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Would you say that the words "subdue" and "rule" found in Genesis 1:28 and the words "in charge" and "authority" speak to us being held accountable for how we treat the earth?

Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

What this Psalm teaches:

About God; He is the all-powerful creator, majestic and worthy of all praise.

About human beings; When we look at the vast expanse of creation, how can God be concerned for us as humans who constantly disappoint Him, yet we are created only a little lower than Himself or the angels. We have tremendous authority, we are in charge of the whole earth. When we look at creation, we often feel small by comparison and that is a healthy way to get back to reality, but God doesn't want us to dwell on our smallness, with our humility comes proper respect for God. We have great worth because we bear the stamp of the Creator.

About Christ; That He took on human form and He perfectly reflects God's image.

About our responsibilities; with the authority God has given us comes great responsibility to use our resources wisely because as stewards of the earth we are held accountable.

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God is wonderful, powerful, majestic - I like that word. The majesty, magnificence of our God.

Humans are only a small part of God's creation. We need to remember it's not about us! But yet, God loves us and cares for us and has given us dominion over the earth and all things in it. Which leads to our responsibilities. We need to take care of ourselves and our earth.

This Psalms teaches that God is Supreme, he's the most high God, He love us, he's the Majestic and is great.

Psalm 8 also teaches us that Human Being are precious in the sight of God and because he love us, he die just for our sins.

Psalsm 8 also teaches us that Jesus became human, just a little lower than the Heavenly beings and He will raise all who belong to Him above the Heavenly beings when He comes to reign over the new Heaven and new earth, Jesus is the only Person who perfectly reflects God's image( Galatians 2:20, Colossians 1:15. )

Finally it teaches us that we are responsible to serve as ruler over everything that the Lord made, and because he made us in his image and likeness, we have so much authority as children of His.


Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

This Psalm teaches that God's glory is above the heavens because He is the creator of the universe and the creator of the universe is mindful of and cares for puny mortals. God has crowned Jesus with glory and honor and has made Him ruler over all things.

Our responsibility is to worship, honor and obey Him as King Jesus.


Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

This Psalm teaches that God's glory is above the heavens because He is the creator of the universe and the creator of the universe is mindful of and cares for puny mortals. God has crowned Jesus with glory and honor and has made Him ruler over all things.

Our responsibility is to worship, honor and obey Him as King Jesus.


:lol: Psalms 8 show me how majectic and loving God is to listen to his children. we complain, fuss, and walk around our moutain 40 times when we try to move it. then Christ provides us a shortcut and shows us the narrow way. Our job is to praise, worship, sing and honor our loving God.


Our responsibility before God is to live in harmony with his expectation of praise for his creation and our part in it. We as created beings have the holy one within joined to us, our relation. How majestic is his name even. The glory that shines through us. We are crowned with glory. The light of God to this lost lonely world. Can we make a difference? No matter, we are his. We exist to proclaim O Lord, Our God. Can we find that place of communion? We pray give us our daily bread, the blessed word to our souls. The peaceful communion of saints. The religion of daily life. Our souls (hearts) rejoice and find a new beginning daily. A fresh start each morning.


Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God?

- God create the universe

- - God cares for and loves us despite being a drop in an endless sea

What does it teach about human beings?

- God cares for and loves us


What does it teach us about Christ?

"the son of man" referenced in Psalm 8:4 is Jesus

I like the directness of the New International version, which states in Psalms 8:6


God - how excellent, how awesome! Creator of all heavens and earth! He needs no assistance from any man's strenth to prevail over His enemies. He is so overwhelmingly wonderful we are unable to fully comprehend His characteristics.

Man - created a little lower than angels and crowned with glory and honor - I need to remember that when Satan seeks to discourage me with his lies about who/what I am! Amazingly, we are vastly important to God - which is a great mystery!

Christ - His name is excellent, He is the Creator who seeks to restore us to glory and honor. When you consider who He is, it is impossible to fully understand His love to us.

