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Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

Hello Pastor Ralph - good to be on the course - I hope I last out!

God has made everything but because He loves us He put us on a higher level than anything else in creation.

Human beings occupy a special place in God's world and we would have so much power if we could remain focussed on Him

Jesus was prepared to humble himself for us by coming down to our lower level to save us.

Our responsibilities are huge but more often than not we do not take them seriously. Every day we have the opportunity to submit ourselves to God and to do what He expects of us.

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"He prayeth well, who loveth best

All things both great and small;

For the dear God who loveth us,

He made and loveth all"

This Psalm teaches us that Hashem has created heaven and earth.

Compared to Him, we are nothing.

According to the letter to the Hebrews, He placed the Son in full authority of His creation.

Our responsability is to take good care for nature.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

That God can establish strength and praise from babies in the face of His enemies rendering them weak.

Even though we are lowly and really insignificant in the universe and the ultimate grand scheme of things that our lives are just a breath in the timeline of history. God is mindful of us and he cares for us he put us in charge of His creation and put our position lower than the heavenly bodies.

That Christ from His exalted Position in the heavens loves us and thinks of us lowly people in His grand scheme of things.

which is summed up in the question in verse 4, when God you have created things so majestic as the universe and all of creation from the vast expansion of the universe down to the tiniest microbe at the bottom of the ocean. Yet you are mindful of your creation of man and placed us in a position a little lower than the angels. And again the question is WHY?


Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

Hi to everyone out there. First time doing a course like this, especially online, so lets all have fun about it.

as per your questions Dr. Ralph:

The psalmist, to my understanding, is joining the angels in heaven, declaring that God is MAJESTIC. That is name is above any other name in the earth. and that his Glory which is accessible to us remains in the heavens cause if we really understood the immense power of God's glory we would be dead in heaven...lol. The presence we feel on earth is only but a small portion of his whole glory manifested.

The psalmist, again to my understanding, is stating a remarkable fact of how the children and infants have the power to praise God and silence the enemies. God see's faith and innocence, and when there is faith and innocence there is great immense power. We should learn from them through their child like faith and not over stuffy religion. We as adults have more time to figure things out in our head, where a child would have no questions and no fear and obey God instantly.

Christ was brought onto this world to regain our innocence at the cross. God needed a sinless man who was holy and untouched to perform this act of sacrifice. What better person than his own son. What a true sacrifice, showing the love that God has for us. descending from heaven and being crowned with glory and honor, and then saying that we are made in his image, tells us how he sees us as well.

Our Responsibility is to rule over the works of God's hands. To be sent out from nation to nation baptizing the people with the father son and the holy spirit preaching the good news of God. We have authority under the name Jesus Christ to heal, deliver, prophecy, raise the dead and deliver the gospel to everyone who is lost and seeking.

  • 3 weeks later...

Psalm 8, to me, indicates a love by our Abba that we cannot begin to fathom. We surely cannot fathom the majesty of His universe, let alone comprehend that His love for us is even more majestic than this. As an aside, if we cannot fathom the majesty of His universe, how can we begin to fathom His majesty, greatness or love for us? And why,I ask, in our brokenness and lack of vision and insight, would He trust us with His creation--thus we have an obvious responsibility to care tor it. In our pale humanity, shouldnt we rely on Him who has given us All--including His own Son, that He made lower than angels?

Although He is known through the ages and the nations, I dont think we begin to understand and know His depths--but we can experience Him.We are, indeed finite and He is infinite. What Joy! So praise Him and block access to the enemy. Praise from the most vulnerable of His human creations have strength over darkness and stupidity and anything that naively attempts to obstruct or deny His existence, presence, omnipotence and majesty.

Now this next thought is surely not the focus of the psalm but it also occurs to me that it is incumbent upon us to protect our children by also teaching them while they are young to praise Him who is most high, who has an infinite capacity, greater than the seemingly infintessimal number of stars in creation, to love us. WOW!

Oh Father, most worthy King, in heaven, teach me to understand you more deeply and experience you more fully and sanctify me. Allow me the privilege and grant me the wisdom to be a light that allows others to know you. Strengthen my heart and fuse my will to Yours. Let my thoughts, words, actions and character be pleasing to You! Amen

  • 3 weeks later...

Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

God is majestic, beautiful, graceful, wise, so many things. They all attract us in awe to God, God has put us in control of all the beasts, birds, etc. on this earth. But have we used this control in an intelligent way, or in selfish ways? Having control over the earth to some extent is a giant responsibility. So what do we do with this? It makes me feel ashamed of times I have not carefully studied things before voting in elections.

We know that Christ is our 'all in all' our everything we need, our salvation, our rock. The Psalm speaks in high praise of God and our Savior, all He did to put us in this physical earth place. We simply will never be able to praise Him enough.


The Psalm (19) teaches that God is wonderful - even just in name. That is greatness is apparent and obvious. His name empowers even the weakest with his protection.

The Psalm (19) teaches that man should be humble because in contrast to God, we are insignificant in appearance yet fully loved by God. We are lower than the angels yet entrusted by God with the care of all of the earth and it's contents.

The Psalm (19) teaches that God took on the form of man as the Christ and that as God took this form, He loved The Man as deeply as a father loves his son. (What a sacrifice on His part for our (human) benefit!)

The Psalm (19) teaches that I (we) are to care for all the creations of God that He has entrusted us with.



Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

I believe that it teaches us that God IS mighty and over all. That his greatness is more than we can fathom. He is sovereign. We as human beings are not as "low" as think to God, he made us responsible, He is mindful of us and cares for us. We are not just here with no purpose, one of our purposes is to care for his creation, for He has put us "incharge" of it. we are ruler over the works of his hands and everything is under our feet. Now, what does it teach us about Christ ... this is a tricky one! I've had to think and think about this one and dont really want to "Cheat" by looking at what everyone else put but I would have to say that, perhaps Christ was sent (one reason) to show us how much we DO mean to God. If God sent Christ to be one with us, live in the same world as us and yet he cared so much for Him, wouldnt he of course care for us? It says God put us just below the heavenly beings and crowned us with glory, well arent we Heirs with Christ to Gods kingdom? I believe Christ is the example of how God cares for us.

  • 2 weeks later...



Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

This psalms enlightens me to the greatness of God, creativity of God, and the vastness of God. He is so intricate that He could create the very details of earth and yet vast that He could great the moon, stars, planets, galaxies, etc. He is majestic, king, ruler of all. Sometimes I forget this as I get consumed in my own world.

As human beings we are only a small part of what God has done in the universe, yet He has placed man in the center of His heart that in all his creations He is mindful of us and cares for us. How wonderful to be loved by Him. This is further illustrated in the Father sending Christ to die for us.

In this Psalm I have a small amount of insight of how Christ had to lower Himself to become flesh and die for us. All that Christ did was so far beneath His spiritual nature. Thank you Christ for enduring the cross.

As man we have such a responsibility to this earth as stewards. God making us "ruler" means we are accountable for what He has placed at our hands. The natural resources of this earth are ours to protect or abuse.

  • 4 weeks later...

Psalms 8 reminds us of the infinite glory and power of God and the insignificance of man in the grand context of life. When compared to grandure of God's creation - above (heaven) and below (earth) - our finite human accomplishments are insignificant. And given this, it makes me wonder what grace God's confidence in us to preserve and steward the earth truly is - especially given the lousey job humans have been doing lately!

It also speaks to our need to steward God's creation responsibly, to protect and serve the earth and its inhabitants in the selfless way Jesus showed. The question is - what does that mean in the 21st Century? It is one thing to contemplate God's Word however the true power of words is when they are put into action - the Word made flesh. How can we "make the word flesh" when it comes to honoring the confidence God has in us to steward the land? One simple way is to recycle trash - how simple is that!

From my experience, the power of the gospel comes alive when we put the "word" in action and in relation to Pslams 8, action is simple - just take a gander at a cold, clear winter night on the high plains of Colorado and the sense of awe and wonder of David expreesed in Psalms 8 is yours!

  • 1 month later...

Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?


Many of my problems come from my low self-esteem. When I read this Psalm I am reminded that God knows my heart and loves me and has "crowned me with glory and honor". This Psalm also reminds me that it is my responsibility to care for the animals, the environment as well as my fellow man. Elisabeth

  • 1 month later...

Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

It teaches us in some ways about his love; He lets us partake in His creations which are 'good' and allows us to worship Him and think about Him. God has lifted us all up to be worthy of looking after his creations, so it teaches us that God is a compassionate, merciful and graceful being that looks past our faults so that we might know him.

Human beings were mainly created to worship God and keep him company, but another one of our jobs is to look after the planet which He has entrusted to our care. We are weak, even if we think we are strong, and even children should be taught to praise him. God made us slightly lower than the angels, but I'm sure he values us just the same.

