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hi this is lorna psalm 8 means to me that god is everything and made everything hes my abba which is daddy hes wonderful and that we should always give him praise and that he is ruler of all things and i just want to say hes my number 1 always

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Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

God is our wonderful creator. Creator of heaven and earth. Even though He has made us lower than Himself, He our God let man rule over all the livestock, fish, birds, over all the earth.

Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

That Jehovah is OUR Lord, personal not amorphous. Anyone that is honest will see that He is the creator, and see His glory in the creation. He is sovereign. He is over and above the enemy, none is stronger thaqn the creator for the creation can never equal the creator. Yet, God cared so much about us that He created us, and loves us. As Beth Moore states, He fashioned us with His fingers - He spoke the rest of creation into existence, but formed us and then used spiritual CPR to breathe life into us. Man is a little lower than the Heavenly beings, but we are crowned with glory and honor. God gave man dominion over the earth in creation, and this Psalm reminds us of that, although we haven't maintained that dominion since the fall. Christ is the ruler over the earth, and everything is under Him, He has restored the rule the way God planned it for creation. Our responsibility is to give praise and honor to our Creator. I never noticed that Psalm 8 ended and began with the same wording. Reminds me of Romans where it states that Creation speaks of God, and that no one can say that they are ignorant of God because His Creation shows us that He is. Even in my most pagan of days, I still knew that there was a Creator. I struggled with this Psalm for a long time because it showed that God was in charge of the universe and all was under His control, and for a time I had a challenge thinking that if everything was so under God's control, why was there evil? It took a long time to reconcile that. There are a few other Psalms that for a period of time early in my faith were like fingernails on a blackboard.




Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?
God is the highest being, and we should praise him, even from birth, learning to talk. This Psalm also teaches us that we are beneath God and he created us to tend to his creations. LIke God is over us he gave us the knowledge & capabilities to take care of his animals, flock, everything.
Just wanted to say "Hi" for I see you too are going through the Psalms at the same time I am.


Hi! Yes and at times I get some sort of mental block. Thank you for emailing me. I like to chat with folks especially when it comes to the word of God. When I get stuck can I email you for some insight? :)

Hi! Yes and at times I get some sort of mental block. Thank you for emailing me. I like to chat with folks especially when it comes to the word of God. When I get stuck can I email you for some insight? :)

Would be fun to share information.


  • 2 months later...

Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

We can never hope to understand the full glory of GOD Never the less we must continue working to that end. Although God does not expect full understanding, He expects and requires that we will try. To that end He graciously provided us with His Son, Jesus.

  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry this is so late. I had some issues the first week. But I'm here!


Is the ultimate artist. He is praiseworthy beyond what we can fathom, for the depths of His wisdom, the power of His hand, and the beauty of His love all contribute to the "works of [His] fingers," which is all that we know. He breathed the breath of life into us and speaks intimately to our souls, so that none of us can help but to give Him glory: even "infants" who speak in gibberish. If that is not what any artist aspires to do, I don't know what they're doing!


The fact that the "Son of Man" is listed along with man himself indicates that He really was one of us. At the same time, I believe we are "crowned with glory and honor" simply because of what he did for us on the cross. Christ is our crown; without him we are dirty and unholy, but with him we are Kings and Queens. Christ is also the King of Kings, the ruler over our hearts alone-- after all, we are a work of God's hand ourselves.


We have value simply because the God of the universe thought us worth it. He gave us dominion over his creation, something which he labored over and called good. We hardly deserve it, but He proves that he loves us by giving us things we don't deserve.


Our role as stewards is to take care of the earth... and from my point of view, this means looking for fair trade items to buy, fighting against slavery, recycling, reducing our energy needs, and doing our part to help conservation. I'm gonna need help with that one.

  • 3 weeks later...

1.It teaches us that God's name is(majestic) in all the earth .

And his gorly is above all the heavens.

2.No matter how big or small or weak,

we are strong and mighty when we call on the

name of the Lord Jesus,Who gives us strength.

And who we give all the praise.

3.It teaches us that in christ obedintance he humble

himself and became lower than the heavenly beings,

that he might become man.And yet he humble himself to die a shameful death.

So that we may be save.

4.We his poeple are responsibly for his creation,which he puts us in charge of,

to rule over the earth.

  • 4 weeks later...
Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

It teaches us that GOD is the great Creator of all things and HE is awesome and mighty.That humans should praise GOD young and old. That we should have joy that YOU have consider us that YOU are thinking of us. It teaches us that CHRIST was sent here to save us. Our responsibilities are that we should take the honor in GOD giving man charge over the things that was created by HIM.

  • 4 weeks later...
Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

It teaches us that God is glorious and that he has man's best interest at heart. It teaches us that God has placed the responsibility of all animals and the earth in our hands to care for and to be keeper of. It shows us that man has been crowned with glory and honour by being given this dominion. It also teaches us that Christ is our Lord and to be thankful for all that he has done and to glorify him.

Thank you,

Love Jesus

  • 2 weeks later...
This psalm teaches us that God is Lord over all and everything - the heavens and the earth. It shows us that as human beings we are very important and special to God. Jesus humbled Himself and became lower than His position in order to save all mankind and reconcile us back to the Father. Our responsibility is to rule and cultivate the land. As Genesis 1v28 says: 'God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."'
  • 1 month later...

Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

God continually amazes me, here we're given the manner in which to praise Him. To think even the little ones know of Him enough to also bring forth glorious prasie to the creator. I still love the song written from these verses. We'd sign it over and over and I'd never get tierd of it. "Lord oh Lord how Majestic is your name in all the earth" and then we'd repeat that as a praise offering unto our God, my God. It brings to mind also the verses in the New Testament where Christ said if the people don't bring forth praises the very rock will cry out in rejoicing.

  • 3 weeks later...

Psalm 8 teaches that man's weakness doesn't compare to God's greatness. He crated us and nothing we can do cill measure up to Gods power and glory. Christ died for us and loved us enought to become one of us, dying a horrible and painful death. He did this 1. to save us from the penalty of our sins (death) and 2. to draw us closer to him. Given all this, we are to walk in submission to God and all of his goodness and mercy while still having righteous dominion in all the earth.

Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

It shows us the Glory of the Lord in Creation. It expresses wonder at the majestic and sublime nature of God. In view of the vastness of creation and the surpassing glory of God Man stands at the summit of God's creation. God created human beings as majestic creatures who were to rule over His creation. Jesus restores those who put their trust in Him. In Christ we recover magesty; in Him we become the people that God wants us to be. Whenever we feel worthless the words of this psalm should encourage us. We and all other human geings are valuable because God Himself created us in His own glorious image. O Lord our Lord:the first word is the divine name Yahweh. Thesecond Hebrew word translated our Lord speaks of the One in control: Our Sovereign.

Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

It teaches me just how wonderful, powerful, majestic, and excellent our God is, yet is loving enough to care about us.

It teaches me how dependent upon God that we really are, and apart from Him we can do nothing, and it shows how small, and weak that man is in comparison with God. It teaches us how much Christ really cares about us, to leave heaven, and come down to this sinful world, take on the form of man, and go through the suffering and pain of the cross. He didn't have to do that, but His love for us is more than our minds can comprehend. Our responsibilities are to take care of God's creation, and cherish everything that He has made, and be led by God.

  • 2 weeks later...
Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

This psalm teaches about God that He cares for us greatly. It affirms that we as humans were created by God for a glorious purpose. We are so valuables to God that we are special objects of His concern and favor. He has honored us by choosing us to rule over His creation. Christ cared enough that he humbled himself to become lower than heavenly beings and become like man. To die a horrible death on a cross, so that he might restore fellowship again with our Creator. Our responsibility is the consciousness of our favored position is no reason for praising ourselves, but a reason for giving thanks, and praise, and glory, and honor to the Creator.

  • 2 weeks later...
Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

That he loves and trusts us so much that he gives us great responsibility in his creation. Though we are small and weak compared to God's greatness and power, we can unleash his power by proclaiming his name, his promises, and worshiping him. Christ loves us so much, that he wanted to come to Earth and experience what we experience for himself so that he could take the ultimate punishment for our sins. We are manage what God has given us on Earth and be submissive to him as he is the one who gives us everything we need.


God is the one and only Great I am. He Loved us so much that he created such a beautiful pleace here on Earth. As his children he have also given us dominion over all the things of the earth. We were created to be higher than Angels and through Jesus we will restore.

As children we must understand that when we feel that we are week that is when we are strong. God gave us the strength to overcome all things that the devil try against us but we have more power than the devil if we only believe and trust God. We are responsible for living our lives in a way that is pleasing to our Creator.

  • 3 weeks later...

This Psalm teaches us about the bigness of God, the smallness of man.

But at the same time it teaches about God being a personal God that although He is so great, and man so small, He is concerned and cares for man, you and me.

This love is ultimately demonstrated when Christ came in to the world.

With that being said, it compels us to live responsibly and to live a life that is pleasing to God.


This Psalm teaches us that God created everthing on this earth. He created everything we see, hear, smell, touch, and taste.

God created us in His image and we should be a represented of Him, by uplifting and praising his name all the time. Not some of the time but all the time. We should strive everyday to do God wills even when we are down, or don't feel well. Not just when things are going great.

This Psalm teaches us that Christ was sent here in the flesh, so that He could die on the cross for our sins, that we can come to God ourselves and ask for forgiveness.

As stated earlier our responsibilties is to praise, worship, uplift Gods name in season and out of season, which means not only we are happy because things are going our way, but in times we things are definately not going our way.

  • 2 weeks later...

How truly amazing God is, far beyond anything we can comprehend. But the most amazing miralce is that I can experience him in my heart. And that he has given me responsbility to be stewards of His creation.

  • 4 weeks later...
Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

This Psalm teaches us that God is a majestic God and deserved the majesty and his Glory is above the heavens. He gives his strength and power to the weak and powerless so that they can prevail over their enemies. He is the creator of the earth and all its beings. He has also created the heavens, the moon the stars and all that are in the skies.

This Psalm teaches us that God created man as explained in the book of Genesis with all his majesty and glory, just below the heavenly beings. He has bestowed over mankind the rule over all that has been created on this earth and to have power over them.

While all other creations of God obeyed God and still continue to do so the superior creation of God

  • 3 weeks later...

This Psalm teaches that God, although so obviously amazing above all we can even imagine, still loves mankind.

It teaches that man, although weak, has the strength of God, the God who created the heavens and the earth available to him.

It teaches that the love of God is so great for us that the son of man, Jesus, gave His life for us to the point of the exruciating and shameful experience of the cross. This is amazing love from an amazing God.

This Psalm teaches that man's responsibility is to be a responsible custodian of God's creation.

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