not sure if I understand what it teaches about Christ?


Good morning from NZ ( New Zealand). Wonderful Psalm and great comments Ralph. Like you the minuteness/ vastness contrast blows me away. I was thinking about that recently- we are so small! Just one amongst billions, it appears (from a human point of view) that we are like one insignificant grain of sand on a seashore- how amazing then- that God would say His thoughts towards us are more vast than all the grains of sand! (Psalm 139:17-18) The Majestic and glorious God is mindful of us personally(8:4)- The Creator of this incredible universe cares for us personally (8:4) It is more than God so loved THE WORLD (Jn 3:16) it is the Son of God who love ME and gave Himself for ME (Gal 2:20) How majestic is His name!

blessing to all you


Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

Psalms 8 declares the glory and majesty of the Lord Jehovah who is our Lord. We were created to give him glory and praise, even as children and our strength comes not in fighting or complaining about opposition, but our strength is in the Lord always giving him glory and praise in the midst of all things, even our enemies. The Hebrew word for enemies is Tsarar which means to bind, be narrow, be in distress, make narrow, cause distress, besiege, be straitened, be bound, to make narrow for, cause distress to, press hard upon, to show hostility toward, treat with enmity, vex, harass. It is really a verb. To me this is stating when we are in situations where we are in distress, feel pressed hard upon, vexed or harrassed, that is when we praise the Lord because that is the strength that will get rid of this distress or pressure.

The Psalmist did that which many of us has done, look at the expanse of the universe and realize how small we are in the midst of all creation. Yet in the midst of all that is created, God is mindful of man, me. Jesus Christ was made a little lower than a heavenly being. He came to earth born of a woman so He could pay the price. Through his cross and resurrection, he restored man back into his rightful position. When we accept him into our lives and acknowledge him as Lord, we are the body of Christ. We too are created a little lower than heavenly beings crowned with glory and honor, for as he was so are we in this world. God is mindful of man because we were the only ones created in his image and likeness. Jesus restored us to this image and once again we are one with God. When we were created the image of God we were given all authority. Now that Jesus has restored us into that which we were created for, we have the ability to subdue the earth. But the first and last and everything in between, we praise and glorify our God who is the Lord over our life.


1) God is the architect of our lives and of the universe. He is strong, generous and enables us to enjoy all aspects of his creation.

2) We are weak, and yet God has trusted us to take care of His creation. Our place in the hierarchy of the world is above many but below God. We should not lose sight of our position, remembering to give praise to God for the honor and glory he has entrusted to us.

3) God gave us everything on earth, even his only Son, so that we might have the tools to find happiness here and in His kingdom.

4) We must take care of His many gifts, and remember to give praise and glory to God. [/font]


What a beautiful psalm, it makes my heart sing!

1. God is: the most wonderful creator~ of all things everywhere, our Father, our teacher and protector

2. Humans are: mere children, small and helpless without Him, made in his image, given responsibility to care for the many things He has created and obligated to offer Him praise

3. Jesus is: crowned with glory and honor, God's son who came to live among humans, taught us to live a God pleasing life, gave his life on a cross for the mistakes we make in order that we would be reconciled with our Father, and perfect

4. Responsibilities:to trust, worship, and praise God, care for the earth and it's inhabitants, be submissive to God's will for our lives


Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God?

Only God has true glory. He has it because he is so good. God's glory shines from inside him. God shines brighter than the sun. God has many powerful enemies. The most powerful is Satan or the Devil. He may be the avenger in the psalm. But God will win. God is more powerful than all his enemies

What does it teach about human beings?

God made man for a special purpose. Man is not doing it. Only Jesus is doing it. One day Christians will be with Jesus.

What does it teach us about Christ?

The idea that God would look to this earth and love us as an individual is almost beyond our comprehension.

Why does God love us so much that He sent His Son to save us?

We could give a thousand answers, such as we are His creation, we are made in His image,

or any other reason, but it does not seem to be enough reason.

What does it teach about our responsibilities?

We are to oversee and take care of his creation.