Christ is above all else (if that was not known already) and words become hard to use when describing him because of His glory and our limited vocabulary.

Our responsibilities is to teach children from a young age to worship him and help impart and understanding of God in their minds. We need to do the best we can to look after his creations and worship him because of His glory and what he has done for us.

  • 1 month later...

Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

The Psalm teaches us that God is so great and that all creatures on earth know it

The Psalm teaches us that as human beings we are above every other creature on earth. However we are so small compared to the greatness of God. Despite this God still loves and cares for us.

God is all powerful. He can stop his enemies from doing Him any harm. So if Jesus Christ, the son of God died on the cross, it was because it was the will of God and there was a reason for it. Otherwise God could have prevented it.

God made us rulers over all creatures on earth - God is so great yet He cares for us mere human beings. So too should we do. No matter what our position is in this world we should not look down on those we lead. We should see our positions as the hand of The Almighty working through us and as such perform our duties with love and care.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

The psalm teaches that God is so powerful the star and everything that he make and place in the sky show us all the power that God have.

It teaches us that God care about our thoughts and he cares for us.That he also give man power over the the beast and the birds of the air and the one on land.That he was given all power.Our responsibities is to take care of the animal that God entrust us with.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

It tells us that He is majestic and excellent. That we are small in comparison to the world, weak in ourselves but strong in God. That Christ came down to earth, humbled himself and became like man so we could be restored to God. zto serve God responsibly by ruling over His creation.

  • 2 weeks later...

Psalm 8 teaches that God is the ultimate reality of glory, honor and majesty. His name is above all other names; there is absolutely no one that is greater.

As great as God is, he still cares for us. When we consider all that His hands have made it's awesome to know that He still has made and sustains a special place for us.

God made Christ completely human and completely devine just a little lower than the angels to rule and reign over all of God's creation, both great and small.

Considering all that man has come to know about who God is and what he has done and continues to do we should praise His holy name. Even our enemies will know that we believe when we can praise him.

  • 4 weeks later...

The Psalm teaches me about how great God truly is and how no matter how hard we try we will never truly figure it out. It also teaches me how awesome God is and that he takes the time to consider me.

This Psalm teaches me that human beings are important to God. All humans are important to God, even the ones who do evil. We are so small compared to the universe, but we are still important to God.

This Psalm teaches me that Christ was willing to be made lower than the heavenly beings which is no doubt a humbling experience in itself, to give us the opportunity to be reconciled to God. Jesus is ruler over all things.

This Psalm teaches me that I have a responsibility to take care of God's earth. It also saddens me to see how poorly we have treated his earth. I think we will be held accountable for our actions in regards to how we treat God's earth.

  • 4 weeks later...


What does it teach about God?

He made His name to be known throughout all creation, therefore He delights in communication with us and He shows mercy through always speaking of Himself to us. We are without excuse (Romans 1:20)

His glory is infinite


Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

God made everything, the sun,moon, earth ,us. He gave us responsibility over the earth,animals. to serve him and love him.. by being responsible ,we are to take care and give him thanks every day.walk with him.. God is so awesome, the heavens , the earth,he does beautiful work, how can one by looking at this beauty every day NOT know that it is all because of God!

  • 1 month later...

Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

A1. (Psalm 8). Jehovah is the honorable Lord of the helpless, creator of everything. We as humans are to mirror the Lord as Jesus did, and also take responsibility in stewardship over what is created.


Q1. (Psalm 8).

What does this psalm teach about God?

What does it teach about human beings?

What does it teach us about Christ?

What does it teach about our responsibilities?

The beginning and the end of the psalm praises our Heavenly Father, and exalts Him above all Creation. Praising Him for the magnificence of His Creation. It mentions the majesty, glory, and might of God, suggesting splendour and magnificence.

In the light of the greatness of God, we are utterly insignificant. Yet, He still cares for us making us a little lower than the angels in heaven. This shows God

  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? What does it teach about human beings? What does it teach us about Christ? What does it teach about our responsibilities?

The psalm says that God is the creator of everything beautiful. He made humans to be stewards of the earth. We are valuable in His sight, "crowned with glory and honor." We have been given what we need to defeat our enemies and to rule the earth. We are responsible to care for the earth, to uphold its majesty which is found in Christ, the creator and giver of all things.

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