Our responsibility - dominion over the creation - we must seek to preserve the earth and the creatures created as less than we are, a solemn trust given to us by He who created all.


Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? How awesome He is, how great creation is.

What does it teach about human beings? That we are important to God and that He has crowned us with Glory

What does it teach us about Christ? That He is all loving and great and that He cares for us

What does it teach about our responsibilities? That we are to take care of all things on earth

Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

We are accountable to God for our actions. He doesn't need us, we need him in everything that we do. He is our creator, he loves us . Christ died for us so that we could have enternal life. We are responsibile for making sure we follow Christ, give everthing to him. To have complete and total faith in him.


Psalm 8

This Psalm teaches that our God is magestic and is worthy of our praise and honor. He is the Creator of the universe and all living things in it. God is all wisdom, and He is also referred to as one who is finger working, meaning He is a working God.

His ability to create is beyond our comprehension. He is magnificent and excellent!

Human beings are small in comparison to God and yet He created us in His image, therefore man has worth and value in the eyes of God.

Christ even though God Himself came down to man's level while on earth, He too was made a little lower than the angels so that He could identify with man. God through Christ now becomes our Creator/Redeemer because of the fallen nature of the world and man.

Our responsibility is to show God through Christ, our honor and praise and to take care of all He has given us and not be neglectful. We are to show stewardship which shows honor and respect to the Lord.


Psalms 8 teaches us that God is awesome and that He made everything perfect just the way that He wanted to. When He created everything it is to our wonder and way beyond our understanding how He could do such a thing.

There may have been a time in our lives that we might have been abused as children from the ones that God put as authority over us but no matter what happened that we can marvel to the fact that through God we can get through all the pain and suffering that we might have gone through. I tells me that we are very sensitive people due to all that we went through when we was growing up. But no matter what we still have to give God all the praise for what He has done for us still.

No matter what the circumstances are that Jesus is there for us and what we go through in life that he will still be there with us through all that we go through. It dont matter what others think of us as long as we keep our eyes on Jesus and not vere from Him that He will continue to go through all that we have to endure in life with us.

No matter what we still have to give praise with our lips. We have to continue in life knowing that God has given us all that we have and that we have to take care of what we have and that we cant be selfish either. We have to continue to love God and others too, that we have to no matter what the circumstances is that we have to continue to praise Him. As the song title reads by Casting Crowns...I Will Praise You In This Storm.

Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?
The psalm teaches us that God is all powerful, such a Marvelous Creator; He puts so much detail in His creation. Even though we are small in His creation, He loves us so much that He wants us to take part in His plan. We humans have strength against the enemy when we use HIs marvelous majestic Name!! God humbled Himself when He came to earth to be lower than some of His creation (the angels) so that He could bring us back to Himself. He took our sin and died a humiliating death on the cross, but what a joy for us. He came back and then sent His Holy Spirit. We have the responsibility to be stewards and ministers of His creation and to take the power and use it wisely as He gave us. But above all to love, honor and give Him glory.
Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

It tells us that God is a trusting and ever loving God. It also teaches us that God looks at us all important.


We have learned that God loves us, his people. That he loves children and infants. We learned that he is Almighty God who is master creator of not just the world but the universe and all space. We learned that Christ was mentioned in the Psalms, that he was set just below all heavenly beings to rule the earth shining with God's crowning glory. We, the people of God, were instructed by God to take good care of all God's creation. We, the people of God, should take care of the home God gave us, the Earth.

Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

I learnt that God is Glorious and Majestic over His creation the earth and the heavens.Human beings are miniscule and finite in comparison. Christ being God humbled Himself and became lower than the angels by becoming man and came down to earth to suffer and die so we could be restored to a right relationship with the Glorious and Majestic God.The God who created the infinite universe gave man charge over it and we can only do this if we bend our knee to God our Father He will give us His children the ability to care for the universe.

Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

This psalm teaches about the majesty of God. He is so great and as we look up we can adore Him because of His creation. With His greatness is His goodness; He is beneficient to us human beings. Jesus Christ, as the Son of man gave up His dwelling place on high to be with us. Now He is crowned with glory and honour. Our responsibility is to praise God, even babies are called to praise our God; we are to care for God's creation not abuse it.


Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

1. This psalm teaches us about God's majesty on the earth and His glory above the heavens. (v.1)

2. We are nothing compared to God's majesty as shown in the wonders of His vast creation. In spite of who, what and how "small" we are, He cares for us. He has given us authority over His creation.

3. Because God cares for us and because of God's love, Christ (His only son) humbles Himself and came to earth as a lowly human being to save us from the bondage of sin by dying a shameful death on the cross.

4. To submit completely to God and to serve God by ruling responsibly over His creation.

Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

It teaches us that our god is the creator of this universe and that he loves us very much that he is bothered about us. he wants us to praise him because he is worthy to be praised. we are mere mortals but still he loves us so much.

he is the creator of this whole universe and we are his creations. nobody is superior to anybody and that we all are equal in his eyes.

he made christ go through a lot for our sake and he has been rewared with such glory for it- though he was the only son!

We as his creation have to take care of everybody and he has given us so much authority. We should be always be in praise of him and in awe of him. We should not do anything that makes him unhappy or put him to shame. Praise to you god!


Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

It teaches the greatness of God. The all-powerful creator cares for His most valuable creation- people

It teaches us that God is mindful of us as humans that God has ordained praise to come from our lips.

Jesus became human, lived on earth as one of us but at His death He became the right hand of God and He will raise all who belong to Him above the Heavenly beings when He comes to reign over the new Heaven and new earth, Jesus is the only Person who perfectly reflects God's image

We are to Trust God. We are to worship Him and let our lips praise Him, Respect Him, and Obey him. Bow down to our Lord because His name is majestic in all the earth.

We are to take care of, protect everything that is put in our care. Multiply the inhabitants, Let our light shine with the Glory of Christ. Add to His kingdom those that are lost and dying.


1. The Psalm teaches about the greatness of God and his majestic power, which transcends the heaven and makes us to know that God is mindful of us and wants us to be part of his creation.

2.We humans are minute compared to God's great power but he has created us that in him will we have dominion over the works of his hands.

3. God visited us through his son Jesus Christ to redeem us and crown us with Glory and honour. Jesus Christ said that He is the way, the truth and the life and that no one can come to the Father except through Him as God has made him the ruler of the earth

4. Our responsibility is to be submissive to God and have dominion over all his creation as he has ordained us to.


Now great God is. We as humans should give him praise and thanksgiving for all the blessings he bestows on us. Christ was able to become human in order to pay our sin debt. We should be like Christ in our interactions with others.

God is all powerful - having made all of creation, including us. He is mighty and loving. God has majesty in all of creation. He is the Lord Almighty who created EVERYTHING and everything has a purpose. God created us individually and took the time to place everything in us perfectly. As humans we are so small compared to creation yet he cares so much about us. Christ is all loving and has a plan for us all. He loved us enough to give His life for each of us - how many of us would say that of someone we didn't know or hadn't met personally? God has given us the opportunity to take part in creation and it is our responsibility to use the opportunity! Everything we have and are is a gift from God (not a right) and we should always be thankful, grateful, for His gifts and not take them for granted!

Psalm 8 teaches us that God is Creator of an infinite universe. This psalm teaches that God's glory is above the heavens.

Psalm 8 teaches that man is small and insignificent compared to the vastness of God's creation.

Psalm 8 teaches that God cared enough for man to send Jesus as mankind's Savior.

Psalm 8 teaches that it is man's responsibilty to serve God by caring for His creation. We are to be responsible caregivers of the earth.

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