Its amazing that God has designed star systems just for man to ponder over, which shows us we are so small yet loved. So much has been put in place for simple man whom now have great responsiblity to look after it.

Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

God is not only the creator of everything, but he is the sustainer. He provides for His creation daily as we have needs. His majesty and splendor are magnified in this relationship of dependence and provision.

As God's creation, how can we do anything but put our trust in Him. Everything else would be foolish.

Christ is the bridge between God and man. It is always amazing the God is mindful of His sinful creation. God, who cannot look upon sin, cares so much for His creation that He provided a way for relationship through the sacrifice of His Son.

Our responsibility to the Creation, and thus, to God is to care for His creation. How would we treat the resource that He has provided each day if we took the time to look upon them as belonging to God. Would we be more thankful as we use and consume resources? Would we find ways to share the resources with those who don't enjoy what we enjoy? Would we frivolously travel extra miles in a gas guzzler? Would we eat too much food and become obese? Would we give of our plenty until it changes our lives? Would we go out of our way to help others? I think I should really stop now. :unsure:


Earlier this evening, before I had a chance to get to today's lesson, my 8 yr old grandson said something that brought up a discussion of how Jesus holds everything together. I took him to Colossians 1:

"He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross."

We talked about eclipses and other things that happen in the sky, and how if Jesus were to let go control over these things, everything would be destroyed because "in him all things hold together." We also read from Genesis 1 where God said "Let us make man," showing that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit were all involved in creation.

After he went to bed, I read this glorious Psalm, and listened to Pastor Ralph talk about it. For me, this Psalm expresses what I was feeling after reading Colossians and Genesis, so that is what I wanted to share.


Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

Psa 8 teaches us that God is the Supreme Creator of all things...and as Creator, He is to be honored and praised by all His creation. The greatest of His creation is Jesus Christ Himself, His only begotten Son without whom we'd be doomed to hell.


This Psalm teaches that God is the one who holds all things together and sustains the universe in the essence of who He is.

This Psalm teaches that we as human beings we were created for the purpose of being in His likeness and to have dominion over His creation. Our purpose is carry out His commands on earth with the authority He has given us by placing all things under our feet in the name of Jesus.

This Psalm teaches that Jesus is the example of the glory and honor that we are crowned with to enable us to have the domion and authority that He has given us in the name of Jesus.

This Psalm teaches us that we have the responsibility to rule and reign on this earth in the name of Jesus and to take the God given authority we have and recognize that all things have been put under our feet and that we are the ones with the dominion over our lives, not the devil.


1a. His name is majestic in all of the earth. His glory is greater than all of the heavens.

1b. Humans were created a "little lower than the heavenly beings." It also teaches that God Himself is mindful of us.

1c. It is in retrospect of later writings that the connection to Christ is made clear. Jesus identifies Himself as the "son of man."

1d. David recalls the assignment given by God in Gen. 1:28 that we have a definite job assignment regarding God's creation.


Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

This Psalms Teaches me about God that He is great and Powerful.

On human being it teaches that God assures us the worthnof mankind and He cares for us.

On Christ it teaces that Christ is the only person whomis perfectly reflects God's image.


The reference to children praising God from their lips I think refers to children's innate knowledge that they have little power to change their personal situation...they 'know' that God is all powerful whereas they are weak...and therefore rely more easily on God's power than we adults do. As adults, we tend to reason that we have the ability to change our circumstances, we are less likely to turn to God before invariably 'stuffing things up' ourselves.

Verse 4 teaches us that God loves Christ 'son of man' as much as He loves us, His creation, man. We are on the same level when it comes to God's concern, although we are between God and the angels when it comes to our place in eternity.


Adonai is the Creator, of everything. Despite our humanity, Adonai has given us charge over His creation as we are His children, He alone is worthy of our praise. He is love.

Adonai has given us His only begotten Son, to experience our life, to die for us in order to have victory over death. Adonai is love.

God has given us dominion over all the earth and we are to love and care for it as He does us. We are responsible. God is love.

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